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Solid first season! Looking forward to what season 2 has in store!



Juno getting mentally clapped every scene lmao

Gabriel Garcia

Roshi at the beginning of the season: Fuck Louis >:( Roshi at the end of the season: Where tf is Louis >:(


I subbed so I could see your all reaction


Love-love-loving the reactions to the series! Can't watch for you guys to watch Season 2, but I am a little worried about the subtitles differing from y'all view and the viewer's, well, view. Netflix only has subtitles for the English dub, which does change up the script a little here and there. Usually, they have separate subs for other anime or international shows/movies, but not in this case. But whatever works for you guys! I'm just happy to be along for this ride. :3


i had the exact same reaction word for word to that last part lol