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are.....are those PANTIES!? Feel like it may have been a small detail we forgot from last season lol



Its the holy relic yes roxy's panties his religion keeps him sane.

Lawlach (edited)

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2023-07-10 23:30:31 Damn forgot about the holy relic
2023-07-10 21:30:08 Damn yall forgot about the holy relic

Damn yall forgot about the holy relic


Remember the holy relic he kept in his room that he got from Roxy the girl that taught him magic

zILovePelmeni _ (edited)

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2023-07-10 23:31:55 I really liked this ep the directing was top tier. lack of music to show how depressed rudes is, the slowmo camera rotation and finally the epic theme when he launches the fireball
2023-07-10 21:30:25 I really liked this ep the directing was top tier. lack of music to show how depressed rudeus is, the slowmo camera rotation and finally the epic theme when he launches the fireball

I really liked this ep the directing was top tier. lack of music to show how depressed rudeus is, the slowmo camera rotation and finally the epic theme when he launches the fireball

Arkan Matlub

It should be season 2x2 not 2x1

mitch anderson

Y'all really forgot about the holy relic


Also that slow mo action scene went so fucking hard bruh


bruh stop I just got flamed by like 30 people for giving them shit for this lmaoo

Moon Glow

Wild y'all forgot about the holy relic... 🙏


It’s Roxy’s panties, his master or the one who taught him magic


I don’t know which is worse at first I thought it was Roxy’s hair that was going to be in there for his panic attacks. It being panties made me have to pause the show.

Hakurei Oni

Don't worry guys I also was like "where the fuck he get panties from"

Jazmyne Mattucci

those panties are the one he stole off Roxy when he was younger. He prays to it n stuff if i remember right since its kinda like his religion he made up or some shit. still weird but ya know.


the panties she nutted in before she left WTF sheera lol jesus😂


@infinity don’t cap nigga. You said some different shit.

Panda (edited)

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2023-07-10 23:57:42 Man you can't forget the holy relic. It's the only part of his perverted nature that makes me actually laugh. Like ofc the dudes most valuable memento of the times and memories of her would be her panties. Something that he has because hes perverted af but turned into the only thing he has left from then giving it actual meaning. The nature of them is so fucking hilarious.
2023-07-10 21:55:21 Man you can't forget the holy relic. It's the only part of his perverted nature that makes me actually laugh. Like ofc the dudes most valuable memento of the times and memories of her would be her panties. Something that he has because hes perverted af but turned into the only thing he has left from then giving it actual meaning. The nature of them is so fucking hilarious. Shit's literally the equivalent of this mans baby blanket.

Man you can't forget the holy relic. It's the only part of his perverted nature that makes me actually laugh. Like ofc the dudes most valuable memento of the times and memories of her would be her panties. Something that he has because hes perverted af but turned into the only thing he has left from then giving it actual meaning. The nature of them is so fucking hilarious. Shit's literally the equivalent of this mans baby blanket.


I’m now realizing them panties about how many years old 😂


Also fun fact yes this is roxy panties the holy relic, but in the light novel he also has eris panties instead of the hair and those are the ones he burns but they changed it to the hair. Eris steals his underwear and leaves her own panties after she smashes rudy 😂🤣

Jarron Taylor

The panties are "The holy relic"😂😭which are the ones we praises to and shit which he stole from Roxy

Walking Stick

The significance is that he's Burning the remnant of Eris which was the hair but he's keeping the Holy Relic (Roxy's Panties) Last season when he found Lilia and her daughter, Lilia gave them in a box that she had kept safe for him.

Hasnain Khan


Chris Tercero

Hey roshi !! Just in case you didn’t catch it … cause it’s been a while . The princess family that we saw last week , was the fam that killed eris grandpa . Same exact castle too


Those are Roxy's from season 1 that he got from the Maid when he saved her and Aisha


They’re roxys panties lmao


NOOOOOOO they forgot the Holy Relic😢

Devin B

There's no way Rudeus was going to burn his holy relic, that reminded him of the good times he had with Roxy during his childhood. The hair definitely had to go though and like the old saying goes the best way to get over old pussy is to get new pussy.




