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what an episode


Dylan Hull

Great episode


Can we get episode 3 of Warrior tomorrow?🙏🏽


Does lupa have hyperhidrosis


Man, I fricking love Scanlan.

Dilyn Howard

Lupa the reason Vax is pissed with Percy is because he told everyone not to touch anything in there because it might trigger a trap, Percy didn’t listen and it got Vex killed. So he has every right to be pissed with him, Percy even said it was his fault.


Tbh that’s like fault why would you jump him front of this njgga 😭

Brandon Rodgers

For ppl who know I hope we get the goldfish


Let’s actually just blame grog for using a sword thirsty for the blood of his enemies 💀 like did Percy not show them that if your weapons are talking to you maybe it’s time to burn it like sure pike shouldn’t have jumped in front of him but like why does he even still have the sword in the first place 😭


Cuz he keep getting his ass beat when he use hands or other weapons that shit give him a buff 😭

Davon Thomas

Don't think they realize keyleth? Got hit when they were teleporting which made her lose focus and separated the groups.


Another fire episode. Also season 3 is already being worked on and I believe will be the end of campaign 1. And Amazon has resigned critical role to do 2 seasons of campaign 2 already

Bronwyn Turnquist

I do wanna add that Pike 100% should not have stood in front of Grog, but in her defence, they have been best friends for like ever, and it wouldn't really occur to her that Grog could hurt her.

Smash Bran'Discootch

-Sooooo Rimecleft is a brand new location that wasn't featured in Critical Role at all. Originally this took place in the Frostweald which is on the other side of the continent. They didn't wanna just have the party teleporting every episode so instead of breaking Matt's world and moving the frostweald, they just decided to make a new location. -Originally there was this whole thing about "A name is earned". Instead of wounding the sphinx, they had to guess its name by going into elemental portals and smashing jars to find the pieces of its name and guess the correct order of it. It kept using attacks on them that was permanently aging them. But I prefer this version. -It's funny you said to flame him. Bards have an ability called "Vicious Mockery" where they can literally insult an enemy to death. -It's interesting how Scanlan can could open up to a complete stranger but not to his friends..... -Umbrasyll has been described by the creators as "The Florida Dragon". -Just for point of clarification, Grog absolutely could NOT have defeated Umbrasyll then. Umbrasyll was playing with his food. Umbrasyll took out the SPHINX like it was nothing. The sphinx wasn't weak, the dragon is just THAT strong. -This while concept of DRAGONS with VESTIGES is brand new and TERRIFYING. -Grog stabbing Pike happened in the Campaign. He had Craven Edge attached to a chain and threw it into a portal and it stuck into something. He climbed the chain and when he came through the portal, the sword was sticking out of Pike and everyone was horrified.


I don't think that was Pike's fault, if Grog kept fighting they would've left him and he would have died. She was trying to snap him out of it so they can leave. So if she didn't step in front of him, Grog would either be dead or taken over by his blood thirsty sword.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Because she's his best friend and you don't exactly expect your best friend to stab you. My guy if you're just running with a sword and someone stands in front of you, you aren't gonna get stabbed. He actually physically stabbed her.

Jason McKay

Shows you Grogs sword is no joke dude was cooking that dragon


That’s still her fault some part u don’t stand or jump in front of someone who sees red like Roshi said Lmao

Smash Bran'Discootch

Yo yall are blaming Pike for getting stabbed? Think about it logically, look at how he was running. Her standing in front of him wouldn't have gotten her stabbed, especially not like that with the sword out in front of him. Grog actually physically stabbed Pike. He wasn't aiming for the dragon, the dragon was still waaaaaay far away. Grog's arm actually made the whole ass stabbing motion and stabbed Pike. Just for point of clarification.

Alex Omega

Scanlan will ALWAYS be my favorite Vox Machina character.

