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eminence in goat

Fernando Perez (edited)

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2023-04-18 22:17:02 Fucking knew Sheera was gonna make a bone of my sword joke over the atomic line LMAO
2023-04-18 22:14:56 Fucking knew Sheera was gonna make a bone of my sword joke over the atomic line LMAO Never change

Fucking knew Sheera was gonna make a bone of my sword joke over the atomic line LMAO Never change

Vongola Fiamme

in the manga they wear mask not sure why they dont here. I just think of it as the superman excuse and accept it lol.

Devin B

Cid actually keeps half of his face hidden with his hood which is why you see a shadow on his face. It's just that the show is showing us his face from angles that no one else sees.


as soon as i got the notif for this i stopped my game

Fernando Perez

I believe it’s something the manga added but was not in the LN. The anime is more based off of the LN from what I’ve heard.

Alexander Szabo

He’s not randomly a part of the Diablos Cult. From last episode, we could tell that the cult and the knights order are completely intertwined. Meaning we can assume that these knights of the round table(?) is connected to the cult as well. The environment and plot might coincidentally follow Cid’s narrative, but it’s not just random cuz random.


11/10 reaction. Looking forward to the next one, thank you for your services.

Hasnain Khan



I AM : The music in this show is hype

Devante Vickers

THEY SAID HE DIED. LOL. He literally died, you dont have to theorize, they said it already in the other world.

Ryan Cataldo

Damn they talked over the best part!

Alexander Szabo

I think… what Roshi is talking about (because it’s very obvious that Cid died in the other world) is that Cid is dead and in a fantasy imaginary state? I honestly don’t know what the logic is with Roshi’s statement. Cid died. It was on tv. We saw the collision with the truck. We saw him reborn as an infant.

Devin B

Also they showed how Cid died already, he got hit by truck kun.


I’m pissed y’all didn’t realize girl that was the monster was buddy’s daughter from like episode two

Valentino Garay

Lupa THE GOAT lmaooooo you just make my day 10x better with the ending Big love for you all, thanks for the laughs

Drake Rage

They second-guessed the collision with the truck scene, they were like "the news said he was walking when he got hit by a truck, but he was running when he got hit, so this might not be real." They said something like that after that scene, lmao.

Daniel Borrego

i think its mostly elves, because the original bloodline was elves


Accountabilibuddy is from south park lmao.


Overkill? It’s about sending a message 😏😂

Fernando Perez

Relax. I’m pretty sure what Roshi means is that it’s not that Cid went to another world but rather that he’s in some kinda afterlife dream of sorts and that’s why everything conveniently goes his way. He said himself that it’s not something he expects to be true but more of a funny headcanon.


Wish they assumed a little less and understood a little more but overall good reaction. Why could sheera not stop talking about dragonball? lol


Bro that nigga just took out everything in like a 30 block radius lmao

Devante Vickers

We are calm. Also he's dead, nothing to dream about. So that kinda wouldn't make sense.

Devante Vickers

I can understand if he said "COMA", then his theory could make sense, but he keep saying he died. And the answer is, YES he did die, lol, thats all im saying.


The "I am atomic" moment got overshadowed by sheera saying something else. Hopefully they get a good full "I am atomic" ASMR experience down the line

MC zsn

bruh, Cid literally died from the original world and reincarnated lmao, it ain't that deep ya'll


No the LN has masks too. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/789115165967319024/ you can see a half mask in this image. Theres also another one that covers his whole face in dark energy and leaves one glowing red eye.


Yesssss "I am Atomic" my favorite Overkill scene


He prob means as an afterlife, like we are seeing cids conscious live on after he died.

Gas Bandit

Sheera talking over the "I AM ATOMIC" line stabbed me in the heart. Dude was talking in TIMES NEW ROMAN and got snarked over.

Devante Vickers

But that is what isekai's literally are. You die, your conscious live on in another world.


its so we can recognize all the characters in the anime literally the only reason. the show is mostly based off the manga as it follows it almost verbatim


i find it really cool and admirable that someone gets so excited over such a heat series


the monster was dudes daughter from episode 2 don't know if yall caught that

MC zsn

she was forcing a LOT of corny jokes this episode smh


to be fair it's really not that significant to the story lol. Only thing that sorta bothered me was sherra memeing over the atomic lmao


And? They still heard it and acknowledged it in the post discussion.