Bruh, they really forgot about the Holy Relic


Episode 0 was a bit of a sleeper in terms of animation and the plot so I was a bit worried it would carry over but man glad ep 1 proved me wrong. Looking forward to this season 🤠


Y'all really forgot! Those are ROXY's panties not Eris

olle spengler

yall really for got the most important plot of mushoku, roxy's holy panties?


Damn they forgot the holy relic of Rudeus’s goddess and savior Roxy


is this show supposed to be this way? i actually dont remember lol. if those were panties it ruined the moment tbh lol

Ginger Dwarf

People in the comments not understanding the holy relic. Disgusting.

Alexander Szabo

Yeah those are Roxy’s panties from the first season lmao

Ginger Dwarf

I assume other people have, but the TL;DR of what Rudeus was grabbing. He grabbed it every time he was in any sort of social situation. His trauma of going outside plagueing him until he pushes through at the end of the episode reminding himself that Roxy helped him see the outside world, and he didn't need a physical memento just to remember that. (My reading of it anyhow. It's along those lines at least. )

Ginger Dwarf

Also. Roxy's panties, not Eris.


Roxy’s panties not Eris

AJJAMES123 156

those are roxys panties the maid gave him when he saved her from the castle

Jacob The weird

They forgot Rudy was a lowkey pervert. That’s his holy relic from Roxy. The maid from S1 literally sent it to him in a box as a gift lol.


Burn the Holy Relic??!?!? YOU BLASPHEMERS!!! TO THE DEPTHS WITH YOU, VILE ONES!!! xD It was Roxies panties that he stole in S1 and used to worship and then he got back (along with the present necklace from Sylphie) from Lilia after he saved her and Aisha.


those are Roxy's panties he took when he was still a kid




I love the defense of the holy relic here 😂 it’s great, but yes blasphemy. The holy relic is a major plot point in all of mushoku tensei 🙆🏽‍♂️


Rudeus stole the panties back when Roxy was teaching him, lost them in the Mana Disaster, and got them back after rescuing Lilia, along with that pendant. The panties are literally the only thing he has left of what was Roxy's, as the amulet she gave him is now with Ruijerd who is who knows where.


It did, though another manga author started adapting it some time ago. IIRC it follows the tone of the source much better than the main manga lmao


That's why mushoku tensei is great. You just don't instantly change just because isekai. Old habits don't instantly change just because you are in a different body. Makes Rudy more human. Sure it's offensive but more believeable human.


Roxy’s panties the one he had in that box that the maid was holding on to when he left


cant believe they forgot about the holy relic. when he got that little heart problem in the guild and was reaching in his sack i fr thought he was gonna have some typa mana illness and have medication but the way he pulled the panties out and its just not mentioned that that "heart problem" was just him being horny and needing panties ☠️


I need a moment to say how much I appreciate them not clowning on Rudy throughout his depression during that first half

Erd'na (edited)

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2023-07-11 01:59:17 For those disgusted by the idea of panties. It represented the happiest moment of his life. Sorta a coping mechanism. His past trauma led him to being a shut in. He's using the panties to remind him of Roxy, remind of home, remember his happiest times. He's trying to move forward and not be same person. Not to hide and shut himself in a corner like in the past. Old habits don't just die because you got isekai. He his still the same person and will continue to same disgusting habits. Makes the character Rudeus more more human in my perspective.
2023-07-10 23:43:19 For those disgusted by the idea of panties. It represents the happiest moment of this life. Using it as some sort of coping mechanism. His past trauma led him to being a shut in. He's using the panties to remind him of Roxy, remind of home, remember his happiest times. Trying to forget his depression. He's trying to move forward and not be same person. Not to act the same way as in the past. Hide and shut himself in a corner. But old habits don't just die because you got reincarnated. He is still the same person and will continue to have the same disgusting habits from time to time. If you still don't get it. He's like an recovering addict , trying his best to keep himself clean. Makes the character Rudeus more human in my perspective.

