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bro has the hots for his sister



Do you want them to react naturally or be artificial actors? Also you're paying and are able to watch tv shows for free that you'd otherwise have to pay a service for on multiple platforms. Don't act like you're an innocent customer giving constructive criticism.


Nah ur just an entitled sack of shit lmao. Oh no you aren't getting specifically what you want, maybe if you bitch n whine enough

Justin nichols

i see you have room temperature IQ so let me just say this, patreon isnt a service you are practically donating and recieving early access to content..thats it this isnt HULU or NETFLIX. 10/10 mindset "i pay money so y u no do what i want" grow up, read, fire them neurons before making another purchase


all a dude asked was if they could have longer discussions at the end of videos or if not why. how in the world is that forcing them to pretend to react differently?


I'd have the hots for my sister too if she looked like that. 💯😁


Bro is me🥴(Jk I don’t got a sister☠️)


Fushis changed because hes forgot the people who taught him those emotions, he owes 90% of his compassion to gugu


I'm pretty sure the guy who got his teeth pulled (can't remember his name) can't feel pain, as in his pain receptors probably don't work. When he had his teeth pulled, someone his age (or most people) would probably pass out from the pain, but he didn't. The church probably kept him isolated because they thought he was possessed or something. I think he learned over time how to pretend like he can feel pain in order to appear normal to everyone else around him. This may seem like a "super power", but not feeling pain means that he can't tell when he's doing something that's damaging his body, hence his tendency to have all of those bruises. For example, a person who can feel pain would immediately stop doing a certain exercise if it was actually damaging their body, but this guy can't tell when he's doing something beyond normal limits. I could be wrong though.


Familial love not sexual, Fushi could also feel the admiration the soldiers had for Bon, it doesn’t have to be that kind of love


I used to go to school with someone who had little to no pain receptors in one of their feet/toes. Dude really did think it was a super power and was like “watch this” and would fully kick concrete walls with no reaction. I’m sure his feet are mashed up today based on messing around like that.


It might be that, but I also think it has to do with Fushi having to think about things at a bigger scale. He's no longer just learning how to be human and forming relationships with one or two people. He has to think about what will save the most people, and in his eyes, the princess' pride is actively getting in the way of that. There being a limited amount of time also adds to Fushi's frustration at any obstacles. He doesn't have years to hang around and make friends.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Also did y'all not clock that the kid who kept getting his teeth pulled can't feel pain? That's why he didn't react when he hurt his arm and why his body was covered with so many bruises. He doesn't feel it when he's injured.

Smash Bran'Discootch

I'm pretty sure that wasn't a romantic love thing. I'm pretty sure all love/admiration/deep respect looks that way. Yeah, Fushi asked the gut "Well don't you love the princess?" and the guy replied something along the lines of "That's what I hate about you brats". He was basically telling Fushi that he didn't understand the situation. Fushi is still super naive when it comes to the subtleties of human interaction, so he doesn't get the separation between familial love, admiration, and romantic love.


Fushi starting to remind me of the man in black. Especially the way he phased through the roof of the house. Side note: I love y’all’s shirts.

Dude Man McGee

omfg you idiots are hilarious! I never even considered incest when I watched this the first time! I was like, awh he's a nice brother that wants to protect his sister :) Then you clowns are like, "YOU WANNA FUCK YOUR SISTER???" lmao, never change ya'll <3

Osiris Cage

Those soldiers will learn when the nokkers snatch their bootyholes out


Sheera is too busy trying to crack joke after joke she not even paying attention. Its no wonder they missed out on the multiple times he stated he doesn't feel pain.


I enjoy sheera's jokes every once in a while but at times she tries pushing them way too much. Lupa was also giving in and just not paying attention. Only one who was paying somewhat attention is Roshi and at that point somehow he doesn't even catch on to it probably because of the constant talking and laughing coming from both ears.


Just me simply stating what I noticed. I know someone gonna reply telling me to "chill" or "it isn't a big deal" or something else.


you know there’s about to be at least 10 people on they’re way to defend them right 😂 I understand your frustration though, on most of the show’s they react too, they miss a lot of things because of the “ joke after joke after joke “ but they eventuality find out whatever they missed by looking at the comments( Roshi at least does)

Greg Harrison

Watched the ep and figured the guy had no sense of pain. Since he didn't notice his own injury

FreshxEli Tv

Lol everytime I see your name I just have to pray because I know you have said an opinion that about to start riots so I’m going to pray before I read


These dudes be throwing joke after joke after joke every time they react now. Specially Lupa. All the plot and premise of the anime is starting to go over their head and they don’t understand nor is trying to understand anything about the things they watch now. At this point it’s not them reacting, but just making jokes and talking to each other throughout the whole video


I dunno about the “never change” part, but the rest i approve


You guys are starting to turn into clowns now.