Antonia Moore

I have to disagree with you guys on this. How many times did everyone else warn Grog about that damn sword and he just wouldn't listen? If him stabbing Pike is what it takes to finally wake his ass up, then so be it. He should have gotten rid of it ages ago. IMO, this is all on him. Grog's not getting any sympathy from me for this.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Nah, Umbrasyll was playing with his food. He didn't take to the air or even use acid. He wasn't taking Grog seriously.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Also, Keyleth didn't mess up the spell. Umbrasyll literally dove through it as the spell was activating and split them up. Ease up, Lupa lmao


Fun fact this dragon was nicknamed Florida dragon by Matt in the interview for season 2 because of who wild he is lol

The GoDKing 27

Kinda pissed she got in the way


Myth carver was the perfect thing for Scanlan. An artifact connected to all myths and legends. Who better to wield it than a Bard, a person who sings of myths and legends.


Pike literally jumped in front of the sword for that dragon. Grog was doing fine. The sword takes his enemies blood and makes that strength his, he could have probably killed the dragon.

Stephen D

I hope Percy gets some magic gun powder or something. He really needs a buff. Last season that demon gave him seemingly infinite ammo, but now he has nothing.


No one knows that Grog is not in his right mind. Pike suspects that something is up with him, but she doesn't know to what extent.

Saint Nexus

I genuinely blame pike in that moment. Grog should've got rid of the sword and I'm sure he's gonna figure out his true strength cause pike's death or injury but I genuinely think she's partially to blame. Cause she literally walked in front of him like he didn't shove her beforehand which is the biggest sign of MOVE THE FUCK OUT THE WAY. And he dumped in a bath of acid last season so I really do believe he couldve taken that dragon if he was given proper support. It might've made him crazier though so I guess it's good he didn't


If anyone is wondering why Grog won't just throw the sword away my guess is that it's cursed. I never saw the original campaign, but I have played a fair amount of D&D. Most cursed weapons (if not all) come with an affect that makes it so the wielder will never willingly part with the weapon.


This season is just simply amazing. The energy in each episode is just consistent.


Literally playing with him. Craven edge is good, it aint *that* good.


Keyleth can't catch a break 😔


u dont play dnd but cursed weapons give a effect to players that use it and the effect makes them want to keep it. nomatter how much they will ask him to throw it away he’ll keep it

Eric Keatts

Bro, you gotta understand Vax's point of view on Percy, man literally said nobody touch or do anything until ive cleared the room, and what does man do? Immediately touches some tile on the floor that could've easily been a trap, that luckily revealed the item they're looking for, and then incites his sister to go against her better judgment of waiting for Vax to check it. Which goes great until this idiot touches the damn Vestige of DEATH, which then causes his sister to die and force Vax to give up his soul in exchange to save his sister.

Delinda Arts

I didn't expect them to bust out laughing at the scanlan ballad ngl lmao


Season 3 is confirmed btw


Even so that doesn’t refute that grog should have been threw away that sword it’s clearly no good. Also she was clearly concerned and the sword made it clear last ep it’s willing to cut his friends in order to feed.


Okay but that still doesn’t mean much if it still an active decision

rickie woodson

its not keyleth's fault the DRAGON attacked her as she was teleporting away. her spell was fine, it was interrupted. plain the villain, not the hero

rickie woodson

i dont know about a season 3 but another campaign is coming: mighty nein

Smash Bran'Discootch

Nah. The Dragon would have mopped the floor with him then taken the sword. Then you've got a dragon with two magic swords. All Umbrasyll would have had to do is fly and grog would have been useless. Then he just melts him with acid.

Eric Keatts

That's what it being cursed means, its not an active decision, its a Golum with the one ring scenario, they literally are incapable of letting it go even if it means death

Smash Bran'Discootch

This episode should have cleared up the fact that the sword has been influencing Grog. Like when his eyes turned red and he completed the sentence that the sword started. That isn't just like...a thing he does lol. There is no "just throwing away the sword" my dude.