For those disgusted by the idea of panties. It represents the happiest moment of this life. Using it as some sort of coping mechanism. His past trauma led him to being a shut in. He's using the panties to remind him of Roxy, remind of home, remember his happiest times. Trying to forget his depression. He's trying to move forward and not be same person. Not to act the same way as in the past. Hide and shut himself in a corner. But old habits don't just die because you got reincarnated. He is still the same person and will continue to have the same disgusting habits from time to time. If you still don't get it. He's like an recovering addict , trying his best to keep himself clean. Makes the character Rudeus more human in my perspective.


Lol. Those are Roxy’s panties he stole when he was a little kid.

britt m

Yall forgot about the holy relic?! Lmaoo that shit is burned into my memory 🤣😭 plus the fact that he's had it for so long... 💀


How in the hell did you forget about the panties? It was one of the biggest things in the first season. It literally kept being brought back into the series constantly cause it was Rudy's holy relic.


bro hasn't watched a second of s1

Fernando Perez

It’s crazy I didn’t even realize those were Roxy’s panties until now I thought it was a damn handkerchief 💀

Noel Cruz

The holy relic returns 😂😂


Glad he ain’t going to sulk over his little cousin for a season

Fernando Perez

Have people really been doing that? Smh These the same type of mfs who tell their depressed friends “Just be happy lol”


can't believe there wasn't a single "help the bear!" joke.


That necklace he was holding at the end is the one Sylphie made for his birthday. It was in the same box Roxy's panties were in that Lillia gave him after he rescued her and Aisha. Also you were right Roshi this show has never had an opening it just shows story while the credits roll though there usually is a song over it


I am just saying its the fact that it was such a big thing in season 1. If it were just a pair of panties that got brought up once I completely understand forgetting about them. They made a big deal about roxy's panties being his holy relic tho.

FreshxEli Tv

Not gonna LIE IF HE DIDNT burn her fucking Hair I was Dead Ass Going To Drop The Entire Anime like I swear Rudeus is my least Favorite out of Subaru &Takamichi

Fernando Perez

Again, it’s been a little while. For a couple of people, some of those details kinda blur out a little after 2 years. Then you also have slow folks like me who didn’t even realize those were the panties lol. I would’ve probably remembered if I had noticed, but I just thought they were something else 💀

Fernando Perez

I have no idea how you can even tolerate this show if you hate Rudy so damn much lol. The story is about him and his journey.


those panties got all kinds of bacteria bro

Fernando Perez

I know he ain’t never wash them. They’re like what, 10 years old at this point at least? That thing gotta stink 💀


Nah Rudy, noone wants to hear your serious ass dialogue after you just sniffed someone’s panties 💀


Bro they've watched like 50-100+ shows after season one ended... yeah don't expect em to remember 100% of the show, especially since the panties are mainly for comedy


Not blood related doe, and he's still traumatized by it, we'll still see how he struggles with trust issues due to that

Darren Banks

damn. they really said f the holy relic lol

Fernando Perez

They kinda are blood related, just very loosely. She’s the daughter of his dad’s cousin. So they’re second cousins, but that’s about as much blood relation as strangers. They’re more childhood friends than family. Also I’m pretty sure she’s older than him.

Homeskilletbiscuits (edited)

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2023-07-11 03:57:53 In the LN it was actually Eris' underwear that he burned. She gave him hers and took his. But I actually like that they changed it to a lock of hair to show that he had something from each of the girls. It also makes more sense since Eris cut her hair off before leaving.
2023-07-11 01:55:34 In the LN it was actually Eris' underwear that he burned. She gave him hers and took his. But I actually like that they changed it to a lock of hair to show that he had something from each of the girls. It also makes more sense since Eris cut her hair off before leaving. However, I will admit that the underwear felt like it held more meaning behind it. It was like Eris exchanged a piece of herself with him before leaving instead of Rudeus just picking up a random lock of her hair that she left behind and holding on to it.

In the LN it was actually Eris' underwear that he burned. She gave him hers and took his. But I actually like that they changed it to a lock of hair to show that he had something from each of the girls. It also makes more sense since Eris cut her hair off before leaving. However, I will admit that the underwear felt like it held more meaning behind it. It was like Eris exchanged a piece of herself with him before leaving instead of Rudeus just picking up a random lock of her hair that she left behind and holding on to it.

