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worst character confirmed


Philly The Kid


Cam Kaneki

been refreshing for an hour lets go!!!!

Ájanae Jenkins

great acting this whole EPISODE


They bout to call Cissy all sorts of slurs in the comments... I'll be the first nigga to say, this time I agree with every word of it 🥴


sheera kicking the dog in the mouth is animal abuse


Damn been a great ride, one more episode left yall😭 please vote the bear next short and sweet show


Lets goooo






NO! Only one more episode 😭

Red Death

Brother post the schedule please


be honest , yall really thought franklin was getting that money ?


Hasnain Khan



Cici couldn’t have waited like 30 extra seconds bro WTF

Jamaal Ellison

I said it before I'll say it again the women in Franklin's life are goofy clowns. SMH


Why would you wait to hear the words of a proven liar? Teddy was literally just spouting bullshit to save his life; what if he never had the intention of giving Franklin anything?


Roshi really thought Franklin of all ppl was gonna have a happy ending after all the shit he did lol. Cissy the Goat, put that bum down


It's almost over 🥲🥲


Man man man, it’s been a journey fr and we almost over… Cici was fasho down bad BUT it was very reasonable what she did. In her eyes she was “saving” Franklin from the Alton and Jerome demise


Exactly also even if Franklin did get his money there’s no way the cia or government or whatever would’ve just let him have it


@ATP If she was planning on killing him, at least wait until you potentially have 37 mil to set your family up. If he lied and gave a false password, he'd be dead right after anyway.


I know the discussion in these comments gonna be something, time to watch

Big Daddy Dre

Ngl but i probably would’ve stole off on my mama😂🤦🏾‍♂️


I’m going to disagree with Roshi on this though even if Franklin did get half of that money he still would’ve gotten killed by the CIA or KGB anyway

Nita - Kento's Widow

I got spoiled on this episode beforehand and so when I read Roshi's tweet I was like 'yeah... Ik what these comments gonna look like too' We almost to the end though, it's been a ride.

Jamaal Ellison

Sheera: she's not letting him go. Cissy is not stupid................................🧢

J Man

But is Cissy worse than Bum Suck?

Dalvin Williams

Idgaf what yall say how tf did she save him? If she wanted to do this shit please do it when Franklin isn’t about to fucking homeless on the street? She didn’t even want her own son to be okay, you took the one thing that was gonna solve his problems but nope she literally fucked him


That’s what I’m saying like what all choices have consequences. Even though I do disagree with Cissy killing Teddy so soon


Then I'll just kind of echo what Lactq said. There is absolutely no way Franklin would make it out with the money. Worst case in Cissy's mind (well, in my head cannon) is that Franklin dies. She doesn't know that Teddy is cutoff from the CIA and that they want him as dead as she does. She could be looking at the fact that Franklin would get easily traced (due to the government money) and killed just like Alton, which would be betraying everything she's been about this season. She's not willing to take the risk of Franklin losing his life.


Let's gooo time for Louie to miss the accountability train..again


I get it tho lol. I was pissed for weeks when I originally saw it. None of that is a spoiler btw. Her motives are never explained.


1. People need to realize franklin most likely wouldnt have let teddy lived after he gets his money. He still would have probably finished him after in some way. 2. Cissy trash af. She said “lets burn this down to the ground” and brings the kgb into town to blow shit up and then she turns into a crybaby at the first mention of alton. What cissy did was just dumb. Now she rotten in jail and franklin spiraled even more. If anything she could have just killed him at the stashhouse but she killed him because she was EMOTIONAL about teddy basically saying “fuck alton i popped him”. Cissy sold 3. People who say teddy wasnt giving the money, u dont know that. Even in an interview people who worked on the show said they think teddy would have given him his half of the money. While we have no definitive answer, cissy really fucked everything over

Panashe Chibanda

No he wouldn’t have. And even if he did at least Veronica had enough money to set their child up for life

Panashe Chibanda

I’ve heard this argument dozens of times on reddit and it’s a weak argument. He was literally talking to the bank 😂 what do you mean “never give Franklin anything” he literally says “hey we just talked a few hours ago” meaning they already set this up

Gimme Dem Ankles

The first time I watched this I disliked Cissy, but after rewatching I completely understand why she did what she did. Franklin letting Teddy go would've been by FAR the dumbest thing he could've ever done. Not only betraying Oso but condemning himself in the process, also like y'all said they could've easily nabbed the money again. Cissy wanted Teddy gone, and she got him gone




Feel like cissy knew once Teddy said that bout Alton she knew he wasn’t gon give Franklin that money back


I don't think they're gonna like the ending of this show lol.


Trust me this ending is different


The convo bentween teddy and franklin in the stash house was great. Very good dialogue about the structures of america, we can clearly see how teddy feels about franklins community. All the stuff he kept hidden popped out


@gimmiedemankles the fuck that gotta do with anything? Cissy litteraly just killed teddy in front of him. Franklin is not an idiot, there is a high probability (after watching that past 5 seasons) that franklin wouldnt have let him live in the end. You watching the whole show and your biggest question is “how is he going to kill teddy with havmeyer there” franklin litteraly coulda just said “im not giving you teddy” he cant make a scene cuz its a covert op


I don’t wanna spoil anything for the next episode but I disagree with the idea that the main character is somehow above all the irresponsible choices he/she has done I don’t care how much you like the character

Cee Dubuyu 97

Unpopular Opinion: Cissy was right!


This ep was a rollercoaster


FUCK CISSY... im actually annoyed af lol

Jamaal Ellison

Cissy:Franklin please baby don't kill Teddy!!! Franklin:mama I'm not gonna kill him I'll trade him for half the money!!! Cissy: Franklin you can't let him go you'll never be safe.


“How many ppl we kill to get here” Roshi they are trying to save him and if you had common sense then you understand that


50:07 i forgot how funny this scene was😂😂😂it’s just the way teddy told her about alton not the situation itself


anyone who says cissy was right, thinks they are smart, but they are genuinely RETARDED.


yea cissy is definitely a horrible character for that


it was the "Are you fucking kidding me?" that got me lol hahaa

OpM AllMoneyIn

Cissy did the right thing. Teddy was never giving him his money back. He was addicted to money how he got people addicted to crack


Cissy saved everyone’s life including oso you really think teddy and the cia weren’t gonna come back ? Then you been sleeping all show


They watching the last ep?

Themperor Xaquayza

please tell me the next episode is tomorrow?


next episode bout to have top tier acting

Themperor Xaquayza

tbh though,,, yeah franklin was not gonna be safe with that 37 million. no fucking way they'd just leave him alone. even franklin said i'm willing to take that chance.


i wonder how theyll feel after the finale with cissys character

Themperor Xaquayza

because he knows there's a chance he won't just have the money. he knows they could possibly retake it or worst.


I see how this show pushes people to agree with cissy because Franklin was like “obsessed “ and losing his mind only thinking about the money but like can you blame him? All the things he had to do and the stress he was going through he was clearly not thinking straight when he accepted teddys deal to get the money back . But I wouldn’t expect anyone that lost 73 million that they killed for to not lose their mind


They lost the whole plot💀, I get as a audience we finna route for the main character but nahh Franklin gotta live with the pp he killed and the lives he destroyed fr, it was really fire ending. Just like Walter White when bro died in his own creation (meth lab) 💯


i don’t believe one second that the CIA would’ve just let franklin walk away with the money lmao, the only reason teddy offered half in my mind was to convince franklin to trust him, why would a man who doesn’t respect you and doesn’t even see you as equal just accept to give you back what he considers his money? he even pledged it to different people lmao when he was talking about splitting ngl i was thinking this man is just thinking of splitting between his fiancée and the CIA once they help him eliminate franklin and the fam. so with cissy going rogue and this whole scene with the money transfer… it felt a little goofy. like really? just like that at the court house? right when he’s about to give the “password” lmao give me a fucking break


Why not find out instead of flushing 37mil down the drain? Stupid

Oni Legend

Ngl…..rewatching this episode after letting it digest for a couple months…..i feel like this shits kinda shakey just writing wise. Feels like we’re missing a few things and cutting some corners just to jump to a conclusion Like Roshi said, Cissy randomly backflipping between giving Teddy to the KGB and then not letting him go just doesn’t make sense from any perspective. ESPECIALLY because the last scene we had with her flat out showed her saying she doesn’t fuck with the KGB and doesn’t trust them. Shit makes no sense is lowkey just wonky writing for that jump to be made And I’ve heard every argument possible as to why Cissy does what she does at the end(breaking the loop, wanting to make sure Teddy was gone, getting her get back, etc.) and i would understand the arguments…IF IT DIDNT FEEL LIKE THERE WAS AT LEAST ONE MOMENT THAT GOES AGAINST EACH ARGUMENT. Like it just doesn’t feel natural whatsoever for the decisions that was made Now don’t get me wrong, idc what people say Franklin’s little plan there at the end is incredibly fucking stupid(and maybe that goes to prove that Franklin was irrationally obsessed with the money). Seriously i don’t see any outcome that doesn’t involve Franklin and V going missing “mysteriously” within the next week regardless of whether or not Teddy died or lived, nobody was about to let that shit slide. Do i think Franklin would’ve got his money? Honestly….does it even matter? The nigga was done regardless

