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Need more episodes right now


RTS x Crypto l

You know it’s crazy when the episode name is episode 12 💀


J Man


Omar Bautista

I need the next Arc ASAP. Best girl in whole series

Julio Morales

next arc till like next year or something i bet. 😭😭


Didn't expect a Coolio cameo


The main thing about Himeno that people gotta remember is that she had 5 previous partners die on her, was often blamed for it, and took a lot of abuse by their families. She developed a smoking, alcohol, and possibly even a sex addiction as a way to cope with the stress of the job. Her carefree persona was very clearly just a facade. With people constantly dying around her (in horrific ways at that), addiction is really the only thing she had that kept her somewhat happy. “Life is sweeter with a bit of dependence.” Her offering a cigarette to Aki was her own fucked up way of connecting with him.


The best (redacted) is what’s coming. I love this next arc, I love the designs of the devils and the story developments.


I don't know who that is LMAO. gassing shit up for the manga people yeah pretty much yeah lol. Pretty popular character in chainsaw man i think meh, but definitely a well like character incoming.

Nicole Guerrero

that fight was so epic, can't wait for next arc, it's truly gonna be lit 😆🔥

zILovePelmeni _

next arc is probably gonna be a movie bc its only 14 chapters and the rest fits in another 12 ep season

Jazmyne Mattucci

Soon we shall see.....the baddest baby girl

Ant Moe

Next arc is easily the 2nd best


"The others mourn her with ceremony grand" head ass


Dunno who that is? All you needa know is she a baddie


Lupa got those Spacebuns lmao

Sauce Sorcerer

Manga nigga here, THAT SHIT COMIN


Lupa cosplaying the Future Devil?

Gmac paddiewac

A new Best Girl has entered


Lupa was visited by the ghost of Coolio past this Christmas


I am gonna miss Lupa's chainsaw bit so much.

Zoheb Satta

That Requiem line has got to be a Hunter x Hunter reference XD


Katana man Denji you don’t feel bad for killing my grandpa and there family Me sir yo grandpa and they family cut me tf up literally and threw me a fucking dumpster no I don’t fucking feel bad for killing them and no I don’t wanna talk you shot me in my head and cut me in half I wanna fight stfu and change nigga😭

Ara Araragi

It's fitting that a show that likes to reference movies decided to end things with a Marvel-style post-credits scene. Half the audience is hyped, and the other half is wondering who the hell this new person is.


this was solid man im loving this


Dude Chainsaw man is number two only behind Spy X Family in streaming services in Japan. You're just making shit up.


Do you not see the link or what? Nothing I said was made up. Also everyone should know atp Popularity =/= Quality.

Kevin Kovacs

Most likely 2024 my guy... since we getting 4 other Mappa shows next year.

Lil Uzi Vert

i wanna pull on lupa's twin ponytails while im hitting it from the back


A Requiem to rival Uvogin's from Hunter x Hunter.


The context of it or the requiem meaning itself?

Pan Cakes



as a manga reader next season is going to be absolute feral

Kevin Kovacs

AOT (final final season lol), Hell's paradise, Vinland Saga s2,JJK s2.


I read your link. You know how many petitions there are in the world. A small minority amount means all of Japan hates it? How fucking dumb are you.

Bad Karma

I think it was Japanese fans who were upset with how serious the adaptation was when the manga was more comedic, which is something I do not understand at all. Could be wrong tho, got my info from other ppl who can actually read Japanese.

Devin B

Really? Were they mad that it left out something in the manga or were they complaining for nothing?


That was days ago and it immediately got 1K supporters, I can only imagine at what number it is now but there was no update on it that I could find. The point is that a great deal of people, even if it still amounts to just “a small minority” didn’t appreciate the anime adaptation and that’s why I even said it’s a shame as obviously I don’t agree with it, it’s just worth noting and pointing out.


Best action anime of the season for me. Hopefully don't have to wait too long for season 2.


The nutshot contest was one of my favorite scenes from this arc. Excellently adapted.


This show is such a w






It could easily be another fanbase that created said petition. There's no reason to bring it up. 1k out of millions is literally nothing.




The way MAPPA did the POV flashback in the beginning made that entire opening scene hit so much harder than in the manga (which already hit hard for me).