Andrew L

I am Atomic is eargasm with headphones on




Am always looking forward to the outro


Why was it so difficult to wait a few seconds for it to finish. Like goddamn, what a big L. That's a shame.

Fernando Perez

They acknowledged it in the outro. Not sure if they fully heard the Asmr but at least they thought it was still epic.


Y'all need to rewatch the "I am Atomic" scene with headphones on your own time to really appreciate it.


sooooooo you didnt want me before and now that you saw i was him...you want me.....then you CUT me after i reject you?!.....sigh i miss my ex -tears-



Cameron Griffin

One thing that they don't really show like in the manga is that Cid's face is covered so no one he fights is actually able to see his face and tell who he is.


Lmao there was no reason for him the blow up the city. Cid just did it cuz he wanted to have a final battle type moment and look cool.


I dropped temporarily the show at episode 10 then dropped definitely not long ago at episode 14. Show kinda become lame

ZeroRequiem (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-19 00:32:46 Roshi had that "Fresh&Fit" energy today, if you know you know, Good Shit! I enjoyed the reaction, the talking over the atomic line wasn't great but there were other moments to enjoy through out.
2023-04-19 00:23:54 Roshi had that "Fresh&Fit" energy today, if you know you know, Good Shit! I enjoyed the reaction, the talking over the atomic line wasn't great but there were other moments to enjoy through out.

Roshi had that "Fresh&Fit" energy today, if you know you know, Good Shit! I enjoyed the reaction, the talking over the atomic line wasn't great but there were other moments to enjoy through out.


Mannnnnn they didn’t hear it


i hope lupa keeps enjoying the ed pictures its hilarious


In the light novel all of shadow garden including cid wear masks, thats why in the anime no one recognizes them even though they arent wearing masks

Cameron Robinson

Can’t believe Roshi actually thought Sid was holding back so we could learn about the plot. No he was holding back so he could say all his cool one-liners about how his enemy aint shit and then use his ultimate move for no reason.


They really missed the highlight of the episode because Sheera wanted to fit in a cringeworthy joke that just failed miserably

Jcjuliancer .


Greg Harrison

Does this get better? Seems pretty generic so far.

Fernando Perez

It definitely gets better. I wasn’t really feeling the series until like ep 7-8. It doesn’t become peak fiction or anything but the humor steps up and there’s a lot more cool moments. I definitely don’t think it’s for everyone but I enjoyed it myself, especially later on.


"ci..ci....CID is that you mf"

blue snivy

yo lupa looks his own house was blown up lmfao

Zack Christensen

This show is basically a soft parody of the isekai genre. It's pretty much isekai One Punch Man. The show intentionally uses generic troupes, only to put a twist on them. It definitely gets better the more you watch. But I can see why someone wouldn't really get into it, especially if they go into it with the wrong expectations.


No reason? He's been working on this for a while (and from Shadow Garden's reaction, has practiced this where they could witness it). Man's had to flex for the one witness around.


The atomic part is cringe enough that it made me snicker in the manga, i wanted to see their reaction to it if there was any. And i couldn't even hear the line because of whatever she said xD


Fresh&Fit energy isn't exactly something anyone should strive for


I knew the comment section would be spazzing about them missing the line cus sheera didnt wanna stay quiet 😂


Always fun to see people that can't read two different subtitle when two different discusionss are happning talk over the subs when its trying to explain something. It's like watching a movie with someone thats always on the phone.


you should pick it back up it gets better, the season finale was peak


Cid is definitely not dead but people besides Shadow Garden don't know Cid is Shadow. It's only his deep voice and a glowing eye.


