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"There is no danger"



I've been following the reactions on youtube since the hunter x hunter uploads, I finally had the opportunity to join patreon 🤯

Kwaku Afari

Damn! We eating this Monday.


Just.. Eizen wasnt the guy that said she was good *for a woman*


Nigga we Miles Morales we say Yo what's up danger

MC zsn

Roshi dawg


Yo that purple haired woman is a baddie dayummm


Naw Roshi you funny af 😂

Nuri Numighost

The blonde is a whole cannibal and she beautiful …mannn I feel bad for the executioner that’s about to fall for the honey trap forgetting, she’s a whole death row criminal


"If they tell me to go, I'm not going" - Roshi when he gets his draft letter for WW3


aint this literally cordyceps? plants growing from your body? well fungus


There is no war in Ba Sing Se.


So as someone who's read most of the manga, I'm very curious on how tf they're gonna animate like a good 30% of the show to keep it PG on TV. Like if you know you know lol...


WOOWWWW man never said ANYTHING about her going into the kitchen, wherein the seven hells did you pull that from???? LMFAO. Like, he actually truly NEVER said anything about sending her to the kitchen, or even "do what women do" type of deal. She was showing signs of faltering, so he was UNDERSTANDABLY saying she might not be cut out for it. His reasoning is sound from the perspective of their family, line of work, and culture. Y'all trying to bring in your modern views into a fictional anime that takes place in feudal Japan. Smh.


Is anyone else noticing that on patreon whenever you do quotation marks and they end up turning into "

Kenisha & Kim

so i think they only turn into flowers if they leave the island like deadass thts gonna be the catch of the whole series like wht if they cant leave the paradise or they die


3:00 Lol it's true that it's difficult to hack off a body in one blow, but if she wasn't able to then she would be way too weak to take part in this and her role. Did we not see how raw she was in the first ep? Obviously she would take it off. There are levels to this tho


22:20 tbh Sheera I was thinking the same thing but I'm assuming that means the Asaemon are extremely strong. Like, at the very least a lot of them won't be weaker than the red seals with see. For sure Eizen is strong as hell


Eizen never once commented on the fact that she's a woman, that was one of the background npc's during the execution, he simply pointed out that she isn't suited for it because she is scared of killing people and that causes them ultimately to suffer when she executes them.


Byakuya needs to leave Rukia alone. Also why Gabimaru fights like a Titan.


Would you guys ever consider watching black clover?


I dont think its really false hope to invite them there and then tell them they have to reduce numbers. They all still have a shot at going and getting the pardon. They are all on death row anyway. Even if its a tiny chance at living, its still more chance than they had prior to the offer. The government people arent picking and choosing who is being reduced here, so its up to each person to survive by their own wits or skills. Seems pretty fair to me. As for the red head dude... I mean, I understand the Red head dude. He clearly cares about Sagiri, and its pretty clear that Sagiri has issues. She hesitates all the time when taking lives and its pretty clear that she has issues... and those issues could very well get her killed on an island where so far no one has come back from alive, especially when its gonna be her responsibility to watch a really powerful death row convict. Dunno. But if I had a sister/cousin/family member in her position making the choices she was making, I would also be doing my best to try and convince her to go do something safer. Shes basically on what seems to be a suicide quest, which is made more likely she doesnt come back due to her clear hang ups.

Saraël Lele

i really am into action anime and anime in general but the way they sexualize girls and women, give them the biggest boobs possible with the least amount of clothing for no logical reason and make them all about sex appeal is a joke and a complete piss take. i love anime but at the same time i really fucking hate them

Joey Zero

And that's any different than real life when everyone and their mother is half naked on TikTok and Instagram? And it's weird to complain about this anime in particular when most of the sexualization as you call it isn't even sexual. Her being nude when the hands grab her shows her vulnerability and burden on her soul. The blonde chick is a literal cannibal, so she needs to be able to lore people in. No one else was even sexualized in any way.

Cameron Robinson

If the monitors are so strong that they are trusted to be able to kill the criminals at anytime they step out of line why are they sending there best warrior on a suicide mission. It seems like the flowers kill anyone infected so using criminals made sense. Why do they need to be monitored? Just blockade the island and kill anyone who tries to escape. Don’t waste anymore innocent lives.


