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Ready to get Teddy up outta here.

Only a week n a half left, Im sad



Ready to see their reaction to Skully and Leon talking abt Tiana 😭


so sad this is ending soon but i’m obsessed 😭🫶🏾

Paul Reyes

This show has honestly been one of the best ones you guys have reacted to. I’m gonna miss it.


Louie "This is all Franklin's fault" uhhh he wouldn't have become a successful drug dealer if it weren't for you bringing him to Claudia


The Dopamine Seeking-Reward Loop that watching yall react to this show has put me in is gonna take like a 6 months break to fully reset. Shit was too peak. Yall should be proud of yaselves, got other anime reactors tryna do reactions to this shit too now 😂 its been a ride doe

William kimura

Lupa how is Franklin puttin V through anything, she had the option to leave last episode. And CHOSE to stay. Anything she or her baby go through is because of her own choice.


So glad oso and franklin remained friends. They always been 100 with each other.


I feel like they might not like the end of franklins story


Teddy and Louie gotta be the most infuriating characters of all time. At EVERY single turn louie is gon blame franklin, i cant feel bad cuz she take no responsibility. And teddy, that nigga really thought he was untouchable, he still has multiple chances to give the money back but doesnt. Yall not ready for the finale


I remember after this episode Louie was public enemy #1 on Twitter the memes was hilarious


That you are the devil line is so cold man. Franklin truly acknowledges there is no redeeming himself.


THE WHAT?????????


Ngl if teddy was lowkey racist I wouldn't be surprised, his coworkers calling oso "The Mexican" when he literally knows bro name and this mf Jim crow mf addresses people as hard Rs n shit


The crackdom is coming to an end

Casually PS

I was waiting for your reaction to the n word scene


Sheera let the ppl in the show finish having a conversation before you quickly get upset and jump to conclusions lol

Hasnain Khan



lol Teddy is a control freak, he always thinks he's in control. That's the demon he's been fighting since season 1. Fuck teddy though


What's dope about this series is that you can trace all their behaviours to season 1 when they were broke, its just been inflated by money


It's a hard lesson but this was Louie karma. We saw Franklin's karma hitting him every season when he made mistakes now here goes Louie's.


RIP Jerome!!! 🥺


It was better than Louie's I think. In terms of the final effects of their consequences

Stephen Walker

Yall....I have been watching Snowfall with yellow since episode 1 and I am NOT ready for this ride to end....

Devin B

Any idea what's going to fill in the crack when this is done?


I'm sorry this happened to Jerome, but not that this happened to Louie cuz she sucks and it's never her fault. I liked her ending.


Barry or The bear they said it in the Schedule post I believe

Xavier Coburn

Idk bro franklin punishes his people with death and crazy injuries when they mess up a little or talk back to him on the other hand franklins dad told, teddy got him out of jail for murder, and for that same murder teddy got shot and almost died to be honest according to how franklin treats his people stealing that money isn’t anything he should honestly be dead

Devin B

They're the perfect example of fuck around and find out


Man I've said this many times now, but damn does all the nuance go out the window when it comes to Teddy. What about Franklin putting his mom, wife, and unborn child in harms way? Also he wants to kill Franklin because he threatened his wife and kid, rather then "avenge" his dad. How does he actually know Franklin is going to stop after giving back the money? Like all nuance out the window. I know for a fact if Teddy got his clapback on Franklins family, it would be " fuck Teddy, evil character" and not " well Franklin what did u expect, he is in in the CIA!". At this point I really believe the hate for Teddy is racially motivated lmao.

Lamaree Jackson

Haven’t noticed how teddy really only works with minorities he thinks he can intimidate?? Or when Franklin tried to do bigger things or go straight teddy shut it down? Told him he couldn’t move out of the hood? You didn’t notice any of that nuance?


nah teddy just goes for the easily corruptible who are already in the streets.