Eric Keatts

Its a cursed weapon, presumably, which means he will not, can not, willingly let go of that sword; Gollum with the One Ring type shit, til death do they part

Smash Bran'Discootch

I do see where you're coming though my guy. Also it put your reply to this on another comment. Patreon app be crazy. But yeah flying creatures have always been an issue for Grog. If you remember the season 1 dragon(the weak one) It kept flying and Grog couldn't hit it. Sorry if any of my comments come off dickish by the way. I get so hyped about this show that my mouth runs away with me. o.o


Yeah Idk what they expected from her. Teleportation is not a simple spell and I think Keyleth was doing it as fast as she could.

Saint Nexus

@Smash Bran'Discootch it's fine, I do too. That's why I'm so frustrated at Pike and even kinda grog lol.

gabriel250c .

That spell Keyleth casted takes some time to do and then it was interrupted by the dragon slamming into them so that wasnt on her. Pike on the other hand definitely did that to herself. She knew Grog hasnt been himself and she stepped right in front of the sword.


Friendly reminded, CURSED ITEMS psychologically locks you into never wanting to get rid of it. That's how cursed items work. The second you touch it, it worms its way into your mind and makes it so you have no desire to let it go.


No way they’re ending it before the final arc they’ll probably just have both shows running congruently


Nah he needs to fuckin get over it. The entire group is in constant danger ALWAYS and sooner or later some WILL get hurt and die no matter what. It's part of the job description that you will at some point straight up die and nobody should be blaming or harboring a grudge when accidents in a dangerous journey happens. It's not like Percy doesn't feel bad about it, that was his friend and he doesn't need more drama piled on his guilt.


Lmfao Percy quite literally killed his sister it was him who peer pressured her into opening the tomb. And it was him who touched the armor in the first place after he literally told ALL of them to stay put so he has every right to be pissed.

Devin B

Even if Pike getting stabbed was an accident she needed to try and stop Grog cause even if he was dealing some damage that was only because the dragon was mainly charging at him and was barely using his full arsenal. Realistically Grog wasn't taking that dragon down by himself.


No like they are going to have campaign 2 after they are finished the third arc of campaign 1. Since it’s like 50 years in the future of tal dorei. Not them airing at the same time.

Devin B

If she just let Grog do his thing he was definitely going to die despite what he was doing to the dragon. It was impressive of Grog to deal that much damage but if the dragon was serious he would've stayed off the ground more and kept trying to hit Grog with his acid.


It wasnt an accident though he purposely touched the armor. Your trippin 💀. Especially after just telling everyone to stay put he has every right to be pissed at him.

Devin B

I was gonna say there was no way she got impaled like that on accident. Plus she was close to him so for Grog to stab her like that he needed to use a certain amount of force that he wouldn't have gotten from just running with the sword in his hand.


Damn I'm a sucker for teams getting individual power ups

Devin B

Fr even if it was an accident Percy kept pushing to keep looking around and it ended up with Vex dying. That's not something someone is going to get over quickly and I'll be surprised if Vax ever gets over it.

Jayden Holder

U gotta realize tho grog moved her out of the way and she still wet in front of him, her fault

Antonia Moore

It all goes back to the fact that he never should have picked it up to begin with.

Hasnain Khan



Was Pike supposed to know he was supposed by a demon sword? Its the sword's fault, not hers. Also, that teleport fuck up wasn't on Kyleth. The dragon ramming through it mid teleport fucked it up.

Talking Is A Free Action

You'll be happy to know that not only was this confirmed for a season 3, but that Critical Role signed a multi year deal with Amazon to also adapt their second campaign, the Mighty Nein, which will be just as good.

Khalil Tippin

I love seeing yall get so heated about this show. Get ready, it's about to get even more insane, I can't wait. btw, season 3 has been green lit already

Shin splits

If they die in battle or when the situation is out of their control. But Percy going around doing shit when vax clearly said don’t do anything until he checked the whole room. Besides Vex is literally the into family member that vax has left and now he’s bound to the Matron of death. If you exploring an ancient dungeon the first thing you do is make sure there’s no traps


Is that with the same characters or completely new story?

Talking Is A Free Action

It follows a new story in the same setting played by the same actors/ players. There are certainly some tie ins to campaign 1 however and cameos of beloved characters.