Devin B

That sounds about right. Even in this episode he even said does he have the right to protect someone if he doesn't know what pain is.


it's not that serious. People should have fun watching tv with their friends.


imagine getting pressed bc someone doesnt react to a show the way u want them to lmfao


i took that shit w the bear completely differently, i saw fushi walk into the house, turn into the bear n break some shit, then phase back into normal fushi (where yall think he just teleported there straight from the convo while the bear was fuckin shit up)


I wanna know why you guys can't have a 5 min discussion after what you watched... On Youtube it makes sense since it affects the watch-time but on Patreon, why can't we get any discussion regarding what you just watched, atleast to me it comes across like you don't care at all about the show you're watching. It would also solve issues like these where, maybe some of you aren't noticing certain things because you're making jokes...


You're not wrong, but this problem could be solved by them literally just taking 5 mins after the episode to discuss what they watched so everybody picks up on the plot and premise of the show

Desto Samuels

You've been complaining about the same stuff for a long time now and "just simply stating" or "just pointing" the same thing "out" for months if not years. I understand your complaints but if you have this much issue don't you think its time to cancel your membership with them? Before you say you barely comment, just take note that I can name several episodes of different shows where you complain constantly about the same things. Also it isn't just exclusive to Roshi it seems your entire life is based on being miserable and complaining. The internet reflects the nature of how people are or feel and you sir spend alot of time on it exposing pretty much who you are. Which seems to be a very bitter person who likes to possibly torture yourself? I dunno... I'm just.... ya know..."simply stating what I've noticed" at the end of the day.


Too many cry babies in the comment section it ain’t that deep

Valentino Garay

I translate: "I wanna know why the reactors don't react just like I want waaaaa waaaa"

Desto Samuels

Yea they should have fun at this point you have to accept their consequence would just be them getting clapped in the comments. At the end of the day they will understand somehow

James Ancester

watch other reactors then? For example: Semblance of Sanity and AGoodwin provide excellent and extensive discussion before, during and after each episode.


You niggas in the comments need to chill tf out crying because they aren’t reacting in a way that pleases you if they did react the way you wanted to it wouldn’t be called a reaction, if you don’t like it then bounce and go Watch someone else sit there like a npc and just stare at the screen 🥴

Ethan Durant

Jesus he want even a dick about it. It’s reasonable to ask y’all so sensitive for mfs who don’t know you and never will

Josh Mr.Fire

Thats what Im saying like its just criticism. Not everybody gonna consider everything like, "Oh they have a lot of shows to watch" or, simply, "thats not their style." Just SAY thats not their style and move on. if the person persists then i can say they had whats coming to them


God fucking forbid anyone criticizes shit they pay for EVER

Joshua Burns

So Roshi you don’t love your family then? 👀 Why can’t it just be a brotherly love my guy🤣


Anime reactions are a curse sometimes. The fans are absolute fuking crying babies no matter what. wah wah react how I see fit, they react how they enjoy themselves and that's literally it. Yall already know what you sign up for because of their youtube content so it's your own damn fault.

Drake Rage

I was waiting to comment that the dude that got his teeth pulled.. they were showing all that to SHOW that he literally cannot feel pain... I was going to say "it took y'all way too long to realize he doesn't feel pain" but y'all never got it, LOL. It must be true what the adults used to say when we were kids that being too horny rots the brain, even Roshi has suddenly started missing a lot of details, lol. They showed the pain bubbles when they were sparring and when the dude got his arm dislocated, there wasn't a pain bubble, so Fushi gasped, that was the first indication that he doesn't feel pain. Pulling the teeth was just the priests doing a fckd up experiment for no reason to see if even that doesn't hurt the kid. Also, I don't think he was "controlling" the bear, they showed that he can only keep his consciousness in 1 body, when they showed 2 bodies on the Ship, 1 body went limp/died when he went to the other body. He can switch back and forth etc. but he can't control 2 bodies at once. The scene from Bear to Fushi was showing that Fushi made a new body from the rope attached to him and switched from the Bear into the new Fushi body he made from the rope.


criticism is legal btw for the people who's acting like they've never seen it before or done it themselves, acting like we live in North Korea


God forbid you to request something for a service you pay for monthly, the followers who have meat stuck down their throats will come in their shining armor to defend their king

Damarcus Miller

Bro they think everything is sexual.. you must be new here 😂😂😂 better get use to it


Who said I didn't enjoy watching them. If I didn't enjoy watching them I would have left long ago. I been watching them since they started. The fact that you try to completely judge how someone is in real life based on a few comments being made is the weirdest shit. You don't know if I could be completely different from what you "think" I am. Yeah criticism totally doesn't exist. Apparently its only bitter hate now. They a lot of people on here that can't handle shit. Might as worth as call everyone a snowflake and assume that is how they are in real life just like you do.


Also why do you even care? Do you know me? No. You don't know shit about me in real life. The only thing you have is my comments and most of them aren't even half bad. I made multiple comments praising them for the good reaction and the only ones that stick out to you fools is the ones you got a problem with. Typical internet cancer.


Did you pay extra for extra service? I didn't think so. They are reactors not your bartender


TYE hype