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we are doing a movie tomorrow, here are the two options.

*green goblin voice* "NOW CHOOSE!"


Andrew shultz

Idk if this is the right place to comment this but I just realized the new That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime movie is on Crunchyroll. Any chance we can get a reaction to this?


Both eventually if possible. D&D would be funnier though, but John Wick was dope


Would it be possible to do the other movie later? Dungeons and Dragons is hilarious and I know it would be a good reaction from you guys.


Smh… john wick really? 😢

Ryan Ott

dungeions & dragons was so MID

Azayzel Hoarde

Ngl i loved both these movies and would watch again at anytime my hands are tied hope you enjoy both of them


Both of these are absolutely PHENOMENAL choices, if for different reasons.



eh there are better ones out there


Hope y’all end up doing the DND movie at some point


if you liked the women king, you should check out women back into the kitchen. HIGHLY RECOMMEND


Honestly, I prefer misogynist gets laughed at by enby lesbian for their trash attempt at a joke that only shows how pitiful their existence must be to fall back on pathetic incel humour. Titles have been getting really long recently, but they definitely let you know what you're in for.

Erica Collins

YES it got a lot of hate for not being historically accurate BUT it was still really good imo! They should definitely watch it one day!