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didnt know until today this is two consecutive cours. HYPE!!



I freaking called it lmao I knew Ego was lying 😂


I kinda saw that reveal coming, he kept repeating how bad they were and i got the feeling he just liked to motivate by calling people trash, wouldn't surprise me if the drop out consequences were BS along with some other stuff Ego has said.


Your right roshi “bluelokck” is a good anime but I’m here for bluelock If you know you know


No one is ready for part 2!!!

Mozart Waddell

Raichi was definitely MVP for this game. Niko absolutely deserved his 2 minutes of pettiness. I love Isagi but if I'm emotional after a game and you stand over me pridefully glaring you're getting duffed just like how Kuon got it. No exceptions.


Shout out to da 🐐 Messi for leading Argentina to the World Cup win. That final was one of the best things I’ve ever seen. Oh and this weeks episode was also good I guess 😂

Omar Bautista

Nothing like more soccer after a world cup


Hentai protag got a power up


There are other buildings. They were all told that they were building 5.


Fun fact: Isagi's "Direct Shoot" is almost the exact same move Mbappe of France did when scoring a goal against Argentina in the FIFA finals. Blue Lock aired Saturday, and the final was the following day, almost like Isagi predicted the move.


Man haven't been this hype for a sports anime since Haiky- I mean Kuroko no Basket


That's what the guy you're replying to just said lmao


yea this series needed 2 cours cause the final arc of this is insane


maybe you were already told but its not the same 5 teams. there were 5 buildings and they were all told they were the worst so theres 5 team v-z.


lol there are other buildings, but all of them are number 5. Everybody got played.

Devin B

@Nick lol I realized that. That's why I deleted my comment.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Doesn't two consecutive cours just mean, y'know, a SEASON? The way they be splitting shit up these days. It's been the final season of Attack On Titan for like three release rotations now.

Devin B

Next time we see him there's just gonna be a shadow where his eyes are.


So I feel the need to clarify for you Guys when they say the only building is 5 what they actually mean is all 5 different buildings were told they were building 5 and the worst of the bunch.

Ginger Dwarf

I think they misunderstood the one building thing. There are 5 buildings, they just all were treated like they were building 5 and that there were people above them. That's why there was a team X and W even though they got sent out, it was a different buildings X and W that passed first selection.


So it's worded a bit confusing in the episode, but to clarify it's not that there are no other teams, but rather that there are 5 buildings and they all have Teams V - Z, so every team in Blue Lock was told by Ego that they were bottom of the barrel, which we learn here wasn't true. Basically 5 team Vs, 5 team Ws, etc.

armaan newaskar

Nah nah nah, there is other buildings. But they were all told that they were building 5 to create the idea that they were the worst.

Mr. K

Nope its the same outro, it was just cut due to the scene, also by you saying that. means you never watched the full outro lol


thats first thing i thought of when mbappe scored his second goal sunday LOL


yea but one cour is usually 12-13 episodes and sometimes they are split which is why it is said that way


could never personal foul at the end of a basketball game? have y'all every watch the last 3 mminutes of a bball game that shit take 40 minutes

Devin B

Raichi definitely held it down as a defender and inspired the team to attack when they were doubting themselves. Him duffing Kuon was just icing on the cake.


The anime didn't explain it well at all but there ARE other teams. it's just that each building was told they were building 5 and that they were team W X Y Z. so basically there was 5 team W, X, Y, Z. no one was team A-U. Ego said the reason they did this was to make every building think they were the bottom of the barrel and give them motivation to improve.


they did the first time its just easy to forget lmao even I did

Stephen D

Baku- I mean Raichi went plus ultra. He made an absolutely mad dash to prevent the ball from going out. Also, I like how he didn't let Koun off scot-free.

Mozart Waddell

Valid points. I'm ready to see this "sexy soccer" Raichi's been hyping up, in the second cour


Now THAT is how you do a cold open!

Smash Bran'Discootch

Oh, no I get it. I just intensely dislike it. But I guess if releasing it that way is what gives us this fire animation, I guess I'll just have to be the "Old man yells at cloud" meme lol


There were 5 buildings, but they werent placed in different building based on talent. And every buildings were tild that they were building 5(the weakest one). So they all struggled in different buildings thinking that every one else on the other buildings were way better than them. There just wasnt a better building.

