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Eminence in shadow today?


Peakland Saga

Fernando Perez

I genuinely teared up this episode. The part where Gardar and his son run over to each other fucked me up bad



Ruben Pomp

this is so peak man

Theo Vorster (edited)

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2023-05-02 23:47:23 For those who are interested in reading along with the manga, this episode adapted all of chapter 86. Though the anime also greatly expanded the events of the second half of episode, with Gardar’s passing having many anime original additions added to it. And wow, I wasn’t sure if the Vinland Saga anime expanding chapter 86 of the manga into an entire episode would work, but was so amazing. It actually brought me to physical tears it was so emotional (and unless it’s pet-related, not much media can do that easily to me).l Also there were more small bits of dialogue added to hint at Snake’s likely backstory with the the Byzantine Empire (also known as the Eastern Roman Empire), during the reign of Basil II. As the term “Miklagard” (meaning The Great City) was the name vikings gave to Byzantium-Constantinople-Istanbul (the capital of the Byzantine Empire, and one of the largest cities vikings had ever encountered, hence the name they referred to it by). Snake having been a former warrior of Miklagard is a further hint of him having likely been a member of the Varangian Guard, an elite unit of personal guards to the Byzantine emperors, primarily composed of Northern European recruits.
2023-05-02 21:44:45 For those who are interested in reading along with the manga, this episode adapted all of chapter 86. Though the anime also greatly expanded the events of the second half of episode, with Gardar’s passing having many anime original additions added to it. And wow, I wasn’t sure if the Vinland Saga anime expanding chapter 86 of the manga into an entire episode would work, but was so amazing. It actually brought me to physical tears it was so emotional (and unless it’s pet-related, not much media can do that easily to me). Also there were more small bits of dialogue added to hint at Snake’s likely backstory with the the Byzantine Empire (also known as the Eastern Roman Empire), during the reign of Basil II. As the term “Miklagard” (meaning The Great City) was the name vikings gave to Byzantium-Constantinople-Istanbul (the capital of the Byzantine Empire, and one of the largest cities vikings had ever encountered, hence the name they referred to it by). Snake having been a former warrior of Miklagard is a further hint of him having likely been a member of the Varangian Guard, an elite unit of personal guards to the Byzantine emperors, primarily composed of Northern European recruits.

For those who are interested in reading along with the manga, this episode adapted all of chapter 86. Though the anime also greatly expanded the events of the second half of episode, with Gardar’s passing having many anime original additions added to it. And wow, I wasn’t sure if the Vinland Saga anime expanding chapter 86 of the manga into an entire episode would work, but was so amazing. It actually brought me to physical tears it was so emotional (and unless it’s pet-related, not much media can do that easily to me). Also there were more small bits of dialogue added to hint at Snake’s likely backstory with the the Byzantine Empire (also known as the Eastern Roman Empire), during the reign of Basil II. As the term “Miklagard” (meaning The Great City) was the name vikings gave to Byzantium-Constantinople-Istanbul (the capital of the Byzantine Empire, and one of the largest cities vikings had ever encountered, hence the name they referred to it by). Snake having been a former warrior of Miklagard is a further hint of him having likely been a member of the Varangian Guard, an elite unit of personal guards to the Byzantine emperors, primarily composed of Northern European recruits.


Snake was right

Magical Drinking

A lot of the Gardar back story stuff wasn't actually in the manga. Brilliant stuff added by the anime production team. The bit where Gardar was watching himself make the decision to go to war for the iron and crying out in anguish had me tearing up. An incredibly beautiful episode that tells a story that was tragically all too common for the time period. The stuff where they showed how Gardar was abused and tortured into becoming a slave was incredible as it contrasts strongly with what we've seen of him thus far and starkly shows how much he suffered and why he was so crazy.


Bro gonna come back to the farm and have a heart attack with all this stress

Twin Hallow

Their son died when she first got captured right? So he was one years old and they have been slaves for 5 years is how I took it. She didnt lose him when he was 6 or anything.


Dawg the owner ain't coming alone either he's got Canute right behind him.

Samuel XK

The kid died at one, but its been 5 year that they are slaves


To make it clear, she said six to give Gardar some false hope because Gardar never knew if their child was alive or whatnot before he left them. In the manga where Anime cut it off, is that their kid died when the raiders came. So by this point in time their kid should be 6. Which means it's been 5 years.

Devin B

I'm loving the anime original content of this season cause in the manga we didn't really get that much background on Einar and we definitely didn't get this much from Gardar. They made me feel more for their characters much more than I did reading the manga, especially Gardar's cause they showed all aspects of how he felt in the past about his actions, what he went through in the present, and what he was looking forward to in the future up until his death.


This episode is just sad man.


