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Canute is a savage



Another PEAK episode


Im glad im not the only one who was hella impressed and confused as to why they animated the hell out of thorfins hands

Mozart Waddell

I can just tell my anxiety is going to rise every episode I don't see Thorkell. It's crazy how I don't feel safe around Canute anymore 😰 At this point just suffocating Herald in his sleep will be more meciful. That poison been doing years of work on his body. This is some great storytelling.

Erica Collins

Interesting how Thorfinn escaped his hell and it seems like Canute is entering his. Slowly turning into his father

Theo Vorster

For those who are interested in reading along with the manga, this episode adapted the entirety of chapter 72, and the first 17 pages (out of 22 total) of chapter 73. In regards to the passage of time (which is more explicitly indicated in the manga) this episode takes place in 1018, with it specifically being September 1018 at Ketil’s farm (and since Einar arrived at Ketil’s during the early-middle Summer of 1015, it’s been a little over 3 years since he started working with Thorfinn to clear the forest). This currently makes Thorfinn 22 years old, and Einar 23 years old. Some trivia for this episode: the flashback scenes of Canute and Harald as kids playing are anime original additions (though Canute discussing how he and Harald used to play the ball game is in the manga). Also the man who Canute greets as Wulf (who is one of Canute’s loyal men) is likely based on the real-life Ulf Thorgilsson, commonly known as Ulf Jarl. Who in real-life ended up becoming Canute’s brother-in-law by way of marriage to Canute’s sister Estrid (who we meet in this episode as well). In regards to Canute’s final lines in this episode, the manga phrased it like this: “So this is it. Nothing to it.” The way I interpreted it is that Canute is trying to convince himself (and/or while also being sarcastic to himself) that the horrible things he has to for his goal of utopia aren’t that significant/great a weight for him. Like he’s trying to convince himself that he doesn’t feel guilty or remorse for poisoning his brother, because it’s all for the “greater good” Canute is pursuing in his ambition.

this is one long ass username

Can someone clarify if they are aware of the information Floki gave Thorfinn in season 1 about Harald being the one that drove them off of Norway as he dethroned their past king? I feel like they forgot that part

Theo Vorster

Your misremembering a bunch of stuff. First off that was Leif who was telling that information to Thorfinn as a kid. Secondly, what Leif was describing was how Iceland was settled generations ago by refugees from Norway. The Harald Leif was talking about is a completely different Harald from many generations ago (and was the King of Norway not Denmark like Canute’s brother was). Most likely Leif was referring to Harald Fairhair, who was the first King of Norway (who basically created the Kingdom of Norway by uniting a bunch of smaller Kingdoms). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Norwegian_monarchs Completely irrelevant to the Harald from this episode.


im free but i gotta wait until you come back? -packs bags- that sounds sus

Zach Saltou

Wild how thorfinn is getting his emotions back while canute is losing his. I guess a kind king is almost impossible though because they would be walked all over in a time where power is justice.


Feel like whoever's dropping the show might've forgot this wasn't a shonen & also Farmland Saga so far has been phenomenal


One of the best things about this show is Canute is becoming more like thorfinn in the first season and thorfinn is becoming like Canute. Thorfinn is a pacifist now and Canute doesn’t care about who he kills as long as he reaches his goal

Levi Blair

people dropping the show because the main character chooses non violence were watching this series for all the wrong reasons. Absolute clown behavior this series is way to good to drop over a characters well deserved development.

Bad Karma

To answer Sheera's comment: Canute planned for the poison to be gradual, and it is implied that the worker giving Harald something to drink is where the poison is (because Canute looked back as if to make sure he drank it). So, in doing this, Harald's health would gradually worsen and everybody would think it was a disease or natural condition.

Knuckle's hair

Yall remember Canute's dream in the first season ? He says he wants to make the world like a paradise and now he’s doing everything in his power to achieve that. Also, in the previous episodes, Canute was praising Thorkill for being honest with everyone and he wish to live like that, and now we see him saying his dad head is the only one who can talk to with pure honesty ( which is himself )


5:20 are we forgetting that Thorfinn has a whole family who has not seen him since he was like 9 or something



Hans Wurst

Really? People have dropped Vinland because Thorfinn swore off violence? What absolute clowns. If the main character doesn't have cool fights, then it's not for them? I'm actually getting angry over this. Have these people ever paid the tiniest bit of attention to the main core of the series?

Mexican Stalin

I love vinland saga because, unlike other stories and anime, it's not as simple as saying you swear to do something like become the next Hokage. Vinland not only challenges the protagonist's viewpoints but shows how they got those views in the first place. Canute's views of creating a better world are being challenged

Mexican Stalin

Sadly, people can't genuinely enjoy an anti-war story. It's fine if you enjoy action anime to relax but some of us want to learn and want to engage with different philosophies. And what does it say about us when we think the guy swearing off violence is crazy


A lot of clown ass this and npc…. or they probably enjoy that…. In a negative way statements just because some people aren’t entertained with the second season so they choose to drop it lol who tf cares its their opinion yal say yal like this show for reason like honestly, realism, humbleness, deep story, character development but can’t take someone else’s opinion is quite ironic it’s like seeing children pretending that their mature lol


Yo can thorfinn make a pitstop at iceland. Just so his mom and sister know he's good lol


This is self-defeating, and I hope to god you don’t think ur perspective is the “mature” one lol, b/c, again, self-defeating. The absence/withholding of judgment (your position) isn’t any better than being overly judgmental. Bad/good entertainment exists, it can be/will be debated on, and there are right/fair and wrong answers/reason.


A Warrior does not need a sword, because the only battle is inside your head


Aye, Lupa with the Double Dragon drip


I wonder if through the multiple poisonings is it still on brand for Canute because he is achieving his "utopia" but with the minimal amount of collateral death, truly a necessary evil. They have not shown too much war during the skips just threats and backstabbings

chris dacon

Canute took my mans revenge now he finna take his freedom too...tuff


Does everyone in the comments also watch this bootlegged instead of with the official subtitles? I've always assumed they watch the actual versions then use another version for the patreon like they have said they do, but recently it seems that isn't the case? It's throwing me off

Coping McCoperson

Keitel casually going to the corner store to get a pack of smokes never to be seen again


bro hateful 8 hit so hard on Netflix. I saw it in theatres and it was okay, but the full episodic version on Netflix is a straight-up masterclass in storytelling


for the anime only people droppin the series cuz they dont want to see thorfinn become a pacifist, they have no idea how hard this story boutta go. The action is aboutta hit like a 10 ring pimp


Canute told that previous farmer we saw to poison the king of England, then canute poisoned the prince of england, now hes poisoned his brother the King of Denmark. Canute don't fuck with that Honor shit


Writing and animation is one thing but I really hope some of the action comes back in.


My boii has a whole mom and sister this man just for got about them 🤦🏽‍♂️😂


its funny lupa says that cause i just watched the hateful 8 for the first time last week and now im picking up this series again


9:34 I love that Lupa doesn't want another story beat. I'm here for the wholesome farmland saga as well lol.


Lol @ 2:42, you must have found that axe since March gang, proud of you!