Kyle DeForest

Bro can't just burn the Holy Relic



Vincent S Deluca

Nah Rudeus leagues better than either of them, Suburu is eh and Takemitchy is probably my least fav character in all of anime and why I dropped Tokyo Revengers, Rudeus while pervy is an objectively great character

Vincent S Deluca

He kept a lock of her hair from the end of S1, she cut it off and left it with him and he’s been keeping it to remember her

Jaime Martinez

Rudeus: “If you ever see me fighting in the forest with a grizzly bear. HELP THE BEAR!"

FreshxEli Tv

Man I’m trying I really do love it but after the whole dragon god situation don’t even get me started on Aris I don’t completely hate Rudy I honestly was hoping they didn’t go on a arc with him crying over her every episode IM HAPPY THEY BURNED HER HAIR so he can move along

FreshxEli Tv

😂okay that’s a valid take takemitchy definitely is extremely worst if Lupa was here rn He’d definitely say Subaru is 1 billion percent worst than everyone lol

FreshxEli Tv

Because I fw dragon god story direction & also I want to see who is even stronger than him tbh !!!! Also want Rudy to find his family & find out who teleported an entire country’s residents idk if it was the whole continent but definitely the country


And again, that is my point. If they didn't make a big deal about the panties multiple times in a row for most of the season I could understand how a random pair of panties would be forgotten. They remember a lot of things but the panties were completely forgotten about. It isn't as if the panties were a one and done thing. I watch a ton of shows as well. Never understand the point of arguing with "they have seen so many shows" as if other people don't watch a ton of other shows either.

Fernando Perez

You act like the panties have actually been a pivotal part of the main story, when it was mostly just a running gag for Rudeus’s perversion in the first season. Hell I don’t even remember when it got brought up in part 2 of S1 aside from the part when Lilia returned them. It’s great that you remembered, but not everyone is going to remember everything aside from the big story beats.

Kwaku Afari (edited)

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2023-07-11 05:16:18 Ya'll forget Redeus is an S tier pantie thief
2023-07-11 03:15:07 Ya'll forget Redeus is an S tier pantie thief and those are Roxy's panties

Ya'll forget Redeus is an S tier pantie thief and those are Roxy's panties


did people fall asleep or explode reading my comment? lol i said ii dont remember the show. i even forgot it was an isekai. so i thought it was just an out of place joke but now i am refreshed

Oh Alone

Mostly the protagonist in every series develops from decent to great, but in this series, it just from bad to decent


Roshi never changed the last ep to 2x0 so we have to ep 1’s now lol

Chris Riley

Dawg I can’t picture a scenario where crying into a pair of used panties is not the Nastiest of business lmao but throw in keeping a bundle of hair into the mix too yooo thank god he got rid of all that shit 😂


He didn't. It was Eris's hair. He still has the panties


Eris is older, she is also his second cousin, maybe, we learn in season 1 that Eris' father had to send his sons to someone, I can't really remember, brother maybe? Because he lost the succession, and it is ambiguous if he was actually Sauros' (Eris' grandfather) son in the first place, or if he was "adopted" like his sons were.


I think in the LN Lilia washes them, but this is like 3 years since he got them back from her lmao

Emiliano Ruiz Chong

Those are Roxy's panties, remember that Rudeus even prayed and worshipped them even in his childhood.

by chances

From what I remember that's Roxy's panties from ages ago he said it's his holy relic and what's her name the maid brought it to him when they finally reunited.


Yea but the panties where the “Holy Relic” 😂

Fernando Perez

@Pauloty I was about to say. My man was pinching Eris’s nipples like bruh. He’s on another level 💀

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

Those were Roxy’s from way back. I think she even knew about it too but I could be wrong 🤣


Rudeus: siri, play Juiceworld


Fun fact: In the novels, after their first time Rudeus comes back to the tent and can't find his own underpants (Silently implying that Eris took 'em) and so he takes Eris' panties with him, that was supposed to be the item he burns, between Roxys and Eris' panties, he burns Eris' and keeps praying to Roxys for that extra "I'm moving on and leaving you behind" but I guess they went with the hair in the anime :D


How can y’all forget about the Holy Relic!


I really missed this show


The panties are his Master's - Roxy.