@Lamaree He only works for minorities because of why? Because he hates black people and think they're less than? Or is it because as stated countless times the U.S. government wants to use them since they know they have less rights, especially in that time period. Why would he want Franklin, the mole he has inside the fucking hood to move out??? Does that make sense to you? Please don't speak of nuance. Also Teddy being racist ain't even out of the question. Could he be racist? OF course he could. If Lupa, Roshi, or Sheera simply said fuck Teddy we think his racist then shit my comment wouldn't even be a thing, but I'm directly responding to the reasons THEY SAY why they hate him. All the same things Franklin does. Man if they said "we think his racist, so fuck him!" then I wouldn't even be posting a comment lol.

Danger Tomato

Barry is awesome, the bear is ok.

Hbk Lee

lmfaooo, bro do only got his truck and jacket🤣

Nita - Kento's Widow

I've rewatched yall reacting to that white man saying the hard R like three times, the way Sheera leaned forward lmaoooo


StruckByBelz! They on season 2 or 3 now on their patreon not sure if they started on YT.


Damn bro definitely rewatching this again from season 1


parissa was such an unnecessary love interest.


Maybe, maybe not... but at least we got the Wanda spin-off show to look forward to at some point lol.


Y’all not prepared for the heartbreaking season finale


Another week, another cracker crying in the comments cuz Teddy got bullied. Imma miss this shit. But still, get his nut off ya chin playboy, it ain't that serious.


Nigga in this bitch talmbout "why don't you give the racist white character nuance when you critique him! He deserves that much!" 😂 not knowing any black people irl be having some of yall so cooked by these reactions I'm deadass cryin you didnt just write two essays bout this non issue


@DIOR Hurt so much over a comment you called someone who isn't white a cracker. Whatever helps you cope small brain fuck

Huemon Nottabear

They wouldn't remove Jerome's organs. Just blood, glue wound closed, embalming fluid, a quick wash, new clothes, makeup and he's funeral ready.


Am I Tripping or the way they reacted to this ep, Jerome getting buried/ funeral is dry, when I was on this ep I was sad fr still hurt form last ep, Jerome is like unc Phill in fresh Prince of Bel-Ai fr. feel like there was no enough emotion. idk 🤷‍♂️


Sure thing Raúl. Now go replace Teddy's dick with some hot cheeto elote and calm the fuck down so the rest of us can enjoy the last few episodes without you shitting up the comments with your repressed anger towards minorities that don't worship white people like you do. vete a la verga


@DIOR "Let me try to be racist because I'm insecure and too stupid to make a point" Lame ass nigga sit down

Paul Reyes

Her character was so useless. People may not have liked Irene from season four, but at least she served a purpose to the plot. All Parissa has done since being introduced is patch up Teddy, be a nympho and that’s it


Teddy might be one of the most smartest but most dumbest niggas in television


I been saying that not only that her whole character is unnecessary she does nothing for The plot


Lawd please let there be a happy ending after this. All this is too much


Lmao they all cried during the last episode… u want it to drag on for how long?


That the one thing I like about Franklin he knows he isn’t a good guy and owns up for his mistakes.


Are you stupid Teddy literally stole this nigga money, for no Reason what so ever then claims it for the government he even had two people tell him to give the money back, Teddy is delusional fool who claims that he is doing this for the patriarchy 😭😭😭


@Fizzy reading comprehensive skills in the fucking gutter. We all know Teddy stole his money? What point are you making? Teddy is a fool and so is Franklin.


Teddy had no reason to start going at Franklin the way he did now he's paying the price


The fact you think the hate for Teddy is completely racially motivated when Teddy's entire moral compass evades the fact that his "duty" to uphold is inherently racist is hilarious. Dumbest shit I read today. Does race play a part in it? Absolutely in the context of everything taking place i think, but not to the scale you are trying to portray. It is more so because that drives home the dynamic of the US government using inner-city minorities as collateral to fund a war. But Teddy as a character separate from his racial identity is quite unlikable in general and its beyond disingenuous to pretend thats not the case. Franklin is also unlikable to some but you will generally see more people side with him because the show is majority being shown from his pov. Even the scenario's you listed I don't even see your point since Teddy was the initiator in all of them. Teddy was heavily responsible for the death of his brother. Teddy killed Franklins dad behind his back. Teddy forced himself back into the mission. Teddy made the conscious decision to go out of his way to completely disrespect and ruin Franklin by taking ALL of his money instead 60% or 70% or even 90%. He left him with absolutely zero specifically to prove a point knowing he had a kid on the way. That's not people disliking him because he's white lmao he's done enough to make people not like him for who he is.