Talking Is A Free Action

That said we still have plenty Vox Machina story left to get through so it'll probably be a bit before we see anything more about the Nein


I screamed "you try to do a planeshift under those contentions"


yup. its like a magical addiction. whispering in your ear that you need it and you can't give it up


and no one said "EMOTionAL DAMAGE!"

Smash Bran'Discootch

Also my guy your observations are totally valid. A lot of us have lived with these characters for years so we're looking at things through a different lens lol. Honestly I'm just hyped that you're hype about the show! ^_^

Smash Bran'Discootch

$20 says its Taleisin doing that unnerving realistic crow noise. If ya know, ya know.

Eric Keatts

Needs to get over his Twin Sister's very near PERMENANT DEATH because some asshole with glasses with a superiority complex decided to play stupid games in the Tomb of DEATH, yea, no...


they will do both at the same time, this is a hit series for amazon and their new deal with CR is for multiple series and possible movie. They set to much up with the first season and tying it to the final arc that they cant just give up on it. Plus C2 takes place 20 years later but it doesnt tie into C1 at all until about midway.


It’s so successful why would they air both of them at the same time that Litteraly dosnt make sense. It’s been confirmed that the whole of campaign one is already getting produced. Finish campaign one then go into campaign 2 with maybe a movie or two from exandria unlimited.


Not Lupa telling Vax to just get over Percy getting his sister killed.

joshua rosario

where are the video settings i like watching shows in 1.5x


It's really funny hearing you guys talk about dealing emotional damage, because Vicious Mockery is a spell where you insult people to deal psychic damage

Reckless Company

I was laughing so hard when this dude started crying the song was on point tho


Ok since you are the resident Critical Role specialist I have a question. How did the Sphinx who is like old as time and never even been hurt once got taken out by a dragon who is not even the strongest one?


I would be interested so see some type of TTRPG from roshi in the reactverse just so they know how spells and d20 rolls work in this game/world

Antonio Williams

...Lupa...Vax died lol. I'm not sure you can minimize how someone would feel if you killed their sibling, accident or not especially when it's only been a few days at most since it happened.


it hard for normal people to understand a place and people who resurrect and bargain with death but remember the twins are all they have. he still mad cause of course he would be if someone got my family hurt cause they didn't wait for one min even after that I would be mad every now and then. and they got lucky the raven mother was willing to make a deal other wise the team would have split.

Connor Grynol

I'm no expert, but I think the dragons are as old as the Calamity. Sphinxes don't usually fight directly, so while he was flexing that he has never been hurt, he probably just avoided fights he knew he couldn't win. Sphinxes are, canonically, not that strong. Especially when comparing them to ancient dragons (though both the sphinxes and dragons have been beefed up).

Smash Bran'Discootch

Because that's how powerful the dragons are. This wasn't a thing of the sphinx being weak. The fact that the dragon was able to damage the sphinx at all, especially kill it, just shows how powerful these dragons are and why this whole thing is such a big deal.


She literally said "I need more time" and they basically said we don't care do it now. But it's somehow her fault 🤦🏾‍♂️ I love them, but they irritate me sometimes blaming characters for stuff out of their control.

Cleven Anthony

Nah I think he woulda won. Every cut he inflicted on that dragon was making him stronger; he woulda lost himself probably but he woulda chopped that dragon tf up. all it takes is for that dragon to underestimate grog n get it wings cut off off & it’s done 😂

Adanis Costa

Should let Grog COOK

Drake Rage

4:03 Sheera saying cant ever have a serious conversation while Lupa continues moaning, lmao. The song wasn't even funny to me, I loved it, really cool way to win the challenge Scanlan!

Belt Cedd

I think they sometimes forget that the characters in the show don't have the same knowledge as the viewer. We see Grog going nuts because of the sword because we're outside the 4th wall. The characters in the show don't see the same stuff we do obviously.

