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went in totally blind, what a random yet interesting plot lol



lets go barry



Hasnain Khan



The plot gets better through out the seasons


I love this show



PJ Rivera

Such an oddball plot that ended up really good Edit: lupa with the accidental namedrop(most hardcores already know their names lol)


this show is wild, y'all are in for a ride. This is what made me realize that Bill Hader is an actor-actor.

Oni Legend

I can not fucking WAIT for yall to get just a little bit deeper into this. Like theres so much shit that is just perfect for yall reaction-wise

Art of Trolling

Yessir!!!!!! We finally made it!


Bill Hader is such a great comedic writer not only he wrote for this show but he also wrote many episodes of south park. Yes including the famous episode of Kayne West Fishsticks episode.

Christian Owusu

Yall have no clue what’s coming lol


This is unexpected but I’m super excited for it. Great trio show.


We getting Dwight this reaction series


We won

Davon Thomas

It's a very special episode in Barry that I can't wait for them to see. Season 2 Episode 5


i am so hype you all are reacting to Barry! Get ready for the hilarious and crazy ass ride!

Joshua Burns

We already knew Roshi real name but we still call him Roshi because it sounds better


ngl I was thinking why is Lupa talking about Dwight from the office. I was like "yeah Dwight would like that band."

Kevs rey

I started watching the show so I can watch it with you guys. I'm glad I did cuz its hilarious 😂 wish there was more



John Cedar

Like Mr. Robot, this is one of the few shows that ramps shit up every season. Such a rarity to see a show with a plan and not just consistent quality, but increased quality as it goes on. I need to see more "directed by Bill Hader" NOW

jorel quieta

Im beyond glad you guys are watching this with luppa too.

Idan Diaz

Y’all are gonna fuck with this show, it’s sooo good!!

A. P.

Love this show, I never finished it though so this is very dope! Anime ass plot, an assassin randomly deciding he wants to act lol


Oh wow there are SO many familiar faces in this! Interested to see where this goes

Tejiri Ubiedi

Barry had the recoil suppression on damn.


Sleeping bag buddies is crazy 😭

Tejiri Ubiedi

Nah bro got aim assist irl.

John FD Lobrano

Never thought you guys would cover such an underrated show. W


This show was great and Bill Hader really shows off how good his acting is

Oni Legend

Man out of the list of “comedic actors that are beasts outside of comedy”, this show single handely boosted Bill Hader really high up on that list

The thing that flows

This show has some of the most interesting characters I have seen on TV. Very happy you guys went for this.

rickie woodson

just found out victor zsasz is in this so im hyped


Such a wild journey this show goes on, can't wait to see y'all enjoy the ride


New sub here, have they said anything about reacting to the show Vikings? Have we tried getting that on their list at all? Lol I think they’d love it


True. Still remember him using it when he thought Roshi was going to animate him as Mr Popo lol

rickie woodson

i only knew til a few weeks ago it was on showtime and starred bill hader. then someone on discord went in on a full description cause they were defending how unique the premise was. i just thought "drama starring a comedian? pass". went to look up how many seasons it has today and found out my gotham crush is in it

William Zavala

I been here a while I haven't seen it mentioned in the comments, might be a while since they just started new shows but if you keep mentioning it they might notice and put it in a poll.


Bill Hader was on SNL


im sure it will be put on the next poll. It (and to a lesser extent Succession) ran through the comment section of the last two polls


This is gonna be fun

Dark Danny

as someone who hasn't even heard of either of these shows, i'm surprised this lost out to Bear

rickie woodson

the fonze is in this too!? craaaaaaaaaaazy

rickie woodson

i think, i THINK, the white guy dressed up as a brother was doing a scene from true romance where gary oldman played a hood dude complete with dreads. gary did a better job and didnt come off as racist but an authentic white boy from the hood

rickie woodson

fun fact: residuals is a real place. you can bring in any residual check for any price, even if its just 2 cents and you will get a beer. its a gesture of kindness to the hard working under paid actors out there we dont hear about cause the millionaires take up all the shine. im loving how they are not just delving into the art of acting but the city of l.a. too. "no one is from l.a." is such a cliched saying lol smart writers


I got into this show a while back. I can’t remember if I finished season 1 or not but I’m definitely gonna get back into this


Also another great show is Reacher.

John Cedar

I've seen people ask about Vikings since before they did Peaky Blinders 😂 You might be waiting a while bro

Yuuki Sonzaishinai

you guys are in for some good laughs hahaha

Jaelyn Mcgee

I can't believe I just now noticed Janet from the good place as one of the actors

rickie woodson

fun start. looks very interesting. cant wait to see where this journey takes us! p.s. bill hader is an SNL alum, as is the waitress at the very end of the ep.


