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Trauma besties



You know it's been a minute since you guys watched it when you didn't recognise Lief


The OP is straight 🔥🔥🔥

Keith Nieves

I know this was months ago but, Lupa was talking about the guy, Einar, and how he didn't do anything at all, and he made a comment about the shock because all these fictional characters just do nothing at all and we get that its trauma and shock but it's overexaggerated. He also wasn't commenting about the girl, we all were well aware of what would happen to the girl and the mother after what those bandits said; he was questioning how the village got to that point right after they showed a scene of the peacefulness and how the son was lucky to be surrounded by two beautiful women (his mother and his sister) in the nice village. It's pretty much common sense so you probably didn't need this excessive reply, just wanted to clarify if I could at all


Mappa doing bits with this. Good to see


I'm glad lupo got his glasses back!! Only took three years


I randomly just came back to this video and just realized Lupa spotting the Choso hairstyle 😭

Clinton Vance

Yeah no, I wouldn’t be able to go anywhere if I just watched my mom get struck with an arrow right beside me.

Myles Guy

Bro what?! Mouth used for huh?




let's GOOO


Can't wait to to hear the "When is he going to leave?"


trauma besties 💀




I want to be a stronger person


Peak fiction has returned!


This gotta be the greatest show ever and i didn’t even read the manga this one of the only shows where I could genuinely cry😂


Let's Goooooooo. GOAT-land Saga. I know it's been a minute, but 1 thing to consider is that Thorfinn tried to kill Canute. Even though Canute didn't want to execute him, he still needed a punishment. So slavery was likely his sentence.

Theo Vorster

Season 2 of Vinland Saga has been slated for 24 episodes according to Blu-ray pre-ordering/listing information. Thorfinn is still the protagonist of the series, but Einar is definitely the deuteragonist of this arc. So something for anime-onlys to keep in mind. After season 1 (i.e. the Prologue arc), the Vinland Saga series stops being anywhere as near battle-focused, action-heavy, or concerned with political intrigue (at least politics focusing on monarchy). It becomes much more character study focused and historical fiction focused (for those not in the know Thorfinn is a fictionalized version of a real 11th century explorer/trader of the same name, who’s main primary sources come from two Icelandic Sagas histories). Also fun bit of trivia, this arc is often called the “Farmland Saga” arc of the series. But in addition to Wineland, one of the other common translations for the Norse word Vinland is literally “Farmland”. i.e. the most common name of this arc is literally just the series name but in modern English. Another bit of trivia about this episode, the first-half of it is an anime-original creation/expansion of Einar’s backstory (that is told largely by a couple pages of dialogue in the manga). Also in the manga the buyer who was looking for more “cute looking men” to buy as a slave actually copped a feel of Einar’s genitals (as part of the “inspection-process”). It was after that in the manga, that Einar made his first escape attempt.


No ending reaction 😔 regardless great reaction

Zazies Beret

This is truly one of the best shows ever made, superb return! 😭


PLZ DO NOT EXPECT SEASON 1. The best arc of vinland is being adapted and it is very little action. It is heavily character based


The way Lupa was expecting what will happen like it did season 1. I hope he sticks through it. This may not be his thing if I'm gonna be honest


They shoulda watched the ed theme at least once. Oh well...


Haven't even seen the reaction and I already know they gonna be upset with the woodcutting guy.


Yeah they way he acted so impatiently kinda proves that this season might not be to his liking.


If anything from the first season has shown in this show. Vinland is not about revenge.

Alex cleveland

Hopefully yall dont be joking every single minute like this reaction for the rest of this season because this seems like its gonna be a heavy season😂


Hopefully these homies at Mappa aren't tired after Chainsawman.


nice there are no spoilers in op or ED


Farmland Saga is finally here!


They mixed CGI in the previous season but Wit Studio did it. Mappa CGI has gotten better since AOT.


The inside jokes at Mappa must’ve been flyin’ with this episode title lol


have fun guys i really enjoyed this arc cant wait to see how they adapted it


Aside from MHA, do they ever react to endings? I agree with you, but I figured this would happen.


Read this arc in the Manga but gotta admit wasn't a good first episode story wise.


Yeah they stayed there like sitting ducks, this ain’t no Drama story.

Greg Harrison

I am kind of interested to see the different reactions to the tone change.


They do it every once in a while with other shows, like Bleach, but yeah I expected as much but hoped for more I suppose.


