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Cid is an idiot lmao


Louis Kalman

Was looking forward to this

mitch anderson

Wait what? Did I not read the schedule right lol

zILovePelmeni _

you guys miss so many dumb comedy moments of cid by taking him too serious lmao

Vongola Fiamme

I dont think Lupa is enjoying the Cid shenanigans lol. which is fair Cid can be a little much sometimes

Zee Wrld

Ep 6 I think you meant to say 7😂😂

mitch anderson

I'm here wondering if they read the comments lol. We've been telling them it's not that deep since the get go


Don't think they read the comments, taking cid seriously is lowering their enjoyment

Jeremiah Wagner

That g unit comment at the end took me out

Deshawn Smith

yall still think cid is speaking this all into existence ?


9.567/10 Reaction. Will be back next episode. Missed the last one though.

Devin B

But that's the point though, he's an extreme chuunibyou so most of the shit he does is gonna be cringe

Fernando Perez

They do read the comments. Roshi replied to one last episode. Just let em react how they wanna react. Would you rather they just fake laugh?

Fernando Perez

Yes but he’s our idiot😌


"Show a picture of your light skin ass."😂😂


The best part is that he’s such a chuuni that he doesn’t think he’s a chuuni anymore. Later on when he thinks another character is acting chuuni he remarks “Being a chuuni is so cringe I still look back on the days when I was like that”. So he’s so far down the chuuni rabbit hole he escaped being a chunni just to become an even bigger chunni


I feel like "cringe" or niche humor fans gotta learn that sometimes the joke just doesn't hit lol. Not everyone will fuck with every one.


Clearly this anime ain’t hitting for them like y’all said it would lololol.

Hasnain Khan


The Endless

Hey correct me if im wrong but im pretty sure that all the members of Cids organizations are 18+ i dont remember if they ever remember if they ever referenced their ages but they're all older than him right?

Juan Camacho

Alpha, Beta, and Delta are 15 when the show begins, and they turn 16 later on. Gamma, Epsilon, Zeta, and Eta are 17, to begin with, so they likely turn 18 at some point in the series. Princess Alexia, she's also 15, while Claire, Cid's sister, is two years older at 17. Lastly, Rose Oriana is also 17 years old.

Fernando Perez

I’d give it a few more episodes. I really wasn’t that into it at this point either, but I ended up liking it quite a bit by the end. Though I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s just not their thing, especially if they had different expectations from everyone hyping it up so much.

Darion Wilson

THEYRE taking the show too literal and going in with expectations.

TAC Genesis

i forgot episode 7 was a thing LOL, forgot everything in it

Vincent S Deluca

Roshi is enjoying it I think, not SUPER into it but still. Lupa just seems stressed the whole time tho lol

Vincent S Deluca

Some people are like that lol, Not everyone wants to or even can just turn their brain off. They like dumb comedy but there is a limit lol. Roshi seems to be enjoying it still but its too much for Lupa lol. Sheeras somewhere in between probs


Yeah if you don't remember shit from the last episodes you watched and still think its a serious anime, yeah its shit. I don't even think its that good, but i never took it seriously. Subs/dubs dont even exist in my language and i'm able to to follow.


I agree, Fernando. I couldn’t finish it when I watched it on my own and hoped their reaction would help me get into it more. I’ll wait for the next eps.

Sauce Sorcerer

Hope the sinister outro makes a comeback next ep

Maroki R6

@ksnbf6356 they do, im not really sure what this guy is talking about

Nathan Aitcheson

Are you guys going to react to the new slime movie? It's pertty good.

Al Mangampat

Lupas ed reaction was hilarious


For the explanation of the shadow garden girl’s school dream turning into a nightmare. It’s implying that she turned into a monster like alpha was when Cid found her when they were kids. All the core members of the team were monsters till Cid saved em all.


