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MHA and TYE still cookin!



Unohana probably made sure that third method was put in place. Sounds like something a Kenpachi would come up with.


More like, “I did not plan this, but it’s an exciting change, so let’s see how it plays out.”


She probably had her reasons for not telling Ryuken’s mother. Maybe she thought that if she made herself look like a failure or mediocre, the crone would give up on forcing her to marry Ryuken. I really wonder just how much Ryuken’s father was involved in those plans. It’s hard to believe that that man was the same person who taught Uryu how to be a Quincy.


Question here if anyone’s still watching this. Back when the first captains had to fight arrancars in the city the captains had seals restricting their abilities to a certain point. Is that true of Ichigo’s dad in this fight as well?


“Ladies and Gentlemen, we have arrived at Peak Fiction Of The Highest Degree. From Nothing Can Be Explained To Everything But The Rain The most endearing How I Met Your Mother story ever.” Everything about this episode was perfect to the point where I even got low-key emotional at Masaki’s introduction/full meeting with Isshin + Masaki savagely allowing White to charge and attack her while she blasts it’s head open was Gangster. Also in regards to what Ryuken said to Masaki, “Echt” = Real/Pure as a pure blooded Quincys which is what they both are while “Gemischt” = Mixed as in mixed blooded Quincys, which is what that Maid is and he did mention it in the episode. Besides that, everything else regarding Ichigo will be explained in the 2nd part of this flashback/backstory next week which will be a 1-hour special on the last 2 episodes together as a finale movie of this season. Also, Love the parallels here https://twitter.com/bonvantius/status/1604912634603544576?s=61&t=5xej3Hj_-Qt585Zb0TYwXQ


I admire your determination to your favorites series and the insight you give in your comments man keep it goin!


Never underestimate the power of Aizen's keikaku. PS: Isshin is so damn fine 🥵

Alejandro Rodriguez

Lupa a bankai is super hard to get most captains train for like 10 years to get one so only captains rlly have it and then sum lieutenants Ichigo got it in 3 days that’s why everyone was super impressed granted he had special training to get it. Also Echt quincies = purebloods, gemischt = mixed.

Revstarallstar .

Something you gotta remember is that Rangiku & others saw his Dad & they both were so Gangsta they didnt even involve themselves with revealing it at that moment. They said he must have a good reason to be there. This is going off of what Lupa said about them thinking he was dead

Stephen Walker

Fun fact.... Aizen actually slashed Isshin in a specific place so he couldn't use Bankai. They explained that in the Manga but I have no idea why they didn't the anime. Nevertheless still a treat episode and reaction.


I thought it was said that his bankai puts a significant strain on his body and that is why he couldnt use it after his injuries.

Stephen Walker

It wasn't mentioned in the anime. Same thing, Aizen injured him because he knew he wouldn't use Bankai because of the strain it would put on his body


It might have gotten removed due to either they are going to show it (since it was never written what it was exactly), or they are not gonna show it at all so they didn't want to tease it

Stephen Walker

Right. I just thought it was interesting they didn't mention it. In the Manga there would be no reason after that happened to mention it.

Jdogzero Silverblade

basically ichigo is soul reaper hollow and quincy xD


I have to go back in read but I didn't think it specifically said Aizen cut him in a spot that didn't allow him to use bankai

Stephen Walker

He could have used Bankai even though it would have out a strain on his body. If I remember correctly, Aizen slashed him to prevent him from using Bankai

Asante Upshur-Benson

Aizen wasn’t capping when he told Ichigo “I was there the moment you were born”🤣 Surprised the Roshi and gang didn’t talk about Isshin was Toshiro’s & Rangiku’s former captain especially since those two been to Ichigo’s house several times.


I can’t be the only one who always thought Rangiku and Masaki looked alike can I?

Oni Legend

Isshin really pulled up on his son like “So you lost yo job huh youngblood? Well back in my day….”


If you think there's a plot hole in Bleach no there isn't. The real author is Aizen.