You damn weebs gotta learn wtf the genre your watching means xD "I think he died and came to back in another world"....."Yes"


Its one of the stupid iconic lines, the anime even went overboard with it and you couldn't hear shit because of joke which i also couldnt hear,


Yeah well they aint paying attention. They still seem o think this is some serious anime


They're too busy guessing what the anime is to notice its just full of tropes your meant to laugh it. With the amount of romance cringe they watch i'm sure they should be able to understand cringe


I don't agree 100% with everything they say, you clearly don't, but they make many great points/facts that both men and women should be aware of. I'll admit I watch them for the comedy because people do show themselves the fool regularly but ultimately... Fresh&Fit are trying to help both women and men see what's right in front of them. Anyone who can't see that, can't see past their own delusion and emotional responses... I'm not Myron; I don't try to help the "blind see" or do so out of the kindness of my own heart. I won't waste more time than necessary on a stranger who's knowingly or unknowingly blind to the truth. Believe what you want but Roshi's energy was fire today!


i think that shadow purposely used that fencing style so that she would recognize it and for him to show her that her fencing style isnt as bad as she percieves it to be

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

second time watching the series and I never noticed the monster was the daughter of the dude from the second episode


My disappointment that they didn’t hear the atomic line is unmatched

Mathew Green

It helps the anime to be able to show shadows expressions by letting the viewers see his face


In the Anime even though their faces are revealed no one ever knows it them kind of weird since in the LN they all wear mask


I'm with Sheera when I first heard the I am atomic line I immediately thought of Archer from fate


23:07 crack me up. It gets funnier every time 💀💀💀


His energy can be fire without it having anything to do with "fresh and fit". Nothing you say even have anything to do with this episode or the reactors, fucking chill you terminal online reject


nah that's just his normal fencing style lol. Alexia just happens to follow a similar belief system as Cid (or rather people of earth)


lol I'm clearly not the one who needs to take a chill pill... who's child is this? Grow up. Anyway... as I said, Roshi had that Fresh&Fit energy today! Yes sir :] got a laugh out of me.


This show is ass pass

Devin B

I've just started watching some of their videos and most of what they say are decent points but just the way they deliver those points is what most people have a problem with imo. But yeah I can see what Roshi said to be in line with what Fresh&Fit would think.


Agreed, a lot of people can't handle the way they say it. I personally take it like you would a comedy, the platform is public and they warn the guests in advance so it's on them if they look bad.


All he said was "I am atomic.", yes, there was some sound design behind it, but it really wasn't all that exciting. And who's to say they didn't hear it? Just cuz we didn't hear it on our end (we can, but let's pretend we can't), doesn't mean they didn't hear it either. I'm willing to bet they heard it, and just didn't react because they were more interested in figuring out what was going on, and what the hell Cid was doing, than a small piece of dialogue, that's also right there for them to read...

Pan Cakes

Ong, how are some people getting mad at them not being hyped over a cringey anime line "i am atomic" is cool and all but it aint that deep. just calm down go outside and get some sun and frolic on the grass if you are seriously worked up over it xd


Best way to explain how Alexia survived is he did his atomic from his point becoming part of the diameter ring, for example how you draw a circle in Paint. You become a point in the origin and 'draw' the circle size.

Burning Talons

When will Sheera realize she isn't funny? Just be pretty and make predictions stop joking it's so corny. Leave that to Lupa


When will you realise that they dont give a fuck about your opinion ? this aint twitter or reddit gtfo outta here go cry somewhere else .

Jose silva

Cringiest show ever worst than SAO lol


Don’t worry, we got a couple more chances to hear his finishing lines lol so hopefully they take a pause for some of the next ones


Just watch and stop commenting. Just leave that to people who actually have something interesting or at least nice to say.


You guys do understand the show is cringe/campy INTENTIONALLY right??


welp, I'm atomic wasted, lol, no worries, we'll see more cringe in the future. About the "I like your fencing" line, she realized that when back then her sisters told her this line, it wasn't to mock her (which what she originally believed, she was kinda mad at her for saying that line), it was genuine, her sister actually liked her fencing. Remember her discussion with Cid in the train.


"Just be pretty and make predictions" 🤦‍♂️ How about you take your Tater tot ass back to reddit, and stop saying dumb shit like that. You're more cringe than the show.. except the show does it on purpose.


The reason for the atomic move was to make shadow garden known, thats why they blew up the other facilities. Now the goverment is aware of shadow organisations like the zenom guy from the cult. But the real reason is because cid likes to do cool stuff


Brother go fuck yourself, yeah it would have been nice to hear the atomic line but take your misogynistic ass elsewhere Hur dur girl can’t be funny leave to guy hur dur


Yeah it just glances past this with no direct call back unless you’ve been payin extra attention

Burning Talons

Only one who said anything about women not being funny is you. Really shows skmething.

