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Balcony scene was intense lol


varus ez

I love this show!


They ask for blood types in Korea because they tie certain personality traits to the type of blood you have lol. Kinda like MBTI but for blood types

Hasnain Khan



Nice reaction HOWEVER.. Blue. Eye. Samurai. Tis all. Love you guys

Bria A. (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-07 23:52:49 Asking for a blood type in most Asian countries is the equivalent of asking for a personality test / MBTI or zodiac sign lmao, it’s pretty common. That’s why shojo animes mention blood type so much 😂
2023-12-07 23:20:36 Asking for a blood type in most Asian countries is the equivalent of asking for a personality test / MBTI or zodiac sign lmao, it’s pretty common. That’s why shojo animes mention blood type for love interests so much 😂

Asking for a blood type in most Asian countries is the equivalent of asking for a personality test / MBTI or zodiac sign lmao, it’s pretty common. That’s why shojo animes mention blood type for love interests so much 😂


i was waiting for this for sooo long

J Man

LOL... KDrama car/truck-kun strikes again


just to clear up a little, not sure if this'll even be read; in the first episode, moo jin was looking at a necklace and had a flash back of the necklace around the neck of a girl with the last name Do. then we get a flashback of the same girl and hyun su with a bloody knife in his hand and he called her noona, a name used for older female friend or normally older sister. given that they have the same last name, assumptions can be made that they are older sister and younger brother. when hyun su is looking through the laptop consisting of high school videos, we see the same girl once again leading moo jin through a house to an art room. soon we see the 'damning' video that consisted of the girl telling moo jin to leave and hyun su coming out and saying he's annoying. moo jin proceeds to call hyun su his future brother in law, and saying he's going to follow the sound of the ghost and go interview it. the point of all this was to clarify that the girl in these flashbacks is hyun su's sister and past love interest of moo jin. i'm glad you guys are enjoying the show. it definitely doesn't get the amount of reaction love that it deserves.

Elle E.

they ask about blood type alot in k-dramas, but it's nice to have a blood type your spouse can receive I suppose


Bro, I thought Hyun su was just her friend until you mentioned this. I wasn't paying attention to her full name. I know Noona is used often so I just thought it was just an older friend. Also, the young Hyun su actor looks so different, I thought it was a different person LMFAO


that's what they want ppl to believe but it's explained in the next ep i think. so idk why ppl feel the need to clairify when the show does it early on

Sung Woong

For Sheera and anyone else, blood types comparisons are a thing in Asia, specifically Korea. Imagine it as any of the other “matchmaking” things that people do for compatibility. Zodiac Sigs, where you wear born, what hour, birthday, who you were named after in your family. These are things that people have used for decades to determine if someone is compatible without knowing them all to well. Very common for people (even kids) to know their blood type and have knowledge of the stereotypes of other peoples blood types. Again, it’s like if something is acting a certain way and people in America say “Wow, you’re such a Gemini”. In Korea you would say something like “Wow she must have _____ blood type”.


Teaming up with the guy you kept in the basement for a couple days lol


only thing i want to say is the girl in flashback is his sister


that's not at all what they want people to believe. if you're a native korean speaker and/or were observant, you would have put the clues together, ie same last name, him calling her noona, her speaking banmal to him. it was all presented in the first two episode. but many english speaking people miss that, busy trying to read subtitles instead of student name tags or understanding how koreans speak to one another, and so when this episode pops up i've seen many reactors confused about the girl thinking she was a victim of the serial killer or that she was someone different from previous episodes, especially when they aren't familiar with face differentiation. not everyone can tell actors apart. it's unfortunate, but it happens. my friend can't tell most of the famous chris' apart. so the clarification isn't a spoiler. i don't know why you're so aggressive about it or chose this hill to die on. but just do what you want.

rickie woodson

knowing folks blood type is like knowing their zodiac sign or that ennegram thingy. very common in asia. each blood type is coordinated towards a certain personality traits. example: blood type A are creative and passionate.

rickie woodson

why not both? its not like he gave ALL the sleeping pills to one of them, they would be dead. he could have gave two to each and there are like 30 in the bottle. depending on the strength, you only need one or two of them

Nomin-Erdene Dashdelger

Koreans ask blood type whenever they meet someone new. Because blood type is used to explain some of characteristics and personalities. Everybody know their blood types and their loved ones. Its a thing


considering roshi and sheera know nothing about korean culture it's a spoiler

Destiny Simon

this ep was juicy lol, it only gets crazier

Destiny Simon

technically it is bc the kid in the film is do hyeong su which was revealed earlier in the show and mujin calls him brother in law, so its meant to be revealed in this episode but they didnt make the connection, its not necessarily a spoiler


do you hear yourself? this is a korean show written by koreans and geared mostly for the korean audience. are you telling me the writers and directors purposefully "spoiled" the show for their own audience? lol. make it make sense. just because international audiences may not catch the clues that are given to the rest of the meant for audience, doesn't mean it's a spoiler for them to let them know what has happened SO FAR. please, check your nonsense.


it is NOT a spoiler. why are you people so out of touch?

Bria A.

i personally don’t think it’s a spoiler to clarify foreign customs or language to help someone who’s not familiar with those things to understand a show lol. these are things that are laid out very straightforwardly for the average native viewer (ie. not plot twists) and it’s not roshi or sheera’s faults that they don’t speak or read korean?


i didn't blame them at all for not understanding korean tho?


I've never seen them go so confused in any episode of any show. I'm here for the brainworks.


"Joe would never, Joe would never bro" 😂


bruh, people with small brain couldnt figure it out so they blame the smart person. makes comeplete sense.