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wild ass episode


Phil Astar

They watch basketball, players literally foul on purpose at the end of every game, why are they so upset?

Tyrese Marshall

sometimes a tactical red card is the way to secure a win/draw


because it was a whole ass tackle lol

Smurf 9892

Who cares? He got the red card he deserved. Players will intentionally foul no matter how to prevent getting scored on. If someone did that in a real game and we on hes my hero

Smurf 9892

we know but the person is trying to explain why he HAD to tackle. Kuon is not stopping Nagi ever fair and square


Near hasnt been this curious since Light Yagami debacle


To answer Sheera, the top two teams get sent forward. Right now its Team V and X with Team Z at third which is why they have to win.

Rodrigo Rendon

you can be offsides only if you're on offense and defenders are allowed in the penalty box.

Chideraa Udegbulem

Sheara is right but the top 2 teams move forward no matter what the bottom 3 teams best member one move forward


In that situation the winning team doesn't care if thats how they win. The only ones that are salty is the losing team irl. Tactical fouls like that happen irl, which is why denial of a goal scoring opportunity is an immediate red. Its different here cause you view it from anime where they were down a man from the start but irl you don't expect being down to 10 so its a bigger advantage when its late and everyones tired.

Devin B

Especially if you can stop their star player from being in the zone cause in this situation giving them a free kick is better than having Nagi run wild.

Grim Reaper

bruh these guys just laugh through all the hype moments xD


Also to Roshi's Point about talking about it before hand. Fouls are never calculated as a team, they are always in the moment player vs player. So Kuon going for it makes sense. In a real game you try not to get a Red but the goal is always to stop a goal scoring opportunity no matter the cost, the only thing would be to not seriously injure someone cause then that'd be a bitch move. If you search up the MLS Cup final this year the goalie got a red to stop a goal from happening to send his team to a penalty shootout and win the match.


I’m pretty sure it’s team W that’s in second place right ?


What Kuon did was a perfectly legitimate move. It's called a tactical foul. He decided to foul because he knew he couldn't stop Nagi any other way.


Also all of team V is going to advance regardless of whether they win or not. They're the number 1 team for their block, and the top 2 teams advance.


Tactical fouls are seen quite often in football. Sometimes they even come in the form of outfield players using their hands to stop a goal like they were goalkeepers. A famous example of that is Luis Suarez vs Ghana in the 2010 World Cup.

Ranginald Vagel

Sometimes you just gotta foul a mf. That’s today’s soccer lesson and it is real and true.


Bro nagi is the definition of soccer prodigy😭

Francisco Rodriguez

Ohh btw about offsides only the attackers can be offside never the defender

Rodrigo Rendon

yeah it's like in basketball when they're down by a few points so they start fouling.

Benaiah Massey

In case you guys were still curious. The rules for the matches is its a round robin tournament, so each team ends up going against each of the other teams. With the top strikers of the bottom 2 (maybe 3 teams I cant remember exactly.)_ Moving on while the top teams everyone advances. Because of their tie with the team they matched last time, the team is in a spot where they absolutely have to win this match to move on since a tie will still put them in the bottom teams. Team Nagi hasnt lost a single match so even if they lost this one 100-0 they all still move on. They just don't want their perfect record besmirched.


i don't think they care lmao all their careers where about to end so ik I definitely wouldn't care


Muon did that for 2 reasons: 1. A tactical foul is a completely legitimate strategy in football 2. By getting a red card, Kunigami is now the top scorer who’ll stay on, he’s effectively given his career to them and in doing so put his faith in them, he’s basically bargained his career for their trust And no one would be mad about that, people get reds in matches, that’s just a part of the match, they’re given Free kicks and penalties


also team V has won every game so they will still move forward regardless if they lose


PLEASE READ THE RULES OF FOOTBALL 😭 I’m sorry but there’s so many moments in this that are way off base


I swear like a quarter of these scenes are just close up shots of their faces with glowed up eyes and some phrase about scoring a goal


It’s probably because they’re not into sports or haven’t played any sport competitively


Damn you can really tell they don't know much about soccer lol. All good though they'll learn through the anime.


first goal? sheera you alright.


They really won’t, the series doesn’t explain much, unlike volleyball or basketball, basically every Japanese person knows at least the basics of football so the series doesn’t really explain much The few times we get explanations in the manga (small tex box’s and Glosseries) have been cut so far

Joshua Burns

Yeah y’all have never played out watched because I know mfs out there will foul the hell out of you too keep you from scoring if they can get a win out of it


Sheera, Isagi was the first of his team to score a goal. That's what motivated them to get as good as they are now.