Burning Talons

What kind of insult is that? Stay single because you sure aren’t getting anyone itching to undress with that word play.


I mean you literally said "When will Sheera realize she isn't funny? Just be pretty and stop making jokes.. Leave that to the dude" 🤨 That's some straight from the Incel factory BS.

Burning Talons

So saying 1 girl isnt funny and 1 guy is means all girls aren’t funny and all guys are you are now generalizing 2 entire sexes off of 1 person. Sounds sexist too me.

Lamaree Jackson

“The show’s supposed to be cringe/generic, ENJOY IT AS MUCH AS I DO!!” Hey maybe you guys should explain to them next that Seinfeld is a show about nothing, or that The Office isn’t about people trying to get their work done.


no so i think they misjudged the plot of the show....cid and his harem ARE a cult of their own and since he just spawned into that world...the people are like oh wtf where did this cult come from? and also cid is just a troll...doing the most for no reason ...think of him as the deadpool of anime


if that makes sense idk maybe yall are thinking a bit too hard about this anime...its epic in its own goofy way

Jose silva

lmao, but it is it doesn’t doesn’t mean it isn’t entertaining, you people can’t take any critic

Vincent S Deluca

You already dug your bro this is a fruitless effort your putting up lol. Lesson is Think before you speak

Vincent S Deluca

All these people complaining about the cringe and yet, here you are, watching

Joe Michael

Sheera is like hold up call senku from dr stone


Why bro paying for their patreon just to be mysogonistic, like you can also just not be here🤔🤷‍♂️


What kind of dumbass logic is that lol. Being intentionally cringe doesn't make it any less so lmao

Burning Talons

Why bro typing a word without knowing the definition. like you can google the definition.


She talked over it :( still good moment

Jcjuliancer .

legalise nuclear human

this is one long ass username

She did not realize that it was Cid, she only remembered her sisters words "I like your sword style".


The same thing can be said about you getting worked up because some folks are mad over some cringey anime line. It's okay, just breath in nice and slow, feel the calmness within you and realize that maybe it really ain't that deep


If you're wondering how no one can tell its Cid, its the animators fault. The manga had them wearing masks, so it's basically cut from the anime adaptation to make it look better.


Because the audio queue is distorted and has like an 8D effect which makes it all the more hype. Especially in later episodes it gets enunciated more.


That wasn't his point. He's not trying to defend the show by saying it's any less cringey. The show itself is just made to be cringe and playing parody of common anime tropes.

Pan Cakes

Looks like you were one of those people that were so worked up about that cringey "i am atomic" line, deigo. me telling people to touch grass over a "i am atomic" line is not the same as people bashing sheera for saying bone of my sword joke.

Pan Cakes

"😭😡 GRRRRR they didnt react to THAT line, ITS SHEERA'S fault 🤓" God, you guys commenting can be so weird. How can you guys manage to be more cringe than the show. aint no way

Devin B

True and most of the girls that are on there tries to make illogical points and they get mad when their point is disproven by statistics and common sense. Either way it's always entertaining watching their podcasts.


I'm all for giving criticism on the reaction, everyone has an opinion, but if yall can't do it in a respectful way.... GTFO. Sheera's reactions are part of why this channel is great and who are you to feel like you have some weird power over someone's reaction! The blatant disrespect and rudeness ain't allowed here.... GROW UP!!!

ChickenDinners (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-19 20:47:40 There are some cringe folks in this community with extreme parasocial relationships with reactors who don't even know who you are. Chill guys. It isn't that serious. Take a deep breath and go outside. Being terminally online isn't healthy.
2023-04-19 20:29:58 There are some cringe folks in this community with extreme parasocial relationships with reactors who don't even know who they are. Chill guys. It isn't that serious. Take a deep breath and go outside. Being terminally online isn't healthy.

There are some cringe folks in this community with extreme parasocial relationships with reactors who don't even know who they are. Chill guys. It isn't that serious. Take a deep breath and go outside. Being terminally online isn't healthy.