I think this was the first time we have ever seen Gardar act normal. It’s like he woke up from his long sleep of 5 years of hell as he was dying


"Snake is alive" im sorry but aint no way in hell that man is still breathing after getting strangleholded by an absolute unit like Gardar LMAO

Theo Vorster

On average it actually takes a couple of minutes for a human brain to fully die from suffocation. Gardar basically loosened his grip/let go of Snake right before the latter would have begun suffering from brain damage (due to lack of oxygen).




this dude Ketil bout to turn into a real slave master


i mean some vikings used to take peoples kids and make them slaves or make them their own kids, it can go either way tbh

Theo Vorster

Yeah, basically when Gardar was entering the afterlife, he was envisioning the age their son would have been (if he hadn’t been killed) at the present time (I’m also guessing on some subconscious level, Gardar probably had realized Hjalti had actually died).


also it doesnt make sense for him to have died at six if we already know that Arnheid was enslaved shortly after Gardar left, and Gardar only remembers his son being one years old

Theo Vorster

Being 1 years Hjalti was way too young and would pose way too much of a time and resource investment for any raider and/or slaver to raise a baby into slavery. If they didn’t kill Hjalti directly after they took him from Arnheid, they would have just thrown Hjalti to the elements and die from like infant exposure.


yeah i think gardar just thought its been longer since the time he spent as a slave probably felt like a eternity


till death, do we part. Damn what an episode, about to go stare at a sunset.

EZ (edited)

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2023-05-03 00:56:32 So yeah the opening clips from episode 1 of this season was Garzar and Arneis
2023-05-02 22:49:18 So yeah the opening clips from episode 1 of this season were of Garzar and Arneis

So yeah the opening clips from episode 1 of this season were of Garzar and Arneis

Sauce Sorcerer

About to box this mf on the piano. They went on full emotional assault this episode.


Well I had a choice between laughs first with Eminence or sadness with Vinland. I chose sadness T-T. Time to boost my mood lol


Third time watching this episode and I still tear up every time


Tbf, the anime dragged out how long he held Snake. In the manga, he lets go almost immediately after Snake passes out.


piano nigga was like "grab some tissues cuz im finna cook"


btw theres like next episode previews if yall are interested

Sator Collins-Forbes

Oh Don't worry, It only gets sadder for this farm from here


Yes their son basically died when the raiders came while he was gone


Meh I felt bad for Gardar but they def dragged out his sending off. Normally I would've felt devastated for him but the issue with Gardar is that he's introduced into the story way too late. He just kinda comes out of nowhere and then they hammer in a bunch of flashbacks to make you feel bad for him while not even building on his character. They should've introduced him into the story much earlier so the characters and audience could build more rapport with him. I don't feel any attachment to Gardar at all, I just feel bad what happened to him.


Piano guy is eating good this season.


You're not supposed to feel for his character you're supposed to feel his tragedy. What happened to Arnheid and Gardar was a situation that was all too common and looked past in the days where slavery was common and Global. Gardar could have been anyone and his decisions, situation, and eventual fate were no less tragic if it happen to the MC, your best friend, brother, sister or parents. Not everything is a character study.

szeth (edited)

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2023-05-03 01:46:36 Sorry this is the first ep I didn't like. They took a whole ep to kill him as if he was some main character everybody loves when tbh when he died I was glad we could move on to the Canute arc
2023-05-02 23:28:52 Sorry this is the first ep I didn't like. They took a whole ep to kill him as if he was some main character everybody loves when tbh when he died, after the first half of the episode I was glad we could move on to the Canute arc because it was taking so long Edit: Also was surprised that, after the show hyping him up, snake would fail to kill a already heavily wounded unconscious enemy

Sorry this is the first ep I didn't like. They took a whole ep to kill him as if he was some main character everybody loves when tbh when he died, after the first half of the episode I was glad we could move on to the Canute arc because it was taking so long Edit: Also was surprised that, after the show hyping him up, snake would fail to kill a already heavily wounded unconscious enemy

Jigga Man

Weird I didn't get the email for this ep


You do have a point cause I also figured that was the message as well but I still wish they didn't drag out his death so much. Me not caring for Gardar's character made the whole episode death sequence more grating for me I guess. If I had liked him I wouldn't even care it lasted the whole episode.

Bad Karma (edited)