Oscar Barcelo

You also need to remember that the author constantly reminds us that rudeus past live was one of a degenerate. You supposed to dislike his old self while embracing his new changed self. I believe people forget that trauma and habits are extremely difficult to overcome. A lot of people in the world don't have the mental strength to overcome a lot of difficulties, which is why the anime communities tends to like characters that just instantly overcome there hardships and get insta power boost or stuff along that line. I like this character because you can see overtime that hes trying to change, But sometimes he falls and falls hard, which could lead him back to old habits or a state of depression which is what were seeing here. He has 30+ years as a degenerates, so i can see him not easily breaking it in his early childhood. forgot his age but what is he 10+ years right now? maybe early teens. Well I'm just saying that people have a tendency to overlook things in a character which you most likely will miss what the author is trying to portray.

Oscar Barcelo

I see a lot of people commenting about the hair and his state of depression in a negative way where i feel like your missing the bigger picture. You also need to remember that the author constantly reminds us that rudeus past life was one of a degenerate. You're supposed to dislike his old self while embracing his new changed self. I believe people forget that trauma and habits are extremely difficult to overcome. A lot of people in the world don't have the mental strength to overcome a lot of difficulties, which is why the anime communities tends to like characters that just instantly overcome there hardships and get insta power boost or stuff along that line. I like this character because you can see overtime that he's trying to change, But sometimes he falls and falls hard, which could lead him back to old habits or a state of depression which is what were seeing here. He has 30+ years as a degenerates, so I can see him not easily breaking it in his early childhood. You also have to remember that some people can go their entire life and not change a single thing about them. Forgot his age but what is he 10+ years right now? maybe early teens. Well I'm just saying that people have a tendency to overlook things in a character which you most likely will miss what the author is trying to portray. Feel free to add to this discussion, would like to read some more points on this.


I was feeling for Rudeus till he whipped out the panties. This mf is something else


nigga said he tryna summon her with a tuft of hair n some panties LMFAOOOO


I was team Rudy until he pulled the panties out of his pocket. This boy is built different lmao


This should have more likes cus im ngl i did not catch that thank you


I'm still team Rudy, son said I'll burn the hair but I'm keeping the panties for life

Matrim Hall

The panties are Roxy's iirc

Jett Gremory

I aint gonna lie, Im dissapointed in rudeus A whole ass 40+ year old man got depressed after his 15 year old girlfriend left him with a note that explained her reason for leaving. Then what he does later as well, it just dissapointing. Like bro actually wanted to die in front of that bear even though his the rest of his family is still in peril just cause eris left


burn the what? Those are holy relics, you dont burn it

Damarcus Miller (edited)

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2023-07-11 18:32:01 Disappointed because he build a connection with her? Yo y’all be on my man Rudeus ass 24/7😂😂😂 is he 40 years old in this new world? Do he have to wait until he turn 40 in this new world to experience love again?? Like that shit doesn’t make sense LMFAO y’all might as well stop that 40 year old crap cause it really doesn’t matter anymore! Or should he as a (KID) try to fw somebody older as they see him as a (KID) like use your brain
2023-07-11 16:25:55 Disappointed because he build a connection with her? Yo y’all be on my man Rudeus ass 24/7😂😂😂 is he 40 years old in this new world? Do he have to wait until he turn 40 in this new world to experience love again(or any emotion) ?? Like that shit doesn’t make sense LMFAO y’all might as well stop that 40 year old crap cause it really doesn’t matter anymore! Or should he as a (KID) try to fw somebody older as they see him as a (KID) like use your brain

Disappointed because he build a connection with her? Yo y’all be on my man Rudeus ass 24/7😂😂😂 is he 40 years old in this new world? Do he have to wait until he turn 40 in this new world to experience love again(or any emotion) ?? Like that shit doesn’t make sense LMFAO y’all might as well stop that 40 year old crap cause it really doesn’t matter anymore! Or should he as a (KID) try to fw somebody older as they see him as a (KID) like use your brain

Damarcus Miller

Rudeus is the only MC that can’t experience emotions because of how old he was in his old life.. that got to be the most retarded shit ever 😩😂😂


The Holy Relic that used to belong to Roxy! (And don't worry guys, it has been established last season they got washed lol)