Charis Smith

Yeah but she didn't know exactly what was going on. He is her best friend, and she knows him well. She just saw him focused on the fight and was trying to grab his attention.

joshua rosario

jesus christ was this a nat 20 roll

Jaime Ruiz

Nigga, Vax literally said "Don't touch anything" and they did and it got Vex killed... I'd be mad af as well.

Evan Jenkins

Ha ha, I think it's probably the lights, bro. Studio lights are hot and bright.

Evan Jenkins

What's messed up is that you can clearly see that Percy and his sister are into each other so for there is zero bad blood between them. It's kind of like if your sister's boyfriend got her into a car accident. You'd be furious, but they'd just be all in love and happy to be alive.

Evan Jenkins

Grog definitely didn't sit there and make the decision to stab his best friend, but it's not exactly easy to run a sword through someone on accident, ha ha. It's 100% the sword's fault.

Evan Jenkins

The spell takes about a minute to prepare, but it's kind of corny to say, "I need eexactly one minute, so go help Grog." I understand why they're confused.

Evan Jenkins

We got the Grog perspective, not the audience perspective. The sword stabbed her and we got his reaction. It's super hard to run someone through with a blade on accident through full plate armor, lol.

Evan Jenkins

I can tell that Roshi admires Scanlon's wits. It's good to have a fellow Scanlan appreciator reacting.

Evan Jenkins

Doesn't help that he's a big dummy. That thing just moved into his brain rent free.

Evan Jenkins

It's great seeing you guys so heated. I know a lot of people are gonna clap you for yelling at their favorite character in the comments, but that's all part of the experience of this universe. Sometimes you get so mad at one character for doing something dumb, but the next minute you're cheering them on. I stand by saying that this show is kind of Avatar for Adults. It's got a very basic story, but the characters have so heart.


Grant me sight beyond sight!


Thje sad part is its not even like the sphinx's lost eachother. She didnt die and their love isnt one sided. They have to stay apart because together their knowledge is too great to be kept in one place, until the goddess of knowledge heals from her injuries they have to be seperated to keep her knowledge safe.

Jax Tharp

From a D&D player's perspective the rogue being mad at a usually smart character for not letting him disarm the trap that killed his sister makes sense. From a viewer of this show that mechanical understanding is much less obvious.

Lil Uzi Vert

this show is so fucking good


It’s a completely new story in another continent but the same world. Small time skip as well. New characters with only slight nods to the first campaign. It’s a pretty different vibe.

Jax Tharp

Scanlan making the sphinx cry is high key one of the most savage power plays I've ever seen.


Eye of thundera! Bro the og thundercats goes so hard


They accounted that they're working on another show based off of the dnd campaign they played after this one


I'd also like to add, they're unfamiliar with how d&d spells function so for us it makes sense but its understandable why they might have confused certain aspects


for real, plus it was like the next day or something like its FRESH


Fair, but even then under the context that he was the only expert at finding traps and stressed how they needed to wait from him to check for traps compared to other times because of the severity of the locations being "the tomb of the matron of Ravens"; even when they first got to the lake shows how careless and how percy basically disregarded what he said, plus got his sister killed. The Matron even responding to him was LITERALLY nothing short of a miracle not mention the consequences of what that brings going forward.


Is it darker or more light hearted compared to Vox machine?


@Cleven That's not how DnD works, and that's especially not how Craven Edge works. A single Player Character of Grog's level cannot 1v1 an Ancient Dragon as buffed up as Umbrasyl unless their Dungeon Master has thrown balance to the wind and given them some stupid OP homebrewed magic items or abilities].


I only have the vox machina show to compare to having watched the mighty nein livestreams, but i want to say its darker? still a lot of jokes and idk what tone the show will have, but it has a more "outcasts" vibe than "heroes" vibe i think


I cant really blame Pike because shes known Grog the longest, and the entire group has a dynamic group combat system let alone, let alone the two of them -- its like how you wouldnt stand in front of someone shooting an arrow but Vax would probably let Vex shoot an apple off his head cause of their trust and how skilled he knows she is. its stupid to get in front of someones sword, but maybe not to the person who have years of battle experience with someone they deeply trust to know the arc of their swing.