Devin B

It was a requirement for every captain except Kenpachi

Devin B

A little bit I thought they did when Rangiku had her hair short but there's two big differences between the two

Stephen Walker

Yup, just went back and read it. Aizen stated "he can't use Bankai in his current condition". He stated that after he slashed him as Isshin wasn't injured before Aizen slashed him pg 27 of Everything but the rain OP5 The White Noise

Asante Upshur-Benson

They know he was a Shiba because Roshi talked about it when we saw Ganju and Kukaku mention their uncle


So they don’t sense Aizen and the others because they’re wearing the special raincoats Urahara made during the past arc. And “Echt” means pure blood quincies.


bros its so obvious they literally called it "white" idk how much more obvious they gotta get for you to get who that was. Aizen really be out here causing every single problem in the world huh.


In Japan married couples must share the same family name by law so it’s not uncommon for men to take on their wife’s family name in Japan, particularly if they are from a prestigious family or would be the last of their family line, in Isshin’s case it’s this (as Masaki is the last Kurosaki) and to hide out as the Shiba name is one of the great houses in the Soul Society so using it would make it a little more obvious. As for the Quincy’s they use a caste system so Echt Quincy are “Pure Bloods” while Gemischt Quincy are “mixed bloods”, pure bloods try to marry their children to other pure bloods while mixed bloods are seen as lessers


Lol @ Sheera saying "Oh No" when we know both characters are fine for at least 10 years afterwards.


yall gotta stop with these spoilers. as we have seen the anime has rearranged when some of the manga events happen. it could happen in the future


It all makes since now when azien said ichigo being born was part of his plan this nigga really is the definition of a fucking supervillain lmao

Stephen Walker

I would never post spoilers. That wasn't a spoiler. That's simply an explanation that I guarantee you won't show up in the anime because the scene is already done. I bet you're still waiting for them to thoroughly explain Lloyd and Royd (which they didn't). Oh wait....that happened about 4 episodes ago and still no back story about Lloyd and Royd. It's the same thing here. A spoiler would be telling everything that happens AFTER this episode sir. Know the difference

Chris Barnes

Ichigo being born was never apart of his plan. All the events that happened was just a unpredictable coincidence. Aizen simply let it unfold out of curiosity of what would happen but he never planned for ichigo to be born. How would he even know Masaki and Isshin would get together from this one event

Stephen Walker

In addition, the anime hasn't rearranged anything. If anything it only combined manga segments together. Nothing has been arranged out of order, only a few missing elements that they cut for the sake of time and I know this because I read the Manga thoroughly years ago.


The anime did Definitely put some parts a little later than it appeared in the manga during the anime. so idk what ur talking about

Earphone Jack

Everything But The Rain is literally my favorite Bleach flashback! Seeing how Isshin and Masaki met really puts a smile on my face. 🥹 And that post credit scene with Uryu had me shook! I wasn’t expecting to see that!


ur pressed nigga..... Royd and Loyd were already explained. if u missed it, that's on u. and u never know they could reveal that Isshin cant use Bankai in a worn-out state, later on, like when he and Ryuken fight later on. u assuming it won't come up doesn't mean it won't

Aaron Gauntt

Ichigo the Quencollow Reaper


Well, that's not 100% true. The anime showed the entire Kenpachi vs. Unohana fight before Ichigo and Renji reached the sword training. The anime definitely skipped the explanation you're describing though. The episode covers almost 6 chapters, so stuff was cut again. We ain't seeing it in future episodes.


Echt Quincy’s are pure blooded Quincy’s. Masaki (ichigos mom) and ruken (uuryu’s dad) are pure blooded, so rukens mom adopted masaki, since her family is dead, in order to arrange a marriage between her and ruken. All so they could have a pure blooded Quincy kid. There are pure blooded Quincy’s and there are mixed blooded Quincy’s.


Then again, I can't read Japanese, so maybe the eye catcher mentioned it? Probably not, but I wish Hulu would translate them for us.