Smash Bran'Discootch

I'm tempted to pull the horny jail card, but as long as it's consensual who am I to judge? Love is love!


It’s specifically mentions clearly being CSM manga Japanese fans, but who knows almost anything is possible online. Anyways like I said it’s just worth noting and pointing out since the 1K was days ago and it happened immediately so the number would be much higher now.


Shoutout to Mappa they doing so many anime but they put their time and heart into each one of them ❤🔥

Smash Bran'Discootch

Also I think those petition things trying to get creators to remake game of thrones or endgame or this apparently are kind of hilarious. People think that they matter when like...just because a bunch of people signed something that does not mean the creators are under any obligation to do so whatsoever. People are wild lmao

Zoheb Satta

the context, that whole scene was reminiscent of when Chrollo dedicated his requiem to Uvogin


I wonder if denji gave katana man his own underwear after cutting him in half lmao


Goddammit now i gotta wait for a second season. Mappa better still be there by then!

Smash Bran'Discootch

As a manga reader, I can absolutely say, "OHHHHHHH ITS COMIN'!" There's a whole lot of $^×^÷$_<#××#& plenty of #&$&%#&^#÷ and I can't WAIT to see how they animate #&$&$&@ when #^$^* @&$&÷& into the #*$&&# ♤▪︎£○♤●♤▪︎♡. But man, one of the most #%&#*×◇£€ and emotional moments was when @&%&×₩£ is @#=+$% and ₩£¥@@$! @$!¥€}£ and you see @$$&@&₩£~~\. You cant open the door.

Tsunami Wave

I thought Sheera would've appreciated that lady on the train running away as soon as she could lmao. If she got up a second quicker we would have seen two angels this episode

Paden Snell

Kinda wish they didn't tease best girl there at the end. I mean im hype for it, but i feel like next arc where this series really starts hitting different and it is kinda important to just go in blind, hopefully they're careful about what they release for trailers and stuff.

Darren Banks

Lol literally reminded me of chrollo, all the way down to the suit 😅


Oh yeah mb, should’ve been common knowledge that the underwear katana man was wearing also regenerates with his body after getting cut in half. Sorry for not making sense 💀


You're giving such a minor thing more attention than it deserves and acting like it actually matters. If the petition was about Bleach you would be saying the same things I'm saying right now.


Real painsaw man incoming!!!!


God man next episode 😭


Eh…. If the petition was done by anyone other than the Japanese then you’re right but otherwise you’re wrong, regardless of the series I would still bring it up because the Japanese can actually affect it and make it happen, meaning it does basically matter as much as I hate to say it.


Victoria’s Secret is behind the door


It's worth noting this is known as the "weakest" mini-arc in the series. Largely because Denji wasn't personally invested in the what was happening. Remember him saying how he didn't feel sadness at the loss of his comrades. He was just fighting because of duty. So it only goes up from here




Why does it matter if it was Japanese or not. It's still a minor thing that you're giving attention to for no reason than to stir up controversy. If you have millions of people praising a series, and a thousand shitting on it. They're not going to pay attention to the thousand.


as a manga guy, yeah, i'm really gassed up after that end credit scene. XD

David Camacho

The camera man was Peter Parker


Yall forgot that Himeno owns one of the ghost devil's hands. That is the same ghost hand that pulled denjis handle after she died. (also she is a ghost, cause dead people are ghosts). So himeno cut the things arms off of aki.


Manga readers having seizures after that end credit I know I am


I'm so glad we got a tease of her. Voiced by Reina Ueda (Tsuyuri Kanao in Demon Slayer, Akane Shinjo in SSSS.Gridman, Ruri in Dr. STONE, Gray in in Case Files of Lord El Melloi II)


Kinda baffled the hell out of me that they didn't make that connection, especially when the anime literally showed the flashback right before of Himeno saying she'll save him a cig. XD


I wish the balls kicking scene lasted longer :( I waited a whole season for it, but it wasn't long enough


the legal age of smoking in japan is 20 btw, and the translation is off, she says she'll give the cigarette back when he's needs something to take the edge off, which is why she gives it back to him through the ghost devil to rid aki of his fear which allows him to slice the ghost devil




If only that was true but people tend to gravitate more towards the negativity for the sake of controversy or for the sake of minimizing it before it can take affect, doesn’t matter how small of a minority it is as that’s all subjective. It matters it’s the Japanese because that’s where anime matters most and originates, which I know you can agree with that.