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2023-05-03 02:08:55 To explain Gardar's vision when he died: This scene directly mirrors the death of the first slave we see in the story (aka the one Thors saved and bought with 8 of his sheep iirc). The slave dies in a similar manner, envisioning the place Thors describes to him (Vinland) and his family living there. In a similar way, Gardar is IMAGINING his life with his six-year old son Hjalti, who looks like how he would imagine he would look like as a young boy (since Arnheid just told him he was six). Think of Arnheid taking the place of Thors, soothing their respective dying slave with sweet memories ,albeit not entirely based in fact. Because the first slave's family were not actually in Vinland waiting for him, they were likely dead or still slaves. Similarly, Gardar's son likely died when he was first captured at the age of one, meaning both their visions before they died were based loosely on fantasy. Gardar's son is shown being taken as an infant in the flashback of when the village was attacked, so the son Gardar is seeing is most likely just his imagined picture of his slightly grown-up son.
2023-05-02 23:57:30 To explain Gardar's vision when he died: This scene directly mirrors the death of the first slave we see in the story (aka the one Thors saved and bought with 8 of his sheep iirc). The slave dies in a similar manner, envisioning the place Thors describes to him (Vinland) and his family living there. In a similar way, Gardar is IMAGINING his life with his six-year old son Hjalti, who looks like how he would imagine he would look like as a young boy (since Arnheid just told him he was six). Think of Arnheid taking the place of Thors, soothing their respective dying slave with sweet memories ,albeit not entirely based in fact. Because the first slave's family were not actually in Vinland waiting for him, they were likely dead or still slaves. Similarly, Gardar's son likely died when he was first captured at the age of one, meaning both their visions before they died were based loosely on fantasy. Gardar's son is shown being taken as an infant in the flashback of when the village was attacked, so the son Gardar is seeing is most likely just his imagined picture of his slightly grown-up son. In my own opinion, I think Gardar simply imagined a younger version of himself and pasted that picture onto who his son would be, given that he was reminiscing about old times before he finally kicked it.

To explain Gardar's vision when he died: This scene directly mirrors the death of the first slave we see in the story (aka the one Thors saved and bought with 8 of his sheep iirc). The slave dies in a similar manner, envisioning the place Thors describes to him (Vinland) and his family living there. In a similar way, Gardar is IMAGINING his life with his six-year old son Hjalti, who looks like how he would imagine he would look like as a young boy (since Arnheid just told him he was six). Think of Arnheid taking the place of Thors, soothing their respective dying slave with sweet memories ,albeit not entirely based in fact. Because the first slave's family were not actually in Vinland waiting for him, they were likely dead or still slaves. Similarly, Gardar's son likely died when he was first captured at the age of one, meaning both their visions before they died were based loosely on fantasy. Gardar's son is shown being taken as an infant in the flashback of when the village was attacked, so the son Gardar is seeing is most likely just his imagined picture of his slightly grown-up son. In my own opinion, I think Gardar simply imagined a younger version of himself and pasted that picture onto who his son would be, given that he was reminiscing about old times before he finally kicked it.


I kept strong until their kid saw Gardar. A thug tier was shed


Yeah, I think a few others have said it already but Hjalti did die at 1 years old and he lost track of how many years it had been. It had been 5 years so he would've been six.


Yeah so either he aged in the after life or that is the image of what he would imagine him looking at that age


To be fair Alot of these scenes were anime only


Piano Man back at it again for a weekly dose of pain

Xaiver Craig

Day 3: Respectfully requesting a trio movie reaction for Scott Pilgrim vs. The world

Ethan (edited)

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2023-05-03 03:11:38 He wasn't a main character, but I'm surprised you didn't pick up on the narrative symbolism/relevance. 1. It's hammering home the message we've been told for 2 seasons now. A simple and pure life is best, whereas greed and violence only bring about a cycle of pain/misery. Thors preached it and lived it, Ketil preached it to Snake, Einar and Thorfin experienced it together. Gardar literally saw the moment he abandoned his family and peaceful life for material gain and regretted it. Now look at Canute and his exponentially growing curse. 2. Gardar is the "What if?" for Thorfin. What if Thorfin continued down his path of violence, never slowing down and contemplating what's really important in life. In the end, Gardar and his friends only left a trail of destruction, got the entire village enslaved/killed, and never brought about any good in the world. He only regretted it at the end. He even started to soften and be kind to those around him once he realized he was dying.
2023-05-03 00:46:09 He wasn't a main character, but I'm surprised you didn't pick up on the narrative symbolism/relevance. 1. It's hammering home the message we've been told for 2 seasons now. A simple and pure life is best, whereas greed and violence only bring about a cycle of pain/misery. Thors preached it and lived it, Sverkel preached it to Snake, Einar and Thorfin experienced it together. Gardar literally saw the moment he abandoned his family and peaceful life for material gain and regretted it. Now look at Canute and his exponentially growing curse. 2. Gardar is the "What if?" for Thorfin. What if Thorfin continued down his path of violence, never slowing down and contemplating what's really important in life. In the end, Gardar and his friends only left a trail of destruction, got the entire village enslaved/killed, and never brought about any good in the world. He only regretted it at the end. He even started to soften and be kind to those around him once he realized he was dying.

He wasn't a main character, but I'm surprised you didn't pick up on the narrative symbolism/relevance. 1. It's hammering home the message we've been told for 2 seasons now. A simple and pure life is best, whereas greed and violence only bring about a cycle of pain/misery. Thors preached it and lived it, Sverkel preached it to Snake, Einar and Thorfin experienced it together. Gardar literally saw the moment he abandoned his family and peaceful life for material gain and regretted it. Now look at Canute and his exponentially growing curse. 2. Gardar is the "What if?" for Thorfin. What if Thorfin continued down his path of violence, never slowing down and contemplating what's really important in life. In the end, Gardar and his friends only left a trail of destruction, got the entire village enslaved/killed, and never brought about any good in the world. He only regretted it at the end. He even started to soften and be kind to those around him once he realized he was dying.