Ájanae Jenkins

To Roshi’s point when he was like he can’t stand how hypocritical sissy was & wanna be a kumbyyaa they were attempting to save his soul it’s a different demise when you torture rather just putting a bullet in someone’s head & be done with it hearing the agonizing screams makes you inhumane. Callback to peaky blinders when authur just shot the man and told thomas that “we’re bad men but not those kid of men” because he was planning on cutting tounges and ripping eyeballs which is animalistic😭

Shane Gallimore

"your never gonna be safe" she says.... Kills a CIA officer in broad daylight. "Hey before we give you back to the cia where's my husband"..... Franklin so your just going to give him away. AND YET YOUR TRYING TO GET YOUR OWN SELFISH CONCERNS OUT OF HIM JUST LIKE FRANKLIN. She's been a hypocrite the ENTIRE SEASON. Look what you did to my community.... helps her son turn the drug into drug2.0. I don't want my granddaughter to be in danger or leon. Leon has the second-highest body count in the show. The same grandchild in a room with a kidnapped CIA officer and a Mexican super soldier. Louie was nieve, Mom was hypocritical, Jerome was pssy whipped, Leon is a literal KING, and Franklin is a leader who wanted to live happily with his wife and kid without the fear of getting shot, stabbed, burned, drugged, or beaten by CIA officers in the middle of the night and got screwed because of an egotistical CIA NO PARENTS NO SIBLING AHH AGENT WHO THOUGHT THAT 71 MILLION DOLLARS WAS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN A COUNTRY MAKING TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS.


Sheera said no don’t let teddy go and Franklin agree to let him go then when Cissy say the same thing you said you say well find a better solution then lmao sheera just agreeing with whatever Franklin say lol like you was literally saying the same thing Cissy was saying then flip


Even if they've set it up, she doesn't care. She already didn't agree with the plan and was paranoid af. All she needed was an inkling of doubt to say "fuck it. You're not about to make a fool out of me again." Cooked herself in the process.


I haven't been feeling Sissy for the last few seasons but this part makes it far worse. Also I looked up the DoubleTree hotel thing and apparently, the 1st one was made in 1969 so it's possible for it to be there.

OpM AllMoneyIn

If yall really think teddy was really gonna give him the money y’all need to go back and watch it. Franklin still had ways to get money. He wasn’t 9-5 broke. Could easily sell the buildings, cash out and go live his life

The thing that flows

Cissy loved Alton and has given up on Franklin because of his greed. So she avenged one and screwed the other. She acted emotionally. It's that simple.

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free

Sheera advocating at every turn for MORE chaos and violence, whilst refusing to acknowledge that Franklin is just as bad as Teddy, and that rooting for one is the same as rooting for the other!


I was mad af at Cissy when i first watched this ep too but after i thought about it for a while after her decision was probably for the best. Like think about it Franklin let's Teddy go, gets his money, and happily ever after?? Hell nah Teddy, who'd probably go back to the CIA after being officially released, would've done everything possible to get back at him and all his loved ones, wife and son included. 37 Mill don't mean a damn thing when you dead, this was the only way to ensure that her son would at least be alive after it's all said and done. Maybe i'm coping idk but I understand the decision.

Tejiri Ubiedi

Cissy was really in her feelings cuz teddy made her look dumb 💀


Sheera: your grandchild going grow up Broke Me: it call get a regular fucking job like regular fucking ppl lol


Perfect ending for Louie, life on the run🤭 🤷. Let's see how far she makes it.


I truly feel like Franklin had a back up plan to kill teddy regardless after getting the money Franklin smart he knew damn well he gotta pack up teddy PS- Mr.Saint always had a plan the majority of the time

Russell Rountree



Chile...that was a dumb decision


Also get what ya'll saying about wanting to have the bad guy win for once in these shows but that's literally impossible here. This is a black man in the 80's tryna go up against the CIA. Yea what Franklin said was right, there are tons of white people in power who have done way worse to get what they have, thing is they have the ENTIRE system backing them. They made it so they alone could get away with shit like that. Even if we go about shit the same way they would it doesn't change the fact that the system in place was made to propel them and keep us down (at least back then, ian tryna get into no political debates in these comments)

Futuristic Girl

save him from what? franklin wouldn't be secure either way. he was willing to take the risk. he can make his own decisions.


Well I agree cause he if get the money then he get a happy ending so no fuck him

Oni Legend

Literally one of the first things that happened whenever he got robbed was V deadass telling him there were legitimate ways to get some time and cover their asses as much as possible


I understand you Roshi about wanting to let the bad guys win for once but I started to hate Franklin so I wanted to have him to have a bad ending so yea


Cissy been making dumb decisions for a min she just as trash as Mel 😂

Antonio Williams

Logically Sissy made a dumb decision but I'm not rooting for Franklin so...seeing Teddy dir and Franklin lose (upon rewatching) is my ideals scenarios. The writing felt rushed but honestly this is the only endgame both parties deserve. Teddy didn't deserve to see Franklin suffer but Franklin didn't deserve the money either


Yeah I wouldn’t of took her you not fw nun of this and all of a sudden oh I wanna go nahhhhhh you not coming no where near this meeting mother I’m sorry do I got stupid written on my Forehead it’s clear you gonna clap him first chance you get 😭


@futuristic girl buddy is straight yapping lol


They said they wanted the villains to win for once so they know all the bad shit he done. they simply just don’t care


Sheera act like she wouldn’t do that if Roshi got killed lmao


The cooking bacon joke needs to be a skit I could see lupa doing it to Roshi


His mom saved him. The fact that he lied about Alton showed how far he would go to be safe. They all would have died after he got the money. They are the CIA. They leave no loose ends


They literally watch teddy reappear to everyone he claims he was gonna let go and kill them lol they just agreeing with whatever MC say and does


For anybody that really thought teddy was gon give Franklin anything he had y’all where he wanted y’all. Cissy was NOT wrong and I stand by that.


Did I said he can’t make his own decision lmao and just letting Roshi know why she saying all that not that I’m agreeing with her

danial javady

I thought I misheard her when she said that... :( Not only that, you don't want to attack a german shepherd while you're trying to run away from the DEA.


Fuck CISSY & WTF wrong with y'all cheering on Cissy like wtf yooo - Cissy making so many bad decisions all episode

Drake Chuckle

Cissy stopping 2 monsters instead of just 1. I'm mad but thinking about it more she wasn't even in the wrong.


Then that THEIR problem that their ass stay broke then. You choosing to stay broke

One & Only

Lol if yall thought teddy was really gonna give franklin his money, yall might be smoking the same crack franklin sell 💀

Teddy McDonald

Teddy would've hunted Franklin, Veronica, and their child to the end of the earth after they handed him off, y'all are dumb af if you think they were just going to go their separate ways. Franklin was too blinded by his greed to see reality, and we'll see that going forward. For Cissy it was a chance to get revenge for her husband and probably save her sons life, it was an easy choice for her. She's never cared about the money, so as soon as she had confirmation that Alton was dead, she smoked him. On top of that Franklin snaked tf out of Oso by breaking his promise of killing Teddy, so frankly I have no sympathy for him. He used Oso to get what he wanted and then the second the money was back on the table he forfeited Oso's life. Also, Fuck Teddy.


Leon killed more people and did the same shit as Franklin. Same with OSO. They all were complicit in the shit. I think they wanted to break the spirit of black people with this ending. Micheal Corlene, Scarface, Mafia in general all get relatively happy endings compared to Franklin. The Kennedys fortune was based on prohibition(illegal profits). Carnegie Mellon, Rockefeller, Rothschild etc.,. all did crazy amount of dirt but got out of it whole. Franklin was the only one who could have propelled to that level. He would've been like that old nigga from season 4 but 10 times better. Why does the industrious black guy have to go out like that but the white ones go scot free?


Idk why yall act like Franklin didn't know the shit yall are saying. Nigga always had a plan. Teddy wasn't part of the CIA and he still had leverage after he recieved the 37 mil of the KGB agent.


I'm tired of this family screwing him over. All they had to fall in line. Just listen to Franklin. He told Sissy not to go in that room with Teddy and the second he leaves she goes in. I've been waiting for Franklin to have his "Why doesn't anyone fucking listen to me?" moment. If he took out his family I wouldn't blame him they never listen and it cost him 75 million dollars, his sanity, his safety and he has blood on his hands.


I agree with you but after that situation I’m not finna just let myself stay broke so If I gotta get a regular job or sell weed then imma do that. obviously im not gonna get the money I had back but it better than nothing.


A regular job for a person with no degree back then paid 8 dollars an hour. Minimum wage is 15 in California and people will still choose selling drugs and scamming over working a 9-5.

Robert Golden

Sure, but she also could have waited 15 more seconds, then shot him. Franklin would be a loose end with or without the money so they might as well still take him out now if that was going to ever be their move.


yea next ep, yall gotta see why cissy did that, she had an epiphany


Like i said sell weed, drug or whatever but I’m not staying broke after losing my money just cause someone stole it

Themperor Xaquayza

I think what you miss to understand is Franklin was desperate to get the money. That leverage may have protected him. For a bit. And then what?


That's the issue. Franklin told her ass not to go in that room and talk to Teddy because of that.