Time to pick up the manga I guess. Which chapter do I start on?

Hasnain Khan


Joey Zero

Don’t worry. It’ll be two years before next season. People will forget about the tease

Power supremacy

chapter 38 or 39 if i remember correctly,been a long time since i last read part 1


Best girl coming in hot next season fr


kicked him so hard denji flew into another stage in mortal kombat


right, i found it very strange that they didnt care about those details. but they also react to 1 million shows, and have real lives, so i can never hold it against them. 🤷‍♂️


Thanks for the reactions you guys. This was a fun series to watch through so far. Looking forward to more!


1000 people do not matter in this case. The anime is a success worldwide including Japan. You're the one bringing up the negativity for some reason.


yall say this about every show, every arc, every episode, in existence goddamn.


What you keep forgetting is that it got 1K supporters immediately after it was posted and that was days ago…. If it was just like what you’re saying then I wouldn’t care but even if there’s no further proof it’s most likely bare minimum thousands upon thousands to hundreds of thousands and even if there are millions upon millions of people who support it against the backlash that doesn’t completely negate it, even if you think or feel otherwise. Do I believe they’re actually gonna affect it? Probably not but it’s still worth talking about, only cause it’s the Japanese.




If you're working underage, getting paid, paying taxes, you should be regarded as an adult, thus you should be able to drink and smoke. Moreso if you are risking your life killing some devils and fiends out there for the government.


Move? Yeah let me just stand up while the Katana man is about to do a running slash and try to leave the train. Y’all seriously don’t understand human responses you think you’d be like the flash and get out but the second you stood up you’d be in pieces. Also I feel like y’all missed a lot of the important dialogue like during the Himeno flashback with the cigarette and the whole is Denji even human thing.


Oh man, how I could I forget the requiem to Himeno. I laughed my head off so hard when I read it in the manga.

Ranginald Vagel

All I'm saying is if someone kills me I give express permission to kick my captive killer in the balls as much as you want and confirm that that will make my spirit very happy

Levi Blair

Even after watching the show start on the first one otherwise you're missing out

Leandro Da Silva

Damn they left you guys on a cliffhanger for the best girl in the series


It's me. I'm niggaz. IT'S COMIN


Yall were tripping hard on that Himeno scene for no reason, there was nothing sexual or perverted about that convo whatsoever ☠


They haven't read the manga, you cant spoil things like that. You risk getting removed.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Oh no fam, you good. That wasn't like a Question "huh?", it was more like a "Huh...well I'll be damned." as in like i hadn't even considered that but you're right; those drawers had to come from somewhere.

Smash Bran'Discootch

I'd strongly reccomend just starting from the beginning. It's only an extra half hour to an hour of reading and it's worth it for the context.

Jett Gremory

Cant wait for season 2 of Painsaw man & friends.


bro whipped off the hands like hyakimaru


Hope for second arc/S2 Q2-2024

Joel Braaten

Mappa dropping us manga readers them crumbs at the end lmao.

Severus Alaerth



I haven't read it either and learning the random new character's name doesn't really move the needle. Let the guy have his fun. The rest of us'll figure the rest out in season two.


It's not worth talking about at all because it's a meaningless petition on the internet like all the petitions on the internet that do nothing.


Drinking and smoking is far more deadly for an underage person than an adult. Especially if the "smoking" is weed. Studies show that people under 18 who smoke have a decrease in brain cells.


i think it's more about how far your brain has developed

Kwaku Afari

It's coming Roshi!!!


It wasn’t either of those things, it’s the fact that she talks about addiction like it’s a good thing. She literally took the cigarette from him when he told her he was underaged


Correct me if I’m wrong but that didn’t look like the snake head from the previous episode…. This one was head made of arms 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽




Literal best girl of the entire show


It's crazy bc she's shown 2 chapters later from the ending of the Katana-Man fight so her being shown is straight up fanservice for manga readers not complaining she's goated


Yea one of the best-overlooked moments between Aki & Denji shit is hilarious also the requiem for a fallen comrade just screams Chrollo' requiem in HxH


Mappa is stacked w/ projects next year I'm glad we got a taste no lie xD

Cristóbal Villanueva

Maybe you're remembering the snake's tail that attacked Kobeni, 'cause the snake head was like that when it ate the ghost devil.


