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In his asshole tho?


Hasnain Khan



Gnomes are long lived (350-500 year lifespan) and reach adulthood around the same times as humans but age a little slower after that like most longer lived races. Scanlan's 69(yes that's canon) while Pike is in her 30s-40s. They're adults but still pretty young for gnomes.

Dante Jennings

I thought we was fightin a dragon not reptile from mortal kombat


not lupa being clapped by the fact that stereotypical fantasy dragons hoard gold. Smaug was literally sleeping in his goal hahah


the reason Pikes pop pop looks old is because he's her great great grandfather not her dad

Smash Bran'Discootch

Ahhh the Umbrasyll fight. Now we get to the wiiiiiiiiilllld dnd fuckery. -So originally, going inside of the dragon was Liam(Vax)'s idea. Scanlan has a spell called dimension door that allows him to teleport and take one creature with him, buy the creature has to be the same size. They also had an item called an Immovable rod(which was the sword here) that works how it worked in the series. This was their B plan, in case the battle was going poorly. It did, so Vax used a potion to shrink himself to scanlan's size and they teleported inside the dragon. Unfortunately, they weren't well versed on the anatomy of a dragon causing them to teleport between layers of skin and muscle and they had to cut their way put after successfully planting the Immovable Rod. But going up the ass just plays out on screen so much better. Gonna miss tiny Vax though. -The scene with Vax going down into the blood in the temple of the Raven Queen was originally in Vasselheim, but it's dope the way they incorporated it here. This is what it's been about: acceptance. Vax was running from his destiny, trying to rail against forces beyond his control. But once he accepted it, saw it for what it was, then he could overcome it and find his strength. -If you've been reading my other comments, you might remember me talking about the terrible time that Liam(Vax) was having in his life at this time. He'd just lost his mom, he had his own health scare, and sunk into a heavy depression. One of the things Matt, The DM and Liam's close friend tried to do was weave this tale of destiny and acceptance for Vax, sort of mirroring where Liam was and what he was dealing with. This game, this story ended up being one of the things that helped pull Liam out of he depression he'd sunk into. You can see this mirrored here in Vax's IMMEDIATE change in demeanor between before his conversation with The Matron and afterwards. Once he found acceptance, it stopped feeling like the world itself was fighting against him. -Whats hilarious is that Taleisin, the guy who plays Percy, actually knows how a lot of these contraptions work and can usually reason out exactly how he would be able to make them. He'll be like, "Hey, DM do I have access to roughly five pounds of raw Sulphur?" -In the fight with Umbrasyll, they actually were getting a LOT more messed up than it showed here. Especially Scanlan and Vax who were in total darkness being crushed to death, suffocating, and taking acid damage all while their attacks were harder to hit and Vax was using a weapon he wasn't used to. -This is where the iconic Sam Riegel quote "I would like to use Bigby's Hand(Scanlan's Hand) to fist the wound". -One of the aliases Scanlan used to use when lying their way into somewhere was Bert Reynolds Esquire. And he used to yell at enemies "YOU CAN LEAVE WHEN BERT REYNOLDS SAYS YOU CAN FUCKIN' LEAVE!" -This episode also ended on a TWO WEEK cliffhanger in the OG campaign with Scanlan and Vax inside the dragon and Grog hanging from a chain as Umbrasyll flew away. Yall are lucky yall didn't have to wait to see the conclusion! ^_^

Belt Cedd

Umbrasyll deserves alot but a locked in place sword in his ass is too much. 🤣


Scanlan is the oldest member of the Party. He is 69


You leave when Burt Renoylds says you can leave.


okay now it makes sense they are gnomes that live very long lives. yoo this show is too good. the dragon literally got the one thousand years of death lmao

Jax Tharp (edited)

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2023-02-15 05:38:00 Of all the little detail things that couldn't make the transition from campaign to show Butt Reynolds perhaps makes me the saddest.
2023-02-15 04:35:02 Of all the little detail things that couldn't make the transition from campaign to show Burt Reynolds perhaps makes me the saddest.