Renni .

and people really defending cissy, foh


The entire family would be dead if he got that money. The money takes time to clear. They would have been wiped out. Her killing teddy did CIA a favor also. Now they have zero connection to The Crack. No money tied to them, and no teddy tied to them


Sheera clapping and getting excited at 32:30 was the hilarious oml “They bout to pour some HOT oil on him!”

Kevin Jenkins

They not ready for next ep lol

Doby Greg

Killed her husband killer and finally accepted the monster his son had become. Im fine with it.

Nita - Kento's Widow

Not that I wanna argue, I think it's good to have people who don't go with the majority opinion to provide another perspective, but why do you think Franklin shouldn't have gotten the money? Because of the CIA, yeah? Cause I think that's a good point considering he has a child on the way.


Cissy is THE MOST SELFISH CHARACTER in the history of television.


The more you think about it, especially after finishing the series, the more you understand Cissy's decision. I'm not saying it was fun to watch, I was hella mad too. But once Teddy told her the truth about Alton, she realized everything he says is a lie. He's nothing but a scheming, vengeful, arrogant manipulator. That's why she did that. In her mind, she was saving Franklin's life. Could she have waited til he made the transfer? Hell yea. That's the weird thing about it.

Nita - Kento's Widow

I'm starting to see the other side due to this comment alone lmao just a tiny bit. People will say Franklin will have a plan, but eventually it'll catch up to him and his family. I'm still on the fence and salty about it though because they did so much just to get the money.

Doby Greg

Cissi was still trying to find peace but the reality is that ship already sailed. Once he killed Teddy's dad, that shit was done. He was either gonna break teddy or be killed by him. Torturing Teddy is very much pocket change compare to what he di to get there. Cissi kiling Teddy right before the password I was annoyed because Franklin came so close and did so much to get it but. at the same time its nice to see one of those crime boss show where finally the boss has to pay instead of ending by proving he is a badass. And I appreciate that in the end she finally made peace with her son having become a monster. And I like the image of Franklin running away showing how he went so far from wanting to protect family that he'll flee to protect himself and leave his mom alone. Glad Oso got his happy end tho. Almost got fucked by Franklin.

Doby Greg

The Teddy Franklin talk I enjoyed. It showed Teddy both as that ex that slashes your tire because she's mad you broke up with them. While also acknowledging his obssessing habit and thinking he owns everything he works on. Which is why he keeps forcing his way back into the operation instead of letting it die or someone else run it. And that why he both wanted to be with him until the end but also wanted Franklin to know he is the one in charge.


Sorry guys, you misunderstand Cissys character and intentions. All she sees is that her only son has been ruined by the money and power brought to him by Teddy. At some point, you have to put an end to your own suffering, meaning just let the fuckin money go. Hand over Teddy to the KGB and get the fuck out of there. Sell all of your properties, get a normal job. Franklin was absolutely obsessed, for understandable reasons. But at some point you just have to cut your losses, take that L. Yeah he killed alot of people and suffered and wrecked his community, but letting Teddy live negates ALL that. Your gut reaction to Cissy, calling her the worst character is super wild, will need reflection lol

Doby Greg

Only disapointment of the episode was not killing Buckley. For how petty Louie has been the last 2 seasons but somehow this is the guy she just keep giving chances to.

Papa Souls

Lemme guess a previously unknown cousin shows up next episode to put yet another Familial knife in Franklin's back


Literally 10 more seconds


Cissy is literally the one who said to go after Teddy in S6E1 and then pulled this


Yeah bro, I swear Roshi and them are on some RT TV levels of delusion right now. Like tf, They are really acting like Franklin has legitimate claim to that money in the first place. Like excuse me that I don't feel bad this sell out nigga franklin got fucked over after doing the same shit to his own people for over a decade. Like its actually kind of frustrating at this point, the dude could literally kill a baby and they would bend over backwards to defend him. Saying "Well he is just trying to get his illegal drug money back 🥴" Like cmon yall. The finale discussion is finna be a godamn warzone smh. I will say it was still mad dumb tho for cissy to kill teddy that early tho, but fuck franklin as far as I'm concerned🤷🏿‍♂️ way to many people in these comments be gobbling this mans meat not realizing that he is just as bad as teddy.


Nah I feel u I deadass paused the ep and just sat there in disbelief when I first seen ts 😂 annoyed as hell


I’m sorry she’s way too smart for that. She should’ve been known that he killed Alton after all the people he killed before then no why would he leave Alton alive? Duh, he killed him. Fuck cissy.

Cuban Macaw

I think it's because if Franklin had the money he would have a target on his back for the rest of his life for fucking over the CIA. No money no CIA on his ass

Dalvin Williams

The thing is tho, if CIA wasnt gonna let him walk because of what’s in his pockets? Why didn’t they stop him earlier? Season 4 frank had 21m then he had 50m and by the end of 5 he had 73m why didn’t they do anything to him then? They already knew what his pockets look like and he became a real estate person getting awards and shit, I’m sorry I really don’t believe they wanted anything but the KGB they don’t want people spreading truth about the operation that’s all they care about, that’s why hayemayer boss literally said you need to handle it.

Delinda Arts

I'm really interested to see how they react to Cissy in the finale. I KNEW they were going to be upset with her when it happened but hopefully they understand WHY she did what she did.

Teddy McDonald

1. While Franklin is smart, he is not going to escape or kill a spooked CIA officer. The only reason Teddy got caught originally was because Oso and Louie set him up. There's just no way Franklin would be able to find him again once he turned him over. 2. I think Cissy was entitled to be a little angry at Teddy, seeing as he nonchalantly described how he murdered her husband to her face. Even before that, she was sick of Franklin, who in her eyes continued to side with the government who put crack into the community. Her entire motive for the last 2 seasons was to kill Teddy, and at the last minute her son betrays her by letting him go for the money, so she probably did it out of spite. 3. At least to me, there is no reason Teddy would suddenly have changed his mind. He was saying literally anything to get out alive, and somewhere down the line he would've either killed Franklin or seized his assets again. The look he gave Franklin in the back of the car was like he was dumbfounded Franklin actually believed his ass.

Dalvin Williams

Franklin still has a whole KGB in his pocket, he would use him for leverage against the CIA 🤷🏾‍♂️ y’all come on


Lmaooo I wanna disagree sb but you’re absolutely right 😭🤣


@teddymcdonald ngl i skimmed through this and a lot of it is dumb as. But im not even going to respond with any points because your username is teddy and ur pfp is teddy. I know the type of nigga u are so there is no point


im mad that cissy shot teddy but i feel like teddy wouldn't ever give franklin his money back


“You bout to lube his cheeks nigga?!” 🤣🤣

Delinda Arts

People who are "Fuck Cissy" hive pls tell me: Did yall think that Teddy (a cooked strip of bacon) was REALLY gonna give Saint his money back and they were all gonna walk away into the sunset together?

Daryl Hollonquest Jr

It's easy to dodge the government with $37 million in your account. Fuck outta here.


And there’s no guarantee that Teddy would have handed the money over. He might’ve been playing another trick. CIA probably wouldn’t let Franklin or his family live in peace either.


How do you even know Franklin was going to get the money back? Teddy could’ve been playing Franklin again.


Right like that revelation from teddy that alton was actually dead and the way he said it…he doesn’t and has never given a shit and will lie and manipulate every situation he can and Franklin can’t see that because of the money blinders. The right decision after everything was for teddy to go to the KGB. The CIA would have thought that they took teddy and Franklin could have gotten away.


So we all agree Cissy took the dumbest decision on tv history? Lmao


Welcome to the hate cissy club🤦🏾‍♂️but get prepared for the heartaches coming up. The scenes in final episode 🤧*chefs kiss*. Side note, can you guys react to Jerome’s song after the final episode? It’ll be a funny way to end it /lessen the heartaches


Not gonna type a paragraph but W Sissy. Made the right decision imo . Too many possibilities to go bad/get fucked with the way Franklin was handling it. Teddy had to get up outta here immediately


Franklin be like MY MONEY!


I've never been so mad in my entire life literally 20 seconds left also the fact that she thought he was telling the truth is wild like after all the things he put you through she still believes this piece of shit

Davon Thomas

Caillou made the list for most hated characters on TV lol


Yea I never cares for Cissy's reasoning for this. It makes sense but you egg your son on this whole season. Didn't get your way near the home stretch and want to retract all that venom you had. It's not a lesson learned. You're just dooming your son to suffer. And he still isn't going to learn the lesson you wanted him to learn. Poor character decision.


Fuck Franklin . R.I.P Teddy the goat of the show standin on business all season. And Cissy is stupid af I don’t even like Franklin but it just felt she made that situation about her.

Doby Greg

I agree that Teddy would probably hunt Franklin and Oso. But doubt Cissi killed him for that. She just wanted to make sure Alton death doesnt go unpunished. Franklin already did his bed and lie in it.


Cissy takes an L here. "We gotta get Teddy. ...."Ok Franklin stop goin after Teddy".... Alright lemme take Teddy out RIGHT BEFORE you get your money back. L Reasoning L Mom in this moment.

Dark Danny

he's lying, i know just off the fact of how he tried to convince her. Teddy knows how to cover up a murder


There was no password he was bullshitin saying whatever was gon get him out of there

Doby Greg

I mean Franklin was screwed the moment he murdered an ex CIA agent father. Wether or not he admits it to himself or not. yes all Cissi could have just give up on her revenge so Franklin can get his money. thats more a matter of if people just decided to give up everything to make Franklin happy then he would be happy. but that applies to anyone. Franklin could just give up on his money and let Teddy be happy.


