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"fuck them kids"

          -Black Lagoon



Roshi: Fuck them kids Me that knows the backstory: Uncanny Mr. Increible face


no warrior episode tonight?


Rated M show, rated E hands.

Alex Omega

I guess Warrior was switched with this show and we will get it Friday.

Devin B

Damn this shit got dark real quick. I can't blame the kids for how they ended up cause of what those monsters did to them and it's unfortunate they gotta get put down as monsters


So is they both boys or what 😭

Mikaele Rosecrans

Lowkey love this show can’t wait till they see Brock pop off

Omar Bautista

Roshi supporting the Japanese Friday schedule audience


So no Warrior?


It’s a show


damn can yall be patient for Warrior. its coming

The GoDKing 27

If the kids had some grenades it would be a different story


I wasn't expecting things to unfold that way but the show's been on the darker side since the beginning haha

Oh Alone

It is 5000 THB or around 160 USD

Devin B

@Mavereth yeah but things involving kids makes it even darker


they should posted warrior first 😂


Yeah someone said the movie and it confused me for a minute

Gustavo Martínez

I really think you guys would enjoy jormungad

jesse almonte

I'm so excited for greenback Jane


They didn't kill Rowan, he just shit/pissed himself in the back of their car.


me too. they're gonna lose it on the church pull-up scene lmao


Balalaika is one person I would never want to cross or somehow be in between her and what she wants

Hans Wurst

Balalaika accepting to kill Dutch's co-worker, who she both respects, shows how pissed of she is at the moment.


Yep, I agree they should replace Black Lagoon with Jormungand after they finish it and the Black Lagoon OVA


Identical twins have the same exact genes, so they're both the same gender, whether they are boys or girls I'm not sure


The author of Jormungand even considers it a canon successor to Black Lagoon, featuring a crossover cameo chapter. Now the author of Black Lagoon is still free to make it non-canon from the Black Lagoon's perspective if he ever decides to kill off characters featured in the crossover cameo.


watch the end credits of the next episode


God i love balaika 🙏

Luke Harmon

No spoilers here, just an explanation of things that aren’t exactly specified. The darkest part of the vampire twins story is that it’s based on true events. The dictator they mentioned tried to create a country with more workers and production, so they made laws almost forcing couples to have kids, and when they couldn’t take care of the kids because they were mostly poor, the children were sent to state run orphanages. You can probably guess that orphanages run by the Soviet Union we’re of the worst quality, with horrific conditions and a major human rights violation. After the dictator was assassinated, the orphanages were shut down and the people who ran them sold the kids off. Although I’m pretty sure not all of the kids were sold. But I don’t remember exactly what happened to all of them. The vampire twins Hansel and Gretel, as they said, were sold. It’s extremely sad because the kids only did what they could to survive together, and since their children they don’t know their right from wrong, marking it even more heartbreaking. They’ll never just be normal kids. They can never unlearn their ideals and change.


soooo this child is just speaking and rambling on while you just stand there? this anime has frustrating moments lol.

Mr. I Like Spam

its anime this is always the case like how are people still confuse about a medium they like.


well not all anime are the same and not all anime ignore common sense. also i say it because i can? beauty of having an opinion


its literally the most common troupe used in the action genre...every action based media has a moment like this is nothing new my god...


are you guys like about to cry or something? its not that serious lol. all i did was point out a frustrating moment? did i say all animes? nooooooooooooooooooooooo i literally said some animes have it and some dont. you guys are too busy stroking each other to just realize its just an observation lol


This episode really showed me something... I need more Eda in my life 😩 lol I'm sorry, but I'm a sucker for a long legged baddie with an attitude to match. Revy is just too wild to handle at this point for my taste 🤣

danial javady

People are just upset you're criticizing a show they like(which is normal human behavior). You have to look at it from a different perspective though; Black lagoon is almost 20 years old now. Back then, people did not care for realism as they do now. Not only that, it costs the show a lot more money to implement this kind of realism so they did not prioritize it at all. Black lagoon is full of brain dead moments like this and you have to suspend criticism to enjoy the show more. If you can't do it, then that's also fine, you're allowed to not like a show. But it's worth being fair to the studio because you can't expect them to have made a masterpiece with what they had. These ridiculous moments are what lead to shows like One Punch Man and it's satire.

Intravenous Burger meat

Fight back???? This man is palming his skull and crushing it against a wall. You don’t fight back, you play dead.

Weltall Gaia

I totally forgot that the guy that voices verocchio also voiced dinobot.

Evan Jenkins

Balalaika cares about her squad and no one else. She respects people who enable her to operate smoothly, and let's face it--Revy's kind of a shit-disturber.


It's kind of laughable how all the dudes in this series are scared of all the women lol. Rock is the only one who seems to have any balls when it comes to the opposite sex and their Mary Sue bs.

Hasnain Khan



Nah Im not mad at Balalaika, if Revy abt to go she abt go, shouldve minded her fuckin business


Well, getting the bounty is her business lol. But yea, Revy would probably have faught the soldiers even without them shooting at her first, just for going after the bounty.


@Ghost_Troupe Naw, even Rock is a bit of pussy when it comes to dealing with Revy and other women in the show. So that isn't saying much lol


@danial javady I have to disagree with quite a few of your points. Not liking criticism for something you like (might be normal human behavior). but wanting to get nasty all about it shouldn't be acceptable. Also I actually think people were far more critical of things back then than they are now. I think people just give Black lagoon a pass because it has hot chicks and good action while not being that deep. So most don't tend to look at its flaws, and realize its just dumb fun. And its not like anyone was expecting a masterpiece. But its still an absolute bullshit excuse for why this show has so many dumb shit moments that could easily be fixed.


@Spriggz Not really, Revy could have just stayed her crazy ass at home. Notice how everyone' with some sense in the lagoon company stayed out of it lol



Sator Collins-Forbes

Weird that you both realize it's dumb fun and don't get why people don't care and excuse dumb talking moments. Like who cares, it's an old show.


@Sator Collins-Forbes Well obviously you have a reading problem, because I never said I had an issue with you or anyone else not caring about the show having those types of flaws. My problem is when the fanboys get all hot and bothered because people are pointing those problems out. And just because you don't care about the shows issues or it being an old show doesnet mean anything to me. I mainly speak on things that I see. So, you can just turn your brain of and keep enjoying the show. But don't expect other people to do the same.


why did yall leave Lupa off of the beastars reaction bring him back 💀💀


Balalaika after learning the twins backstory: damn that's craaaaazy, order two extra small coffins.