Oh nah who the hell is you, kindly return to wherever the hell you came from


I didn’t know a cringe show pulled the visceral cringe out of those who watched it goddamn


Ahhh, so thats who that was. I figured she'd be important later on and kept waiting for it to be relevant. Totally didnt notice that either.


damn, I read the comments before watching and saw people mad they missed the main line and ended up so confused. they didn't even miss the line it just sounds way different with headphones. a lot of yall need to stop being bozos and just enjoy the reaction


They really hate when they're not quiet reactors like damn but to be fair Sheera was pulling out a brain-dead joke at that moment but it is what it is


Yet you still lining her pockets,nigga paying money just for his opinion to be irrelevant lmao

Burning Talons

You paying money to glaze people who dont know you 😂😂. I pay for uncut reaction and I dont even watch duo reactions. Your logic is flawed


I didn't even realize why people were upset cuz that line wasn't shit

Charlie baker

sheera really talked over atomic like damn

Burning Talons

People who type shit like "touch grass" means their whole personality is from the internet meaning your ass is allergic to sunlight. Stop talking and take your own advice.

Huemon Nottabear

Magic is borrowed power. That will never beat real power

The Pebble

You haven't been here long, have you? Not any three of them would sit there and be like, "Atomic?! THAT IS SO COOL!" This is a joke show, it's not that serious.

TAC Genesis

Cid helping out with the economy man, all he did was dig up a new gold vein 😂

Daniel Borrego

i have a feeling that meguimin would join shadow garden


Just heard the atomic line with headphones. That's it? That's what y'all are mad about them not hearing, it doesn't even sound like anything crazy without headphones why the hell would they get hype about that???


Fr, the line wasn't even that special. Do people expect them to scream and shout whilst pretending to be hype like other reactors? At most, they would've been like "cool sound design" and carried on, literally nothing for people to get mad at Sheera over


Dizzy theres no point in trying to explain satire to autistic people on the internet at the end of the day you either get it or you don't.

Kitko (edited)

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2023-04-21 03:20:39 horrendous take, i agree its silly to get mad about it but downplaying it by saying "its not even cool hurr" is dumb asf. theyve gotten hype for far less lmao
2023-04-21 01:13:43 I agree its wildly silly to get mad about it but downplaying it by saying "thats it?" is also kinda silly. shits super subjective and theve gotten hype for far less. i understand youre more so getting annoyed at the clowns being shitty to Sheera (cause fuck them obv) but still

I agree its wildly silly to get mad about it but downplaying it by saying "thats it?" is also kinda silly. shits super subjective and theve gotten hype for far less. i understand youre more so getting annoyed at the clowns being shitty to Sheera (cause fuck them obv) but still


he wasnt even being mean to sheera (unlike other dumbass people) and its dumb to argue on whether they hypothetically thought it was cool or not. theyve been hype for sillier stuff before. also more importantly check out the first guys account, dude is balling or some shit cause hes subscribed to a fuck ton of patreons lol

Charlie baker

Its not that its cool as a line,just interesting delivery on the line by the va thats cool to see people take in for the first time.


Pucci, Sylosis, thank you. Ougi, maybe you should work on improving that room temperature IQ of yours, some people enjoy the ridiculousness of these cringey shows, it’s called comedy. Maybe try to comprehend what you’re reading before you type some moronic 30 IQ reply.


@danial javady I'm not sure about that. I've met people of all ages who exhibit creepy parasocial behavior towards youtubers and streamers. It extends to all entertainers and even politics really. They'll act like they're close with these people when they don't even know they exist. Bizarre behavior.


so far these characters don't have much depth to me and the writing is pretty simple, but maybe I'll change my mind in the future. its only been five episodes..

jordy (edited)

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2023-04-21 07:03:47 the show is so simply written that it feels like they missed the mark on the execution of satire to me. it's more cringe than it is funny, but maybe this gets better
2023-04-21 05:02:01 the show is so simply written that it feels like they missed the mark on the execution of satire. it's more cringe than it is funny to me, but maybe this gets better

the show is so simply written that it feels like they missed the mark on the execution of satire. it's more cringe than it is funny to me, but maybe this gets better


wow, on a channel that focuses on reactions, people that payed for these reactions are getting way to worked up over how they are reacting., absolutely wild

Abstract Rose (edited)