Damn Lupa you wouldn't stop to help your mom the initial moment she got shot by an arrow? If she got hit in a fatal area and told you to run, I feel you I would probably run to. But I don't think it's crazy to check if she's okay cause it could've been a non-lethal shot and she might only need help getting up so she could run with some assistance.


chainsaw man but that's because there were 12 different ones

Greg Harrison

In Lupa's defense, he did make a good guess of Thorfinn being dead inside. I would give him a few eps to make it clear that the season is slower paced.


they don’t have to animate too much here tbh so i think they’ll be good. its just jjk im worried about


it wasnt a bad thing, but the shit that pissed me off was that he just stayed there the whole time and acted stupid. like he could’ve told his sister to run at least. that whole scene made me so mad ngl

Alastair Murdock

Their cgi was always good. Even aot wasn't as bad as people said it was, the problem was that they weren't given enough time to polish things.


It’s the same WIT lot that did the first season, they are just under MAPPA now


Hope they do Viking reaction as they already familiar with norse myth and they just did the northman.


Lupa don't fall into Rabbit Holes, he fall into BLACK HOLES


yeah it is volume 26 realesed in my country yesterday at the same day season 2 started


i think most peoeple will hate it. I think alot of people think this like a typical shonen anime and its not.


He wasn't acting stupid. He didn't notice the pillagers until they grabbed his sister because of how much shock he was in. I know the concept of "shock" or "trauma" is a forbidden taboo on this channel but it's a real thing. You wouldn't call newly recruited soldiers in their first battle stupid for being in shock or veterans for having PTSD. When I was a kid a transformer blew up right outside our house and my uncle was hiding under the table with his hands over his head being scared out his mind. My parents had to explain to be that my uncle was traumatized cause he's been bombed at several times when serving in Afghan. It seemed silly to me that you would freeze up while in danger, but the human brain is an interesting organ and we all operate and respond to things differently. Like you being allergic to a food just means your brain thinks that food is dangerous when it really isn't, but I wouldn't think you were dumb cause you can't eat strawberries, it's just how your brain responds to something it has no way of processing.


I don't think Thorfinn is on the same revenge path as he was last season. Askeladd told him to let it go and move on.


It's definitely a way better introduction to the arc. We only saw Einar during the whole introduction by already being a slave


In simpler terms nobody freezes up because their being dumb, they're freezing up because their brain is stuck and can't process what's happening.


Maybe better for the Manga readers, but the anime fans have no reason to care about Einar yet. Makes the scene where his family dies pretty cringe because you're just not attached to him yet, no wonder the crew is bored.


Any plans to watch the new Trigun?


Because Einar is a new character. You don't do the other way around and not introduce his backstory. It defeats the purpose of what's to come


I have no idea what you're talking about considering the Manga itself introduces Einar without the dead-family backstory and it didn't defeat any of the arcs future purpose?


Because that's what the manga lack. He had no backstory despite already being a good character. The manga didn't fleshed out how he came to be.

Devin B

He basically lost his purpose in life when he couldn't avenge his dad so now he's just living with no purpose in mind.

Earphone Jack

I was so pissed watching this episode lol. The amount of times I kept yelling “RUN!” but they didn’t. And then the guy ended up a slave. I was so mad lol.


bro what are you saying anime did better job showing who einar is and why he is there why he knows thorfins name?....imagine directly showing that last meeting and we have no idea who this guy is. also backstories are way to bond with character.


seconded! i think they'd really appreciate the animation/art direction


In the manga the whole introduction scene of Einar isn't about Einar at all. It just uses Einar as an anonymous avatar to both display to the reader what being a slave means (which is one of the central themes of the arc) and to introduce where Thorfinn is now at in the story. In fact the introduction of Einars backstory and personality later in the story is deliberately used as a counter point to the livelyhood which Thorfinn was living beforehand. To Manga readers of course Einar is an established and loved character, so of course we enjoy seeing his backstory in the anime, but to the anime-only viewer he's still a nobody that we don't care about yet so spending as much time as the episode did to grieve over the family and what not is jarring, which is clearly shown by SHeera and Lupa's reactions. Seeing that his family died only tells us what he's going through at the time of the show, it doesn't say much about who the character is even though the episode treats him as a somebody that the viewer is supposed to know (yes people are more than their tragic backstories Shonen readers)


Aww man I wanted to see more Thorfinn but that's fine.


Maybe it'll be a poll option someday, but their schedule is already really packed. This week alone, they're giving us 17 episodes of content. When they finish Alice in Borderland, they'll be watching Warrior. They'll be watching The Last of Us (premiering on January 15) and Vox Machina Season 2 (premiering on January 20). He also said they'll be watching the Magi prequel series. New episodes of "You" come out on Netflix in February and March. They'll be watching the Dr. Stone special before Season 3 premieres in April. Obviously I can't speak for Roshi, but it sounds like their schedule will be packed for the next 1 - 2 months.


interesting to see how people will enjoy the shift of focus in the story i personally love the prologue and after the prologue equally. watching thorfinn’s story is the best


oh yeah, definitely don't watch a reaction to this new season before watching the episodes yourself, having to listen to jokes during this masterpiece will not be a great experience


yooo Lupa looking hella good with this hairstyle. Bro inspiring me to grow locks too haha

Hasnain Khan



Roshi killed me when he started singing in the intro 😂 y'all really are the best


Yes it wasn't about einar, because he wasn't introduced properly. Anime did what the manga did not which familiarized who the characters is without knowing his further progress. He literally turns out to be thorfinn. That in itself surpasses what the manga did in arc introduction. It strengthens their dynamic to each other with this more so than the manga.