Also, if Team v loses, none of them will be out of Blue Lock. They've won 2 or 3 games already. If Team Z loses, they all get dropped because they already have one loss just like another Team does, so they can't win in a draw since they're below the other team that has the same amount of wins/loss as them. Basically, it's win-win for Team v because they will advance no matter what happens here.

Jai Lewin

penalty kick no a free kick lol, offside no a goal line clearance lol, last man tackles happen all the time

Burning Talons

Nagi awakening is actually bad for purple hair bitch because he wanted to use Nagi to progress and make him quit since he was unmotivated. mNow that Nagi is trying he is competition for purpled hair bitch

Jacob Elliott

so a couple things, Nagi's WHOLE team is 100% all going through (they finished in the no.1 spot, and all of the team no.1 and 2 go through), and even if it wasn't he is still the top scorer on their team (like u said at the end). Next thing is if they said that the tackle was the only reason they lost it wud be EXTREMELY petty bc they were playing 11v10 the whole match (which to be fair ISN'T as big of a deal that Kuon is making it out to be, but it is still a disadvantage).


Team X is literally in last place. They lost to every other team besides team Z.


Yes exactly, weighing the worth of a foul is a legitimately used strategy, hope they dont think the anime pulled off some stupid logic lmao


intentional fouls to avoid a goal that is 100$ going in is definitely a strategy in soccer. Even if you give up a penalty, it still gives the goal keeper a shot to block it or for the kicker to miss the shot. it's shitty but i've seen it save teams at the very last second


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1YgnpYyQfc Goals like nagi's while rare are possible most recent example is linked. Insane goal from Richarlison.


OMFG😂😭 this is hilarious to watch, but i’m here to help. 1) Yes in soccer they do tactical fouls, but here kuon did it on purpose so he didn’t feel bad about doing nothing (I THINK). 2) LUPA…. that’s a free kick…😂! any foul outside of the goalie box (the big one) is a free kick. it’s kinda like a penalty, but it’s outside the box and the players make a “wall” making it harder for them to score. HOWEVER! there can be freekicks INSIDE the goalie box, but it’s uncommon to see. 3) offsides is when a player receives the ball while being behind the last defender and on the other half of the field. because then if they didn’t have offsides they’d just cherry-pick while being 2 feet away from the goal ya know? (hope that helps) 3)(something i noticed) thats cool that in the flashback (Kuon’s) they were playin sandy fields instead of your traditional grass or turf fields. That’s because in japan some places they train in sand instead, idk if it’s because money issue or maybe because it helps them somehow? idk but that’s very cool. Also before my football players/fans come at me for using weird ass words like “goalie box” and “soccer” i’m trying to simplify it as much as possible for them ok!😂

Thetrillest Khi

unless you injure somebody on purpose there’s no lost in satisfaction of winning in sports because there’s what ifs in anything u can win and lose in and they still get a shot for the foul so for the other team yeah it’s annoying but it’s not a valid excuse


He never wanted him to quit, they promised to win the WC together

blue snivy

yeah dirty play isnt uncommon in games lol


this is so funny cause they have almost entirely no football/ "soccer" (as you Americans call it) knowledge lol What Kuon did wasn't trash it is the most logical and common thing the "last defender" would do to stop the opposing team from scoring to give his (Kuon) team a chance of winning... with the knowledge that you're going to get a red card for that foul


while the straight up tackling him was outlandish, their are lots of instances of intentional fouls deciding the outcome of the game. Even cases like "The Hand of God" Maradona instance where players cheat to score a goal. And yes a goon player is a thing in soccer often a defensive midfielder tasked with subtly fucking up anybody who touches the skill players who are often lighter and more fragile.

Smash Bran'Discootch

So basically Ichigo and Kuon both scored three goals, but now since Kuon has a red card and Ichigo doesn't have any strikes against him then Ichigo would move on if they lost. Kuon basically threw away his chance at moving forward if team Z doesn't win. I agree with Roshi though. I think if Kuon had intentionally fouled himself against the team that actually conspired with him instead of this team it would have been better. Or if Kuon, who is ostensibly at least a decent soccer player, had pulled out a last second steal of the ball or something. But i didn't really dig how it played out here. That being said, the idea of them losing and being kicked out in episode ten and just the whole rest of the show just being slice of life them getting jobs and shit, having to avoid Adidas stores for the rest of their life, and just learning to accept life without soccer would actually be kind of amazing.