Franklin’s fault he wanted to be friends with the CIA & trusted him the most and killed people in his corner everyone gets their karma , that’s what I like about this show.


lmaoooooooooo you guys are greedy asf. money money money. cissy was right. you guys have been advocating killing teddy since the beginning but changed up as soon as he was gonna give the money. idc what anybody says. you guys were the same as franklin. obsessed with money. teddy should have died last episode but noooooooooooooo money and now yall hate cissy? the person who was just told I LIED I SHOT HIM TWICE AND KILLED HIM ABOUT HER HUSBAND lmao greedy.

Doby Greg

I mean she asked to give him to the KGB. Thats hardly the same as letting him go free.

Doby Greg

The man has commited to many murders and punishment for torturing Teddy to be a new low. He burned a dude face a couple episode for talking a little back.

Doby Greg

Im pretty sure Franklin plan was just to get his money. Not let Teddy go to then need to tack him down again just to kill him. His priority is the money.


We have no idea what would have happened tho. Franklin could have litteraly just not let teddy go… they cant make a scene because that would expose this. You see how havemeyer left so quick when shit went down.

Doby Greg

I dont mind Cissy killing Teddy. But the idea that he faked a escrow transfer from the phone and Cissi sensed it is a big stretch. She simply wanted to make sure he was punished instead of be freed.


It's crazy how Franklin became so smart, with such stupid ass parents. Both Cissy and Alton have no common sense, I have no idea how Franklin became so resourceful. WHat did Cissy acomplish by killing Teddy in that instance? Literally nothing. Franklin is still gonna be money hungry and has still killed a bunch of people. What lesson were you trying to teach? Its so fucking stupid lol. Teddy got his, I'm guessing Franklin is going to get his as well, which would be fair.

Jamaal Ellison

Idk man , she's been plotting to undermine Franklin for two seasons, tonight she succeeded.

Doby Greg

I mean Franklin action lead to a 37 million split. Getting killed was more on Teddy getting cocky. Or I guess on Franklin not checking his mom for a gun ( or believing she wasnt willing to fuck him over).

Doby Greg

I mean he was definitely fucked the moment he killed Teddy's father. But he might have been able to set his child up.

Doby Greg

He killed the dad of an ex cia agent. I have a hard time believing they wouldnt track and punish any black man that tried something like that.

Doby Greg

I dont think anyone is confused why Cissi said. It's just a very dumb thing to say after all she know he has done.

Jamaal Ellison

I liked her too, till the rock gave her the smackdown and she got hit with the old rock-bottom.


I don't blame Cissy for shooting Teddy, but she is a HUMONGOUS fucking dumbass for not letting Franklin get that money, she literally had to wait like 5 seconds

Dalvin Williams

I feel like they would shown something on screen to that, all the director said to hayemayer was to fill the cracks. Dude never mentions anything about getting rid of Franklin and I’ve seen the whole thing already, you really just can’t assume CIA would’ve done something when they been in the hot seat multiple times during the show, when Alton outted the cia and teddy, CIA didn’t do anything 🤷🏾‍♂️ teddy wanted to do something to Alton because he knew he would get cut loose from the cia

Doby Greg

I mean I dont think thinking Cissy was right or wrong make you smart or retarded. Its mostly a matter of if you think franklin deserve the money for all he went through/a mother should always help their child. Or do you think Franklin should be punish/Cissi should accept franklin is a monster.


Are you dumb bro? All 3 of them were CLEARLY against letting Teddy live, they even said immediately after she shot them that she should have just waited 10 seconds. No matter how you look at this it is dumb as fuck to shoot Teddy before transfering the money, and invalidates literally everything that has been done up until this point in the show. But you wanna talk about changing up? Mf are we going to forget that in this VERY SAME EPISODE Cissy did not one but TWO major change ups. No matter what you say, there is no advantage to killing Teddy before transferring the money, they are objectively worse off without it

Doby Greg

I never minded franklin decision(well except maybe killing Teddy's dad so quick) and this episode was no exception. At that point his option was break Teddy to get the 70 millions to help protect him from the shistorm coming from him or kill teddy to at least know he got rid of the guy that destroyed his live. The kumbaya was never an option and was a very stupid scene to have with Cissi and leon.. Not that I mind Cissi finally reaching a breaking point about putting Franklin first and deciding killing teddy and avenging Alton matters more. Teddy was a big enough part of peddling crack to blacks for me to be fine with Cissi fucking Franklin to get done.


Had no real proof he was going to give the money back in general. Plus Havemayer (or whatever his name is) could have still found some way to get the money back or even just continue to come after Franklin and his people covertly.


like I said. greedy. obsessed with money. all I heard was money this and money that. teddy should have been died. I'm 100 with cissy. oh well. go cry to your wallet or something. I stand with cissy

Doby Greg

I mean Walter White went out killing Nazis with a machine gun after making sure his money will pay for his kid college. That ending is more like the ending was the episode before and he just died miserable in a freezing place alone and unable to do anything he wanted with the money.


Reading this comment section has been eye opening lmfao. I didnt think people agreed with what cissy did


It was never about being happy it was making it out alive. If everyone listened to Franklin they'd be in a better place. That includes Teddy but they didn't listen and ruined everything for him and themselves.

Devin B

She ruined her son’s future because of her emotions, she was just thinking of herself. Her feelings are justified but if she really cared about Franklin she could’ve withheld her anger for 10 seconds to make sure he was set before doing what she had to do.

Devin B

While I do think Cissy was stupid for shooting Teddy before he made the transfer, let’s be honest, the real stupid one is Teddy. How are you going to tell someone that their husband is alive just to say sike that nigga is dead, how else is someone going to react to that when you give them that hope and just rip it away like it was nothing


teddy: i lied I shot that mf. tf people in the comments : *Pikachu face* wtf why you shot him!?!?!?!?!!? team cissy. free cissy. tell me how being told that after you actually had hopes he was alive is being a dumbass but hey!!! franklins money!!! we gotta get that first. money money money

Christian Owusu

The issue is her not waiting for him to say the password, like at least complete the transfer than kill him and leave Franklin to deal with the consequences at least he’d still have motivation


I understand that and maybe she could have. But put yourself in her shoes, are you really thinking about franklins damn money at that moment? She was probably seeing pure red while also feeling completely hopeless. Like this man teddy really is an evil pos, fuck it all.

Doby Greg

I mean I imagine most people wanted teddy dead for how profoundly he fucking over Franklin and wanting him to pay for it. If the way to kill Teddy is by fucking franklin even more. It's fairly consistent to find that annoying. Like Franklin was gonna kill Louie for not helping out getting the money last season. And most people were fine with it. But if she got killed right before she decided to help it would have been upsetting. The context of when you kill them matters.

One & Only

Lmao sheera talking about the grandchild, bro that nigga teddy was NEVER giving the money

Ian Hover

I will stand on the hill cissy is so fucking selfish and she crashed out in the final minutes because she didn’t get what she wanted even tho Franklin told her he was cap the whole time. She can stand on her high and mighty teaching u a lesson bullshit but she crashed for no reason


Imma just scope the scenery out watch out *police bribery *isolated home in the woods *new identities


Could say the same thing about Franklin. After everything Teddy has done, the lying,cheating,stealing,backstabbing things he's done to his allies and family, did Franklin REALLY think he was going to give him the money?

One & Only

Seeing teddy dead and franklin with all his drug money gone puts a smile to my face


If he didn’t then he’s dead and parissa is all alone to be killed for knowing to much as a civilian


I think Cissy didn’t want Franklin to get the money bcuz early in the episode she mentions him being obsessed with it. This is the best written ending for cissys character imo. Cissy was a single independent woman who scraped by paycheck to paycheck working an honest living taking care of herself and her son. She didn’t want the drug money from Franklin even though she was struggling. She seemed content because she had her son and her brother. Then Franklin payed off the house without her say so and she got wrapped up in the whole thing. Franklin on the other hand has an obsession with money bcuz he grew up with his mom always struggling. He wanted to go to college but couldn’t afford it so he ended up working a job at the corner store scaping by paycheck to paycheck just like his mom. He wasn’t content with that lifestyle and the first chance he got to make good money he fucking took it. I think the whole point is that Franklin and Cissy represent extremes of two different worldviews/life styles: the “I’m good where I’m at” lifestyle and the “I can do better” lifestyle.


Franklin was always too much of a mamas boy, him bringing her to the torture stash house was stupid, something like this was bound to happen

Ian Hover

Nobody thought Alton was still alive but cissy so that’s still on her. She crashed. And even if she was gone crash she could’ve waited 10 seconds bruh

Ian Hover

Y’all are not prepared for the finale

Dark Danny

of course its about the money, why the hell would he chase Teddy down if it wasn't. you're literally just stating the obvious

Slim jimmy

After 10 seconds yeah not before he got the money she could have waited 10 seconds then killed Jim

Devin B

That's the issue with Teddy though, just like how he underestimated Franklin, he did the same thing with Cissy.


Fax. Can't enjoy all that money you backstabbed and fucked people over for or that lounge you wanted since you were a kid. Forever on the run where the only people who know how "powerful" She is are the DEA .