Kids, this is story of how i met your mother. I mean Thorfinn.


Youtube be havin some black holes of content that just take you to a different universe. I got lost in the otters and now i believe otters are my spirit animal thanks to youtube


vikings or the last kingdom both good af


bro that opening goes HARD


what was the bit at 1:52 it sounded familiar

Kevin Kovacs

don't worry you gonna see more Thorfinn in this season then ever beforr! We got like 23 more eps to go.

Kevin Kovacs

I haven't watched it but they really talking that much during the reaction or you just feel like it?

Joey Zero

Bros home got burned down. They finally build their home back up and it gets burned down again. Then his mom dies right in front of him. Then his sister gets murdered. And yet shock is still a foreign concept to some people. Everyone’s always gotta be in their right mind at all times no matter the situation, apparently.


Come on bro there’s no way ptsd and shock exists in an anime he shoulda just powered up


Yeah the whole ending of s1 basically confirmed this show won’t be a typical revenge story


Because trauma exist... I do hope shock isn't the same as "shock" that you're trying imply here. Anyone can be shock by any circumstances. But considering a shock happens when a tragedy is the one you seen. That's a different shocking value

Joey Zero

You misunderstood my comment. Im agreeing with you. Shock is real and I explained why he’s in shock. The last sentence was sarcastic. I should have specified that. My bad.


I'm glad the author understands that not every man has the same type of beard.


I'm gonna agree to disagree at this point. I understand what you're saying but the conclusions you've drawing seem obviously incorrect to me.


I kinda Cringe at the zoomer cut he has (and the VISIBLE prosthetic arm, it's meant to be a surprise attack in the OG, hence why it looks indistinguishable from a normal arm skin wise)


It is pretty interesting how Vikings would be considered only barbarians, but their trade and seafaring would be almost unrivaled at the time. They were legit one of the most cleanly people they would wash often even bleach their hair. But that is how it goes when you don't have much of a written language and most of your history is written down by the people you attacked


yes jokes every 10 seconds. i dont mind it but you wont be immersed in the story with them


If Roshi didn't remind everyone of Leif...

Jake Thompson

Leif did say it, he said "All I want is to free my relative, I'm positive he came to this town. He's blond and small, his name is Thorfinn. You really have no idea where he is?"


If Lupa was in this situation, 100% he freezes and goes into shock. Bro thinks everyone is the main character and can surpass his limits by powering up before saving the whole world💀


Both are good but Vikings is better in my opinion, probably just because of RAGNAR LOTHBROOK


Yeah, I agree, you wouldn’t really be into it if you watch it with them first, gotta watch it by yourself first, there’s a joke coming every 10 seconds, masterpiece of a 1st episode for sure


If Roshi gets shot with a arrow in his back, lupa won’t even try to help 😂


yeah, that's why I was confused by what Sheera said lmao. like the guy is dead. what revenge? lmao

Beau Wagner

Luna is fucking heartless😂😂


Lupa looks like a little ass girl with his hair like that.


All he needs is a pink my little pony backpack and he can skip humming some music all the way to school

Stagger Lee

ah yes wheatland saga

Moisty Justice

That’s what I’m afraid for everyone who loved the first season. This arc is one of its best but it’s very action packed which a lot of people praised(as they should have) but the themes of the show get more fleshed out here.

Jermaine Johnstone

As a manga reader, I think this episode was perfect and a much better way of introducing Einar given how important he is to the entire story movie forward.


"Trauma besties" 🤣🤣🤣 I'm dead

Devin B

Maybe against Canute for taking his kill but who knows what he's thinking now


they had separate teams for this and chainsawman so the jjk animators definitely got enough time to make it look good for july



The word you're looking for isn't "dumb" it's "in shock"


LMAOOO yeahhhh you leaving mom dukes???


"I'll be your thorfinn" lmfaoooo


WIT was better. Didn't implement the trash CGI


Roshi how the fuck are you gonna say they got opening of the season when you skipped over the new MHA opening cause you didn't wanna spoil sheera and lupa?


Another person that thinks being in shock is just being dumb. Someone that apparently has never had to be in a very difficult situation bad enough that you go into actual shock. Must be nice to have a comfy ass life.