Nagi's team is going through the next selection no matter the result of the match they are at the top of the table they've won all their matches so far


that outro segment had me dying😂😭! imagine isagi is working at dicks and Nicko just comes in with the strap and shoots him for eliminating him😭😭😭! holy shit!

Burning Talons

Yea before blue lock though. Only 1 winner in blue lock so I think he wanted Nagi to carry and wuit yo give purple shit the win. Which is why purple shit was so shook that Nagi awakened. Im just theorizing

Earphone Jack

The way the episode ended was so disrespectful. I was like "I know y'all didn't-!"


Hack a Shaq isnt as obvious in the nba these days, but it happens pretty frequently in soccer

Devin B

Realistically Kuon wasn't going to steal the ball from Nagi seeing as how Nagi was basically in the zone so him fouling him like that was Team Z's best chance of defending from Team V. The other scenario of him fouling the team with the twins would've been cool but him doing it this way was to show he was willing to ruin his chances of advancing by taking that dive. Even if he did it in the last match he was still going to be the top player of Team Z so the sacrifice wouldn't have meant as much as in this last match.

Devin B

He definitely doesn't want Nagi to quit. The only reason he was shocked was because Nagi basically dependent on Reo but now that Nagi is thinking for himself he's probably going to think he doesn't need him anymore.


A great example (albeit not the same since it wasn't fouling a player) for Roshi and the gang is Suarez's intentional handball save in the 2010 world cup. Very blatant and intentional rule break that gave a red card and a penalty kick, but the penalty kick didn't go in and they won the game. Shit like that happens regularly in make or break games like this


It seems like nobody remembers, but 2 teams go through first selection, and Nagi's team is already guaranteed through. This is a fight to see if Team Z can qualify over Barou's team, which only happens if Team Z wins this game


Fouling someone out to prevent a score is a completely valid strategy. They can't get mad if they lose due to that because they're losing to a team with a handicap ANYWAY! It shouldn't be as close as it is lol


Damn, that Vegeta argument too clean, keeping that one for later lmao


Alright Ashito, I mean Isagi. I kinda see now why there were some manga readers that were comparing the two. It's just their skill being used and written very differently. Here it's about a single player's development (in the end), while the other anime is about team development. Two different takes and I am loving both! It's a great year for sports anime!


Team V was undefeated going into this game, so they all move on even if they lose

Solivigant Kaiba

What Kuon did is a tactical foul. Player will do that to give their team a chance. They do it all the time to my good sir NEYMAR!!!! Serbia, IM WATCHING YOU MFS!!!!!!! I'm not Brazillian but I'm still salty about that game. It wasnt Brazil v Serbia, it was 11 Serbians jumping Neymar for 90+ min AND they (Serbia)still lost 2-0


Can anyone tell why everyone calls Kunigami Ichigo?


Yeah that's a great example. Suarez even said he would never apologize for that because he got was he deserved ( a red card, and his team being done to 10) but the other team couldn't capitalize on the opportunity so it's ultimately their own fault for losing. 🤷‍♂️


If you've never watched bleach just google " bleach Ichigo" he's the main character and looks exactly like kunigami lol. It's a running joke that the Manga author for this series just took main characters from other shows and put them in here.


Okay, I know about Ichigo but I didn’t think people would actually call Kunigami that since I never notice how similar they look.


“Ricky!” Lupa to dam funny 😂


bro team v is literally playing 3v10

Kévin Chamberlin

in the soccer world cup a guy once stopped the ball from going in with his hands, he got a red card, other team got a penalty but they missed it and got eliminated

Darren Banks

Lol God they can't be this serious... How on earth do you go from joking about shooting up the facility cause you got outplayed to whining about a player doing the one thing that prevent's the best player on the team from running wild? HE BASICALLY DID THE NEXT BEST THING... I'm stumped here.


Yes this type of dirty foul is very common in football/soccer. Just imagine a a top player is one on one with the keeper and is sure to score a goal in the last dying minute, you foul the player any how you can just to give your team 50/50 percent chance to hold on. Football may not be the most physical game but it can be very cunning and manipulating sport if you know how to play it right.

