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violence is coming



Ah yes, feed me with these early drops lol

taitasi toomalatai

Roberta’s blood trail OVA is after this season n it’s fire probably the best


Wait, so now they speak English? Why do they need Rock there? I guess the dub still has moments of characters speaking English when the canonically can't so that the script writers don't need to write and subtitle Japanese on occasion even if it breaks immersion.

Saint Nexus

I definitely think Balalaika is gonna be the final challenge, and the Chinese woman, chainsaw woman, and the blonde guy is still alive along with the loyalty of the church by Revy being close friends with one of them. Then you got the girl with counterfeit money on their side and lagoon company itself. Revy is smarter, and Rock just need a little training arc or a moment of sadness for a raw character development scene.

Theo Vorster

I mean the immersion is broken in the original Japanese sub too, if not more so. Balalaika and the Russians and Revy aren't supposed to be able to speak Japanese in the story either, and canonically English and Thai would be the most common languages being spoken by the characters from Roanapur.


Funny how this slower arc ages the best, IMO at least. "Let me simmer! Let me cook!" 😆


Perfect just as I was eating

Daniel NT

Balalaika is badass. This series has so many cool woman characters in it


dam imagine you talking to a girl and she hit you with your breath smell like dick. like at that point pack your shit up you lost lmao

Hasnain Khan



Yeah, especially with Revy speaking directly to Ginji in engrish for half a sentence, then speaking perfect Japanese. I think it was a missed opportunity, that may have been easier than redubbing like they did, if they just kept the old Japanese lines for Ginji and the Yakuza. Rock's VA seems decent enough speaking Japanese voice lines, so they could have just subtitled his dialogue with undubbed Yukio and have Revy's lines scripted around assuming Ginji doesn't understand what she says like in the sub.


You guys should give a watch to Full Metal Panic! since we are watching OG anime. it's not as intense as this one but has and overall build up.


full metal panic and the second raid are whack dawg, the best of that series is full metal panic fumoffu. no cap

lakewood145 .

I they do it, but seeing how they just dropped Magi tales of Sinbad, it wouldn't surprise me if the don't watch Blood trail.


I gues you decided to put on your clown 🤡 fit for this comment

Jeremiah Ward

They didn't drop it they will be doing it after another show ends and they have a clear slot.

Charlie baker

Im surprised how well the fujiyama gangsters paradise arc is appealing to the gang its so rock centroc i figured they would hate it lol

Art of Trolling

Can’t wait to see this “New Rock” everyone is talking about. Bro loosened his tie to get a ass whooping