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When Ichigo asked “are you the enemy’s leader”, I could picture Aizen going on a whole existential-intellectual-tirade or some shit about how he’s not the “enemy’s” leader instead of simply saying “I am”.


not really. her entire demeanor and physical appearance is vastly different as a blood thirsty savage as opposed to the sweet caring captain with the long braid that we've come to know.





Mozart Waddell

The episode was already a 10/10 but if they added the color palettes of the first generation we seen on Twitter it would of easily gotten an 11/10. I pray we can get a prequel series with the 1st Generation captains based around the formation of the 13 Court Guard Squads.

Weiss Schnee

they somehow surpassed last ep

Revstarallstar .

The braided woman wasnt that supposed to be a reveal…




They outdid the last 10/10 episode man we are getting blessed

Mozart Waddell

Ranking of the special unit soldiers in Bleach 1.) Quincy's Soldat 2.) Aizen's Exequias 3.) Soul Society Stealth Force These guys strike way more fear in me than the Stealth Force ever has. Their design reminds me of a cross between Killzone's Helghast masks and Wolfenstein SS officer uniforms.

Earphone Jack

That Sternritter told an unconscious Rukia "I guess you can't hear me anymore" before leaving. Bitch... 😭😂


Now that the 1st Quincy invasion of TYBW has ended here are the important takeaways- All of squad 1 has been brutally annihilated along with Yamamoto through cowardice trickery. The Quincy’s main abilities involve “Blut Vene” (Blood vein) as both a healing defensive & activating offensive abilities + They have a Bankai equivalent known as “Vollständig”. The Quincy king Yhwach has noted 3/5 special threats: Ichigo-who seems to instinctively have one of these abilities being born in the dark, Kenpachi who was unfortunately clapped offscreen, and Aizen who he even asked to join him but was instead rejected and even have his senses altered a bit. They are now in the recovery & recuperation Ground Zero stage. Finally they showed the OG 13 Court Guard Squads from a thousand years ago both in the film graded prologue of this episode and in the new visuals for the ED with only 1 remaining + Byakuya painfully & sorrowfully breaking into tears entrusting the man who he once faced in battle with false authority to protect the soul society: Ichigoat!


“Bleach haters after TYBW EP 6: Amazingly fluid episode albeit maybe a little “too fluid” but still top-tier Sakuga, they most likely spent their whole budget on this so the next episodes will look like a PowerPoint slideshow presentation and go back to being trash as usual with CSM being on top, even their author was only most looking forward to this episode, so the hype should die down starting next week. TYBW Ep 7: SIIIIIIIKE! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Honestly lost NNN @ The “Nothing Can Be Explained” OST remix in the end. This episode was a prelude to peak fiction of the highest motherfucking degree and was another masterpiece just like the last 2 so a shout out to the Storyboarder as his name is Toshiyuki Tsuru: Here is his previous work’s history: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1479700/?ref_=tt_ov_dr Rest In Power YAMAGOATO here’s the clearest full pic of the OG Gotei 13 https://twitter.com/aninewsandfacts/status/1592937765586731008?s=61&t=ZzJC0FKvXRdd6wdR20Eftg”- Truth.

Damarcus Miller

Saving the best MHA episode for last I see 😈

R'Mani Leavell

I waiting for Lupa to "accidentally" poke Roshi with sword 😂


Ichigo straight up went in there thinking he was him, only to get ragdolled by big boss man. Luckily he reclaimed his "him" status with that big reveal at the end. Nah seriously though, what an amazing episode after last week's 10/10 episode.




MHA is great and all but it’s not on this level.


Although blacks take up 13% of the US population, they commit 50% of the crimes


This was honestly my most anticipated moment for bleach so far, they completely delivered with the “Save soul society, Kurosaki Ichigo” scene


Aizen lowkey bailed the SS out in the most Subtle manner.

Damarcus Miller

Probably not I still have to start bleach back again.. I stopped after episode 10




Nah chojiro deserved what he got after sneaking him like that! 😂😂


lol the Soldats are just straight up Gestapo uniform in white

Jay Voorhees

Just like bane said, victory has defeated you. If you think about it, Aizen was telling Ichigo he’s Shinigami and blank isshin stopped him before he can finish his sentence.


Wait him stepping on his head is fucked up? Did we watch the same last episode?

Devin B

Ichigo got that pep talk from Byakuya just to get straight up bodied by Yhwach.

Jay Voorhees

25:12👀👀 Ichibei🤫


Honestly I laughed when roshi was telling lupa to check out the manga to see how gruesome it was when the head captain died then they showed exactly that in the episode lol


Special Ending this week! It showcases each of the OG 13 Captains in ORDER of their Squads. This is info we didn't even know in the manga! The Author also made a color artwork you can find online showing what each captain looks like in color.


