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Rentaro is goated


Ethan Vinson

first like, first love


Shizuka has imo one of the best backstories, I'm most upset that her own mother was treating her like that. Shit just wasn't right.


Yes, Roshi is starting to believe in Rentarou supremacy.

Gabby Boakye-yiadom

That's why he's Chadtaro in the fandom and he just gets better.

Hasnain Khan



W guy

Devin B

And just like that I already have a best girl for this show, can't wait to see the others


Nice to see that Roshi has blessed us with PEAK once again!


ahh yes the 100 gf hero is here!!!


Damn If only it was that easy to have more than 1 gf

Oax Al

This man can legitimately father a not so small army. I like how they are showcasing polygamy. Either you are built for it or you aren't. I don't really expect much complex drama with this show, beyond the basic jealousy tropes that we've seen already, but they can do a lot thanks to the nature of these relationships.


This series will continue to surprise and impress you, in many areas, if you only give it the chance to do it! It's a damn shame this got the standard episode count for a season, because it's so friggin GOOD!!

Megan Campbell

Captain Underpants section lol🤣😂


hope you all had an awesome and bless thanksgiving guys, and Lupas family aswell, loving the commentary and reaction.

Jarren Jenkins

We got Chadtaro in 100 Girlfriends and Chadano in Komi Can't Communicate. Big Ws for slice of life male protags


This guy really said one girl is diesel, another gas, and the last is electric 🤣


In real life the amount of effort Rentaro went through would be seen as obsessive. It's cool here because it's "mutual" which it really isn't. I hope they bring up the lack of free will at some point. It doesn't seem fair that they don't know why they are attracted to him. Or that if they leave they'll die.


subs for punch line is very different sometimes


It's not a lack of free will lmao. Their meetings start with genuine attraction on both ends, because rentaro knows they'll die otherwise he goes out of his way to keep interacting with them which results in a genuine connection on both ends. It's not that the girls don't know why they love him, it's just that we aren't outright told in words. We get to see why they love him from their perspective as we're shown the shit he pulls off for them. That's like the whole point of the show, seeing just how much love and care he has for his gfs. Idk how u didn't piece that together. I also dunno why ur worrying about 'in real life' shit, last episode we watched the vice principal crawl up walls and the roof looking for boys to tongue kiss, rentaro literally meets god himself in episode 1. It's not that deep

Robert Rodriguez

They would have fallen in love either way. We just have a reason why he has 100 who love him.


But it's not genuine the god of that shrine is the one that caused it. Their perception doesn't matter. In reality they have no choice in the matter and Rentaro is taking advantage of the situation with the free excuse that it's for there own good. "It's not that deep" will always be the laziest excuse people can come up with. It might as well be "I don't want to think about it."

Robert Rodriguez

Remove the God from the equation. If they never showed us that and they just all fell in love, would you still be thinking the same thing?


I wouldn't be thinking the same thing because it would be a completely different scenario. Unfortunately that's not the current situation Rentaro knows what's going on is withholding the information and fully taking advantage of the situation.


'Its not that deep' was referring to u comparing this show with a blatant disregard for reality to real life, they loterally read the manga in the manga, rentarou breaks out of the chapter itself and into the volume xtras on one occasion, kusuris entire existence. So when u say things like "well in real life blah blah" its entirely redundant, its like saying "in real life rabbits dont talk" while watching looney tunes, like obviously realism isnt a concern, it's a joke manga, it's literally not that deep. Like I already said, while the initial attraction is based on the fact they're soulmates and has no defined reason, as they interact and get to know each other they form a genuine connection, and through rentaros actions we see why the girls do end up genuinely loving him. There are multiple cases of girls outright refuting him and that initial attraction, but once they actually get to know him they truly start liking him. Its literally the difference between "hes cute, i want to date him" and "hes a genuinely caring person that will do anything for my happiness, i want to live my life with him". Of course he's not gonna say "please go out with me, btw if u dont you die" that'd be threatening them and would cast falsehood over every interaction they have after that point. Instead he makes them genuinely love him through his actions. If rentarou was an unlikeable person they may be attracted to him initially but would not love him. This is proven by the multiple occasions rentarou himself questions whether a girl is truly is his soulmate because he has that attraction but doesn't actually like them as a person until he gets to properly know them.


