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Tsurumi got all the wack jobs on his squad


mitch anderson

Yes, the guy peeked in assholes. It was his job as a prison guard

Jeremiah Wagner

Each episode makes me love Golden Kamuy more and more. There are a lot of manipulative antagonists but Tsurumi is just him. Dude didn’t bat an eye when Usami killed that kid. Just said we gonna lie and be done with it

Funny Name

Cant wait for next ep lol

Jet Troy

I have to say Golden Kamuy is one of those shows that blows you away with backstories and characters. Also if i'm remembering right the stick figures were put on in season one by Tsurumi. I agree with Sheera, I don't like those stick figures.

Muse of Salzburg

Specifically for the guy at the start of season 4 who was a poisoner. Had to make sure he didn’t sneak any ingredients in

tracee miasco

what are the chances you guys would react to "dangers in my heart"? It has an offputting start that threw a lot of people off but after episode 3 it will give you diabetes. By offputing start I mean is that when it was airing, it was rated 6/10 at MAL and by diabetes it got rated 8.24/10 after the last episode aired.


Tsurumi was never an "ok" guy. He's always been deeply fucked because he knows how to charm, seduce and manipulate situations with people that have the slightest attraction toward him. That bomb that destoyed his handsome face and frontal lobe also blew away that metaphoric mask that made you think he was an "ok" guy and reveal who he's been the whole time.

Gordon Lou

only to be told that someone wouldn't put such dangerous poisonous ingredients in their ass lol


Heyyy this is so so random but if your looking for a horror movie to react to Malignant is a cool one if you haven’t seen it already.