Jamaal Ellison

27:30 See hearing shit like this only reinforces my belief even more that Louie is goofy as hell.


you guys should watch the last two eps back to back


@nami "Teddy is racist. I'm right, you're wrong. " Zero substance without elaboration. Again I don't care if he is or isn't. My comment is strictly aimed at the reasons they always criticize him, which are all the same qualities Franklin has. IF they said they didn't like Teddy because they thought he was racist, then cool. I can understand not liking someone for that reason. This whole back and forth if Teddy is racist or not is completely irrelevant to my original point.

Ian Hover

He deserves more than he got😂. Every move he made was to either protect the ppl he loved or to protect his own shit and it got him hated and turned on for no reason

Ian Hover

What u said could be true if u negate all the racist comments teddy has made throughout the show, all the time he tried the ppl of color cause he knew they couldn’t do nun till they could, and how he constantly belittled Franklin. He literally killed Franklin dad first😂 he stole all Franklin money and caused a war with his own family. Dat man teddy poked the bear nonstop. Teddy is a fuck nigga wit no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

Ian Hover

Franklin only became that because ppl forced him into that role. That never was Franklin but teddy was the main one telling him to step up and check shit

Ian Hover

When Jerome said hell nah she literally the one that told Franklin to go for it and introduced him to Claudia

Xavier Coburn

No franklin made his own choices just like teddy if you say people forced him you gotta apply the same logic to teddy franklin doesn’t have a heart and will kill a teenager without hesitation if they mess up a little and he gets mad at teddy for stealing but steals from his own family when they don’t help him one time he’s very hypocritical and teddy put up with a lot before stealing from him in real life his actions wouldn’t fly he’s lucky he’s still alive


@nami Everything you just said Franklin has done. Except the taking of the money. Remember those people he fucked over in the library, remember the father of her friend that he killed?? Franklin killed an innocent dad first, karma got his dad got killed. My Point is they're both bad. Franklin made the conscious decision to get into with a CIA player. I don't defend Teddy at all, I keep the same energy for the both of them. They're both pieces of shit. But a lot of the comments don't, like Franklin is a some sort of righteous character. At the end of the day its a show, and im commenting on the clear hypocrisy. If you disagree, then you disagree but that's how I CLEARLY see it. What's there only difference besides their skin color? Both main characters that have been with us since the start of the show.


Nah you have to have serious reading comprehension issues if what you took from my comment is "Teddy is racist, I'm right, you're wrong" lol I literally didn;t say any of that. You just want to argue a point so badly you'll even be disingenuous in the discussion of it. Weird as hell. I am actively pointing out that Teddy was the initiator. "I know for a fact if Teddy got his clapback on Franklins family, it would be " fuck Teddy, evil character" and not " well Franklin what did u expect, he is in in the CIA!" (your quote). He killed Franklins dad first, no? Then stole ALL of his money to prove a point and antagonize him further, no? Completely confined him to his space in the projects, no? Crashed his fucking car into him, kidnapped him, then made him work for him without ever telling him he was CIA ,no? You make no sense when you wanna compare Franklin's wrongs that weren't against Teddy. We ALL know Franklin is a piece of shit, he literally calls himself the devil here. The point is it's extremely obvious why people dislike Teddy and it's not because he's white. That was an idiotic point to try to make. But you'll ignore all of that, and the part where again I will mention that obviously the MC will have an audience's bias to some degree because we watch most events unfold from his perspective.


