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should I even be holding out hope at this point?


zachary orosco

This show always tugs on the heart man.


Fushi did what Kars couldn't.


My dumbass watched the next episode preview and spoiled myself 😭

Gene Ryan

Well, Fushi is immortal. Eventually everyone he meets is gonna die, might as well make their deaths as emotional as possible. Fuck me though :'(


Jojo when? 😩

Devin B

I mean Kars was in space so even for Fushi it probably would've been tough for him to get out if he was there.

Devin B

Why do I feel like Bon is gonna get saved just for him to die in the same episode

zILovePelmeni _

my guess is todo is the girl from the flashback that peach was hitting on


Well he either gets executed or gets rescued only to die when they do another 200 year timeskip.


I'm telling you man, this show is just Depression and Despair at its purest


DIOS voice actor does such a good job as the Prince it’s insane lmao.


So if the prince dies does fashion gain his memory so he'll know he can resurrect the dead if he's met them and bring peach back

begang 99

yooo i thinkkk he going to bring him back to live and show them he is not a demonn


Bon literally describing HIM from Powerpuff Girls. Roshi: That's disgusting.


Even tho I'm aware of this fact.. every death is still a surprise for me.


Roshi... I remember the comment you were referencing in the beginning but I guess you didn't read the replies where people were saying that Fushi has been avoiding people and spend the majority of his life on his own(on the island or locked in a room reading books). After what happened in season 1, he didn't want to get attached to new people, just for them to die like the others did. He actually doesn't have this much experience with other people compared to the time he's been alive. That's why he's so naive and doesn't fully understand humans yet.

Jigga Man

The way this series is, next ep Gon be 50 years later


I am starting to wonder if *all* of the emotions Fushi feels are actually passed through via the souls that gather around him... if they are *all* stolen, will his mind be bleached?


To be fair as we have seen in this episode, without Fushi being so naive he would be too much of a problem. I think that helps balance him ig


ive been meaning to start tye s2 with yall but I'm not ready for depression yet lmao

Daniel Robb

The show has broken Lupa's optimism. All will die, there is no happy endings (I want mr tasty peaches to live :( )

Antonio Williams

Why is th ghost whispering in his ear like they can hear him?


Because she's not used to being a ghost. The two other guys never whisper.

J Man

After seeing Fushi get thicc, they should start calling him "Tasty Peach" 🍑

Clrissa young

i dont think fushi is that naïve given his lifespan. part of the reason we mature is morality. we only have so many experiences to learn from. we have no choice but to learn. fushi just didnt want o anymore. he didnt want to live with that hurt forever. his maturity is different than ours