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Yor arc incoming?



You guys are gonna love the Yor arc 💯💪🏾🔥

Hasnain Khan



Yor arc is the best arc 😫

Kevin Kovacs

Yes! Roshi.. I remember you saying in season 1 that you wanted to have Yor focused arc and here we are. You guys gonna LOVE it!!

Hakurei Oni

Nah ya'll are cooking, Macarons are bottom tier. Way overpriced for what is just essentially a block of colored sugar. Cookies way better

Quincy Jones

Nah my fellow Mac lovers its time to square up on Roshi. XD. Man taste buds are clearly busted from all that candy.


Franky’s whole thing is information gathering but he didn’t even know the girl had a boyfriend 😂


The thing about Anya is she probably is about 4 but EVERYONE thinks she's 6 because you have to be 6 to even be entered into Eden College.


You guys have Great Gaming content on your channel. Everyone who likes gaming should check it out, Fun content out there.


They drop little breadcrumbs about Anya every now and then that you just have to catch, but so far a full story hasn't been made in the manga


these next few episodes bout to be lit

Jaelyn Mcgee

Finally we're getting the Cruise Arc!!!!.Also "Focus on the dick you suck" had me dying


The animation gonna snap in coming episodes


We love us more Yor.. ALSO. Blue. Eye. Samurai. Love you guys. Bye

Hans Wurst

Yor's upcoming mission is awesome, can't wait!


Yor arc is here! Also macarons are shit haha


Not only is she two years younger but everyone else is doing advanced work for their age so she has a lot to catch up on


Best arc in the series

Bradley Canning

some macarons can be aight, but they are not great i cant lie, not to my taste xD

danial javady

Lupas dreads with the beard is looking really good ngl.


I mean if you don't like it you don't like it that's fine. But some people DO like them and they are delicious.


What if Yor is actually a member of Garden?

Saucy Jonathan

Best arc incoming 🙌🏻


Best Arc starting soon


You guys gotta remember as well, Anya's to young to go to that school. Loid forged her age.


I know you didn't say it's the only card game they know in Japan after having already seen Kakegurui. Oh wait, I forgot, your memory is actually shite. You probably forgot you even watched that anime and what it's even about lmao.


Yuri tutored Anya in ancient language in S1, even though that wasn't the right material for her to study at the time.


Finally. When I hyped up this series during the premiere of season one the next episode's arc had just finished. It took 2 cours to get here but this is the true full potential of the series.


Yes Lupa, can't wait for Mashle to come back next year!

Elizabeth Darby

Didn't Yuri tutor Anya in Ancient Language last season?


I don't like macaroons either! They just look pretty


Ya'll gatta remember that Anya probably struggles in school due to her power, imagine trying to pay attention in class when you can literally hear 20+ thoughts from other people at the same time, like the little voice we hear in our heads she hears that times 20 from other people


Bros mad but still paying the Patreon lmao, don't like humans forgetting stuff? Just unsub atp my guy cuz u hating people for doing what people do


what's crazy is some people have no clue what you mean. If I'm not mistaken, I think like 30-50% of people don't have an internal monologue


As a french, don't ever compare macaroons to cookies...


Franky isn't a secret agent he's just an informant and inventor.


I feel like Franky had something to tell Loid about Yor and he didn’t do it or he forgot

Deanna Carter

Any a lied about her age so think she's like 6

Heavenly Demonic Emperor

Agree, don't like macarons at all 😂 they look good but they ain't it for me tho 😂


Tf sheera mad for? Lmao all they did was ask a question lol you act like they was being mean about it… i hope you don’t act like toward people who randomly ask you something lol

Brianna Jenkins

Agree tho— macarons don’t taste good. They just look pretty 😭