That comment was made before you decided to edit your comment. Only thing Franklin has done besides Teddy is steal money, I guess that might put him 0.1 up the morality scale. Oh wait nevermind, he stole his uncles money too. They're literally the same fucking character. Teddy deciding to fuck Franklin first doesn't change that AT ALL.


Watching this season with them makes it so much more bearable omg. I was absolutely miserable watching this season alone, couldnt make it past 6x6

Argo TheSlicer

roshi not letting me cancel my subscription


no way yall getting racist over fictional characters in a TV show


Lol wym? It’s a spoiler because they (and anyone else who hasn’t seen the show) don’t know it’s going to happen?


You watching the reaction but not the show 😭


@EmoBurrito they have been said one of the main reasons they don't like teddy is because he is obviously racist, tf are you talking about.


Nahh, it’s there demeanour, u watching the sum reaction am watching nigga?


@Marco Don't remember them saying that at all, but lets say it is true. That should be their only reason to hate him, because everything he has done so has Franklin. Literally the same character. And these last few episodes all they have been mentioning is everything BUT him being "racist". All the qualities they complain about Teddy, are the same Franklin has. But again its not that deep I'm just pointing out what i think are clear hypocrisies. If you don't agree, well then you don't agree.


Nah Roshi and Sheera are giving franklin way to much credit. Especially sheera with the thing about Franklin respecting women lol Franklin knows how to play the game and he knows the things to say to get people on his side. Its why louie calls him out on his bullshit at the end. Because she knows he is full of shit. I fully believe that the only reason he helped louie was more so out of love for jerome. Then helping her. Also when louie told him she would help get teddy is also what convinced him she still had some value as well.


@EmoBurrito Well then you need to rewatch some of the earlier reactions my guy cause thats one of there main beefs with him. And the fact he stole franklins money. Also let me be clear I'm not defending franklin. I thinks its kind of weird how they keep dick riding him and making him out to be this noble drug dealer who is just trying to get his illegal money back, that was gained on the deaths of black people lol. As far as I'm concerned Franklin and Teddy are both deplorable people. But you cant ignore the facts. This shit literally got started because Teddy stole from Frank in the first place. That's why they are mainly shitting on Teddy and not Franklin, even tho they are both pieces of shit. its not as deep of a hypocrisy that you are trying to make it to be bro. If Franklin had decided to fuck over Teddy at first. Then they probably would have sided with him over Franklin.


I half agree with your comment. I really have a hard time believing if Franklin fucked over Teddy first they would all jump on Franklin. From what I've seen they would probably be like, "Franklin had to do it, you can't trust a CIA member" something along those lines. But who knows, at least your one of the few comments here that also criticize Franklin. As far as im concerned they are literally the same person.


@EmoBurrito But you also got to remember to and its been said before that people are more inclined to side with the protagonist even when there a bad person. Also taking into account that Teddy is a bit of racist shit head to boot. its not surprising to me that they were totally going to be on franklins side. Even tho like we agree, there both terrible people. Its rare for people to look at a lot of situations with some nuance and recognize both sides are bad. Tho I'm pretty sure they have said that they know that Franklin is a bad person. But that all this shit literally got started because Teddy robbed him in the first place so yeah.


Sheera be yapping oh my days 😂


I’ve never heard of snowfall till they posted and have watched all reactions 💀


Wanda being ok was like the one bright spot in this season

Delinda Arts

ep 9 & 10 are gonna be nuts lmao

Dark Danny

Sheera was definitely wrong on that one but as far as Franklin taking accountability shes right. Franklin admits over and over again that he isnt the good guy and went as far to call himself a monster.

Dark Danny

nah Sheera, Franklin was just telling her what she wanted to hear


Oh yeah that's facts, its the one thing I will give to franklin is that he owns up to his shit.

Dark Danny

i mean yeah but he also isnt a good person, he's admitted it a bunch of times.


Yeah when I first watched this episode the hard R scene took me out too.