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2023-04-22 04:18:26 I think Sheera can be funny but my only issue is that she doesnt react she just predicts and if her prediction is right she says "see i just said that" Sheera i love your personality but please take a chill pill sometimes and just dont talk as much.. trust me i love your quips but some just aren't needed and take away from parts of the show. Once again i really mean no hate, love you guys <3
2023-04-22 02:11:59 I think Sheera can be funny but my only issue is that she doesnt react she just predicts and if her prediction is right she says "see i just said that" Sheera i love your personality but please take a chill pill sometimes and just dont talk as much.. trust me i love your quips but some just aren't needed and take away from parts of the show. Once again i really mean no hate, love you guys <3

I think Sheera can be funny but my only issue is that she doesnt react she just predicts and if her prediction is right she says "see i just said that" Sheera i love your personality but please take a chill pill sometimes and just dont talk as much.. trust me i love your quips but some just aren't needed and take away from parts of the show. Once again i really mean no hate, love you guys <3


Yeah I'm a bit bummed they didn't really react to "atomic" but ya'll need to CHILL tf out like holy shit it's not that big of a deal.


pure coincidence is a real thing, capitalizing it is what makes it fun.


It's their reaction you're telling them how they should react huh?


Ppl acting like that was the greatest line ever it's his ultimate move because y'all watched the entire show y'all know he says it more than once so why be mad and annoyed at their reaction

Abstract Rose

Not telling them how to react per say but Reacting is something you do in response to something happening reacting is not the same as predicting if you are so mentally challenged that you cant even understand that the concepts are different i suggest you look at the dictionary to understand that they are indeed not the same thing once again no hate to the creators but at the same time these things do matter it doesn't matter if your used to it or not reactions aren't predictions and the fact that you think they are when Sheera's just predicting things that will most likely happen and then saying "see i said that would happen" is adding onto the reaction you are just one of the people that unfortunately cant understand simple definitions of words and for that i am sincerely sorry that you had such a failed upbringing that your parents failed at even the simplest concepts of words and they're definitions were so morphed that you cant even understand simple definitions personally i would recommend you study the dictionary for a couple of weeks or maybe a few months so you can better understand the english language and the context clues that follow it.. while i am sad to say that i am canceling my membership i understand that alot of people in the community would be happy to see someone like me leave but tbh i dont really care people like you and Sheera are the reason that the community wont take off.. you think eveything that happens is perfect because you worship these guys.. if you took the d**k out of your mouth and actually tried to think you would see where im coming from but you will forever worship these guys like gods.. i will continue to support from the yt channel because she doesnt talk as much there but it truly saddens me that people like you will continue to say these guys are perfect and that they cant improve.. personally i would love if they release a lupa and roshi only season but im aware that sheera is Roshi' S/O so i was just trying to give criticism that could help the channel but you want to dick ride so bad that you cant even see anything that could be improved upon.. from the bottom of my heart i really believe that the core of this community is a cancer and you just make it worse but who knows maybe im the bad guy and after you guys get rid of people like me he will have millions of subs right? I mean that has to be the case since you guys know so much.

Abstract Rose

Hate me all you want but reactions and predictions arent the same thing people can hate sheera because she spoke over the line all they want but I personally hate her because she only predicts things and then says "see i said that would happen" like some kind of autistic 2nd grade kid AGAIN hate me all you want but Roshi's community is a cancer and i would probably watch him more if he was on a deserted island without sheera or his community tbh hes funnier without all of the shitty rot that his community has formed but hey i know people hate this opinion so come at me if you want but if you think Sheera is helping the channel i would really love for you to give me 1 reason as to how she helps the channel ina way that the other 2 dont but who knows you may surprise me... i look forward to reading your response i really hope it proves me wrong


wow the unnecessary hate is REAL, but bet! First off, I’m not sure on how the channel came to be but w/o Sheera who knows if Roshi would have created it or even continued through the years. Trusting your spouse to take the challenge together of making your income off the internet isn’t easy. Second, Sheera has a coined phrase in the community, her “Sheeragan”. Her ability to be observant and vocal with pointing things out has definitely made for some good reactions, even Roshi and Lupa call her out for her predictiveness. Yes sometimes she is wrong but that’s part of her contribution to the reaction. Third, Lupa doesn’t live close to Roshi and Sheera. Not only does this mean that they have to work around each other’s schedules but it gives an outlet for all the duo shows. You can’t deny that the channel has grown from fans of the duo shows and that the catalogue of shows has expanded. The channel wouldn’t be where it is if they only watched the popular action/thriller shows. Sometimes people want to watch more romantic or comedic shows that aren’t full of action and violence. You think you would like a channel of only Roshi but i bet you would change your mind eventually. Anyway that’s a long enough comment and I hope you are able to see what I pointed out.