My major issue with this anime is the side characters and overall world. I do enjoy the chuunibyou comedy coming from Cid, the problem is everything else. It all just feels so flat, generic and honestly boring. Konosuba for example, doesn't solely rely on Kazuma to carry the entire show but rather builds up it's side characters and it's world to be on the same level as Kazuma's character. By giving them their own personal comedic intricacies. Same goes for the pacing and writing, Konosuba knows it's a comedy, knows it wants to be a comedy so they write it accordingly. EiS, in my opinion, essentially just wants to create memes and parody specific moments/tropes and everything else in between is really just an after thought and used purely as a tool to get to those moments. I see a lot of people complaining that Roshi and crew are taking this to seriously, I think it's the anime itself that is taking itself to seriously. For me it would be better if the anime leaned more into just a flat out comedy. Not hating on it, not saying it's trash, comedy is one of the most subjective art forms out there so obviously it's not going to be for everyone. ✌🏻Peace✌🏻 💓Love💓 ✊🏻Respect✊🏻


I couldn't get into this show. There are some shows I can enjoy even with the shortcomings because it's still entertaining but this show doesn't even entertain me. I wish I liked it because so many people seem to enjoy it and it would be cool to share in that enthusiasm.


You can see the annoyance on Sheera's face every time Lupa starts sex moaning a teenage girl that's on screen.


Dude what are you talkin' about? Sheera herself has literally sexualized children and even babies 1000x of times.


I love how you use Konosuba as an example lmao. The trio ain't even fuck with Konosuba like that. Just like you've said, comedy is subjective and everyone's sense of humor are varied greatly. For the trio, the comedy in Konosuba definitely wasn't hitting for them. This was confirmed by them too btw.


@Sun I know that's why I used it as an example. Because like this show, some commented that they took it to seriously at times. But overall I'm pretty sure they enjoyed it.

Fernando Perez

This was essentially my issue with the show as well at first. The first like 8 or so episodes just feel way too safe and don’t really go far enough into either humor or hype to be engaging. Instead it just feels like the show wants to do both, but doesn’t succeed. These early episodes basically feel like they each have one big epic or funny moment and everything else is just sorta there. I think the humor definitely picks up in episode 10 when the series just goes super shameless.

Fernando Perez

@Sun I’m not sure it’s that cut and dry. The only thing I remember was a stream like last year where Roshi said he thought Cautious Hero was way funnier. I don’t think he literally said Konosuba wasn’t funny. And I mean, they’ve certainly laughed a lot with the series.


What do you mean what I am talking about it? Sheera is clearly annoyed at Lupa this reaction for the constant sex moaning. Even at 23:30 she disclaims to Lupa that they're children and Lupa rebuttals that they aren't. If you wanna call Sheera a hypocrite that's fine cause I'm sure Sheera has done what you claimed, I'm just pointing out what I saw this episode.


Dude it's cool if you're new to their patreon, you'll catch on. I wasn't saying she's a hypocrite, she's clearly not really annoyed just joking around. Sheera and Lupa are both known for doing the low moaning voice, especially Sheera with the sexual innuendo jokes. ✌🏻Peace✌🏻 💓Love💓 ✊🏻Respect✊🏻


@Fernando Perez Good to hear, I should've stated in my OP that this is my first time watching it so I am basing my opinion on the watch along. And yeah I pretty much agree with you said, that the anime is trying to do 2 things and for me there isn't really a bridge bringing the two together. And like I said, I'm not hating it so I don't mind giving it a chance to pick up a bit. ✌🏻Peace✌🏻 💓Love💓 ✊🏻Respect✊🏻


If you missed it, Alexia actually has a picture of her and Cid hidden behind all of her other framed photos. She clearly at least enjoyed their time together.


It was said on a podcast with RTTV when they were asked, “Which reaction was your least favorite” or something along those lines. They replied and mentioned how the comedy in both Konosuba and Grandblue didn’t hit well for them.

The Endless

Ahhhh it just seemed like they were a few years between them when he saved them when he was younger so I would assume by time he got to highschool they would be adults but ofc I forgot the fantasy/anime elements to factor in, thanks tho!


@Sun Correct Roshi said they enjoyed watching it and it had it's moments but overall it got a little repetitive. Which is pretty much what I was saying in my OP about EiS. That is why I brought Kono up and said comedy is very subjective.