Jordan McKenney

I’m mad they made me sit here and watch this nigga die for 10 minutes straight 😢😢😢

szeth (edited)

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2023-05-03 03:11:38 I’m aware of all of that, and like you said they are really hammering it home lol. There’s literally zero reason for it to take up the whole episode after the fight. His death was like 3x, maybe even more, of how long Thors was and I’d argue that one hits much harder. It’s dragged out too long, and yes I get all your points but my point is they could get that same exact message across in way less time with no downside
2023-05-03 00:50:59 @Ethan I’m aware of all of that, and like you said they are really hammering it home lol. There’s literally zero reason for it to take up the whole episode after the fight. His death was like 3x, maybe even more, of how long Thors was and I’d argue that one hits much harder. It’s dragged out too long, and yes I get all your points but my point is they could get that same exact message across in way less time with no downside

@Ethan I’m aware of all of that, and like you said they are really hammering it home lol. There’s literally zero reason for it to take up the whole episode after the fight. His death was like 3x, maybe even more, of how long Thors was and I’d argue that one hits much harder. It’s dragged out too long, and yes I get all your points but my point is they could get that same exact message across in way less time with no downside


Anyone else reminded of the Hades soundtrack around 1:58?

szeth (edited)

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2023-05-03 03:11:39 Like I’m picking up on all of that kind of stuff, which is why I loved the first 12 episodes this season unlike the people who just want action. When Gardar entered the show I was kinda whatever about him but understood that he is here for a reason but last episode was just a nothing burger after the first half
2023-05-03 00:55:43 @Ethan Like I’m picking up on all of that kind of stuff, which is why I loved the first 12 episodes this season unlike the people who just want action. When Gardar entered the show I was kinda whatever about him but understood that he is here for a reason but last episode was just a nothing burger after the first half

@Ethan Like I’m picking up on all of that kind of stuff, which is why I loved the first 12 episodes this season unlike the people who just want action. When Gardar entered the show I was kinda whatever about him but understood that he is here for a reason but last episode was just a nothing burger after the first half




I had no feelings toward Gardar I was happy they killed him idk why they had to use the whole episode to do it though


Think at 22:00 is where Thorfinn saw Thors in S1 in the afterlife, not sure if Thorfinn died in S1 saw his dad, then came back.


It isn't about you being attached to him. Its about the life of a slave and the hurt it can cause.


You people really are weird af. Complaining about a top tier episode

Erica Collins (edited)

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2023-05-03 04:08:09 I've felt bad for Gardar since we met him & idc what anyone says but he kinda (heavy on the kinda) didn't do anything wrong. He left to provide for his family. He was putting his family first. They clearly felt that their place was safe enough to have all the men leave. That's like you leaving for work and while you're gone you get robbed....And who's to say the same thing wouldn't have happened if he didn't leave? But as much as I wanted Gardar & Arnheid live happily ever after he had to go. Sad to see it though. rip
2023-05-03 01:49:37 I've felt bad for Gardar since we met him & idc what anyone says but he didn't really do anything wrong. He left to provide for his family. He was putting his family first. They clearly felt that their place was safe enough to have all the men leave. That's like you leaving for work and while you're gone you get robbed....And who's to say the same thing wouldn't have happened if he didn't leave? But as much as I wanted Gardar & Arnheid live happily ever after he had to go. Sad to see it though. rip

I've felt bad for Gardar since we met him & idc what anyone says but he didn't really do anything wrong. He left to provide for his family. He was putting his family first. They clearly felt that their place was safe enough to have all the men leave. That's like you leaving for work and while you're gone you get robbed....And who's to say the same thing wouldn't have happened if he didn't leave? But as much as I wanted Gardar & Arnheid live happily ever after he had to go. Sad to see it though. rip

Joel Braaten

The piano makes everything worse 😭

William kimura

weird ass mf. It aint even entirely about "Gardar" and his death. Just say you have no care for storytelling and go watch a power fantasy lmao


nigga that baby looking like a whole titan got me weak😭


William kimura I knew some idiot like you would comment this I love a story as much as action my fav anime is AOT that is mainly story so you sound dumb I'm loving this season I just didn't like they gave this dude I don't care about a full episode of him dying


Well it's too bad your uncreative ass wasn't directing this series, probably wouldn't have reached past season 1 you fuckin clown. Shut the fuck up and enjoy the scenery if you can't comprehend empathy for one goddamn episode.


I understand what you're saying, how his death took up most of the episode. I don't think it wasn't enjoyable tho, the animation was beautiful and the symbolism, whether you care about the specific character or not, is soul crushing. It was really well done. Its also possible the show runners were just trying to fill time, but I'm glad it was time wasted well lol


This show is something else. Vinland might be moving into my Top 10 tbh


TheDroppedFry Did someone on the internet hurt your feelings im so sorry lmao. You know you dont have to feel for every character right you CLOWN thats the good thing about anime/shows if snake had died i would have been sad but idc about Gardar other than that im loving this season.


i can see why many people like this ep, me personally i didnt really enjoy watching bro die for 10min straight lmaooo thats just me tho other then that fire episode


@L.C. Lol people have different opinions and are allowed to share them, you're the one being weird. Have you never disliked something that others like?