Jazhiel Diaz-Rosa

I will say, I never understood why people don’t critique Franklin for all the shit he’s done. I get the frustration for Louie but Franklin is the root of it all. Also, it’s always been fuck Teddy. Epitome of a dead man walking

Dark Danny

if something hasn't happened yet and someone brings it up or even alluded to something happening, it is a spoiler

Karon Scott

Critique for what exactly(I am genuinely asking, I have shit memory)? From what Ive seen Franklin was just doing what he could to keep everyone alive and paid. It was all going well until Alton sold everyone out. Him being killed by Teddy and Teddy tightening the reins on Franklin, is what cause everything to spiral beyond control. Franklin did what he could to maintain peace for five seasons. Louie was in charge for a week and immediately found herself in a war. Im not saying franklin is innocent. Hes the reason they are all in that life. But he did what he could and was doing it well until he wasnt

Jazhiel Diaz-Rosa

I hear you, and trust when I say that I understand that Franklins overall intention was for wealth and prosperity for his family. However, he became blinded by his success and in a sense because exactly like Louie. He had more than enough money, yet every time he had an out he didn’t take it until it was absolutely too late. He got greedy and disillusioned with the potential of where he could be instead of realizing that where we was, was the perfect place to stop. I can blame Alton all day, but he was right. Teddy was not to be trusted and in a sense Franklin chose the business over his family numerous times. Everything else I want to say would be spoiling the rest of the season so I’ll wait till next week to really give my thoughts. Overall, I’m just saying that Franklin ain’t no saint, but people are willing to forget that a lot of the time.

Akila Yaw

everytime they do the outro, I’m like wtf did Roshi say…lolllllll

Panashe Chibanda

Yeah you’re flat out wrong. During S5 Franklin was expanding his real estate business and trying to go legit. What happened? Teddy killed his partner, took over his old job and told Franklin to “turn it down a notch,” regarding his expansion. Teddy basically threatened Franklin and suggested he’d kill him (like he did Alton) if he stopped working for him. Toward the end of S5, Louie snaked Franklin and took Teddy as a plug because she wanted money, power and respect. Franklin, seeing that his family were going behind his back, left the game. He told Louie the business was all hers and respectfully said his goodbyes to Teddy at the diner and went about his life. Teddy (out of spite) then stole his money which popped everything off. Franklin proceeded to beg Louie for help but she turned him down (after everything he did for her) which forced him to go cold & steal money from her which started a war. Then he later sat with Jerome and AGAIN, tried to hash things out but Jerome declined. Leon even tried to hash things out, but Jerome declined. During that time, Franklin called Teddy on multiple occasions in an attempt to make amends. He even offered to continue working for him but Teddy declined. He even gave him a chance to reverse the transfer before killing his dad. Franklin throughout the whole show has looked out for his people. He saved Leon when he didn’t have to, he saved Louie when he didn’t have to. He’s always been the one to walk away and keep the peace but the adults in his life keep finding ways to cause chaos, especially Louie and Teddy. The same thing happened with Kane. When he first arrived, Franklin apologised for what happened with Kevin and asked whether they could find a way to move past it but Kane declined. Leon then had to convince him to back off, which worked until Louie AGAIN went behind their backs and tried to kill Kane, leading to Jerome’s death. Did Franklin play his part? Sure. But saying he “never tried to leave the game” or that “he chose business over his family” is flat out false and clearly means you haven’t been paying attention to the show. Franklin most definitely isn’t the villian or at fault.


LMAO, N word caught me all the way off guard

Jazhiel Diaz-Rosa

“Franklin most definitely isn’t the villain or at fault” that’s a take fasho. Franklin had the best intentions, but his way of going about it is what got him where he ended up. Two things can be true at once. Franklin while being the protagonist who wants to do good by his folk, is a fucked up guy. Mans literally admits to being the devil in this very episode. I don’t disagree with you, especially since we both agree that he played his part. My argument is more towards the viewers who view him as a good guy who did no wrong. Once he killed Kevin, there was nothing he wouldn’t do to stay on top.