While I getcha, I have to point out Eris' note explained nothing lol It basically said "We're not good for each other", which to a guy who has an entire life before this one that was dominated by self-esteem trauma who just lost his virginity would sound like she was saying "Man you trash at sex, I need someone better, bye" and that shit triggers the lingering trauma he never properly faced up until about now. Yeah, it's messed up how depressed he got and how willing to die he was despite knowing he's got Zenith to find, but that's what depression does to you.


also this second life he finally became happy and was on a goal make money and get him and Sylphiette to magic school and just marry her and live a simple life but then the magic explosion left all his family all over and while it might not have looked he was lucky enough to survive the most dangerous place in the world and come out somewhat sane. he wanted to master magic to keep everyone safe but just him trying to stay alive is too much work and he knows the longer he take she less chance they have at finding his mom alive or just to get closure.

Damarcus Miller

It’s basically starting to show his development as a character won’t be an easy journey. This is where it starts & you see towards the end of the episode he starts to wake up and realize he got things he needs to take care of. That’s why I love Rudeus as a character because of those emotions & experiences.. people (not you) act like he’s suppose to have balls of steel because he’s a grown man but there’s alot of things he still have to experience. I just wanted to point out to everyone to forget that age thing because if they keep holding on to that their going to miss out on Rudeus journey to becoming a badass in the future lol

Adamantite Momon

But look at this way...him ready to die because he is depressed his gf left him when his "Mother" needs him to rescue her is fucked up.

Sage Robinson

Yes his teacher's panties lol


just when i start to fw rudeus again bro pulling out some panties this nigga 😂😂


"Small" detail. Those were Roxy's all the way back from the first few episodes, then later brought back by Lilia, and Aisha no longer hated him thinking that he was a pervert, because she understood that it was him keeping a memento of someone close to him, just like her getting his head protector. The necklace that he was holding up was also Sylphie's present that Lilia was holding onto in the same box as the panties. The "weird" part about the panties is that he worships them because he calls Roxy a goddess. Obviously a normal person wouldn't be holding onto them the way he does, but the anime is about his growth, and the growth that he's gone through is only about the same as his physical age, as he was basically just a child in a man's body when he died.

Jett Gremory (edited)

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2023-07-12 00:05:59 I get it hes not 40 anymore hes 12 or something. My case is that he as a grown man read her letter that perfectly explained why she left & became so depressed for several weeks & even gave up on his original goal on saving his family. Bro literly was fine with dying in this episode
2023-07-11 22:04:12 DamarcusMiller I get it hes not 40 anymore hes 12 or something. My case is that he as a grown man read her letter that perfectly explained why she left & became so depressed for several weeks & even gave up on his original goal on saving his family. Bro literly was fine with dying in this episode

DamarcusMiller I get it hes not 40 anymore hes 12 or something. My case is that he as a grown man read her letter that perfectly explained why she left & became so depressed for several weeks & even gave up on his original goal on saving his family. Bro literly was fine with dying in this episode

Jett Gremory

Lord touchMe Eris said she loved Rudeus in the letter didnt she? I get the depresion aspect but its just a problem I have with the character. Even later on


This was one of my favorite roshi lines in a long while lmao.


Idk maybe because they literally watch different shows after another lol you think they gonna care about some fucking panties

Shin splits

To be fair the note could have been taken either way depending on how you read it. Also it’s definitely not just Eris leaving that’s affecting him. His whole town was gone 75% of the he knew were probably dead. Presumes sylphy is dead and his mom missing. Eris and rujerd were the last things he had (obviously Paul is alive but they aren’t gonna meet again anytime soon) rujered left and then Eris left. Considering he was also abandoned in his past life it’s perfectly normal for him to feel that way. Depression affects anyone at any age doesn’t matter if he’s 12 or 40

Jett Gremory

Shin splits I get you, but Im not a fan of overly depressed characters. I like Re:Zero but cant stand Subaru. I really like Eris & dont like how Rudeus took any of it, Yes he lost some people but his response later this season is to (Spoilers) go to school & find a girl so he can get hard again? It hurt me so much to read & even now to watch


im ngl this perverted stuff is really overpowering


Her letter literally explained nothing at all lol basically just said "I'm out peace dawg" Her letter definitely didn't even mention the word love, it was like 5 words in total

