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See yall in October!


Omar Bautista

If anyone wants to read next episodes start off in volume 14


you guys should give kengan ashura a try. such a hidden gem series


I don't remember when we were told (probably in S1), but we've known that Senku and Byakuya aren't biologically related. I do think you're right about Senku's biological father being relevant in some way, as it would be odd to bring up again otherwise. I'm glad you guys enjoyed the first cour of Season 3. I did as well. October is gonna be awesome!

Hasnain Khan



It's been a while which is probably why y'all don't remember, Season 1 it was mentioned Senku wasn't his biological son

Jakohbe White

Yea it was in season one when they figured out that the village was named after senku and byakuya

Devin B

Yeah he mentioned it after Kohaku was thinking she was related to Senku

JsnSkg (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-16 01:01:15 No, it is not the last arc, far from it. We have at least two more seasons worth of content left, and here's hoping all of it gets adapted.
2023-06-15 22:51:11 No, it is not the last arc, far from it. We have at least two more full 24-ep seasons worth of content left, and here's hoping all of it gets adapted.

No, it is not the last arc, far from it. We have at least two more full 24-ep seasons worth of content left, and here's hoping all of it gets adapted.

Gabby Boakye-yiadom

Reading the manga I couldn't help but be skeptical that the reason they made that excuse regarding Senku and Byakuya despite their clear similarities in design was to avoid incest accusations towards implied potential relationships like Kohaku (Even though ironically they also in said revelation state how if Senku pursued such a thing it wouldn't matter because 3700 year gene gap.)

Gabby Boakye-yiadom

Byakuya working tirelessly for decades in the river growing old was the first moment in the manga that made me want to tear up. By the end they probably thought he was just insane, he didn't even know if his efforts were going to pay off. But to have the dedication for a future he wouldn't even be a part of just so Senku'd have a chance cemented as one of the top characters to me.

Vincent S Deluca

Byakuya not being Senkus dad isn’t new they’ve been over this several times lol, he’s pretty much his adoptive father, they went over that when they first got to the village, they asked if they were all descendants of Senku and he said no cause him and Byakuya aren’t related by blood


They legit revealed that senku's "dad" wasn't really his dad all the way back in season 1 lmao


Yeah, I couldn't remember which season it was but when they re-revealed that shit, I made me wonder the exact thing Roshi said.


Sheera tries to throw out too many jokes sometimes. It takes away from the reaction depending on when she does them. I never thought I would find a woman openly be more perverted than I was when I was a teenager. She throws out more nasty jokes than I would have thought of as a kid. Not that I have a problem with all of it. Some of her jokes do hit pretty well. I just wish she didn't try to throw out one after the other.

Kumi Chan

They all make nasty jokes, but sheera throws it out at a rapid pace, it’s understandable

Emiliano Ruiz Chong

Responding to Sheera, this is by far not the last arc of the series. Currently we are in the 3rd season, but with the amount of content the manga has, I would say we can probably reach around the 8th to 10th season. We are just getting started. You better be ready because it is just going to get even crazier and more awesome than this. I can't wait.


nah i know the truth. senkus dad is that jafar looking mf. jafar knows magic so he is like immortal or something


manga people help me, how tf the disk at the end of season 1 ended up in the ishigami village if the astronauts died on the island? am i missing something? or is that going to be explained later on?

Henrique I. Pereira

Probably that stone with the disc was just brought with many of the people who left treasure island and went to ishigami village


I feel like they said they werent blood related back in season 1😂


Yeah, after a number of generations your not anymore related to your ancestors than you are a regular person on the street (genetically at least)


Byakuya had his descendants migrate with it to Japan so Senku would know to come to the island for platinum


at this pace there will be 4-5 more seasons before Dr. Stone is over

Joshua Burns

We knew they weren’t related from season one they said that long before now


Senku being adopted is just the excuse so that senku can end up with kohaku without it being weird


I still don't think it'd be that weird with so many generations in between. Three whole millennia.... plus seven centuries. Nobody's gonna give a flying fuck after that long.

Kameron Renae

They said byakuya wasn’t his father in season 1 lol when he met the village, they were like omg are we related? And he said no cause he wasn’t his real father.

Brian Estepa

Idk if youre joking but its already not weird... theres literally centuries and centuries of generations in between them. They are effectively not related at all.

Argo TheSlicer

its weird now cause you talking like its weird


If they end the season where I think they will, they can have a hell of a cliffhanger.


Senku’s dad made me cry

Drake Rage (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-17 21:31:41 Yeah they had said they weren't related a long time ago, that is why I was very moved when they were showing Senku's childhood originally (Season 1?), Senku's Dad was super dope because he raised Senku with so much love and care, he funded Senku's experiments, just full of positivity and support, an absolutely brilliant parent.
2023-06-17 19:27:55 Yeah they had said they weren't related a long time ago, that is why I was very moved when they were showing Senku's childhood originally (Season 1?), Senku's Dad was super dope because he raised Senku with so much love and care even though they weren't related. He funded Senku's experiments, just full of positivity and support, an absolutely brilliant parent.

Yeah they had said they weren't related a long time ago, that is why I was very moved when they were showing Senku's childhood originally (Season 1?), Senku's Dad was super dope because he raised Senku with so much love and care even though they weren't related. He funded Senku's experiments, just full of positivity and support, an absolutely brilliant parent.

Angelo Marchantt

Do you mean four or five more seasons or just a season 4 and a season 5. Cause if it this the former then you are waaaaaayyy off in that calculation even considering small seasons

Angelo Marchantt

There's always gonna be that one guy that was gonna go "actually they are related so It's gross" so this just cleans every idiotic posible comment about it


4-5 more 11 episode seasons. We are exactly halfway through the series and that took 46 episodes and an OVA.


I'd heard that this was the final season. I'm happy to hear that's not the case.

Sunshine Hall

Bro Ibara's voice actor is insane