Devin B

Not only is Cissy a L mom but she's also a L grandma because without that money they're going to struggle just to survive


derp all I care about is money and IDC how many people I sacrifice and kill along the way I told my uncle the same thing teddy told me but when I hear it I get upset and get angry . gimme money teddy plz. money money

Casually PS

I died when they got excited about franklin calling teddy the n word 💀💀😂


like Cissy is actually dumb af for actually believing him lol


honestly Franklin’s mom must be on something. How you going say let’s get own this boat , she gets off the boat they tells franklin to get of the boat an once he’s good an off she tells him to get back on the boat ?


The lesson is that there was no lesson she on that bullshit


no lol i think EVERYONE here knew that after that transfer happened teddy and maybe havameyer was dying lol so yes its still FUCK CISSY cause she definitely could've waited especially since she was planning on killing him anyway,


because what cissy did was dumb????? First off, she's dumb for thinking that alton wasn't really dead. This is teddy we're talking about, TEDDY!!!!! Why tf would you believe anything he has to say in a situation where he'd say anything to get out off???? She literally could have waited 10 seconds, 10!!!!! All over alton who wasn't even there for most of franklin's life cause he wanna be a bum ass drunk


derp Im dumb for caring about my husband derp derp. I shoot badman who killed my husband. oh wait no I'm dumbass for not waiting to get my sons money first oops

Max maxwell

people like KeYo, are people you cannot have a civil argument with lol. They just constanly reapeat the same argument without acknowledging any objective facts lol. All Cissy had to do was wait 10 seconds 10!! and then killed him, instead she made a rash descison to off him in the heat of the moment without thinking about the consequences. KeYo you fail to understand that Sheera, Lupa, Roshi, and everyone else in these comments argree 1000% teddy should have died. You fail to understand what people are mad about is the timing in which Cissy killed him.

Teddy McDonald

@Yoxxhio. Bro... I've never defended Teddy, I put him as a pfp for some jokes. I literally formatted the shit like you did to respond to all your points. If you really cbf reading the short of it was: - franklin wouldn't be able to escape from teddy if he turned him over, Cissy was in cuffs within a minute after shooting teddy at the plaza, and how was Franklin going to kill him after the handoff? - can you explain why Teddy, after revealing how egotistical he is, would actually follow through and give Franklin half of 'his' money? He was just spewing bs to escape.


@teddy why u liking ur own comment? Posted. “Just now” with a like. And who said franklin would let teddy go after he transferred it. He could have just as easily kept him. Even if he didnt franklin could still go after him. This isnt rocket science. And this is exactly why i didnt respond to ur point dumbass. Its not a fact that teddy wouldnt transfer the money, u just assuming when it was never stated. Not responding to u after this.


i doubt it. once the money is in franklins possession he could take it and put it elsewhere, especially now that if theoretically given it back, he would move a lot smarter. there are so many places in the world to run, i doubt they would have ever seen that back.


i mean he had no choice, franklin made it very clear he was willing to do any and everything to get that money back. and teddy knows franklin was already able to find his father, imagine how easy it would be to find the people he ACTUALLY cares about? i doubt teddy would want to fuck him over AGAIN because he knows he would just have to deal with another problem AGAIN. and like teddy said he got mfks he gotta live for.


U slow re watch that ep, bro was smiling at the end of the show

Calamiti (Bleu)

he wanted to be friends with the CIA? nigga it was either that or die what are you yapping about


lol omg relax my guys. don't be so pressed IDC how much you advocate for your butt buddy Franklin I'm still team cissy. free cissy. all you do is come reply and tell me how much you love defending Franklin. so I'm just doing the same and defending the best momma in the show. cissy


But knowing how smart Franklin is, he could have figure something out but this pride stopped him actually but yeah cissy messed up there

Calamiti (Bleu)

Leon and Oso are living proof of the main character being above all irresponsible choices, Same with Thomas Shelby, hell even irl a lot of bad people are above their irresponsible choices and live better then us

Calamiti (Bleu)

Yes nigga because we watched his every move to get to where he was now, the nigga wanted to set up his family and they all didn't listen and fucked him over, no one gets mad a thomas Shelby for what he does and what he fucked over including his own people. You wanna know why people respect franklin so much? Is because he wasn't a asshole like teddy, the nigga actively tried to be a better person and people in his corner continued to fuck him over or try to play a moral high ground or play victim like if they aren't also as bad as him. The nigga is the only one to admit he was a monster and niggas are suprised when he goes ape shit when he lost everything that he put into, that decade of our people suffering literally don't mean shit at all since even the nigga who was FORCED to continue to do it doesn't even reap the benefits, niggas acting like franklin had a choice after a certain point. Teddy literally was actively looking for a reason to kill this nigga if he fucked up once. And niggas acting like Leon literally wasn't Franklin's right hand man who also did horrible shit.

Teddy McDonald

3 minutes to reply is crazy. You're shitting on comments saying Teddy wasn't going to transfer the money, talking about "you don't know that", and then you turn around and say Franklin wasn't going to turn Teddy over. My boy, how do you know that? It's not a fact that Franklin would've kept Teddy either, 'you're just assuming when it was never stated'. Why are you heated? It's just some discussion about a TV show.

Doby Greg

I dont mind what Cissy did but I think the timing of it with the password made it felt more like a writing decision to maximize frustation, than a natural moment.


Responding quick is supposed to be an insult? Ur liking ur own comments to compensate for the fact that your mother couldnt stay off crack while pregnant with u... If u look at each of my responces i say “possibly” or “most likely” or “might” or words similar to that. I dont discredit the fact that the other idea COULD happen. Unlike you who said “teddy is yappin” and he wasnt sending the money. You know ur wrong thats why u keep liking ur own comments, thinking it makes u look good. u a lonely lil nigga for doing that g


So Cissy didn't like what the money was doing to Franklin so she kills Teddy before he can get it and then condemns him and his future child to poverty? While selfishly getting the revenge she wanted after preaching about that not being the way like 20 mins earlier in the episode?


Cissy had the option to leave multiple times and instead decided to become an active and willing participant in it. Literally everyone involved made a conscious choice at one point or another to participate. Saying she got wrapped in implies that it was completely against her will. While true initially, after a point she chose to stay. It's also a little weird because earlier in the same episode she warns against revenge and what it has done to them. Says she doesn't want Franklin to be a killer etc and then completely 180's when it concerns her. So she essentially throws him under the bus in a really dumb attempt to save him from himself by making all his efforts up to this moment pointless (trying to get the money for his child) while selfishly making sure she accomplishes her goal. I get the point you are making completely, but the opposite side of how it can viewed is that it was incredibly selfish, short-sighted, impulsive and beyond hypocritical. The only angle I can possibly see for that ending being the best way to send off Cissy's character is if you take it from the view point of her wanting to bethe one to take out the monster she helped create. Because everyone had a hand in making Franklin who he became. But the angle that "she did it because she was trying to save him from himself" is just not it. He is still gonna be money hungry lmao she just made it harder and thats it.


I think you're misunderstanding things. They didn't take anything, Teddy was the sole orchestrator of that. If he were to kill Teddy after the transfer, Teddy would have just ceased to exist from CIA records. The whole initial pitch for him to be the point man on the operation was he was disposable based on the history in his file. The CIA would probably want him gone too, so he couldn't weasel into anymore affairs.


Another issue is how hypocritical it is for her to have been speaking about not taking revenge earlier in the episode to then "seeing pure red" and reacting selfishly with no thoughts about anything but revenge ironically


cissy is so trash bro even the second time watching she is so trash lmao


Rip teddy I will die on the hill on the fact that I still prefer teddy other than Franklin as a partner

Paul Reyes

It also goes back to what she said at the beginning of the season. The reason why Teddy spared her was because he didn’t view her as a threat. When he said he lied and that he actually did kill Alton, that was him once again not viewing Cissy as a threat, and it bit him in the ass.


@YungZeus did you not see their description in the last reaction and that long ass discussion post? even they know you niggas retarded😭 if anything I'm subbing for the next 5 years so keep cryin


Idk why everyone that never trusted Teddy magically trusted him on the fact that the money would even be transferred.


Keyo is definitely those type of people u can’t have a good debate with. You remind me of my little brother when he was a kid. Just repeating the same thing while trolling and trying to be funny. Crap is mad annoying. U like a little kid bro bro.


I understand cissy going to be hated regardless but in I think season 2 right before Franklin gets arrested he tells his mom he would "give this all up if it meant losing her" and therefore him saying he's good with the money over her was foreshadowed as a make or break situation , also since alton had reentered her life he was her number 1 and Franklin made it apparent he didnt care for his father only the money multiple times.


I can’t believe I gotta relive episode 10🥲


Cissy pissed me tf off idc, idk if that was a writing issue just because we’re in the endgame or if it was just Cissy never wanting Franklin to have that money to begin with


I disagree with what a lot of people are saying about Cissy. I do think she was wrong for killing Teddy BEFORE Franklin was able to get his money BUT after Teddy had just got being disrespectful & finding out her husband is confirmed dead she got her lick back. That had nothing to do with her being Petty about Franklin getting his money or her grandchild having blood money. It’s as simple as she was mad. Not saying the writing is good during the scene but that’s all it was. She was 1000% justified doing what she did even before Franklin got his money but she was 1000% wrong doing it before he got his money.