I found that so funny aswell. The whole point of sending prisoners is so you don't have to worry about sacrificing anyone of importance and you don't have to worry about what's happening on the island. But you're going to send multiple members of a seemingly well respected and high-standing family? And they have to execute the prisoners for not behaving on the island? Like if they don't respectfully greets the monsters there they get beheaded? That's some flawed plot point if I ever saw one... Then again it's not the only thing that's been a bit poorly written so far

Arkan Matlub

Guys ya’ll know Ranking of kings is coming this month?


why are these comments always so salty, ion get it bre. its an anime reaction.


the visuals on this show is really good. So far so good


One thing to keep in mind. Of course the male Asaemon will say things like “for a woman.” Remember this is during the Edo period and women were seen as child bearers, not swordsmen who decapitated criminals. So for Sagiri to be an Asaemon, it’s groundbreaking in a way, and all the males eithef hold that over her head or believes she doesn’t have what it takes

Miguel Angel Ramirez-Alvarez

If it was me, I would just drink the elixir myself, can’t kill me now; I’m immortal


Yall gotta understand in these times women didn't have as much freedom as men did. Even in 19 something women werent treated as equals. Women were looked as child bearers and basically house wives


Why is everyone so salty in the comments bro


Cause Roshi, Lupa and Sheera are viewing this show from a modern lens. Women were not fighters back then so of course most people are going to assume they aren't suited for battle. Like the 3 convicts weren't crazy for thinking the female samurai would be the easiest target but because this is an anime of course know she's nasty. Also Sheera getting upset on behalf of the criminals for giving them false hope is misguided sympathy. These guys are serial killers who've done deplorable acts on innocents so why be upset they being given false hope when they were going to die anyway.


How is Eizan a misogynist? Women weren't warriors back then so of course he doesn't want her to fight. He obviously cares about her and doesn't want her on this suicide mission but ya'll going on how he wants her in the kitchen like he thinks women suck or something. It's historically accurate that women back then there roles weren't to fight and die like men. Sometimes you guys just be too in your feelings watching these shows.


dude, even in our modern day women are asked to leave the war and men are ordered to stay and fight. Why people get so mad at a bunch of pixels who worry about another bunch of pixels living in Edo periode, lol


im not talking about the trio, pretty sure they're just in the heat of the episode. Talking about this comment section.


Even throughout history there are many accounts of women going against the social norms of the times. If it didn't happen, we wouldn't have gradually evolved to the world we live in today. To say it never happened is a bit of a stretch since humanity has always blasted through barriers whenever we're told we can't do something for ridiculous reasons. People always question tradition and the status quo. It's part of human nature.

Erica Collins

Everybody talking about how Eizen is a misogynist which is lowkey true but to me it just seemed like he was looking out for her. Even though she was getting the job done she was still doing it with fear and he could see that so I don't blame him for being like, "Ay maybe you should do something else" Not that she should be in the kitchen but chill at home where she's not in constant fear and danger because of her job. The vibes I was getting is that he's worried about her


Sheera really wanna give hope to criminals


I did find that funny. I was thinking, Sheera you do know these people are condemned criminals. I highly doubt the law would give a shit if a few die in a mock battle royale.


what's with the hate for eizen? i thought it was pretty clear that he's coming from a place of well-meaning (albeit conservative but then again this is 17th-century japan) concern. it's not even like sagiri wants to do this line of work. she's forcing herself to follow in her dad's footsteps even though she mentally isn't cut out for it


It's really weird seeing people get their heads chopped off so easily coming from Demon Slayer where cutting off someone's head is an entire season's worth of work.


You can already tell she is changing though. She'll end up being the greatest of all of them.


Idk if its been mentioned, but some interesting japan trivia: "Burakumin" is an ethnic division of japan that has historically been aggressively oppressed against due to their association with "defilement" work -- anything to do with death, such as butchery or yup, even executions. The prejudice is still strong enough today that a lot of people will hide those roots/not marry someone who is burakumin. So one aspect of what we see with Sagiri's past is that, due to association with her families work, that was always going to be a part of her life (and is why those kids are mocking her with those specific insults). PS: feel free to correct me or add on if i'm misconstruing anything~

Jamaal Ellison

This bitch is the John Wick of chopping niggas heads off. 🤣 😂