Yeah, the anime is definitely expanding some of the scenes. The second half of the Zaraki/Unohana fight, specifically once Unohana unleashed her Bankai, had more time than it did in the manga.


if they kept on this path of pure-blooded quincys wouldn't incest eventually fall into play?

Smash Bran'Discootch

The "Echt" Quincies refer to pure blood quincies. Uryu's dad is an Echt Quiny, Kurosaki Masaki(Ichigo's mom) is one. He also used another word for half quincies but i forget what it was. The fact that she's a pureblood quincy heavily influences the way the Ishida family treats her and why Uryu's dad was talking about marrying her because his family sort of considers it their responsibility to marry for the sake of the survival of the quincies. And this isn't spoilers, this is all stuff that was displayed in this episode.

Stephen Walker

You are correct about the Kenpachi fight. That is one of the exceptions. I honestly felt the Manga showed pretty much the same thing in regards to that same fight. Heck, I really still can't tell you exactly what Minazuki does other than melt your skin away and the blood art that comes with it. Ole buddy talking about spoilers and no one has spoiled anything as far as I can see


This is random but Sheera why you always sneezing right into your hands? Unless you're going to wash your hands right after, you're spreading germs to everything you touch. Please sneeze into the crook of your elbow, your family and kid's health will thank you for it.


It doesn't melt your skin. That part was a metaphor / poetry in motion moment. It just insta-heals and has utilities of being used a ranged physical attack.

Stephen Walker

Gotcha. So that's what Zaraki meant when he said it felt like my skin is melting.


Welp, that was kinda upsetting. I know some people were hoping an extension of that fight would happen between Isshin and that black Hollow where Isshin would do Bankai but nope. Ah well. But shit that part where the Shinigami was cheering and suddenly his face gets the horizontal split scared the fuck put of me. The gooooooooooore. That makes me excited for a certain fight down the line. Can't say who vs. who obviously but manga readers will know what I mean when I say it's got a lot of nerve... ba dum tsh.

McKee Drain

I just noticed how the sword on the left arm of the hollow is also Ichigo’s sword. 🤯

Hasnain Khan



It's honestly not a huge deal, and I understand why it happened, but losing out on scenes that feature Aizen... at least we have the manga.

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

So White is Ichigos “hollow” due to it being passed down. But how did the Vizards get their hollows? Ik Aizen experimented on them but did he give them all different specific hollows like White?

Antonio Williams

I can't remember if they tweaked this scene a bit or not but I have to admit I like that it started out as a coincidence. The "aizen planned everything" saying is cool and all but this seemed like a reach if I'm remembering the manga right but making it something he cultivated from what basically started out as a failure is quite dope


I feel like you missed in the conversation, Ryuken doesn't really feel much towards Masaki, the only reason marriage is on the table is because his parents want it.


Nothing with aizen was changed. He was conducting Hollowfication experiments with White and Masaki and Isshin just so happened to get roped into it.


Rangiku talking about being Captain is hilarious because isn't having a bankai a requirement I can't even a imagine shit going down and a Captain pulls up with a Shikai


Everyone: "We failed!" Aizen: "I did not plan this but all is going according to my plans."

Intravenous Burger meat

Lupa: These episodes are getting good. Me: 🌎👩🏿‍🚀🔫👩🏾‍🚀


Hey he's an anomaly he doesn't count dude fucks everybody up with a chipped sword

Smash Bran'Discootch

Yeah, the version of the manga i read gave you a translation of the words the quincies use, but the anime doesn't do that so you kind of end up lacking context about the half blood quincies and full blood quincies and some of the reasons why the ishida family treats masaki with kid gloves.


@Smash Bran'Discootch Hey he's an anomaly he doesn't count dude fucks everybody up with a chipped sword

Smash Bran'Discootch

They're actually doing a pretty good job of staying faithful to the manga. Like Polygon said, it was all just a coincidence and Aizen decided to see what came of it.

