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got buddy outta here real fast!


Danger Tomato

Hopefully this ends this month

Danger Tomato

This amazing show I hope we get way more quickly you know, I'm just itching for this show like a crackhead

Mari (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-11 22:32:07 Definitely, I can tell since you’re the first person to comment
2023-05-11 20:23:46 Definitely, I can tell since you’re the first person to comment 😑😑

Definitely, I can tell since you’re the first person to comment 😑😑

J Man


J Man

37:27 I can't believe Roshi pulled out the Intervention cry meme! :D

Barbara Mcfadden

Nah being irresponsible would be trying to kill that thing in the bathroom. The lady wasn’t even a bad monster before turning into that and she seems to have this thing where she protects kids. Trying to kill the baby cacoon most likely wouldn’t work and it might try to kill them even if they attempted. I would have just left it alone and maybe even changed rooms 😭

Hasnain Khan



No problem, I’ll always be here for you ❤️❤️


A few things. That flashback of the courtroom scene was of the gangster’s past. Including that that fire scene when you see a man screaming for the gangster to run away is also from his past. That scene was correlate to the pedophile and the Korean justice system. With the main character Cha hyun su . He’s extremely depressed and on the verge of suicide including self harming himself due to so far unknown reasons why yet. Because he’s that way that’s why he speaks in a low murmur often , doesn’t really look people in the eyes and is seemingly willing to let people talk down or walk all over him. It’s due to something in his past which he will learn in the episode 7 and in episode 6 we learn more into the gangster’s past

Asad Khabir

See what I mean everything feels rushed and dragged out at the same time. Like they spent 17 hours on gangstar dude dragging the body out and bringing the other ones in, tried to close the shutter, had a mini showdown and then fainted.


Well I mean he got hit in the head twice with a sledgehammer and he was running on adrenaline after that. It wasn’t until he finally dragged the two bodies inside that he finally started feeling the pain

Asad Khabir

What? I am not complaining about him fainting. I am complaining about how much they dragged an ultimately pointless scene out.


I’m surprised that nigga was still conscious let alone alive bro got cracked in the back of the head twice with that hammer 😭


It’s like told you before. He got hit twice in the back of the head with a sledgehammer. So he’s not going to be moving around obviously as we would normally even with the adrenaline spike. Plus the whole reason he dragged those two bodies in was because the mother asked him earlier to do that.

Asad Khabir

He shouldn't be moving around at all because he would likely be dead. The show isn't going for any realistic aspects. When a Director is writing this scene they don't go 'ok so the guy just got hit by a hammer and he probably has a concussion'. What the Director is likely thinking is 'ok so that sideplot just ended but I still need to pad out that extra 5 minutes.' Which is why that scene is so slow and why I am complaining.

Tsunami Wave

The things are nearly immortal, I am NOT taking my chances to shoot that cocoon. Especially since the monster you turn into is based on desire, so she could have already become immortal and would just turn that whole room into a blender if he shot her.


Yeah I agree. The smartest thing that he did was close the door and lock it lol


Ok. Good for you. However I’ve seen this drama a handful of times so I think I know a little bit more than you on whether or not the scene made any sense or even if it was dragged out. I already tried to explain to you what happened a few scenes before and why despite him being hit in the back of the head twice he was moving around like that. Adrenaline rush. Which is an actual thing. But good luck with you and your theories .

Jurassic Jordan

Day 5 :watch Midnight Gospel pls

Asad Khabir

Uhh what? Yes I know adrenaline rush is a thing but so is subdural hematoma. If this was real life he would probably be dead from the blood vessels in the back of his head rupturing and forming a blood clot. Not sure how much medical knowledge you have but 'adrenaline rush' doesn't stop your head from being caved in. The adrenaline explaination is nonsense because the show isn't really adhering to real life. It's a stupid subplot that they padded out.


Uhh it’s a tv show about a monster apocalypse. Of course none of this is real . You do understand that right ?


Hopefully it doesn’t end this month and they can take their time watching it 😃

Asad Khabir

Yes. You are the one who is acting like it's real life by bringing up medical explanations to things that are just a writing decision. The reason Pyeon Sang Wook took 7 hours to drag those bodies out is not because he is coming down from an adrenaline rush, it's 7 hours long because that's what the director wanted. Which is why it's a bad scene. They could have shortened this scene, and dedicated that runtime to other subplots with better payoff.