She was the one that Alpha liberated, which was in the adjacent cell of Alexia when she was kidnapped, right? And the daughter of the dude that he atomized

Daniel Borrego

its weird because if you watch thier reactions to konosuba they seem like they are having a good time.


People saying EiS isn't supposed to be taken so serious, but i disagree. The story is a lot more engaging than some of you are giving it credit for. It's not rated and respected highly purely off of comedy. The story is good, characters are good, animation is solid, art is good, plus an isekai MC who actually gets shit done. Very fauthful to the source material and was refreshing as an isekai.


"Characters are good" nah bro. Alexia n cid are okay nd maybe alpha but the rest of the cast are honestly flat as hell. Especially chick who was getting wet over chocolate. They're literally harem tropes except there's a lot more of them than usual.

DsWorldd •

Cid is one of the only if any isekai mcs that I enjoy as a character and find funny at all even though he's intentionally corny. I've seen some cautious hero clips that are quite funny too but just haven't got around to watch it.

DsWorldd •

@Daniel well at the end of the day they're supposed to post content and while they can't fake everything they also can't sit in silence with a frown because the comedy in konosuba is flat


Iris, Alpha, Beta, Beatriz, and especially Shadow are good characters. Say what you want, but all the characters are fine or decent in some way.

Taylor Moon

The characters are good and alot of people making claims that really show they haven’t even watched the anime xD

Fernando Perez

@Sun I still don’t buy it. They’d have to just be excellent at faking reactions then cause I distinctly remember them laughing their asses off, especially in the OVAs and the movie. I also highly doubt they’d continue watching, especially a spin-off, if they thought it was just mid overall. But hey, I’m not them. I’m just commenting on what I see.


remember how Alpha used to be that blob monster, well all of the greek alphabet girls (Beta, Gamma, Delta, Nu, etc.) also used to be those blob monsters and Cid found them and turned them back to their normal form, thats why Nu had that Nightmare

Joe Michael

Does anybody know if there been any talk about ranking of Kings season two


Ougi speaking on a series having flat characters when the series has literally only had one season. Yes some series develop multiple more characters in one season but depending on the story only so much can be done in one season. You talking shit on the girl with the chocolate that likes cid? You can clearly tell she has her own little side development going on behind the scenes with the series and she obviously is meant to pop up later. She definitely has revenge type shit going on. Not trying to spoil much since people may be watching the series with roshi but still.


They saw the girl dancing with the exact same dude that popped up immediately after her with the blue hair and just didn't make the connection AT ALL. I understand they react to multiple shows but at least catch on to some of the shit lol


Being that they are currently releasing a special they are definitely having it in the works and using the special that is happening as a way to give something for the fans as they work on creating the next season. If it wasn't going to continue I doubt they would be willing to create the special season that is happening right now.


Cid has something I like to call "Accidental Unlimited Rizz".


But I hope we don't go the entire season with them just not understanding Cid as a character. I feel like they understand a little bit but then complain about certain things he does but that is literally just the type of person he is.

Joe Michael

Thanks so much for the update I bought a new house a while back and now I’m trying to catch back up on videos. The whole reuploading thing threw me for a loop as well trying to watch and read things chronologically. Anyway I’m looking forward to it. Thanks again


Most reactors with no knowledge start to catch on next arc not this arc. And even then sometimes it takes until the last arc.


I think they’ll figure it out next couple arcs since he does some absolutely Hilarious/troll shit 😂 the man is basically a whole troll

Jazzy Jinx

Most of the reactors that watch this series don't catch it. I wouldn't get bent over the little details.

Jazzy Jinx

100% they should figure it out in the last arc when a certain mundane individual shows up.


@Maroki R6 Cid doing his best to look like a fool in the tournament, its so in your face that its boring yet sheera and lupa say "she saw him do that". They got no clue whats going on becuase they're just going through the motiong and trying to be entertaing.


@Maroki R6 Also Lupa asking something directly after it was explained and Roshi explaing it by saying exactly what the subs said. English is my second language and i'm able to keep up with the story just by watching the fucking screen.


@Vincet S Deluca by the amount of trash romance/drama they consume they must be able to turn of their brains.