@Trist9n I agree with you. Idk why some people can't comprehend that other logical people can watch the same thing they did and come to a different conclusion and instead brush us off as the same kind of people who hate all of s2

szeth (edited)

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2023-05-03 05:06:58 @TheDroppedFry Your comment is hilariously hypocritical. You talk about the lesson of empathy in the show and how its so important it can carry the nothing burger that this episode was while also cussing out and telling someone to shut the fuck up who has a different opinion of you.
2023-05-03 03:04:51 @TheDroppedFry Your comment is hilariously hypocritical. You talk about the lesson of empathy in the show and how its so important it can carry the nothing burger this episode was, while also cussing out and telling someone to shut the fuck up who has a different opinion of you.

@TheDroppedFry Your comment is hilariously hypocritical. You talk about the lesson of empathy in the show and how its so important it can carry the nothing burger this episode was, while also cussing out and telling someone to shut the fuck up who has a different opinion of you.


@nickhaze Yeah that's fair, to each their own


Yeah I feel like, even though you can argue it isn't about Gardar, people who grew to like Gardar liked this episode while people like me who never cared for him did. I felt bad for him yes but he never grew on me and just seemed like a mad, bloodthirsty person. Which is justifiable ofc for his character but yeah first episode that was meh for me cuz I thought they could have had his sendoff way shorter and just as impactful

Devin B

That comparison is kind of different cause you regularly have to leave to go to work. Gardar and Arnheid already had a good life with him working in his village but he chose to go out and fight with the rest of the men to get more than they need cause they assumed that one day the power balance might tip with the other villages. He was definitely trying to put his family first but to be honest it was kind of foolish to leave the women and children by themselves for about 2-3 weeks, especially during those times.

Sy'mon Almeida

this show is a work of art


Be careful you might hurt some clowns feelings lol I said the same thing I'm enjoying this season just this episode they made his death too long

Erica Collins

True but I can't blame him for thinking of the future rather than the present. Tbh I probably would've done the same if I also thought that the place my family lived in was safe since I grew up there and nothing bad has happened yet


The reason why Thorfinn had trouble getting gardar off of snake is because of the position he was strangling snake and the fact that he was basically in an adrenaline rush while half conscious. The dude basically was going off of crackhead strength. Its the same as when police officer shoot multiple tasers at a crackhead and they don't go down. They just are so out of their minds and rushed up on adrenaline that its takes a lot to handle them. The only thing thorfinn could have done was snap gardar's neck in order to get snake out of that chokehold. Thorfinn is strong af and the best skilled fighter in the series but he isn't overpowered in terms of strength to get snake out of that chokehold. Hope this explains it well enough


Those other guys did come off harsh. I think its important to separate your feelings for gardar as a character and more so focus in on the circumstances they were put into and the story of a slave and the emotions of having a family go under those kinds of events. It wasn't gardar himself that made this emotional. It was what life put them through and how people went through those same circumstances back in the past in the real world. The main message of Vinland saga is a life of freedom and free of violence where no one is a slave. This is just here to reinforce that sentiment. You will see more of how this impacts the story a little later on.


You sound an attention hungry whore


It just sounds like you don't care, and In that case nobody asked or wants to hear what you gotta say, there are other ways of getting attention


tbh i couldnt care less who i hurt i pay $10 a month to watch roshi and the gang react damn right im gonna leave my opinion on whatever i want but yeah i was just moving my controller to watch how much time was left in the episode over and over lmao i was like "damn die already bruh" Lmao


About the age thing I’ve never read the manga but I don’t think it’s the afterlife or anything I think it was just gardar being delirious and imagining himself going home and finding his son 6 years of age


I don't know why this episode was boring for me, i couldn't wait for these 2 to get out of the picture.


bro i just skipped most of the second half....i am the guy who barely skip anything


@EZ bro its a comment section, people share opinions lol


@EZ Idk what the point of this comment is. ofc I commented, as comments do, to talk to other people. What do you want from me lol this is a common thing


I viewed gardar's visions as his life flashing before his eyes (in quite a beautiful and emotional way) and then him meeting his son is symbolism and confirmation that he is dead, because he is now with his dead son. Super powerful stuff. Also I'm pretty sure they showed Hjalti being taken and killed when he was still an infant so I don't think he was 6 when he died, it would've been 5 years since they were enslaved.


I don’t think kido is going to give a fuck because he basically just started a war with a king he going to have bigger problems

Saúl Candanedo

Regarding Hjalti's age, he was indeed 1yo when he was killed. It has past 5 years since Arnheid and Gardar got enslaved, so he would be 6yo by that time.