Ranginald Vagel

The rankings weren’t completely fake, but you were only really ranked in your First Selection Group lol

Franklin Saint

There are other buildings but ego told the other buildings that they were building five too making The other buildings thinking they’re at the bottom too


Roshi gang clapped in da comments 💀

Omar Bautista

Isagi really just pulled an Mbapppe


I was under the impression that Building 5 was a metaphor, because the building is a Pentagon 😆. I was wondering how you had all 275 people in one corner of this big ass building, but it makes sense they were all in their own corner of the pentagon. So if there are more buildings, is building 3 a triangle and building 4 a square, and so on? Lol Asking for a friend 😂


Just a quick fun fact, Isagi is inspired by Filippo Inzaghi, a former AC Milan, Italian player who is a manager now I believe. Well mostly his attributes which is that he wasn't the strongest, skillful, or fastest player in the field but he will always know when to move and appear before the ball and score before any defenders could react. Isagi's name also sound like his as well, In-za-gi (Inzaghi).

Devin B

@Daniel Soto I basically said what you said but in a different way and I realized I was just being redundant when I replied so I just deleted it.


ep 12 is this saturday

Chris Tercero

He roshi while y’all wait for blue lock to return , I recommend Aoashi , another soccer anime that came out last season of anime . Both manga artist always recommend each others manga 🔥. It’s a fire show ! Y’all would love it !!! Similar to blue lock , but different too . More team oriented. Character are just as good too


Jordan Poole and Draymond moment


theyd probably watch it after blue lock who knows

Kameron Renae

According to google it says 24 episodes 🤔


Bruh the outro does make it seem like they died and went to Blue Lock heaven 😭😭 That'd be a hell of a plot twist

FreshxEli Tv

Y’all have to watch Aoashi that kid is unreal


12th ep is this saturday and another 12 next year

Hasnain Khan



Just for clarity sake, there actually ARE 5 buildings in total. But every team in every building was told that they're the lowest ranked. So there were actually 5 sets of teams v-z. They were lied to so everyone could feel the hunger to to get better


this when blue lock gets crazy 😂 y’all gonna be so hyped


I think this season is supposed to be running for like 24 episodes or something close to that


24 episodes for season 1 of blue lock


This is where it actually starts

Quincy Jones

Nah if you doing another sports anime got to be Hajime no Ippo.


Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I believe what Ego meant is that there actually was 5 separate buildings, but that all of the buildings were told that they are in Building 5 and that they are the lowest group in the facility. There never was teams B-Z. There was just 5 sets of teams V-Z


the clappening commences.

Rami Homsi

i think the translation was confusing, bc i also got confused and had to look it up. I think Ego was saying that all the teams believed that they were in the 5th building. There were still ~300 or so players at the start though

Yolo Samurai

Yea, so basically when Ego kept telling them that there were other players ranked higher getting better treatment that was a lie. Every different group of teams had team V-Z. So its basically to make every group of 5 teams think that they were the bottom group of teams, but they never saw the other teams, so they never new that this wasn't true.


i read the manga and was still confused till this ep came out

Jake Kirby

yh there should be 13 more episodes of this season.


I don't understand how so many people got confused by that. I think the anime explained it super clearly.

zILovePelmeni _

there were more players in building 5 not just the ones we already saw

Jake Rosendahl

The guy that played goalie is fucked, he didn't learn a thing in that role compared to everyone else and it's such a specific role in soccer. I hope to see Bachira later on, definitely one of my favorite characters. Monk guy and and Traitor can get fucked imo.

Jake Rosendahl

I would assume nobody was ranked in the top 100, or else it would defeat the goal of them being told they're bottom tier. Just that each group of V-Z was in the 200-300 range believing that in another building there was some raw mf ranked #1


I read the manga and it was clear (very similar to the anime in explanation but I could see there people could get confused). There are other players in the other four buildings however all players were told they were dead last (5th building). So there were multiple X teams, Y teams, Z teams etc. No teams were U or up.


Ok, that make sense. I was a little confused. So the entire building wasn't separated with teams a-z. Technically, teams a-u never existed then. Just 5 buildings with teams v-z

Dylan Sheets

Controversial opinion, Goalie will either not make next round, or he played goalie because he's nasty and wanted to hide his weapon.


Yall had it mixed up. All the players that got eliminated, stayed eliminated. There were 25 teams in building 5. They were split into rankings of 5 groups, two from each survived, along with the 3 players that scored highest on losing teams. So now whoevers left plays against each other.

Arsean Wilbon

there is 25 teams. Dude had them all believing they were in their own buildings and was the worst of the BL to break them down and build them back up. thats why he made them do a training camp probably because there is only a small amount of fields that all 25 teams had to share unknowingly. so really there was multiple team x and z and shit.

Jaime Ruiz

In the manga they call each other retards, fucks, telling each other to kill themselves haha


“We all died bro” LMAO

by chances

i don't think it was a single building, they had 5 buildings. they were just all told that they are at the bottom; remember, they were told that they're ranked A-Z and they are VWXYZ.