Panashe Chibanda

Like Franklin said in S4 “let me get us out of this like I have everything f***king else” WHICH IS TRUE. Franklin is always and I mean always, resolving issues in the group. He dealt with Kevin. Dealt with Andre. Came up with the plan to hire Diamond and Dallas when Jerome wanted to kill them, he then used them to set up Khadijah. He also dealt with Manboy. He was also funding the shelter Alton was running. He made his mother the head of real estate business. He later saved Alton during his standoff with Teddy. Had everyone in his life stopped acting irrationally and listened to him, they’d all be alive. If those corner boys listened to Franklin, they’d be alive. If Kevin listened to Franklin, he’d be alive. If Andre just left town with Melody (like Franklin asked) he’d be alive. Had Leon remained apart of the crew and not branched off, he would’ve never started a war with Manboy which led to him accidentally killing Skully’s daughter. Which then led to Manboy’s demise and Skully losing his family. There’s just too many examples to count of instances where the family went against his better judgment and it resulted in all of them being killed.



How is Franklin the root? He a hustler and started on a brick from Avi. He tried to maintain stability yet everyone else around him was headless and emotional.


@Panashe Chibanda The fact you don't think franklin is the villain invalidates your arguments lol


the argument definitely isn't invalid. and no where did bro say franklin wasn't at fault. the thing is, it is very true that many of the people around franklin went against his wisdom and it got them in some hot shit. and it was franklin who mostly took care of it all. regardless of the morality, we cannot shy away from the fact that it WAS franklin whowould come around to save the day during most of their problems.


@muxakara! bruh in literally in one of his many paragraphs is him saying that Franklin isn't at fault and is not the villain. its right in front of your face. That's fine if you guys want to act like everyone else was the problem when it comes to franklins downfall. But its a straight lie to pretend that this dude didn't contribute to it plenty his damn self as well. He had plenty of chances to get out and go legit. But his greed got the better of him.


He literally had a conversation with Leon and Louie and Jerome regarding his fuck ups this season and last that clearly owning up to mistakes and taking accountability


@Fizzy The franklin dick riders saying I'm white now lol that's crazy 😔


yo i aint gonna lie . in this whole reaction its like sheera has been sitting there like foaming at the mouth just waiting for louie scenes and for her to talk. as soon as louie says something she jumps up and starts talking like wtf lmao. she be waiting so bad just to see louie face to say something


Well Franklin will get what he deserves in the upcoming episodes lol. Franklin knows he isn’t a saint , no reason to state that. I know you trying to do the play on word things , but this episode he confirmed to Louie that he knows he’s the devil. He wasn’t able to ever get out , teddy wouldn’t of never let him first off.


Ain’t no happy ending but it’s poetic and it’s realistic ending about what happened to some of the dealers in the 80’s.


And the us goverment just move on like nothing happened lol …. Who is the real bad guys … Franklin going to get what’s coming to him but on the large scale of things him and teddy were only pawns . This really happened in the 80’s btw …. Look up freeway Ricky Ross


I didn’t see him say anything about teddy being racist. He mentioned that race played a big role , which is true because this is loosely based off the crack epidemic in the 80’s. Not everything you see in the show is fictional


Both of them were punished , I just don’t like what happened to Franklin mom . That scene after the incident with Franklin was heartbreaking, it showed he didn’t care one bit about his mom and that he was lost because of power l, greed and wealth. Lost all his morals and ended up becoming the thing he despised the most


lmao you can see her like kinda twitching. like just waiting to say shit whenever Louie talked lol

Lxrd Vegeta

I finally caught up Hahahahaha


So you just gonna ignore the fact why drugs are even surfacing in first place is because of the government the same one Teddy works for are you stupid or something

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free

Does government bad mean Franklin good? Does government bad absolve Franklin from the fact that he popularised crack in his own community? Or did you miss the part in the first 3 seasons that explicitly communicate it Franklin that blew rock up in this universe? Try again retard.