Cause he literally has his back against the wall unlike the other times like ?? Just think


Why? Franklin has been loyal to all of his partners, up until they switched up on him or got reckless to jeopardize everything. Teddy on the other hand, getting emotional and underestimating Franklin was his downfall. He didn't always get emotional and was very skillful to do what he'd accomplished but flawed like everyone is. "Because you left" Huhhh??? Idk maybe he did care about Franklin in some fucked up way or was just upset and embarrassed Franklin had been smart enough to leave when he did.


Nigga, you’re part of it goofy lmao. I knew your fake, crying ass wouldn’t tho.


Unless you meant "partner" in a different way 😂


I don't think she believed him. She knew Alton was dead, just wanted to hear Teddy say it before she killed him.


I don't disagree but like now her family is fucked like she should've been done with Teddy as soon as he lied to her face

Aaron Owusu

Ya know.... a funny thing I noticed about Teddy for real is that he seems to have this severe problem of continuously underestimating anyone who's not him. exhibit A: taking Franklin's 73 MILLION DOLLARS!!! and thinking that he would just take that L & exhibit B: Talking crazy straight to Cissy face about smoking Alton's pack, and how he did it and then thinking that she wouldn't do nothing about that shit. In both exhibits you'll noticed that he well........ F'D AROUND AND FOUND OUT!!!


Then it would be a stand off and we'd be right back with a gun at Teddy's head. If Franklin was smart he'd have someone ready to call to confirm the money got transferred incase they were trying to play him. For all we know the woman on the phone could be one of Teddy's connects. But Franklin's leverage was the KGB spy they wanted.


LOL they were so nervous when Oso walked away

Philly The Kid

Cissy's final decision could have been written a lil better.. but what makes y'all so sure Teddy, the Batman commitment level ex CIA agent, would just give Franklin 37mil? Y'all really don't think he had a contingency for this situation? As for Cissy, she was always shaky when it came to the drug dealer lifestyle and the money that came with it. Willing to just blow up situations and relationships because of the guilt that line of business brought her. There was no way Teddy and Franklin would just walk into the sunset. Money or no money. Once things cooled down Teddy would've lynched (yes, on some racial shit) everyone of Franklin's loved ones and made Franklin suffer. Teddy was always good at just telling you what you wanted to hear and then getting his way in the end.


You dense teddy literally stated that he took Franklin money because he left him the feeling was mutual lol teddy just has abandonment issue lol


@Calamiti (Bleu) gtfo here with franklin did this for family shit, I swear you franklin fanboys are high on something for real. This nigga franklin did not do this shit for family. Cause his ass could have been left the game before it even got to this point. Franklins main problem has always been his greed and pride. And that is nobody's fault but his own. Also you already know you don't have no argument when you bringing up a mofo from an entire different show. And yeah I would still be annoyed by people dick riding thomas. Because again yall are literally missing the point that these aren't people meant to be looked up to there scum. That doesn't mean they aren't fun and entertaining characters. Like dude, stop blaming other other people for the shit that franklin has done. Nobody put a gun to this dude head and forced him to murder, and destroy black peoples lives for profit Franklin made that decision. So yall can sit up there and keep trying to talk about how everybody else screwed him over but it don't mean shit. Because guess what he is a fucking criminal! And there is a reason we have that saying of " there is no honor among thieves" Also its hilarious to me how yall keep acting like this nigga franklin is entitled to that money like he worked for it 🤣🤣💀 tf outta here with that bullshit. Nigga earned that money exploiting black people. So cry me a fucking river nigga lol And the reason most people give leon leeway is because at least the nigga is trying to change and be a better person. This nigga franklin still trying act like he owed something. He isn't owed shit, but either a bullet or some prison time.


exactly! it felt like a cheap way to get engagement online. it was disappointing ngl the writing went down this last season.


omg lmaoooooooo terry go suck a log bro. don't bring your personal shit into this. go talk to your brother and leave me out of your family stuff. tf you looking like comparing me to your little brother. clown


motherfucker tryna have a debate like he's a politician. boo hoo go hug your brother


Would love if you guys watched "The shield" great show from early 2000 on FX.

Franklin Saint

Imo I didn’t think it was a set up I think teddy was gonna give Franklin the $37M because there was several instances that the cia are trying to avoid any law enforcement to be off the radar in the show because their secret operation is literally about bringing cocaine into to the states and sell in the black neighborhoods if Franklin was arrested he would have talk to the fbi or dea and say his involvement and spill the beans about the operation they don’t want no one blabbering their mouth especially that Franklin has Ruben in his possession the cia only care about Ruben because he’s a kgb spy who is trying to expose the CIA they don’t care about the money nor the contra war because it was a pointless war to begin with and they would also not do all of that for teddy because he a fall guy for the cia if he were to be arrested but if teddy was alive after the trade off and freed when he fully recovered and has his mind straight he would definitely came back for Franklin out of pure revenge and for other half of the money and I’m pretty sure Franklin was aware of that and would be ready for teddy to return and get his lick back but they did made it look like Franklin think teddy was gonna be gone forever which we all know that will never happen which they could have written that part a little better but I’m glad teddy got pop and to be honest it does make sense cissy be the one to end teddy even though she had good intentions she did at the wrong time and don’t get me wrong and I’m 💯 aware that Franklin is obsessed with the money.


He was a asshole and you just stupid, get Franklin dick off your mouth


Cissy sucks she shouldn't have done that at least should have waited till after the money went through


I do think Teddy had something up his sleeves he was going to screw Franklin some kind of way cause of his pride and captain save world complex

Cedric Jackson

I think Cissy wanted revenge for Alton and punish Franklin for everything he’s done. I think that after he was willing to let teddy go, she truly saw how far gone Franklin was. She wanted stop all of it even if that meant screwing Franklin.


Franklin Didn’t deserve That Money. He Destroyed His Community For Financial Gain And Kill So Many People To Protect Himself. Cissy And Leon Wasn’t Being Hypocritical They Come To Face With Reality. That The Money Wasn’t Worth Losing Your Peace Your Family The thing That Really Matter In Life. Season 2 Kevin Expose Who Franklin Was Going To Become In The Long Run. When Kevin Say Your Traitor To Your People Saint And I Ain’t Following That Shit He Doing That Here With This Money. He Was Going To Betrayed. Oso, Leon, Cissy And Veronique For The Sake Of That Money. That always Been His Character Since Season 2. Franklin Was Going To Die If He Let Teddy Go Cause Teddy Got To Much Pride To Let That Go. So Franklin Is Willing To Look Over His Shoulder For Rest Of His Life For That Money Cissy Did The right Thing He Didn’t Deserve That Money.


Yall completely missing why cissy did it 😪😪😪

Doby Greg

I also dont buy that it was a setup. Teddy just broke and just can see Franklin will truly destroy him for that money and the handler probably is fine letting Franklin go for 1-2 days to get a KGB spy. But I cant see how they wouldnt consider Franklin too much of a security risk and liable to try to blacknail them. His father exposed them once. They are criminals that might want to use their information as leverage for lighter sentence and Franklin proved unhinged by killing Teddy's father. It really was a matter of if Franklin could use 37 million to hide well. Because once he killed Teddy's father his fate was sealed.


She did what she did because Franklin was too obsessed with money, she said in the scene before they did the exchange. But fuck that bitch & everything she stands for lmao

Nita - Kento's Widow

This exactly. After some time to process I understand why Cissy did it, it's just the execution of it all. The way it was written.

Nita - Kento's Widow

You saying real stuff right now (my problem was the execution/writing of it all) but your name coupled with your closing statement lmaooo

Doby Greg

I cant say I care much for Cissi for the last 2 seasons. I dont think she works as a schemer/a bad mofo character. She only works as the moral compass of Franklin and last 2 season forget that. So in that i can agree she is the least well done character because the role they gave her just doesnt fit. But Louie will always be the character I hate the most. Fucking someone over to get justice for family is something I can respect. Cissi fucking Franklin to get justice for Alton wont annoy as much as Louie fucking Franklin to get her turn. The same way I didnt mind Kevin betraying Franklin to get back at his cousins. Doing it for money and power is what I cant get behind.

Da’Jour Thompson

For real. I don’t like either of them. They’re both terrible people. Teddy’s dead, Franklin’s broke and Louie is on the run. They all got what they deserved. I’m just happy Oso is out.

Ian Hover

That’s still a bad point because 1. She got the kgb involved in the first place and convinced Franklin to take the meeting that got on the tapes 2. Even if they gave teddy up to the kgb like she wanted, they are still hunted/controlled by the kgb or the cia for working with foreign operatives. They was fucked either way. The only bright side is Franklin could’ve gotten his money

Ian Hover

I definitely understand why she did it. She could’ve waited 10 seconds tho😂


But the house was bought with drug money to begin with

Cedric Jackson

Oh I’m not agreeing with Cissys actions. I think she should’ve waited until the transfer was complete. I’m just pointing out what I felt was her mindset when she killed Teddy

Chef MellowD

How can this be seen as an obsession with money? Let somebody take 10,000 of your dollars and see how hot your body gets. You can’t even fathom what I means to have 73 MILLION DOLLARS. Bro literally got shot making that money. About to default on his legit business because teddy didn’t even leave him enough money to cover. He explained himself very well.