Devin B

That's true too, I'm just looking at things in a cautious way cause that's how I am and even Arnheid felt that way too when Gardar told her about him leaving but I can't blame him for wanting more. Back in those times, even nowadays when I think about it, amassing resources was a big power move and Gardar definitely thought if he got those resources his family could live even more comfortably. At the end of the day the men were trying to do the best for their village but they weren't thinking of the worse case scenario of them leaving and like you said if nothing happened to them so far there's a chance nothing would happen again, it just so happened this time something actually happened.


I hope you realize that Gardar's purpose isn't to feel sad about his character but literally feel bad in general on what he goes through and can cause to anyone. This can be thorfinn and it would be the same thing. Surprisingly you forgot that Arnheid is the connection to all of these events, we didn't know how she became a slave and we got it here. Gardar is literally just an example of the narrative you missed when it comes to the main themes of the show.


Nah I would have flipped that sword around and stabbed that dude in the face


I have no enemies 2023 frfr

Kevin Kovacs

I did felt like they made his death a but longer then it should have been BUT after rewacthing it I can see now why they give us more "anime original" scenes from Gardar's perspective not really to care about him since we only know him for like 4 eps and it's totally fine but the message that it delivered overall it made the 2nd watch better experince for me.


Did nothing wrong? I mean he agreed to go murder a bunch of people from another village just because they found an iron deposit or whatever... Also the dude used to light horses tails on fire... Seems to me like he got what he deserved. Now i DO feel bad for the wife and her son though.

Kevin Kovacs

well.. you don't care about their story or what the author is try to tell with it which is fine not everybody has to LOVE. lol


Gardar never realized Arnheid is a slave - he thought she works there. She could've sent Hjalti to Gardar's brother no problem. So he never realized his son died

Ryan Ott

People complaining about Gardar's death being "drawn out" simply aren't mature enough for this kind of show lmao they prob need 3-5 years.

Erica Collins

Tbf when it comes to that village with iron, other villages were trying to get the iron too. It wasn't just them so unfortunately that village was going to get attacked whether Gardar's people joined the fight or not. Back then there was no "You find it first, you own it" It was "If you're gonna keep it, then you better have the power to protect it cause if not someone's gonna take it" But war is wrong so I'll give you that one lol and with the horsetail, what can I say, he was a kid 😂 Still doesn't make it right ik but it's not like he killed the horses so saying he deserved to die for that too is kinda wild I'm ngl 😂

G. B.

not quite boring but i can understand your view. of you agree with arnheid and gardar, these episodes are nice. personally I think gardar should have been imprisoned or killed a while ago and these episodes are philosophically opposed to my views so were kinda frustrating

Erica Collins

@Devin B I agree with everything you said. As someone who thinks of worst case scenarios he really should've had a few men stay behind. It's crazy that ALL the men left & right after that, a moment when they truly thought the women, children, & elderly would be safe, they get attacked. It's unfortunate


That’s why I believe they did this because it’s to show a tragic story between a loving family and the era they were in. Ngl I felt the same too because I read the manga and there was a lot of anime only content but all it did was make me invest into their story more. I have only high praise for how they adapted this episode and the score was amazing and lowkey got me teary eyed a couple of times.


i am mad snake died like bro, i was lot more interested in his story than these 2 clowns.


these 2 clowns should have died in first episode gardar showed up by hands of snake. snake didnt deserve this ending.

Ryan Salamante

Anyone know the name of the piano song?

Knuckle's hair

I get your point about the pacing because 90% of the second half was new scenes for the anime. In the manga he died quickly. But I disagree with the Gardar's character. I think he’s one of the best characters of the series. I love when authors make so much with so little screen time with characters.

Knuckle's hair

It still hits hard in the manga imo, their dialogues on the cart was so good it made me cry every time I read it


I think it’s all about arnid her story will be going in the next seasons (I think)


Snake is clearly shit and deserves whatever happens to him live by the sword die by the sword


people underestimating how shitty it is for snake to lose men when he has so little defending the farm already. especially knowing what canute is about to bring down on them. earlier in the season snake said it would only take 30-40 men to take the farm and that was before he lost men.


Really depends on if you care about Gardar or not. I'm a manga reader, so the Anime only Gardar scenes where meh for me. I get what the show is going for but it didn't have much emotional impact for me.


I guess I have to be 40 or some shit then, like what. Maybe you can try to comprehend people can be just as mature as you and come to a different conclusion? Thors death was 1/3 the time or less and was way more impactful for a character that was in the show for about the same amount of time. They didn't need to take a whole episode, especially when a lot of it is not in the manga


@Kevin Kovacs Thors was also only in it for 4 episodes


You can say that about both side really imo


@ogking31 You all keep saying that lol but I am aware. This is why I said this was the first ep I didn't like not the whole of s2 or something. You say "Surprisingly you forgot" when I literally didn't. I'm talking about this episode specifically and you cannot convince me that they could have done the same exact thing in half the time. Thors, like I said earlier, is a perfect example. He was in the show for about the same amount of time but when he died it hit me like a truck and was the perfect amount of time. When Gardar died I was like oof that sucks and I got everything people are saying about it but then by the halfway break I was just feeling, ok I get we can move on now, and they didn't. Imagine Thors death taking a whole episode also. Ofc I can't know for sure but I'd bet I'd have a similar opinion