Of all the little detail things that couldn't make the transition from campaign to show Burt Reynolds perhaps makes me the saddest.

Kevin of Brooklyn

Y'all never notice the threads in the intro of the show connecting everyone is the same threads the Raven Queen was talking about!

Ebony Conner

Lupa not knowing about a Dragons horde. Lmao

Eli Irizarry

Remember; When the acid river's flowing, take the mud trail, uh, home?


vox machina did to umbrassyl what the avengers were too pussy to do to Thanos


Love that y'all immediately knew Scanlan didn't remember her name!


I know there's an anime where a sword or something was put in a dragon's ass. I don't think Roshi and the crew watched but I can't think of it off top...

Dalton Murray (edited)

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2023-02-15 15:15:11 So in D&D, gnomes can live anywhere between 350 to 500 years old. They reach adulthood at age 40. Scanlan is currently 69 years old. I don't believe Kaylie's age was ever explicitly stated, but she was told to be a young adult for gnomes. Pike is in her upper 30s/lower 40s. Wilhand (her great great grandfather) is around 350 years old which is roughly the equivalent to around 70 years old in human years.
2023-02-15 13:13:21 So in D&D, gnomes can live anywhere between 350 to 500 years old. They reach adulthood at age 40. Scanlan is currently 69 years old. I don't believe Kaylie's age was ever explicitly stated, but she was told to be a young adult for gnomes. Pike is in her upper 30s/lower 40s. Wilhand (her great great grandfather) is around 350 years old which is roughly the equivalent to around 70 years old in human years.

So in D&D, gnomes can live anywhere between 350 to 500 years old. They reach adulthood at age 40. Scanlan is currently 69 years old. I don't believe Kaylie's age was ever explicitly stated, but she was told to be a young adult for gnomes. Pike is in her upper 30s/lower 40s. Wilhand (her great great grandfather) is around 350 years old which is roughly the equivalent to around 70 years old in human years.


this entire episode was hilarious

rickie woodson

CALLED IT! he is a valkyrie/shinigami


i just realized Grog can drink poison because of the belt

Albert Poole

rip sheera with the last of us thommy accidental spoiler joke. happens to the best of us

Metweet .c

DevilMayCarter Isn't that the one where an actual metal pole gets shoved up the dragon? But the dragon is mad horny for it 🥲

James M.

someone make a loop of 11:47


in the original campaign, Scanlan actually got the name right. they changed it for the show


TBH I don't see how that's really Scanlan's fault, I mean it's not as if he forced himself on Kaylie's mother and he didn't stick around to know she was pregnant. Not saying it ain't shitty to be in that situation as a kid but her mother slept with Scanlan of her own accord. Bards are notorious for one night stands


I think it's called Arifureta: From Commonplace To World's Strongest

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-22 17:06:45 So they were just partying with all those dead niggas in the courtyard like no one even attempted some kind of clean up?? 😭😂
2023-02-22 17:06:45 So they were just partying with all those dead niggas in the courtyard like no one even attempted some kind of clean up?? 😭😂
2023-02-22 17:06:45 So they were just partying with all those dead niggas in the courtyard like no one even attempted some kind of clean up?? 😭😂
2023-02-22 17:06:45 So they were just partying with all those dead niggas in the courtyard like no one even attempted some kind of clean up?? 😭😂
2023-02-22 17:06:45 So they were just partying with all those dead niggas in the courtyard like no one even attempted some kind of clean up?? 😭😂
2023-02-22 17:06:45 So they were just partying with all those dead niggas in the courtyard like no one even attempted some kind of clean up?? 😭😂
2023-02-22 17:06:45 So they were just partying with all those dead niggas in the courtyard like no one even attempted some kind of clean up?? 😭😂
2023-02-22 15:46:34 So they were just partying with all those dead niggas in the courtyard like no one even attempted some kind of clean up?? 😭😂

So they were just partying with all those dead niggas in the courtyard like no one even attempted some kind of clean up?? 😭😂