@L.C. "Ougi speaking on a series having flat characters when the series has literally only had one season" Its 24 fucking epsiodes and your defending it by saying it will get better? Touch some fucking grass mate. Most of the characters are flat as hell, but that doesnt mean its bad.


That's my biggest issue with the anime, the writing. IMO It shouldn't have to take several arcs just for the audience to get the basic concept and general framework of a character. Sure motivations and intentions for a character can change over time and arcs. Take Vegeta for example, from the moment he first shows up you immediately get a sense and understanding of his persona even though as arcs go on his motivations and intentions change, the core concept of his characters framework stays the same.


The thing with the world of Konosuba is that everything is ridiculous, every character missing something in their head, so you watch it waiting for another ridiculous situation, tbh Kazuma is the sanest character in that world. It's a different type of comedy. When you watch Eminence in Shadows you should think that everything is serious, everything is dark, and THEN we have our MC who'is just a chuunibyou. One of the misconceptions about this show is that everyone says it's an isekai parody, which is not, only the MC is playing around, everyone else are serious about what they're doing. So if you go with that false mindset, you'd get less interested with side characters because you always think their actions are not important to the story. If you remove Cid from the story, it could be a decent fantasy show about serious fantasy stuff. It's the existence of Cid who breaks the seriousness of the setting. People complaining that Roshi is taking it seriously are wrong, you should take the serious matters in the show seriously, if not, jokes in this show won't land well. It's just how I think. Hope I phrased it properly 😔

Nabi (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-23 12:45:59 Just a repost of what I reply to a comment about comparing it to konosuba: The thing with the world of Konosuba is that everything is ridiculous, every character missing something in their head, so you watch it waiting for another ridiculous situation. It's a different type of comedy. When you watch Eminence in Shadows you should think that everything in the show is serious, everything is dark, and THEN we have our MC who'is just a chuunibyou. One of the misconception about this show is that everyone says it's an isekai parody, which is not, only the MC is playing around, everyone else are serious about what they're doing. So if you go with that false mindset, you'd get less interested with side characters because you always think their actions are not important to the story. If you remove Cid from the story, it could be an ok fantasy show about serious fantasy matters. It's the existence of Cid who breaks the seriousness of the setting. People complaining that Roshi is taking it seriously are wrong IMO, you should take the serious matters in this show seriously, if not, jokes won't land well. It's just how I think. Hope I phrased it properly 😔
2023-04-23 10:39:50 Just a repost of what I replied to a comment about comparing it to Konosuba: The thing with the world of Konosuba is that everything is ridiculous. Every character's missing something in their head, so you watch it, waiting for another ridiculous situation. To be honest, Kazuma is the sanest character in that world. It's a different type of comedy. When you watch Eminence in Shadows, you should think that everything in the show is serious and dark, and THEN we have our MC who's just a chuunibyou. One of the misconceptions about this show is that everyone says it's an isekai parody, which it's not, it's parodying edgy tropes and only the MC is playing around; everyone else is serious about what they're doing. So if you go in with that false mindset, you'd get less interested in side characters because you always think their actions aren't important to the story. If you remove Cid from the story, it could be an okay fantasy show about serious fantasy stuff. It's Cid's existence that breaks the seriousness of the setting. People complaining that Roshi is taking it seriously are kinda wrong IMO. You should take the serious matters in this show seriously; if not, jokes won't land well or get bored with the jokes. That's just how I think. Hope I phrased it properly 😔

Just a repost of what I replied to a comment about comparing it to Konosuba: The thing with the world of Konosuba is that everything is ridiculous. Every character's missing something in their head, so you watch it, waiting for another ridiculous situation. To be honest, Kazuma is the sanest character in that world. It's a different type of comedy. When you watch Eminence in Shadows, you should think that everything in the show is serious and dark, and THEN we have our MC who's just a chuunibyou. One of the misconceptions about this show is that everyone says it's an isekai parody, which it's not, it's parodying edgy tropes and only the MC is playing around; everyone else is serious about what they're doing. So if you go in with that false mindset, you'd get less interested in side characters because you always think their actions aren't important to the story. If you remove Cid from the story, it could be an okay fantasy show about serious fantasy stuff. It's Cid's existence that breaks the seriousness of the setting. People complaining that Roshi is taking it seriously are kinda wrong IMO. You should take the serious matters in this show seriously; if not, jokes won't land well or get bored with the jokes. That's just how I think. Hope I phrased it properly 😔


They'll, they just need to get used to it, this type of situation is not that common in anime, so I get if they think "maybe this time he was serious"


what's Cid's core concept that hasn't "stayed the same"?