@Knuckle's hair To me he himself just was someone who went to war and got screwed over for it then turned into a bloodthirsty killer to try and get back what he had. Yes it has a lot of implications for the overall theme and fits in very well but I just didn't really get attached to the character himself. I guess this is more just personal preference but I like the kind of character development like Einar where we hear him explain things and get to know him instead of someone who we only learn about from past events and never talks much at present time. I'm aware that there's reasons he didn't talk but my opinion still holds


Dang it. I couldn't hold my tears during this episode.


Women have been seen before to lift a car to save their child stuck under it. Adrenaline is truly a warrior drug and she could likely do it also i think she has above average muscle she still does a little physical labor

Alellion (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-03 22:44:49 Yeah bro, how dare those uppity slaves resent their enslavement and break their one sided agreement! Husband & Wife? Fuck all that noise, amIright? Only useful for letting out ones repressed sadistic violent &/or sexual desires. Hmm? Shades of grey? Never heard of 'em.
2023-05-03 20:38:48 Yeah bro, how dare those uppity slaves resent their enslavement and break their one sided agreement! Husband & Wife? Fuck all that noise, amIright? Only useful for letting out ones repressed sadistic violent &/or sexual desires. Hmm? Shades of grey? Never heard of 'em.

Yeah bro, how dare those uppity slaves resent their enslavement and break their one sided agreement! Husband & Wife? Fuck all that noise, amIright? Only useful for letting out ones repressed sadistic violent &/or sexual desires. Hmm? Shades of grey? Never heard of 'em.

Isaac Cobbinah

lol ngl, i was ready for this little side arc to finish

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-04 00:59:04 Side arc is crazy uninformed? The entire story has shifted due to the perspective Thorfinn gained during his time as a slave. No spoilers, but he isn't going back to season 1, and the story will reflect his new ideologies because it. This whole 'side arc' was the most important character development we've ever had for him.
2023-05-03 22:49:28 Side arc is crazy uninformed? The entire story has shifted due to the perspective Thorfinn gained during his time as a slave. No spoilers, but he isn't going back to season 1, and the story will reflect his new ideologies because it. This whole 'side arc' was the most important character development we've ever had for him.

Side arc is crazy uninformed? The entire story has shifted due to the perspective Thorfinn gained during his time as a slave. No spoilers, but he isn't going back to season 1, and the story will reflect his new ideologies because it. This whole 'side arc' was the most important character development we've ever had for him.


@Gyasi nigga said side arc, his comment shouldn't be taken seriously.

Randy Petitmaitre

Bro when arnheid told Gardar let's go home and the background turn into that blue sky I couldn't stop looking at Snake just getting choked out shit was funny


this comment is demon slayer in a nutshell lol


Yo that ending discussion has me feeling bad for Ketil lol he is not going to have a good time


I think by side arc he means the stuff with the husband and wife

Deric J

This arc is the beginning of why this series is in my top 1

Isaac Cobbinah

Lol yeah I meant this wife and husband story. Thorfinn is the main character and his story is the main arc. I actually like this season. Side arcs are the little arcs in the main arc


Netflix is making an anime with all the original cast members they'll probably watch that

Step Joe

This whole season was just something else entirely. Even though it was more boring compared to other moments of the series, it feels like the author didnt care about what the fans wanted, and was more worried about creating a story grounded in reality. Not everything has to be exciting, and I respect the route they took, even though I do eventually want them to bounce back.

Quinton Campbell

I'm sorry I felt nothing for this episode nor Garder. I just feel like he wasn't around long enough for me to build emotional equity. I feel for em tho, it was sad, r.i.p. to the guy, could've used him for the impending fuckery, but yeah didn't deserve a full episode send off imo 🤷🏾‍♂️


@szeth I hope you realize you're clearly missing the point as I said right? The point of thors death isn't about feeling bad about his character either since he's not tragic like Gardar or what he has been through, since it's literally thors regretting what he did when he was still a viking. Gardar on the other hand had a narrative to which decision making can lead to disaster, and it's a pay off to Sverkels word of having too much wealth brings disaster since he's trying to earn wealth for his family. You're not differentiating what emotion is for a character to narrative of the story. This stuff can happen to thorfinn if he goes go this path, and that's the point.