Shadow Garden


Asad Khabir

Ok but how does no one understand my comment? I don't care about realism. The other person is bringing up real life explanations for fictional situations. I literally said that the actual reason is because the show writers gave him invincibility and then took it away.

Aniki Pft

@Asad Khabir There's so much to criticize about the show, but this is probably the most minute complaint ever. You're worried about things adhering to real life while you have monsters jerking off in corners and firefighters tackling these monsters like fucking linebackers. The pacing of the show is incredibly questionable, some of the scenes are directed in ways it feels super chaotic, some of the characters are "what the fuck" but you're focused on Kiryu Kazama getting hit in the head while this mf fought a monster with his barehands. You're in the wrong place for realism buddy.


You’re the arrogantly down talking to me a person that has actually seen this drama more than once about what you assume the director’s intentions were based off your one viewing of this show . I was only trying to help explain to you what was going on because you seemed lost but my mistake. Please continue with your ill informed opinions/theories


@Anikipft that’s what threw me off about that comment. Like out of all the things to criticize about the drama. That’s the one they chose ? Like you said it’s a fictional show with fictional characters with fictional scenarios.

Asad Khabir

Ok I am not sure why you keep bringing up that I have only watched the show once when I have literally never stated how many times I have watched the show. That aside, I am not talking down to you. I just explained to you why your reasoning makes no sense. He was running on adrenaline rush, maybe he is just superhuman. It doesn't matter because neither of that is explicitly mentioned in the show. I am criticizing the writing decision to drag that scene out. Mate you have terrible comprehension skills and watching the show multiple times isn't going to help you with that.


You’re criticizing something that doesn’t really need criticism. You don’t even know me to judge anything about me and my comprehension skills. Watching the show multiple times helps me seen things that I maybe missed on my previous viewings or maybe understand something that I was confused by originally. Which is the very definition of comprehension. Trying to actually understand something . Pretentious asshole

Asad Khabir

No it does warrant criticism when you are cutting out plot relevant explanations from the webcomic and inserting dumb shit like this. Every person that I know that have watched this show still don't understand how the curse works because they don't even explain it properly. What took the webcomic like a few chapters to explain still stupefies watchers of this show.


Watch midnight mass on Netflix


so like my desire is to reach my son so you turn me into luffy?......well okay then gomu gomu no!!!!!!


If he shot that thing it might immediately turn hostile and kill them. As far as we know, theses things can't be killed, only momentarily incapacitated.


Damn you didn’t need to do him like that 😭


For all the strange stuff in this show, it will never surpass the firefighter dad in All of are Dead being shot at with 10 mags of SMG ammunition and being hit like once.


Wesker always doing the RP slow walk acting like he's John Souls only to get tased or fucked up against actual threats


if you really are interested in this concept and want to experience it 110% better please go read Sweet Home. Its the source material and its so much better.


I think the weirdest thing with the show is the camera angles and the scene transitions. I be so confused sometimes as to wtf just happened


(shoulda reacted to succession/snowfall instead)

Drake Rage


J Man

I know right. That damn Intervention Cry meme!

sotonye ogan

after 4 hours of making jollof rice time to sit back and watch man

Justin Neason

LMAO Lupa at the end 'this show doin too much now' fr


my african brother was the jollof rice nice


i wanna how and why this show won the poll

Uly A O

I believe in the webtoon, she decided to turn into something that would be harmless. Knowing there would be no turning back. I don't think they did the best job of depicting that. But the baby never makes an appearance again, if I remember correctly.

The GoDKing 27

They did not do the Webtoon justice. The camera angle are done by a drunkard and they must have been low on bugdet.

Kumi Chan

Sheera's got a point. That crutch gun only has a few uses before it breaks.


Don’t get wrong it is it’s also just random

Dark Shogun

I think the guy that made it mentioned that it had three uses. He used one on the eye guy. He said he had one in case a monster broke into his place. The last one was to take himself out.

Lamaree Jackson

Why has this felt like the longest five episodes of a show to get through?


It takes four hours to make it? I def need to try some

sotonye ogan

Yeah Cooking wise I would say about 3 hrs but extra shit to set up and clean takes an extra hour


She changed to be harmless that’s why she’s a baby it really wasn’t well depicted but it can be inferred especially with her love for kids


man I hate that this is the show y’all voted for 😭


The crutch gun only fires 3 rounds.


this is way different from the masterpiece that was the webtoon


Love the "Gangster's" story reveal - And the brutal NEEDED judgement he casted.