"as a manga reader" can yall mfs shut the fuck up i swear yall in every comment sections of every reaction being annoying


Yo lupa what is with the cute anime girl hair? It suits him TBH.

Tim Klassert

kobeni a whole tonberry with that chef knife


why was roshi so confused when the ghost devil gave aki the cigarette, literally the scene right before showed the significance of it




Roshi you aint ready for gun devil reveal lmfao


That bleach ending was hype

Braxton Brown

Woah! how tf yall book Coolio for a reaction from beyond the grave!!!??thats the power of chainsaw baby

Nate D.

The hxh reference is brilliant, I'm sure uvo heard their requiem as well

Rene Sanchez

didn't they say that the gun devil was the one distributing its flesh to others? There's no way they don't know their own flesh attracts to itself. I feel like he may be plotting something with that


True, but maybe also she offering him a way to cope with the things that come with the job.

Evan Jenkins

That cig with the writing on it is almost certainly a reference to FLCL (Fooly Cooly) which is an amazing anime that Fujimoto is a fan of as well. It's such a great and fitting send of for Himeno. I feel like Himeno is one of those characters that probably works a little more for the older people watching the show. She's got problems, and flaws, but most people are like her in real life. You can really feel that her and Aki would have probably made something great together and maybe saved both of their lives.


You really need to get Sheera a Pochita plushie for the next reactions of the anime. This way Lupa and her can both cut up Roshi in the intro. 🤣


Lupa lookin like the future devil


Ohh is coming 😯 season 2 hype

Step Joe

The snakes mouth is made of arms holding together. You can see it in the first snake appearance

Step Joe

You know what else is a bit dangerous for people who are underaged? Killing devils.


awesome reaction! the wait begins for more


oh god, those last few seconds, THEY SHOWED HER, WE HEARD HER! Cant wait for season 2!


I really liked the CSM manga but the anime took it to a whole other for me personally Mappa with the 10/10 adaptation👏


"Who was that?" The best girl


This was something I was looking forward to since the anime started!🤣


She is a repeated OFFENDER lol. Yo How many victims is she going to have despite her being gone.


The translation for Future wasn't different in the manga. Even in the anime he said "die in the most horrible way" - but the subtitles were trash.


Damn, next season is boutta be bomb


You know that there's not only one group of animators for every anime.


im so pissed they didnt show us her face now i gotta wait like 2 fukin years


Percocets... Molly Percocets...

Louis Kalman

I read the manga, who the fuck thinks it’s comedic lol. Some scenes like the burger one are peak dark comedy but there’s no humorous parts this season they left out or underplayed…

Louis Kalman

Pretty sure they opened up the series with a dream door scene as well. Not surprised at all they (basically) ended on it too. And roshi is for sure not going to be disappointed with how the Gun Devil looks. One of the sickest designs I’ve seen. I don’t recommend anyone just google it if they’re interested though because there are really major spoilers as some of the first things you see. Wouldn’t really recommend anime onlies look up anything CSM related because you’re going to see spoilers. Def check out the manga though if you can’t wait for however long the next release takes.


i mean in their line of work her line of reasoning isn't as ill founded as it would be in modern society. It doesnt really make sense in my opinion for people to add 1:1 real world applications to a world where you are literally killing devils


Himeno's philosophy was that in that life, in their line of work, you need something to take the edge off. That's why she said what she said about Aki needing an addiction. They literally kill devils in their world, it's not as ridiculous a statement as it would sound in actual life.

Magical Drinking

Really loved the soundtrack this anime. It stands out among a whole bunch of parts of the anime that stand out. In all of the flashback scenes the music really captures how memories and nostalgia can be sad and happy all at once.