Chef MellowD

Take his pager away then. I don’t care what I’ve done, my mother cannot hoe me out of 37 million dollars. That don’t even make sense.

Chef MellowD

And Franklin ain’t even leave teddy. At that point, Franklin had no value in the business because of Louie. He said let me get out before I get got. Teddy a bitch

Dalvin Williams

Nah we get it but Franklin is literally fucked because of it, back to making $2 an hour and being in debt 😂

Dalvin Williams

Leon litera selling crack and tryna pass it on to the next man in the pjs? Nigga want his legacy to be selling crack in the hood gtfo outta here

Michael Pamon

Here come the Cissy defenders with their wack ass explanations for her stupid ass, flip-flopping ass decision 😂😂😂💀💀💀

Derek Sanders

while I understand Franklin anger and motivation. He’s making a deal with the devil, again. Like cissy said as a government employee he’s poisoning the community. Teddy was buying his freedom. He didn’t go to the KGB or to the DEA, for 37 million dollars this man gets away with everything. & Leon talkin the murder of the little Girl. That’s what changed him in the first place, the hole He’s talking about it no return. The monster his girl was talking about him being he’s becoming for money. He was willing to never see his mom again.

darnay mayberry

I've been waiting to say this. ALL MY NIGGAS HATE CISSY!!! (and louie too)


Bro Cissy was wishy washy the whole series. First she was against what Franklin was doing in the beginning. Then she came around when all the things Franklin was doing benefitted her. Then had her own ulterior motive that she knew would fuck Franklin over once she discovered Alton’s disappearance. Her final act was just the icing on the cake.


Crazy things Franklin put everyone that he cared on. Further down the line, everyone eventually turned their backs on him. Like Franklin said, “Nothing destroys a family like money.”


Ever since he got comfortable and complacent in doing deals and his 'understanding' of Franklin. He was bound for ruin due to his arrogance. His ego practically trumped all his Cia training and let him get ahead of himself.....although in his mind he didn't know peaches robbed Franklin so technically he wouldn't have been as desperate as he had been....but still he should've prepared for the worst instead of feeling so.....assured? Might be the right word in his understanding of things going on and taking no proactive steps in avoiding a collision until it was quite literally at his doorstep with his father dying.......he was still the most entertaining character in the show imo....just loved to see his side of things throughout the show

Paul Reyes

You can tell the writing started to feel rushed towards the end since they only got renewed for one more season. There were a lot of plot lines set up in season five that ended up going nowhere in the final season


First let me say tha Snowfall was a masterpiece! It has always been fascinating that most people say that Franklin was betrayed by everyone. I disagree. I felt that Cissy sacrifice her own freedom to free her son from the demon of his greed. The desire for that money changed him in a way that she no longer recognized him. He became the self professed devil! Do you really believe that getting that money would have changed him back to who he originally was? This is as far as I can go with my opinion until the last episode is reviewed. Great reviews and great channel guys!


Also it would be foolish to think that Franklin wouldn't be looking over his shoulder for the rest if his life. Teddy had to die.


Add Yellowstone to the poll

Deonte Gray

Those cops pulled up hella fast


Yall can’t be team Oso and also be team let Franklin get this money. Letting Teddy go would put everyone not just him in danger. Cissy protected everyone with that decision.


Roshi really thought he caught the Snowfall production team lacking with the Double Tree Hotel in the background 💀


The next episode shows that in no way shape or form was Franklin condemned to poverty.

Big Mal

it would have been worse for franklin seeing his mom get killed or v and maybe the kid teddy would of come back his mom protected him from the cia

rickie woodson

not roshi rocking the ahsoka je je je je


i just hate Cissy now and nothing can stop it pure hate like maam?????? 10 seconds?

Aaron Brown

Told yall. You weren't ready. I was more terrified of yall watching this episode than the finale because of what cissy does. 10 seconds. Couldn't have waited 10 more seconds.

Aaron Brown

The argument has been if franklin would have gotten the money would the cia even let him keep it? I see that but what cissy did still bugs me.

Doby Greg

I believe the idea of Franklin turning back to who is a ridiculous notion. He has been a crime boss for years. It is who is. And regardless of if he gets the money or not he is definitely in the line of at least one covert government organisation. Killing Teddy to get justice for the community or Alton or so Franklin can be punished is fine (and thats how I choose to see her action). But doing it to save Franklin is a ridiculous idea (from Cissy not you) if that is indeed her motivation.

Doby Greg

I really hope thats not where they end the character. Or that at least Wanda can get out.

Doby Greg

She didnt come around when things benefitted her. Franklin was mad because she would rather lose her house than validate his drug trade. She came around when thought the police might murder her kid or he might die in prison. And when she did the Ruben deal Teddy was supposedly out because he was too much of a public figure to be taking care of the operation (thats what he killed Alton for).


Ngl bro…fuck everything you’re saying LMAO listen i respect your opinion but i personally feel that it’s dumb. Franklin by all means deserved that money, he destroyed the community, yes, but we’re not gonna act like he wasn’t essentially forced to do it by the same guy who works for the motherfucking CIA. Everyone likes to talk shit about Franklin but never knows what he’s going through, what trades he’s had to make, what decisions he’s had to make as a leader even though he didn’t want to. Franklin throughout this entire show has only been playing the cards that have been dealt to him and he’s been playing it right. Not only that, saying he destroyed his community as if he’s the sole purpose is wild because there was crack before anyways. If it wasn’t Franklin, it would’ve been someone else but because Franklin was in a situation where he needed money, he stepped up. He sped up the process, yes, Franklin himself admits he’s the devil, but it’s not like he just suddenly destroyed it. It was going to happen regardless. Not only that, parts of the community have been fucked already cuz of greed and gang shit, drugs just made it worse a bit. What makes it worse is that Franklin wanted an out, that’s why he was making so many plays to make that drug money into legitimate money—saying he didn’t deserve the money is outrageous. Franklin worked hard for that shit and I’d be damned if a nigga says otherwise.


Cissy pisses me off because she says all that bs about her grandchild needing to be safe and all but then turns around and does fuck shit that would ultimately fuck the child over too. Uhhh now Franklin can’t solve any of his financial problems—fuck the baby gonna eat? What is V gonna fall back on now that all the plays are fucked. Did she just assume her momma would be in the fray again? What if V was like “idc, not going back to my controlling mother”. SHIT CISSY—YOURE IN JAIL NOW BITCH HOW YOU GONNA SEE YOUR GRANDCHILD YOU CARE SO MUCH ABOUT!!?? YOU MAKE NO SENSE AHHHHHHHH


So it’s Right To Choose Money Over Your Love Ones My Mother Mean The World To me And Money Will Not Let Me Turn My Back On My Mom

Dalvin Williams

Man idk bro from what other people say he had the best development but he’s literally still selling crack 😂🤷🏾‍♂️


yo fr. Idk how Franklin didn't see that coming. Bro got tunnel vision.


She was gonna crash out regardless so why not wait until he transfers the money ?!!?????


And ngl fuck what you saying fr because while you do have a point there will always be a nigga to blame no matter how it gets there and who does it, in this case franklins is for damn sure the nigga to blame for the shit he put his entire family though, his greed for money has hurt his family more then teddy ever has and that's a fact bro, that being said fuck teddy too but we not gon sit here and act like neither of these niggas is good people, choosing a side is one thing and it's completely fine because it's one of those shows we're both sides make sense in some way shape or form but staying ignorant to the fact that franklin has had multiple upon multiple times to save his family and say fuck the money is the most idiotic shit you could do when watching this show

Dalvin Williams

Cissi is so fucking delusional this bitch said let’s give teddy to Ruben and leave the country. BITCH WITH WHAT MONEY? Only person with money in that fucking room is Leon fuckhead Simmons Yeah Franklin you should just give up and be homeless on the street with your baby. This man about to be $6million USD $$$ in debt, those other properties are not about to make him enough to be out the hole man, I’m not saying he shouldn’t have consequences to his actions but fuck everybody saying he should give up, how this bitch just now seeing that her son is a murdering drug dealer? HES BEEN that nigga since season 2 why didn’t you try to stop him back then? Oh cause you was enjoying your son taking care of you and you had your fucking husband bro she didn’t this shit for Franklin.

Tim Moore

would feel more protected with $37mil in my account, mom ain't shit for that one.


whenever this series ends im gonna need everyone to lock in and choose "The Bear" because i can tell some of yall are sleep

Dalvin Williams

When we getting the final crack hit? 😩 this shit about to hit

Dalvin Williams

Aye that’s fair game because when Franklin saved also from the Mexican gang, Franklin needed his help to get teddy the first time, and oso scary ass didn’t want to help him 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️ well guess what? Teddy still ended up knowing he helped Franklin 😂😂😂 Also Franklin is the reason why oso even got away in the first place. Got him passports and $500,000 and gave him a personal Lyft there 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️


I've never seen a more smooth fuck off from Havel Myer no words


Y'all really thought, after all the lies and pettiness Teddy been doing.. That he would actually give up the money!? 🤣 Let alone for much worse Franklin would be if he did get it


At first I was frustrated with Cissy but then I thought "Finally, some decent parenting" idgaf I'm rocking with Cissy. Like I would never ever want a Mother to be pitted against their son but Franklin literally took Cissy's ENTIRE world from her so I don't blame her.


around what time will they drop the series finale today ?