Samuel Desta

In soccer if it looks like a player has a clear chance of scoring the other team would foul them on purpose. It’s called a tactical foul. And also lupa had me dead when he said offsides😂


Yeah I don't know where you got that from him making Nagi quit was never a factor. The only thing now is that he will most likely get left in the dust because Nagi is naturally talented on a world class level for a sport he never cared about to begin with. It is a major problem for him now that he gives a fuck

ur mom

i swear sometimes all y’all do is make jokes the entire time 😅😅💀


“that is not an offsides?????” lupa and his zero knowledge of football 😭😭😭

Alaa Fouari

yall laughed at nutmeg but its a super common football term when the ball goes through the legs of the opponent

Night Shade929

Kuon’s move was actually really logical and a good move for his team in all honesty 1. No way he or anyone else were good enough to steal the ball from “awakened” nagi in that moment, it was a foul or game over for team Z (Tactical fouls are a real and legitimate strategy thats used even on professionals level) 2. He had already been sitting out the entire time and saw the rest of his team would still be able to hold their own and do well, so it wasn’t going to make a difference in their field performance if he’s gone from willingly sitting out to forced out by the rules. But it would also still be a save. 3. He knew it would give him a red card and take him out of the game, meaning he threw away his free pass and left his fate in the hands of his teammates exclusively, so he actually gave up his chance to risk it on his team despite what he did previously, he actually gave a good self sacrifice. 4. Pretty obvious but, If he didn’t do that, team Z would have lost. They themselves admitted that woulda been it So yeah, it was an honest take one for the team moment, even if he did be a traitor and a jerk, he did give up what he gained from going traitor.

Reckless Company

Roshi only solution is shooting them lol

Caleb Rosnack

Ah yes, who could forget about Luis “your teeth are offside” Suárez.

Quite the Cliche

So we gon act like purple hair didn't punch buddy in the throat several matches ago? 🤔


i am here for the boyz n the hood reference.

by chances

lots of confusion in the video, but i understand. it's obvious they don't know much about the soccer which makes it hard to enjoy. i would be confused as hell too if i watch american football anime

Dontae Lindo

nah wrd ion respect it idc😂


Well I am not trying to defend Kuon but tackling Nagi was his best chance to stop him. Sure he can try to steal the ball from Nagi or be an extra person to block his shoot, but realisticly though, do you think he can do that? Dude dribbled though half of their team, nutmeg Igarashi and then shot from a zero angle with the goalkeeper and two more defenders in front of him, and he still scored a goal.

Lamaree Jackson

Tactical fouling isn't as physical in our sports (or in soccer in real life) so it's understandable why they react like this. A basketball player can't just send somebody to suplex city cause they're about to give the other team the lead (looking at you Ron Artest elbowing Richard Hamilton). In football, you go for a holding or pass interference to stop a play you're not ready for. You don't go and try to make helmet contact with Tom Brady so both of you are sidelined and hopefully your team can beat the backup. It just looks like the guys attacking Danny's leg in Karate Kid. Or Jaden's leg lol. Sacrifice a member of the dojo so maybe we can beat him weakened.


Kuon on his Luis Suarez ish and I'm loving it


isnt that a offside hahaha


Kuon actually saved all of them from working at McDonald’s


Roshi saying the win will be minimized cause of that Kuon play yall gotta remember this has been unfair since the start 10 v 11.


a free kick is different of a penalty. Its farther away and there is no wall in a penalty just a player and a goalkeeper*


he could of definitely tackled Nagi but that wasnt the point, HE GAVE HIMSELF A RED CARD, making Kunigami the top scorer, he gave up his secured spot as a token of apology

Jaime Ruiz

you guys are dumb hahaha


The great voice acting and music keeps the show hyped. I respect it

Arsean Wilbon

Lol lupa ain’t a real winner. What Kuon on did was taking one for the team. Also defense can’t be offsides

Hasnain Khan



Literally every other team has said stop them even if you have to foul them when team Z has popped off. The only thing that matters at the end of the day is which team has the higher score.

Antonio Williams

Purposely stopping a play via fowl is a solid strategy...and less lethal than pulling out a blick


All I hear from him is Inosuke

L Jeans

The impression of Niko was outta Pocket XD

Oax Al

It would have been a slicker intentional foul if he did a shoulder bash into a mean ass elbow to the nose. Kinda as a call back to Purple hair getting the yellow card. Although Kuon would still get a red because of the severity plus timing.

Oax Al

In any team sport, you definitely have your bruiser pawns in place to take out the ace of the opposite team. In soccer it's usually a hard ass slide tackle after the player has passed

Keith Nieves

The bait and switch. They boutta lose and turn this whole show from BueLock to BlueCollar


Bro all them kids got hair in their eyes. An acutal trainer woulda shown up with the hair trimmers on the second day.

Diarra Sabally

That almost looked like Cameroon's Vincent Aboubakar's goal against Serbia....right over goalie's head

Arkan Matlub

Lupa really said Offside 😂 these Americans ya’ll I can’t, no hate but this is hilarious to watch