Pedro Barrera

I just stepped by just to say: It is coming Roshi! :P

Justin Neason

Also, it makes a lot more sense for Aki when u realize bro used a technique that takes years off of his life. Bro got very little left to lose :/

Taylor Moon

have real lives is not an excuse lol. Not saying they should catch everything that's just dumb to say

Taylor Moon

Yeah it makes sense anyone she's ever worked with has died and she's expecting to not live long same with Aki plus even though he's underage hes in a profession where he can die at any minute who gives a fuck if they smoke obviously they'd be long dead before any ramififications of "smoking" lmao you guys are funny


My man got a hidden fetish he doesnt want to acknowledge 💀


As a manga reader i can confirm. Yearh it is coming !

Toasted Toad

Definitely. It’s very deliberate. We know this mangaka loves film/other anime references. There have been so many. Spider-Man train fight also. Someone else identified some others in this episode, but I’ve forgotten what those were.

Toasted Toad

Idiots. Maybe if they didn’t watch with their manga blinders on they would realise that it has had lots of laugh out loud comedy moments. Practically every time Denji and Power open their mouths it’s hilarious. But the manga is dark too, and I think Mappa have done a really good job with the balance.

Toasted Toad

Yes, but I think contracts end with death (of the human). I think this is a case where, like Denji with Pochita, the ghost devil liked Himeno.

Toasted Toad

LOL. That’s only if you have a projected lifespan of more than about 10 years. Himeno had already lost 5 partners when we met her. She’s now dead and Aki has max 2 years left. Everyone at the drinks party aside from our main cast is now already dead.

Toasted Toad

Therefore the translation in the manga *was* different from the translation in the anime. Subtitles = translation. I’m sure the Japanese was the same, but that makes no difference at all. In the manga, it says he will die “in the worst way possible”.

Toasted Toad

Yep. Aki’s going to die long before any addiction can take him (he has max 2 years left). And Himeno, who was probably about 23 when we met her, had already had 5 partners die on her.

Weltall Gaia

Denji and power are totally brother and sister at this point and they share the same braincell.


Bro you are reaching manga doesn’t have audio so the text translate what the person is saying or feeling anime has audio and text if you choose that’s two forms of translation between the character and us viewers, we can pick while one is right while the other is wrong the statement still holds true if you say the translation was the same but the subs were wrong


Really hope the next season comes asap. This season was tame in comparison to what's coming.

Mervyn Larrier

I've read the manga. Watched the anime. And I STILL don't understand how Katana Man so GROSSLY misunderstood the relationship between Denji and his grandfather. Like, he's acting like that old bastard took Denji in and raised him as his own son or something

Rami Homsi

Aki burning up the "easy revenge" it's only gonna be hard as fuck from here on out

Gmac paddiewac

Please anime only people. Don’t even google Aki or Makima or Power or Denji or Poochita. Spoilers are so easy to run on. It happened to me during the manga. Save all the twists turns and misdirects as they come. They are truly master class


thank you so much for this. i was gonna search up power for my pfp but you just saved me.


I didn’t remember it either and this the only show I been watching

K. Unknown

Extremely good advice, it's VERY hard to look anything like that up without instant massive spoilers. If you have a friend who's a manga reader and unspoilable and also trustworthy about not spoiling you, they could probably safely send you some options

Frank Ocean

its crazy how easy you can get spoiled. Like you said even just searching their name on google there are literal spoilers on the first page


Sound advice, don't even look up merch guys. Massive spoilers if you do. Glad I read the manga before doing so.


Anybody know where the shirt Roshi's wearing is from Canary is my fav from HxH and that shirt looks too clean


Huge request to fellow manga readers, please don't spoil anything for the gang and other patrons. Try not to mention things, even the vague things alluding to plots and characters that I've been seeing. I'd hate for people to not get to experience this without being spoiled.


can yall watch eminence in the shadow


well said. this is the correct analysis

Pretty Bear

Manga people wilin'

Hans Wurst

I really hope Kobeni gets that bonus, she put in work!

chou sion

don't worry, the gun devil design is fire


After watching this anime, I just marathoned the whole series. It's good stuff, y'all. I'm even more excited for a season 2 now.


yeah she went 0-2 but in both situations when she's made aware of it she reacts in a way that shows she knows it's wrong (when she isnt inebriated). But she's a nuanced character, with her flaws in all, for how short her time is in the show, which i think a lot of people miss or just simply refuse to acknowledge sadly