Last Thing Franklin Wasn’t Forced Bro Was Selling Crack Before He Met Teddy. Season 2 Franklin Told Teddy I Didn’t Invent This Rock But Imma Blow It Up. So It’s Wasn’t Forced He Just Forced To Just Buy The Product From Teddy. Never Was A Forced Hand.


Franklin and Teddy had some of the best acting and dialogue I've seen in a show in a very long time! This show, the actors, all deserved Emmy's. i hate it didn't get the accolades it deserved.


Yeah that's it play the 🤡 music for both Teddy and Cissy. Like you guys said in a previous reaction for such a smart person Teddy is an idiot all he had to do was lie and make up a fake prison simple he just had to bullshit which he was doing up until then. As far as Cissy goes the fact that she actually believed Teddy is hilarious 😂 I don't think she was being petty just horrible timing she just wanted to believe Teddy even though in previous episodes she said herself that the government is liars and don't care about them. Once her little drop of hope got cooked she snapped I get it but still hate the decision and all previous decisions since season 1. Franklin did screw Louie he could've told her when he was getting Molly whopped or before then but he didn't want to run the risk of her running but if he did the plan going awry wouldn't have mattered she would've been gone but still I'm glad because I dislike Louie even more than Cissy and that's saying something. Also don't know if I heard someone say it during the reaction or I heard it in my head but crackhead spd is hilarious 😭. Finally to touch on Teddy a little bit here I actually think watching this episode that he might have very well left Franklin alone yes he killed his dad but Teddy killed his and he really does have things to live for like parissa I like her by the way definitely weird but cool also once someone pours hot oil over you don't mess with that person anymore like Teddy said they're crazy. The CIA is a different matter though they might kill Franklin just because. The whole thing with Teddy talking to Cissy was a masterpiece and I was disappointed you guys didn't notice or pick up on the parallels. Teddy was telling Cissy that he didn't put the pipe in crackheads hands and force them to smoke it also he doesn't understand the lack of willpower sound like anyone we know Franklin was telling the exact same thing to Leon about the pink crackhead ranger. That scene confirmed for me what I've been saying two sides of the same coin and I'm sad we never got to see Teddy at a cookout would've been interesting to see his experience especially with Jerome and former panthers. I can't believe this is it but this show was amazing good things can't last forever unfortunately. P.S. I'm still waiting for that little girl to clap Franklin if that happens at the end that would be crazy.

Sheraya san

Eh y’all being hyperbolic to try and prove a point but Teddy is the most interesting character in this show outside of Franklin and that’s only cuz Franklin is the main character you’re suppose to root for even though he’s a monster. Yes even more than your beloved Oso and Jerome. He also has the best actor.

Paul Reyes

This may be a stretch lol, but Julia low key foreshadowed Teddy’s death when she said she would “fix” it for him by public execution. Next thing you know, Teddy gets shot and killed in public.

Russell Rountree

Are they dropping the finale today? I didn’t see a schedule this week


I think yall missed the point, Cissy did not want Franklin to get the money. She hated him and who he has become so she sabotaged every body and got her revenge at the same time. She purposely fucked him. She didn’t care about anything else. And finally, shout outs to Teddy. An all time villain. Just a flat out terrible human being but an amazing character. The actor who played him, what an incredible job.


Cuz she didn’t want him to get the money and become a bigger monster than he already was. What did yall think that Franklin was going to do once he got the money? Go live happily ever after? Nah man, he was going to get right back in the game and start pumping crack again.

Quinton Campbell

Cissy been trash every since she came back from Cuba

Dalvin Williams

Franklin didn’t take shit? All he did was buy her house for her, everything that happened to Alton was Alton’s fault, and teddy is the mf who did how tf is that Franklin fault? You sound like the type to miss work then get mad and say it’s the boss fault that you got fired 😂😂😂 no accountability

Dalvin Williams

So you think he didn’t want to live happy with his baby? 😂 what makes yall think this? When teddy took his money either do nothing be in debt $6million and be homeless or take a shot and get everything back

Twin Hallow

Why the fuck would you shoot him like right before the money shit happens. Like at least wait the 3 secs for him to say the password lol.

Sheraya san

Idc Skylar was right


Cissy completely screwed over her son and also grandchild for no reason. She couldn’t wait two more minutes to do that?!

Doby Greg

I mean she gave up on her house to stry to stop him. She only stopped because when franklin was going to prison she came to the conclusion that her kid being alive mattered more more to her than making sure he is a decent person. It seems like she came to the decision that just being her kid doesnt mean he should get a pass on everything.

J Man

Ey! Watch Weeds! Close enough to Snowfall

Franklin Saint

Teddy was amazing villain too his actor and Franklin and Jeromes actors had the best acting in the show imo


Uhhhhhh as far as parenting. Stopping your child and grandchild from potentially being set for life is quite literally the worst possible decision from a parents perspective 💀💀

Elle E.

LUPA - “Now you have no commissary” for jail LMAO great point that was a wild ending but WHOA the way Teddy told her he was joking I can see how that struck a nerve and she totally forgot about everyone else the money could benefit like her grandchild at the very least.

Carter San

I wanted to wait until yall saw this to talk about the Louie Franklin post. This is why I truly believe Franklin always cared and I'm glad y'all broke it down the way y'all did.


Ah a point of controversy! When this episode dropped a lot of people said they support Cissy’s decision because Franklin never would have got the money. Regardless, idgaf. Cissy should have waited. Franklin not just broke, he in debt!! He got all this shit on his head all the things he had to do and she just want him to figure it out with no resources? Hated her character for that.

Israel Perez

Brick by brick is over smh

General Grevious

The way I see it this whole thing was gonna go bad anyways but Cissy still made a terrible decision😂


Rewatching it again, I think Cissy did think she could save her relationship with Franklin despite how damaged it had gotten. Or maybe save him from himself of who he'd become. Even though we know Franklin was trying to get out of the game until Teddy did his bs. Karma (the writers) wasn't going to let Franklin get his happy ending, despite his drive and incentive coming from growing up watching his mother struggle and seeing that the rules weren't in his favor. It always happens in a show or film. Whenever a character's trying to get out of the game or retire, some bs happens. I wholeheartedly agree with Roshi's point of wanting to see writer's be creative, where the black protagonist gets away with it in the end. I mean the man this show was based on (Freeway) ended up pretty successful. We don't need any more "Lesson" plots. We've been shown and told it to us our whole life as black people. But like I commented on a previous episode, man I really do wonder what story we would've ended up with if John Singleton didn't pass away.

Miguel Hernandez

How is no one happy teddy got popped by cissy lol yall trippin

Miguel Hernandez

Cissy and Alton the most righteous characters in the show, crazy it shows how much we get behind the most sinful people..

Lxrd Vegeta

I don't care what reason she had. Her grandchild will live poverty stricken life because of her. Franklin will probably go to jail, her entire family was killed for nothing. They all sinned and sacrificed, for nothing. Now they'll end up worse than where they started before the drug business. Y'all can say what you want Cissy is the most selfish character this episode. She could wait 5 seconds💯 *mic drop*

Jay zay



im ngl cissy is weird. u brought the kgb member to franklins attention, u wanted revenge u literally stood by his decisions… u wanna wait last second talking about morals???


righteous?? wouldnt say that much. they stood behind franklin til they couldnt handle it. cant stand on business they shouldve never involved themselves if it was gonna be a problem

Bona Fide

yeah i'm pissed wtf cissy?


watching this shit at like 2am and I swear when roshi started screaming from the bacon thing I woke my neighbors up laughing lmaoo


Franklin was never getting that money the fbi was not gonna let that happen

Meme Chanel

Yall keep talking about this money and still don’t know whether he was giving them the money or setting them up like Bffr it’s teddy!


No objectivity at all. Lmao Teddy was tricking Franklin. He was getting zero of that money. In case you didn’t notice. The CIA was also there and fully aware of the exchange. They wouldn’t have let the transaction go through.

Nigo Voulton

Roshi justice strikes again..

Sylas Juniel

Okay crazy thing is teddy and franklins conversation while teddy was being tortured was so eye opening. Everything Teddy said about Franklin and why he did the things he did is the same way Franklin treated his own family in previous seasons.


Franklin didn't deserve that money, but Cissy is still a trash character for not literally waiting 30 seconds.

Des Bethea

Cissy is so sick LMAO. My mom and I was PISSED when we saw this episode cause girl. ALLLL of that money was used to help set yall up. The entire family ate off Franklin and cissy even stated she wanted revenge, but now all of a sudden she has a change of heart? like girl...

Zion Noland

When tf was the episode with Peaches and the money? Did I miss it??

Zion Noland

I stand with Cissy idc, she had to do what she had to do to save her son idc about the money. Franklin wanted Freedom he got that. What he did with it in the next episode was his choice

Wild Horn18

Ok Cissy was wrong BUT HOW R WE NOT TALKING ABOUT FRANKLINS DUMB DECISIONS?!?! Why split the money when u can just find who he cares about and get ALL OF ITT. HE NEVER SHOULDVE LEFT THAT ROOM ALIVE IN THE 1ST PLACE