Amna Khan

Especially Kaien Shiba (Ichigo cousin - Isshin nephew), Ichigo and him look alike as well.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Lol true true. But to answer your question, performing the bankai during the captain proficiency test is one way to become a captain. Another is to have the reccomendation of at least 6 captains and the approval of at least 3 of the other 7. The last way is to defeat a captain in one on one combat in front of at least 200 members of the 13 squads. That's how Zaraki did it and he's the only one to ever have done so.


Lupa: How did Grand Fisher get the drop on you. Bruh That is facts. Bleach power levels are deemed by plot

Austin Parker

Misaki said her Quincy training was going “so-so” little was anyone letting on (or well no one was alive to tell) that she was a prodigy

Austin Parker

Also- the end credits scene is the start of Uryu being recruited into the sternritter!!


Man Ichigo broken AF he’s a Quincy, Soul Reaper, and apparently part Hollow because of the power past on from his mom.😂


Lol, whenever you hear anything about "pure bloodlines" whether it be anime, movies, tv shows, the history channel, books, or whatever, assume there's a lot of incest involved.


Clearly there was a reason. Why even question the plot? That's like questioning why Mob got hit by a car with all the power he had.


speaking from their side of things, as long as you arent so closely related then you wont produce kids with deformities and maintain the pure quincy blood, which kind of makes them stronger.


He's a fullbringer too. Having survived the grandfisher assault.

Son Goku

If you watch closely, I think Isshin creates fire from his Blood, the way he bit his hand and spit the blood which turned into a phoenix. It’s just my theory.


I keep forgetting Isshin is a SHIBA.


Oh god I can already see the plot twist regarding Ichigo's Mother.

Daniel Turner

anyone notice what Aizen was wearing, also they skipped the part about how Isshin's power works ch 532 for anyone interested


Tf how would “white” make it obvious


Ya know, I find it funny that in Japanese "Nigero" is the word for run away. Like a runaway slave, get it? Lol anyways! I loved seeing Rangiku 3 cups smaller. It was kinda like seeing a milf in her early 20's 😉

Emiliano Ruiz Chong

Exactly, We have known Shiba Ganju and Kaien since the beginning, and we are just realizing that they are Ichigo's cousins.


Echt is german and means real, genuine, true. So they are saying true Quincy blood. You pronounce it like a soft sh but do it like how you would imitate a hissing cat.

Griffin Backes

because thats the name of ichigo's hollow persona; the one he fought whenever he went inside of himself


Next eps you’ll fine how. So another week of waiting. Plus I thought today was a hour ep lol.


Deadass I thought there was 12 eps this cour, not 13. My dumbass was waiting, wondering why there wasn’t another ep or why the ep was the usual length.


It’s said that Isshin would’ve bodied the hollow if he went bankai. So Aizen went “no”.

Dougie Fresh

Ichigo does NOT have an asauchi. I repeat, Ichigo DOES NOT have an Asauchi. Dang it Lupa stop joking during lore drops lmao but that's what the Blade God is saying in the beginning, every shinigami has an asauchi, even Kenpachi has an asauchi that didn't become a Zanpaktou yet, that he stole off a corpse. Ichigo did not get his sword AKA Asauchi from Rukia as y'all and many people think, she still has her sword. So.. where did Ichigo get his Asauchi-less Zanpaktou..? ANSWERS COMING SOON NEXT WEEEEK! Please Lupa I'm begging you, it's Christmas, pay attention lmaoo 😭


And the look is also familiar…and the color of the cero


No Visored are a little different as they are soul reapers who undergo hollowfication, the insertion of a hollows soul into their own, which removes the boundary between Shinigami and Hollow and survived the fusion. It was never shown how they were “infected” with the Hollows soul as this was done off panel. White is a unique Hollow as unlike normal Hollows he was created using a Soul Reapers soul rather than an normal humans. Next weeks double drop will go into more detail (I don’t know if Roshi will release both at the same time but episodes 12 & 13 both come out Xmas Eve) so I won’t spoil it


As a Shinigami he is the descendant of one of the 4 great houses, as a Quincy he is the son of a Pure Blood, as a Hollow he reached the highest level of Vasto Lorde as a Fullbringer he was powerful enough to have his power divided into 5 other people and still keep some for himself…basically he is the top of every race in the Bleach Universe…he’s probably also part witch…


Omg they put in these tiny-ass post-credits scenes and they throw me off lmao.