Knightmares (edited)

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2023-07-12 17:32:24 Y'all skipping the point. Rudeus is mentally weak asf. He is not the strong will driven typical shonen MC he his very emotionally fragile which is comprehensible 'cause it would 'cause emotional damage for anyone to be expose naked it front of their school and that's probably only one of many. He is weak minded by design from the autor. From Rudeus point this new life is a start over but now he is questioning himself wondering if his past life is repeating itself. Over something trivial? Yes but hey... this trauma in a nutshell for ya
2023-07-12 15:31:55 Y'all skipping the point. Rudeus is mentally weak asf. He is not the strong will driven typical shonen MC he his very emotionally fragile which is comprehensible 'cause it would 'cause emotional damage for anyone to be expose naked it front of their school and that's probably only one of many. He is weak minded by design from the autor. From Rudeus point this new life is a start over but now he is questioning himself wondering if his past life is repeating itself. Over something trivial? Yes but hey... this is trauma in a nutshell for ya

Y'all skipping the point. Rudeus is mentally weak asf. He is not the strong will driven typical shonen MC he his very emotionally fragile which is comprehensible 'cause it would 'cause emotional damage for anyone to be expose naked it front of their school and that's probably only one of many. He is weak minded by design from the autor. From Rudeus point this new life is a start over but now he is questioning himself wondering if his past life is repeating itself. Over something trivial? Yes but hey... this is trauma in a nutshell for ya

zILovePelmeni _

Jett Gremory Rudy has the mentalitiy of a 40 year old but his brain is 13 years old.


He def doesn’t have the mentality of a 40 year old ahaha, even before being isekai’d he was a child in a man’s body


this dude got furry porn on this twitter and he talkin about this show being too degen for him. wild.


I have no other word to describe the main character but as CRINGY as fuck.

Account Name

Then stop watching, if you didn't watch it then you wouldn't know that. This is season 2 ffs, watch something else if you're gonna bitch and whine.


How about I still call him cringey as fuck and still watch the show. Follow your own advice, don’t read the comments if you get triggered 😂


I wanna inject this show straight into my eyeballs I need more

Xan Acktor

Yeah Rudeus can be cringy af sometimes. But thats why i like him a lot. He feels like a real human character compared to your traditional anime isekai MC. Like imagine saying stupid stuff and doing stupid things all the time am i right


Tanky bears, but Megumin's explosion does 999 or 9,999 or 99,999 damage or some shit, so they would've been wiped out. Carrying her through the snow is a small price to pay for that powerful magic.


You would've cussed him out AFTER he saved your pathetic ass? Okay, makes sense. Sound logic right there lmfao. Listen, doesn't fucking matter if it's late, as long as it's not "too" late, and that he actually did it. Petty af to be bitching about him not doing anything when he actually finally stepped up and did something. Imagine harping on someone for the effort they put in to scrounge up some courage and will, just cuz they couldn't earlier. Pathetic.


They would probably think his teacher was Eris at this point lmao. Gotta be specific that they're Roxy's.


Wiped out, until the next batch of bears came in and cleaned house. Wouldn't have to worry about carrying her nowhere lol


Why are the comments on this series so fucking cringey

john segun doe

plz tell me you are joking & you are not THIS UNNECESSARILY "PASSIONATE" over a small throw away comment a reactor said most likely as joke but even it was serious it was made about a freakin make believe character... Seriously? DUDE OR DUDET time to analyze and reassess some perspectives....... i mean 0_0

☆~Nyaa~☆ (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-09 19:28:01 man, ya'll still get spoiled from comments (regarding the reason for Sylphie's hair color change)... ppl just cant stay quiet and let the anime explain it when it wants to.
2023-08-09 17:27:21 man, ya'll still get spoiled from comments... ppl just cant stay quiet and let the anime explain it when it wants to.

man, ya'll still get spoiled from comments... ppl just cant stay quiet and let the anime explain it when it wants to.

Dylan Culbertson

Did bro pay for a patreon subscription just to be a hater. Now that's pathetic if you ask me


Man if this dude won’t drop his nuts and move on🤣😭