Bro literally can't understand the purpose of this episode and was vision tunneled on one thing


dude just contradicted himself in his own comment. clown behavior

Sofia & Chill (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-07 22:18:43 It's never going to. Askeladd's gone and he was a driving force for Thorfinn's rage/purpose (therefore plot), Canute is fully immersed in what he thinks a King should be and accepted the things he has to do (even if it's against what he feels) and Thorfinn has very recently found a new purpose (no violence and going to Vinland) but he still has to tight up loose ends on this farm where he's been for years before finding a way out. But don't think of it as boring, don't worry, they're probably just setting every up for the confrontation when Canute arrives, and the choices & consequences everyone will have. Nothing's black or white for all of the involved, it's gonna be interesting.
2023-05-07 20:04:19 It's never going to. Askeladd's gone and he was a driving force for Thorfinn's rage/purpose (therefore plot), Canute is fully immersed in what he thinks a King should be and accepted the things he has to do (even if it's against what he feels) and Thorfinn has very recently found a new purpose (no violence and going to Vinland) but he still has to tight up loose ends on this farm where he's been for years before finding a way out. But don't think of it as boring, don't worry, they're probably just setting every up for the confrontation when Canute arrives, and the choices & consequences everyone will have. Nothing's black or white for all of the involved, it's gonna be interesting.

It's never going to. Askeladd's gone and he was a driving force for Thorfinn's rage/purpose (therefore plot), Canute is fully immersed in what he thinks a King should be and accepted the things he has to do (even if it's against what he feels) and Thorfinn has very recently found a new purpose (no violence and going to Vinland) but he still has to tight up loose ends on this farm where he's been for years before finding a way out. But don't think of it as boring, don't worry, they're probably just setting every up for the confrontation when Canute arrives, and the choices & consequences everyone will have. Nothing's black or white for all of the involved, it's gonna be interesting.

Jarelle Hamilton

how ya'll shittin on this guy he just aint really feel emotionally invested in the character that was barely around to get a full ep of him and his death


Yeah I agree but the real clowns are the ones who can't handle opposing opinions


Holy shit you remind me of my middle school language teacher when we were on the poetry unit, and that was like 10 years ago now. There's no point to our conversation because we both think the other person doesn't understand what we are talking about so I'm out, see ya.

Quinton Campbell

It's funny how ppl like you make these comments and never expound on them. So because I didn't have any emotional attachment, I "literally" can't understand the purpose? You do realize you can understand something and still not agree with it right????

Quinton Campbell

The clown behavior is you reading my opinion and trying to judge it all while not understanding what I'm saying and not knowing what a contradiction is.


you're not necessarily supposed to be broken up about Gardar, that's not the point. The point is death and the process of dying from the perspective of the one dying and the person watching them die. Going through your life, regrets, and choices you made as you're dying and processing it. What's sad isn't that Gardar is dead, it's the act of dying and how visceral they made it in this episode. It's sad because they did a good job putting you in Gardar's position as he dies and it makes you think about when that time happens for you too. You only die once, and Sverkel and Thorfinn wanted to help Gardar have a peaceful death with Arnheid because everyone should get that.

A. P.

Piano man went extra crazy this episode lol This show is so fire, they gave us a whole mini arc of Gardar Unchained and in the midst of it we still get some crucial character development for Thorfinn and Einar without them being the main focus of the episodes.


i think they dedicated a whole episode not just for Gardar, but men like Gardar...that's why I was bawling my eyes out...i thought about how this is the consequence of war...broken families, lost men....i think this episode captures the common warrior's regrets.


One of the most beautiful episodes I've ever seen, my goodness. The way they put you in perspective how fucked up this life is for a warrior. People feeling regretful and finally finding happiness will always be my weak spot, and that's literally what this episode was about. Gardar's death spoke for millions of men like him


I have to say that this episode is one the best single episodes shown this season. It is too good and so emotional and mature.


My theory is that Hjalti could be alive. But it honestly doesn't matter, b/c he could 100% be dead aswell. At this point, after getting kidnapped so young, there's no way he would know his parents, or that his parents would be able to recognize him after all these years. He would'nt go by the name Hjalti b/c there's no one there to call him that. Their ties are forever severed, and it just makes me sad thinking about that. My other theory is that Hjalti is dead, and that's why we only see him with gardar at the end. All we saw was Gardars interpretation of Hjalti as a 6 year old. RIP Gardar, bro was a beast.


Snake's logic is flawed. His "men" and him are tasked with protecting Ketil's property. Property here includes slaves. Of course, slaves are humans - they are NOT property. A slave which kills those specifically tasked with ENFORCING slavery is 100% justified. The lives of those who enslave are forfeit (imo) morally. I mean, he can cry about it but you reap what you sow. His logic is not "deep" in the slightest. It's the logic of slaveowners lmao


Gardar is a true hero in this story. Does that mean he never made a mistake? No. He died with regrets surely. But he bided his time, broke free from his shackles and went to free his wife. Look how hard he fought. He literally fought to the death for this - an absolute inspiration. His philosophy is the truest - kill your masters and liberate yourself. This requires violence as history shows us. And yet it is correct.


I'm still just wondering how Gardars side lost if he was that RAW



Paul Vizcarra

This was crazy, about halfway through I started to question if it was worth it for him to turn out the way he did before he even began to think it. And then it finally came to me that his life could be a parralel to Thorfinn's.


We humans can be so fucking cruel it's insane. Stories like this hit so hard.