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Going to TRY and get YuYu Hakusho in somehow next week. Also we still have our eyes on Blue Eye Samurai and Pluto and yes of course Solo Leveling in January

Also Sheera and I will be covering Berlin at the end of the month for all the Money Heist fans!




Just finished Pluto and it quickly became one of my favorite detective anime


Did you guys end up not doing scott pilgrim?


WHAT !! We gettin Yu Yu Hakusho!??! I mustve missed that poll. Ayyyyye. One of the rare anime where the dub is better than the sub


Thursday is stacked asf lets go!!

Shaqueena Watkins

Please consider checking out Netflix’s Leave the World behind. Me and my friends literally watched it 3 times finding new things we didn’t notice before and talked about it but hours lol. Plus the playlist is fire fr


Feel like thats one movie you cant watch high cause yo shit would be in conspiracy mode and paranoid 😂😂

Jamal Saint Day

bro please yall needa react to the new yu yu hakusho live action cause its genuinely a 9/10🙏🏾😭


Yu yu hakusho is gas ngl