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Need this next part ASAP!



And we need your duo reaction of My Love Story 😭 Such a great anime, it's right for you too!

Koosha Mokhbery

Yoooo, so surprised to see this 2 days earlier, thank you😭😂❤️love ya’ll and much love to Lupa

Hasnain Khan



They did such a good job of making us hate the rich friend group. they are all trash lmao

Devin B

This show really makes me think if there are rich people that acts like this cause I can see most of them being like Phoebe where they don't have a care in the world and some like Gemma who thinks they're above everyone else but if there are some like Roald then that's scary.

zILovePelmeni _

rhys exists only in joes head is my guess. we never saw him interacting with the group besides joe. in one episode they were at dinner and joe spoke to rhys but the group looked at joe like he was talking to himself. im not saying rhys is not a real person but bc he clearly is an author of the real world


rhys spoke at malcolm's funeral so that doesn't really hold up


a lot of people think this season is boring cause Love was killed and joe isn't obsessing and killing. i like how they're doing this

Franklin Saint

Y’all should react to snowfall it’s one of my favorite crime shows the final season returns Wednesday


Yessir waiting for Ep 5

Belt Cedd

I thought it was Nadia for the longest too

Im Kalikk

Is it just me or does Rhys sound like the riddled bro??? A real change, giving the city what they want? Is joe our batman!?

Lily Rose

i firmly believe that joe is the killer rhys is a hallucination


yo we all knew it was rhys he too out of place tbh even his interactions seems non existent with everyone else as if hes only here to be the antagonist


I liked the idea of Rhys being a hallucination but this episode definitely dispelled that. I can’t see Joe tying himself up just to start a fire while he’s trapped


This season doesn’t have the same feel as the prior three. I think the source material ran out after S3 hence the lower tier writing smh

rickie woodson

see YOU in two weeks cause the show comes back on the 9th

rickie woodson

vindication! nadia and rhys were my top two suspects. now if they make nadia his accomplice i will be 2 for 2

Koosha Mokhbery

LMFAO I just noticed Adam gives a sour face to Phoebe saying if Adam's kink is feet and his face is like ugh no lol, like sirrrrr, each to their own but look at you lmao. Love ya'll, your streams, your reactions with Lupa, and on your own, they give me life.


There's a prediction going around that Rhys might be all in Joe's head and not even be real. I think it's plausible since you never seen interact with Rhys when his with Joe and the others

Anna Anthony

its... its giving Batman x Joker the whole Rys and Joe being "in a relationship" Im so excited for the rest of this, glad you guys are doing this show too!

Reckless Company

damn I dont want phoebs to die hopefully the killer leaves her alone