Barry is a variant of Joe from You lmaoooo

Jaelyn Mcgee

The Fonz is so good in this show. I watched bits and pieces of it, when it first came out and it's nice to see it from the start

James Stephenson

Not me looking at the TV in the back and saying "oh Jessie" before he announced what they were watching 😂

Chris Goodwin

Was bummed after Snowfall, but this show is a banger as well


Watched the first ep and never went back, guess I’m on this journey with y’all lol.


Yoo wat a pleasant surprise lol I literally jus finished this a few weeks ago. W recommendation from suraj from the normies.


I’m case you guys don’t know, the actor that plays the drama teacher is also the guy the plays The Fonz lol pretty cool


Yeah I only watched season 1 of this show when it first came out but I remember absolutely nothing the only thing I vaguely remember is a certain Metallica scene I can't wait for but I don't even recall the context of it. I just remember loving it🤘. I was sitting here trying to remember where I've seen fuches actor from and then it hit me GET OUT that's where I remember him from.

General Grevious

Yall are gonna love this show, it only gets better from here😂


If Roshi makes an onlyfans to watch hentai, I'm in.


Lol cuz the bear is a better show lol just wait till it progresses

Douglas Kelley

If you are going to comment a thousand times per video, at least get your info correct


Yep the perfect show for you guys honestly I am on season 3 right now it exceeded my expectations perfect balance of comedy and seriousness.


I was wondering to dude look hella familiar


"That is gonna be IT" aha I see what you did there Roshi

Metweet .c

Residuals are not an act of kindness. Did you not see the strike? Sure for background actors it kind of makes sense but even supporting cast members of shows or even stars get those pathetic checks. Those checks or so worthless most of the time the envelope they come in is worth more

Jaelyn Mcgee

I can't wait till they get to the episode with the demonic ass little girl


Y’all in for something with this one man that’s all ima say lol. Bill Hader the goat 😮‍💨

rickie woodson

Since i was telling what I know, its all facts. What are you referring to? That its on hbo and not showtime? Thats not what i thought so why would i lie???????????

Franklin Saint

Roshi:You didn’t hear that go off? Me: That’s a sniper rifle with a silencer.


The I think




Me: Fuches?? Wait a minute, Bill!? (From King of the Hill) is that you??👀

Jaelyn Mcgee

fair. it's a lot. I think that was the first real episode I ever watched with no context and I couldn't stop laughing the entire time

John Cedar

People like to correct that "its not a silencer its a supressor" and yeah, its not like CoD or that one ridiculous scene from John Wick where they shoot at each other in a crowded airport, but there are legitimately some modern supressors that almost completely quiet the gunshot or barely make it sound like a gunshot anymore.

Michael McDoesn'tExist

I saw it WITH context and loved it. It was completely out of nowhere. Total tone shift from the last episode. And every other episode of the show.

joshua barnett

Does the bald guy just not grow hair? He had no eye brows in Gotham, either.


YOOOO Sheera with that Skidrow comment was vicious lmaoooo


his name is Anthony Carrigan, he has alopecia, a hair loss condition and as far as I know he has no hair anywhere on his body because of it.


No, they're aren't. Subsonics can get pretty quiet, but not a high velocity round out of a long rifle like that. Even subsonics still make a noise when silenced.

Lupa is Dadi

kinda wish it was hentai 😭 roshi you just like me fr fr


started watching this show bc of yall and im so glad i did 😭

John Cedar

"Subsonic rounds can get pretty quiet" yeah thanks for paraphrasing what I said. No one said it was silent, but subsonics with expensive ass gear can make a rifled gunshot extremely quiet. I have personally experienced it lol, it is night and day from a more typical example of a supressor. I suppose "loud" is a relative term, and yes, Barry should've heard something, sure, but it's more dramatic if he turns his head and realizes. If you can't get past a small realism discrepancy like that then this show will annoy you to no end, because it gets very surreal. The show practically uses Looney Tunes rules at times.

Gmac paddiewac

thats a scene im pretty sure Brad Pitt plays the man with the dreads in a movie. I forgot the title but yeah its a white dude

Gmac paddiewac

one of my favorite shows. gonna be a fun rewatch with yall

Mun Pi

Sally's monologue is from the movie Magnolia. It sounds goofy when Sally does it; Julianne Moore sells it in the movie.


GOATED series not a fan of comedies but this is dope AF.

I’m me

he looks like dexter


Fucking love Bill Hader haha 😆❤️. Still remember the first role I saw him in. Superbad haha 😆

Twin Hallow

Idk anyone who doesnt like a juice box.


Fun start