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I owe Rouis an apology, I was unfamiliar with his game


Drake Rage

I also thought Louise was the typical "popular" bully kid at school but damn it is amazing that they are throwing away all the storytelling-stereotypes in this show. I have not finished the episode but the way Louise switches from limping/dragging his feet to perfect "Star" Mode earned him MAD respect from me, unfortunately I sense him dying in the future, I am sensing Minato or All Might vibes from him, I hope it doesn't happen. Our Main Character Legoshi is also extremely interesting and I have no idea where they will go with that, he is the "top dog" that has suppressed his violent urges so far in life but that has been building up all the while and very well could make him snap, that rabbit really did almost get killed last night, lol.


I wasnt expecting fuckin Deer all might over here. symbol of peace stag

XWF Outlaw

For future reference, Roshi: Louis ⭕️ Rouis ❌️ Haru ⭕️ Hal ❌️

Smash Bran'Discootch

This is a really good anime with excellent storytelling, a fantastic soundtrack, awesome visuals and an interesting concept. I'm really glad yall are finally getting the chance to check it out.


Yo, that moment when Louis went from limping to pimp walking onto the stage was Iconic 😆 He's the good kind of Sasuke 👍

Orlandez Malone

Wild Side!! One of my favorite anime intros ever. So good!

Most Sane Oreimo Fan

Before Beastars, I was a normal anime fan. Now, I don't know anymore.


Bro stupid ass Shaq quote😭


We’re is episode 1 of fire force or is it called something different?


With the names in this anime, these guys are not Japanese so their non-Japanese names ( the characters have European Western names ) are pronounced and spelled in Japanese dialect because they cant help it. Kinda like how we cant help but screw up Japanese names with our English dialect and names like Naruto, Jin, Yuri and Aang ( yes from Avatar ) are great examples since everyone always gets those wrong and not notice. His name is Louis, not Rouis. You wouldn't pronounce or spell Lucas as rukashi or Davis as dabisu if an anime with obvious non‐japanese characters said so would you?


Also, I think we are all in agreement that Roshi is 2 steps away from being a confirmed furry with these sex jokes. It's OK Roshi. Don't stop. It's 2022. Be amongst your people.


There's a poster in one of the two episodes they've seen with it saying "Rouis" but i absolutely know him as Louis.


Y'anno. I wonder if Rouis is an actual name and localizers made an error thinking its Louis. Anyone actually know?


beastars first intro will always be the best


I love this show lmao

Ashley Hazley

I didn't see anyone say this but the Rabbit's name is Haru not Hal. The sub is weird with names in this anime.


I mean, a Japanese person would pronounce hal as haru if they weren't familiar with anything but their native language. I don't think it's too far off to worry about, although for clarity's sake I think you're right in general.