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ended my whole career not even 6 minutes into the reaction



They pretty much switched out the op ability for a less op ability, lol. "Hey man, I think spores in the air is too op. Like everyone be infected." "You're right! Let's give a less op ability but still op. Hmm how about hive mind awareness. That way it's still a threat, but not as much as the spores."

William Morris

yo roshi at the end of ep 2 they had some behind the scenes stuff and changes they went over like no spores in the show they don't exist because they thought it would be hard to make it seem realistic that spores are only is some locations and not all open air


The attempt to rewind and retry has me so fuckin dead lmfao


they changed the scene entirely infected didnt show up in the game soldiers showed up and they had to leave so tess stayed behind to pick them off one by one until the soldiers eventually took her out. while they did change it i like this version that they did too it was cool.

Daniel Robb

They changed the game for the better in MANY ways to help fit the medium of TV better. Bravo to whoever wrote this.


he said "let me live" lmfaooooo


poot tess she didn't even get to taste the chicken sandwich


Roshi really ended his career. Was glad to know him.