Abstract Rose (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-24 13:42:46 TLDR most of you dumb fucks in the community worship roshi dick so much that i think you have a hard time breathing most the time
2023-04-24 11:29:18

Kendall Gresham

When you're basically telling Sheera to shut the fuck up, of course, people are going to be mad at you. Like Lupa would say to someone like you: "Shut the fuck up. You're mad because Sheera makes a prediction (which is part of reacting btw) and get mad when she says she knew that would happen. She literally made an educated guess and it came true. How about you take Sheera's dick out your mouth.

Abstract Rose

Aye man i dont have Sheeras dick in my mouth but who know if sheera could taken the dick out of her maybe she wouldnt have kids.. cry more keep replying and stay mad &lt;3


@Abstract Rose like bro, did your mommy not love you as a kid or something? Shut the fuck up and go whine your ass off in the kiddie corner.


These comments lmaoo take a chill pill


These comments lmaoo take a chill pill


Hell no that was a bomb line. He said that shit smoother than your brain. But I'm certainly not mad at em because they missed one line. Though I fail to understand why people like you start proselytizing as if they're being persecuted. It's very cringe. If people want to complain or voice their thoughts for a service they paid for, then they can, even if the complaints are bitch-made.


There’s voicing your thoughts then there’s throwing personal insults at Sheera. If they’re that mad they can cancel their damn Patreon.

Royal Lucario

no @Abstract Rose is right. people that don't believe so are just up in lala land where they can believe anything they want. sheera loves to be right and just predicts all the time its really annoying. I've been watching them since they started on the previous channel its always the same. i love the reaction trio dont get me wrong. also my other friends who all watch agree with it rose, your not the only one who thinks like that. a lot do but noone says anything because the sheera squad comes out to attack people.


For some stupid reason, they didn't add in the mask but all the members of Shadow Garden are supposed to be wearing masks.

Euphoria Cutie

I love how sheera reacts if you don’t just don’t watch their Patreon simple as that. She shouldn’t change just to please you.

Euphoria Cutie

I find her shit funny so idk what you’re talking about. I love sheeras sexual jokes and predictions.

Euphoria Cutie

It’s okay sheera stick to your predictions and jokes I love them. You make the reactions so much better.


Abstract Rose Ian readin allat but if u dont like how they reacting to it watch ur urself aint that hard


Royal Lucario Bro how you finna try n tell them how to react to something u deadass paying to get mad


So leave the patreon, I want them to get money yeah but when theres people like u who r deadass paying them but always complaining. Sheera, Roshi, and Lupa all have they own unique features. U aint apart of the trio so shut the fuck up dumb bitch

Burning Talons

You not part of it either yet you glazing them like they know you. Nobody knows you take their dick out your mouth


it is cringe...it is so much cringe its cool(in words of famous YouTuber)


Anime production studios always changing shit, either that or it was the Mangaka's personal request to change it.


Holy shi, Brodie done typed a whole MLA formatted essay

Url Robbo

Looking back on this yeah Sheera sometimes she do talk a little bit too much when Roshi and Lupa are tuned in

Keith Nieves

Obviously I'm mad late since this was a year ago, (I know nothing about this manga, universe, show whatever, but so far theres been some things that they missed that no one talked about? In the second episode his sister got kidnapped and the man that cid killed (the kidnapper, grease guy) had a locket of his daughter milia. Milia was the homunculus experiment thing and no one noticed. Another thing as well, its a mix of both missing subtle moments and overthinking but them thinking she figured out who shadow was, and that she actually started liking cid because of that was a bit off. When cid first said he liked her style in the train and she pulled her sword on him, after she left the train she was blushing, thats all. This show is extremely simple and i wrote a fucking paragraph which i did not mean to do and to top it all off, it doesn't matter anyway because I'm late and no one's reading this ish. <3