Still remember that Sheera and Lupa said garbage slayer was better than vinland saga when they both came out at the same time. The clown shoes were very large in size back in those days.

Tyrese Marshall

even won anime of the year. Ik shit is subjective, but I genuinely feel Vinland is objectively better than most anime we got in the last 5-6 years


Lmao, his arm is a pretty big reveal and their ass just shows it.


No they’re pretty much barbarians, that’s no debate. Stop acting like you were there.


We all know your ass is sitting down on a raggedy ass chair with Cheeto dust all over you, L.C. Lmao

Levi Blair

@Tyrese Marshall even if something isn't to some ones taste there are degrees of quality that are really close to objective. As far as overall productions go and accomplishing what they intended Vinland is up there with the best of them.

Paden Snell

Maybe I'm in the minority here... but I found this disappointing as fuck. Like 22 minutes to show me this dude was sold as a slave for this farm? Feel like this dudes backstory could been wrapped up In 5 minutes and would been better for it. We've already seen how bad slaves have it in this series and seen plenty of villages being pillaged. nothing about this guy's story so far stands out, its just par for the course and we don't know who he is enough to care about him in particular.


The reason why they showed his back story first is because that’s how it happened in the manga but also to get it over with so we can get to straight to how he develops as a character from when we first see him to who he becomes later. He’s an important character in the long run anyways.

Paden Snell

Yeah, I get all that. I still really don't think they need to spend the entire first episode on it though. coulda been done in a couple scenes lasting a couple minutes. Family killed in a raid, sold into slavery, bought by a farm that happens to have thorfinn... did not need an entire episode to convey that well. Literally coulda covered that pre-intro. The whole mom and sister dying while running away thing for example adds nothing. Coulda been a 5 second shot showing the village burning and a 5 second shot showing their bodies and woulda conveyed exactly as much info, we didn't learn anything from most of these scenes who the guy is as a person, just what happened to him.


absolutely and that should not be a controversial take @Tyrese Marshall


@Zerryy he is 1 untrained, untalented fighter vs 3 experienced warriors lmao


11:49 by far Lupa's most braindead moment in the entire history of this channel lmao


lmfaooo shut up especially that second comment. "yeah i get all that" 😂😂 stop arguing. you have no clue what you are saying if this was all relegated to 2 minutes the show would get SHIT ON by manga readers aka it would be less good .


23:35 BRO she was getting taken to get RAPED and she did one last ditch attack to protect herself what do you meannnn. Pls Lupa my god. Pure anime viewer brain


yeah tbh we need to take them at their word when they talk about how it's been 3 years. it's been forgotten


yeah as someone who has loved both it is absolutley necessary for vikings first ragnar is SO legendary


bro i agree but you are acting as if the reason he is not on the same path is just because askelad told him to? 😂 I mean his own damn dad had been trying to get a very specific message to across while he was alive. it is not all attributable towards askelad it is primarily self driven

Silver Delgado

Yeah I bet lupa will either drop this season or he will joke his way through since I don’t think he’ll enjoy it. Hopefully I’m wrong tho


Shock is not dumb but when its used like this it is, I wont argue I am "shocked" at the maturity of this audience to think that having an opinion would warrant this level of response its laughable you all need to chill.


Its the fact she stabbed him and then proceeded to stand there after he dropped her, what did she expect to happen maybe he was going to thank her for opening his eyes to his evil deeds. She probably would have got caught again but she didn't even try to use the opportunity she gave herself that's what pissed him off.


Woah, calm down there buddy. Though, it is a possibility that either of those happen, but mostly like the latter. None of them would ever drop a show ever on the channel. So, your second assumption is probably what may happen. To be fair, pretty sure a lot of people are going to be turned off by this season if they're expecting it to be action packed as season 1 lmao. So, I don't blame people who aren't a fan of slice of life to be expecting this change in tone of arcs to not like this


these responses are genuinley insane. i made a valid ahh comment. and no, i wont go somewhere else bc i love this channel. so fk off and let me vent like damn lmao


This is not slice of life, it's fucking drama. Kids going to school doing hw is slice of life.


He wasn't even talking about that though. He was talking about how the village got attacked in the first place.


i dont think that girl dead tbh


@Gyasi it's not about that, it's called being serious. There are many times where Lupa was making a joke about certain serious scene. Unless dark humor is your thing


The village got attack considering it is normal back then to get attack? raiders are a thing in 1000th century


@BrakerFluidAddict they reacted to 7ds??


Opening was so fire


stfu or find a cliff to jump from


@Gyasi i hope you join aswell



Azayzel Hoarde

"I'll be your Thorfinn!" Bruh LMAO