ReZero was flat as hell with only 2 character to care about after 25 episodes, give it time bro


there's just one character doing all the comedy, you wouldn't call an entire show a "parody" based on one character

Daniel Borrego

it takes a while to realize that cid is basically a crazy person. its also kinda badly written as to what cid actually thinks is going on, like he thinks its all a game then he brutally murders people. and then theres the gag where cid just stumbles into the correct answer over and over again. so its a very wierd show to pin down. it took me till around this arc to really get whats going on. its not so black and white as ainz in overlord.


I totally get you, but I mean, even in his original world, everything he did was not something a sane person would do lol.


and yeah, it takes time to fully understand what's going on, we're still in the beginning of the story.

Daniel Borrego

cids character is very murky for the first bunch of episodes. you dont know if hes plain dumb, oblivous, secretly sneaky and smart and just playing dumb and oblivious. he keeps saying everyones playing a game with him but then he goes and brutally murders people and destroys huge chunks of the city. add to that cid is 'accidently' right about stuff over and over again, overlord style and it makes things even more confusing. im sure in the light novel or manga its more obvious whats going on. but the show is a bit confusing at first. looking back with 20/20 hindsight isnt the best way to enjoy a reaction.

Daniel Borrego

there are definitely filler episodes in the season . there were episodes where i was just like, well ok that was an episode alright. then other where i had a blast. plus its three people reacting to it and talking to each other. its different then you watching it yourself and absorbing every little thing.

Hueki Yuuki

It's clearly jokes + it's a cartoon + go back to twitter, weirdo ass mf.

The Pebble

Blows my mind how many of you out here writing thesis papers on how they should watch this show to enjoy it to the upmost by your standards. This community is such gatekeeping, elitist, little trashtwats. Get over yourselves lmao.

Chris Barnes

We are just trying to get them to better understand the theme behind the show. Most people that don't like Eminence in shadow is because they take it to serious and don't understand its a parody of isekai anime. It's really all still love we still enjoy watching them we just want to improve their enjoyment as much as possible

Daniel Borrego

@DsWorldd generally you can see when people are faking it though. you can tell that some of the gags get a bit long in the tooth like darkness being darkness, but overall, it genuinly looks like they were enjoying it. but if roshi said that, i guess its true.

Daniel Borrego

its suprisingly good. usually slime ova's are trash, but its more like an episode.

Jazzy Jinx

Right? This micromanaging is ridiculous. xD I hope they aren't reading these comments. I want to see the raw reaction.


Cid has the largest clown shoes in the country. Like, they're so big, other people are right there lookin' like clowns with him, and none of them know it.


lol how is it gatekeeping when everyone in the community asked him to watch it, doesn't make sense

King DDD

Here we go Doffy back at it again to writing more garbage trying to start fights. Dont you ever get tired of only leaving negative comments? Like surely after doing it so much you get bored right?


Sheera is 20x worse than Lupa in this regard and that's saying something.


Black coffee is the only way to enjoy coffee. Alexia = based. Lupa = blasphemer

Overlord_Ashalon (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-08 06:15:15 Have none of you ever had Peanut M&Ms? They look exactly like the chocolate Sherry has just more colorful.
2023-05-08 03:41:42 Have none of you ever had Peanut M&Ms? They look exactly like the chocolate Sherry has just more colorful.

Have none of you ever had Peanut M&Ms? They look exactly like the chocolate Sherry has just more colorful.


Sheera is the blasphemer, bet she’s never had specialty grade coffee


Bro talking about named characters while being a sibling to one of the most promising dark knight prodigies. Nah bro, you a named character too.

Dud3 itsj3ff

bro really just drank coffee through some bandages