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slapped mans in the face with DIRT lmao


Liam Wave

Lets gooooooo

Charlie baker

Bro really used his broom like mercenary tao im dead

Devin B

Burdock is a type of plant that you can eat. The only reason I know this is because of DBZ Bardock/burdock.


Yeaah I ain't threatening any dude that can bury me alive whenever he feels like it.. 🤷‍♂️

Stephen D

Mashle: Want to see me ride a broom? Want to see do it again?

Fernando Perez

The vice principal getting buried has gotta be some of the hardest I’ve laughed at a show in a minute lmao I was actually lightheaded


bro i remember the face slam he did made me fuckin scream that shit was hilarious

Hasnain Khan



Bro stalled on the VP immediately he not with the BS and these niggas about to get sued ain’t no way this is literally Harry Potter 😭


I wonder what it would be like if mash and ASTA ever met


Loving this show, what a fun ep. Loving the HP vibe too, haha.


Warner brothers are gonna have a field day when they find out about this. If this show ever shows a chamber of secrets I’m gonna lose it 😂


Also I’m pretty sure it’s a root, so he’d literally have to rip it out of the ground to bring it to school


yoo this is literally quidditch lmao. whats next? mandrakes? jk rowling watching this anime like.....yall motheruckers lmaoo

Kenisha & Kim

yo deadass in harry potter we all know mash would not cut it and get kicked out or killed but in this anime he can do whatever the fuck he wants and i live for it

TAC Genesis

you already know whats gonna happen from that setup. he's gonna get the ball and throw it so dam hard and fast its gonna be a goal and probably kill anyone who tries to stop him. instant team MVP


Manga's BEEN out for a WHILE. So it's literally no problem at all.


Mash is not a thinker. He doesn't play the long game, he doesn't strategize, he doesn't fuck with ppl (not intentionally). He just doesn't give a fuck. XD


Sheera tries so hard to make dirty jokes. Brooms? Really? I get that its your thing sheera but you don't have to stretch it so much. I stretch mine a lot but not my jokes. Its something else I stretch.


I wonder if Tom Knowles is a reference to Tom Riddle?


We have heard some cold-blooded lines: Escanor, Anos, but mans said I can BURY you whenever I want to. Was not expecting this kind of energy but I'm here for this show!


bro how did he turn solid stone into dirt yall can't tell me he has no magic

Braxton Brown

LMFAO he said "Warner brothers sue them!!!!!!" LMFO that was so fucking funny im in tears lmao


If Roshi has to rename the anime for (reasons), he can always call it SUE THEM NOW!

Joe Michael

Is mash had all these powers in Harry Potter he bodies everyone in hart potter hands down


He would not even struggle in the HP universe 🤔 Avada Kedavra!! *slaps away* literally buries Voldemort alive. Everything they struggled with in the movies.. fighting dragons, sea creatures, giant spiders etc.. He would body all of them.


He smashed the stone floor.. there is dirt under it, just like the dirt he was burying him in


His power-up music is so annoying.

Reckless Company

its the sound of him breaking stuff that makes it funny


Burdock/Gobo is a root used in Japanese cooking. It's used in soups and all kinds of things. The side dish Kinpira is braised gobo and carrots. It grows as a long skinny root. My grandma used to peel it and chop it fine to put in ozoni a soup you eat with mochi for New Years.

Joe Michael

Based on the size of those creampuffs they are 360 calories a piece


Tom is professor Oak in his prime


The dirty joke wasn’t about the broom is was about riding. Actually brain dead.


@YungZeus Whenever this man is at odds with a little moment in a reaction he makes it a big deal My god is he annoying

Joe Michael

lmao I worked at a bakery in Wilmington nc called far from from France a bunch a years ago that’s how many calories ours were

Joe Michael

Thank you for the information. Because of you I looked more into burdock and I found out it’s rich in a anti-inflammatory antioxidant so I think I’m going to make this part of my diet.

Daniel NT

The harry potter references with the brooms. Nice

Daniel NT

I totally thought he would jump off the ground and move his legs to make thrust.


This show being such a close rip off of HP is mad funny

Champion Bescos

The other guys are right unless they were on the second floor or higher, which is possible since it’s a big ass castle. I didn’t check. But if that’s the case, then yeah, he’s got magic to somehow summon dirt lol

Champion Bescos

Varying references (both mild and blatant) to things in Harry Potter this episode include: House Points House Quidditch Teams Tri-Wizard Champions Flight Lessons Draco’s Initial ‘Duel’ with Harry A Ministry of Magic Snape watching over Draco Cedric Diggory I’m sure there’s a few more I missed, but I’m loving this shit. 😂


Anyone else find it a little ironic that Roshi is telling WB to sue the anime studio for ripping off HP, while he is literally ripping off the anime studio by posting the anime.....

Ace The FireDragon

Man literally said: "Just like how you can expel me at any time, I can bury you at any time".

Corey Leach

Loving the celeb last names: Wahlberg, Cavill, and now Knowles lmao. Reminds me of when I was watching Supernatural, and the agent names for Sam and Dean were from famous musicians, and Castiel picked the biggest obvious names like Agent Lizzo 💀💀


Mash on that Mercenary Tao BS with throwing the broom before jumping on it


There is no way you actually thought that this was a solid comparison 💀