@macropopo 350 ain’t nobody talking about race here lol you slurping on Teddy tip like he paying you or something


The reason why they hate him is because he is a idiot who stole a dude money wanting out him being racist just enforced that but it isn’t the main reason why they started hating him lol or did you forget


@Fizzy Either you dumb or cant read probably both. Cause you would know that I think both teddy and franklin some bitch ass mofos. So nope, only one gagging on that tip is you dawg lol

Michael Pamon

Franklin is the villain, 100%. But the thing is, Franklin KNOWS he’s the villain, he ACKNOWLEDGES it. The people around him besides Leon are the ones not taking accountability for their actions. I’m fairly certain that’s why so many fans love Franklin and don’t critique him as much as they do Louie and Jerome.


Buddy who was watching Leon and Franklin was the one who caught the Rick James by Leon he walking better now though if he comes into play that would be well seasoned beef and Todd should've taken notes. I don't believe Teddy ever would've let Franklin walk free back when the DEA chick who Oso popped was still around he told her he would give her everybody Franklin included and I think Teddy meant that. In his eyes he was doing what needed to be done to win the war and he saw Franklin as nothing more than a pusher a smart pusher but a drug dealer nonetheless. What Teddy doesn't realize is he's no better he's been struggling with that since season 1 and it's coming to a head finally will he walk away or won't he most likely not but we'll see. Franklin and Teddy are literally two sides of the same coin Franklin saw Teddy as the system which he is. All that being said the hard R is super crazy it's not crazy he said it the Cia director I guess that's who he was it's crazy that was aired on cable television feel like I haven't heard it in a while on T.V. but I'm glad it happened because this is literally the 80s no surprise here😐. Where's Ron Stallworth when you need him😂?


How does that relate to what I do in my life?


obviously because the government is involved automatically franklin has no autonomy lmao


Franklin owns what he did. Everyone knew what he was capable of. They had multiple chances to get out and didn't. They kept trying to take more then they deserved.

Kwame James

A lot of people are always confused about the Skully and Einstein not a 100% sure myself but Skully is a Blood Leon and the PJ'S are Crips and he probably was just messing with him because I don't think Skully bought anyone with him so their was a lot of Crips their as long as people think of Skully as the crazy Boogeyman he cool

Calamiti (Bleu)

The niggas been confessing to others about his wrong doings, he literally told his mom it wasn’t his fault he turned out his way, he’s not the last one he was legit the first all the shit that happened this season and prior was because people did dumb shit no one took accountability and blamed Franklin it’s a peaky blinder situation. Shit Jerome and Louie were prime examples of people who didn’t take accountability for none of the shit they did and Jerome only realized up to when he DIED tf you on about


“We got it! We got it! We got it six seasons in! “ 😭


Glazing sheera for her reaction on a REACTION channel is insane to me, and fuck Louie ngl


excuse me I was doing what to sheera? hold up that's a married woman . ayoooooooo lmao. roshi get your people lol


It does change it lol and yeah he;s just actively trying to not understand.


Maybe Louie needs to wake tf up and take responsibility that her actions was part of what got her here in the first place I don’t blame her

sotonye ogan

I swear Damson Idris acts like a fucking nigerian the way he was swiftly checking out for the DEA is killing me exactly what I would fucking do😭😭

sotonye ogan

Kill his whole mom? Cissy the clown??😭😭 I shouldn't holler at that fucking phrase but man that got me😭

Thulani Mason

Multiple deaths/murders, attempted grape, torture, a goddamn tiger eating a motherfucker Me: This is oky. The hard R Me: AYOOOOO!!!!!

Sylas Juniel

So let me see if I remember correctly Franklin made peace with Kane to avoid a war. Louie said F that and got Kane, so then when Franklin who legitimately needs help from Louie about teddy she refuses. Franklin tell Kane it was Louie who ordered the hit. Kane kidnapped Louie and she wouldn’t give up the run down detective that was too high to answer his pager when she needed him? Then Jerome dies from trying to save Louie even though he’s tried to leave the game but stayed for Louie? Am I missing something or did any of that seem like Franklins fault 🤔it sounds like it was Louie’s fault