If you can't see that his behavior is kind of weird I know you be scaring the hoes.


I highly doubt that. We’re talking bout a girl that literally can’t speak and can only communicate by flipping to specific parts of a book for others to read. You say that as if there’s any “free will” in involved in who a person falls in love with irl. The god is literally just an excuse to justify why it’s 100.

Julian Gaison

Blood blockade battlefront and Mieruko Chan reaction pla


The thing is that as much as the girls truly love Rentaro, they are also Rentaro's soul mates, so he does also genuinely love all of them as they do him.


The MC is really a W, most of the case Harem MC are just losers and perverts, but this one actually cares for ALL of them and he does his best


I mean, if you really want to get to overthinking, you could easily argue that there is no real free will. All actions can theoretically be determined by cause and effect, and at its core we are all meat machines and everything we think we is just due to our brains sending electrical signals back and forth. If you boil it down to pure logic, everything that the characters, and we, do is all effectively predetermined by the prior actions throughout history; and that free will is a myth. That being the case, there is no problem with the god taking away their free will, because they didn't have it to exist with. Of course, you can take a less nihilistic argument too. It's a show based on a manga. They are characters, so they never had free will in the first place. If they are in a world with any sort of omniscient god present, that would also invalidate and free will within the context of the show as well. Or you can just say its a show/manga, suspend your disbelief, and just have fun lol.


yeah, that's what really elevates the show for me. It's still degenerate trash, but MC is an actual character who's kind, thoughtful, and has good qualities instead of just being a lazy self insert. It makes sense girls would fall for him instead of just because of plot. It's good degenerate trash!


Of course its weird by real world standards, that's the whole point? Abd That's what you come back with? U turn to Insults cus I proved ur whole shit wrong? Can't accept ur wrong without acting like a child lmao grow up


If you honestly think you proved you were right you might have a legitimate learning disability. You sound like a person that was in special education and no one had any expectations for you. Now you are here. Acting a fool because critical thinking is beyond you.

Alex Omega

This show is great and enjoyable while having an amazing MC for once in a harem anime.


When I saw you guys were reacting to this on Patreon, I was excited. Get ready for a wild ride.


I just realized. The 101 some with all his girlfriends is gonna go crazy Lmaoo

Irvin Nunez

My sister has selective mutism so this episode (and the manga chapter) broke and warmed my heart


"Acting a fool" is hilarious coming from the one who couldn't actually refute what I said, so u started spitting insults. That's literal child behaviour dude, it's embarrassing. If u wanna actually refute what I said instead of acting like an angry kid go ahead. Show ur maturity instead of running ur mouth like an angsty teen


Get a life loser instead of responding to a comment from a week ago to stroke your ego nobody gives a fuck what you have to say

Dud3 itsj3ff

I didn't think I'd like this show due to the moral dilemma, but they make it hard to hate the MC. I usually dislike harems because shows typically choose nobody and leave all the love interests at arms length giving each one an episode to get close and then shoving them to the back to fight for their small chances. That route makes me hate the MC because, in his inability to choose somebody, he chooses none and strings the girls along. This show however takes the bold move to choose them all without hurting anybody. Mainly because it doesn't take itself too seriously, but even in doing so it somehow still makes you feel all the emotions. 10/10 as far as harems go!


Wasn't expecting this show to be as good as it is but they are popping off each week with the animation voices story comedy and the opening and ending songs are straight gas. I haven't watched a good harem anime in a while instead subjected to trash like world end harem. This is a breath of fresh air and makes me want to go back and check on some of my old favorites.


When perverts/scumbags have their human decency moment, we see that as a W. Rentaro who is already a decent human goes beyond that, you have a moment like this. He didn't make that girls' day, he literally changed her perspective on how she saw herself. Also...SUPERKICK PARTY!!!