"Covered in black armor, but called white due to the whiteness within him." So, that black hollow is Kanye West?


Paul Greyrat's VA as Isshin, nice.

Mikolaj Golab

That thing with Aizen explains what he meant in his fight with Ichigo when he told him "I knew about you before you were even born"


Isshin and Masaki meeting wasn't part of his plan, no, but he's been aware of Ichigo since birth, yes.


The best part is mixed bloods are superior, generally speaking.


They gave Ichigo his mothers name, Kurosaki, because at the time of his conception, Isshin was in hiding from im not sure if it was Soul Society or something else entirely, but he didn’t want to bring any attention to his kids by using the family name Shiba.

Darion Wilson

this episode seemed better fleshed out then last weeks.


the whole burrito. lol.


Aizen been plotting before ichigo was even thought of


Aizen really wrote this story not Kubo


Idk why that killed me lmao 🤣


Roshi you gotta not say shit like "is that ishida's mom" because Lupa gets so easily distracted like just keep it peace and quiet for him so he can focus lmao. Bro will hear a sentence then think about it for the next 4 minutes and miss half the sht that happens


yeah like wdym you are wondering why the fodder dont have bankai? now i see why they fail to even see renji as remotley impressive lol name any other non captain with a bankai. it's ichigo, renji and idk who else but if there are any, it's only a couple (barring ex captains ofc)


bruh she just gonna sneez extra hard into them hands after reading this im sorry to say


yeah tbh it was clear he was actually wayyyy realer than we thoguht based on our experiences with him in the (relatively) present day. he wasn't trying to force Masaki into anything (hence the happiness aspect) etc.


i was shocked to hear that i can't lie. like they're getting good? yeah sherlock?


i get that people will read this and be like "youre new here huh" and it's like NO IM NOT. seen damn near every show reaction on this channel and it's just impossible to get over how lupa be making it his mission to interrupt during the most crucial parts lmaoooo has me ripping my hair out

The Endless

i dont get this? something that he didnt plan or predict happened and he just rolled with it and yall swear up and down hes the greatest mastermind that ever lived.


One thing I never like about ichigo is he is stupid and overly aggressive. Like bro you gonna grab your own dad like that and give him an asshole face over a simple comment. The amount of times this guy grabs shirts and acts like he gonna do something lol


lol if you don't understand the story and aizen's part then u won't get the joke my guy its ok keep scrolling


✋️ Wait.... So you're telling me Ichigo's zanpakuto didn't just appear out of thin air? 🤔 huh...

Son Goku

Do you realize that my guy failed to protect and got his ass beat than his Zanpakto got broken, failed Oetsus test. He was literally sealed and he sensed every death so what do you want him to do? 💀 some people are just stupid


Aizen is one of the best anime villain's but he is also a huge clown he let the birth of the boy that would whoop his ass happen just for an experiment lol


I love the way Masaki saved Isshin the same way Orihime saved Ichigo in episode 3 of the og anime. Really nice touch.


I actually doubt now that Grand Fisher even killed Ichigo's mom, it was either Aizen or one of his cronies killed her by order of Aizen. So Ichigo would grow to adulthood without his mom telling him about his powers.


aizen really said "hol up, let him cook"

Drake Rage

8:35 BRUH Lupa, great catch! I had a feeling something was off during that scene but I couldn't put my finger on it, I think it was that it looked old-school like you said. That is so cool that they changed the whole art-style/coloring for the flashback! It looks like both Ishida and Ichigo have their mother's looks, since the girl with the black hair looked kinda like Ishida, I immediately thought she was Ishida's mom too, lol. It is so cool to dive into how Ichigo was so strong in his Hollow form, that Hollow looked a lot like Ichigo's Hollow form. Fricken Aizen had a much deeper connection to Ichigo than I woulda thought, lol.


make sure to keep watching 12 after the ending plays