I actually love how Sasakibe was introduced as this obscure dude who even the anime made fun of for being too unimportant, and then we found out he helped beat Yhwach at first and was one of the very few people to harm Yama in battle. Leads me to wonder how the Hell Ichigo K.O'd him in the Soul Society arc so easily, I would've expected Sasakibe to be a monster above a lot of the captains with the time he's been with Yama & the old 13 Court Guard Squad


We really got the dollar tree gotei 13. The original gotei was like all kenpachis

Alejandro Rodriguez

I love the designed for the og gotei 13 esp how u can see sum of them are ancestors to the current one long haired homie was def a Kuchiki and in the color poster the black dude with white hair also had golden eyes so he’s prob related to yoruichi


anime only’s definitely not supposed to know that’s UNOHANA yet but fuck it roshi we ball.


Im kinda surprised Roshi said the thing.. It came as a pretty big reveal later on in the manga


This is a weird place to say this for one, two the statistic is wrong but Im guessing you arent smart enough to fact check yourself


Ichigo out here being the anime world's best and OG Gary Stu. "I'm a Human Soul Reaper Hollow Fullbringer Quincy Hybrid!" lmao


FYI Aizen was able to use his ability even without his sword, because the hogyoku evolved him to mugetsu ichcgo level where he literally becomes the sword itself. So he can just use it passively now super op.


12:15 damn Rossi stop looking into my soul 😭


Roshi's so right on enhancing the source material, they're taking everything to another level! I'm glad Ichigo properly freaked out about the info dumped on him, because the first time reading that info blew my mind.


Its literally just her, its not hard to see


shera had so much faith in ichigo just for him to get slapped around lol. she ain't learned by now ichogo doesn't win until his 3rd fight with his opponent lmao

Chris Barnes

I thought it was dumb to up until the reveal of the events that lead to him having all the powers and now its good writing. Its not just a asspull random power.

FreshxEli Tv

Yhwach basically just told head captain yama you used to be naruto y’all was some real dogs so heavy hitters man your old squad was the dream team and now that I pull up y’all niggas are trash damn I’d say Boruto next generation 🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂


Soon as all this over they finna lock that nigga up right next to azien you to many things bro you dangerous sit right next to him and imagine getting killed by yo own banki I’d be so upset I refuse to go out like that no 😭


Man, they are killing it with TYBW. Just think, if we keep getting this consistent quality, imagine how good the future episodes are going to look. Can't wait!


The only real issues that are on par with the original Gotei 13 is Mayuri and Kenpachi. Everyone else are some zoomer softie cancel culture bitches by comparison. Unohana being the only OG left now.


Ichigo was captain level at that moment. I think Sasakibe was just shown too early and also he seemed to have spent all his time mastering his bankai. If he wouldve went bankai on ichigo, I think he wouldve won easily


I don't think they explained it well enough on what Aizen did to the guy to throw off his senses. Wasn't it like, Aizen basically shifted his perception of time by a few seconds which was conveniently long enough to save ichigo's life.


I agree on not really being big on exposing Unohana in that scene but... Honestly Unohana was hinted to be part of the original Gotei 13 every now and then with some jokes jabbing at her age and it's been so long that honestly, her Identity is almost on par with the "Luke I am your father" spoiler where, okay it's a spoiler but it's been so long between the manga and this anime that if you missed it and you see people talking about it, oh well. Like looking up anything Unohana will expose who she is.


roshi- he got smoked mid introduction hahahah


He didn't say "The thing." He just exposed her in the group. "The thing" you're talking about didn't come out of his mouth. If it did, I sure missed it.


I gotta defend Roshi real quick about the Unohana thing. He didn't say the important thing you think he spoiled. Only manga readers know what the thing is about Unohana. Calling her out in the OG Gotei 13 scene isn't much so don't freak out because they showed her. Sure she looks different because anime and you can't assume people look alike being the same person because Same Face Syndrome but this manga's been done long enough with Bleach media showing her looking like that for a while. With that said, don't look up Unohana if you're anime only. Bleach Brave Souls + people's clickbaity stupid thumbnails will tell more than what Roshi said, so leave it at that. Personally the Unohana thing to me is on the same level of "Luke I am your father" where this old news and if you didn't know and got spoiled, oh well. And If he did say "the thing", I missed it and ... welp he's goofy for that.


Sheera mentioned the OG Gotei died but didn't question why/how Unohana was still alive lol.

Ron H

U already know what time it is - whole Publix rotisserie chicken on deck and some tapa tio

Joel Braaten

I never would have thought Bleach would look this good 10 years ago. We are blessed 🙏

Gmac paddiewac

Lol hopefully they don’t bullet train us. I’m watching the spy x family now tho so it’s all Gucci. We chillin


The main issue i had with him is that he had the hollow powers too, but to be fair the hollowfication is something any soul reaper technically could go through. The other 2 parts of him i was able to accept a bit easier.


Toshiro has the potential to be on their level. That is his shtick.


He didn’t even say her name just described her, so how about deleting this if you would…

Drake Rage

Did Roshi casually spoil something near when the episode started and Sheera said "I know"?? During the anime ending song they said everyone is dead so idk if Sheera actually knows/spoiled or not lol. I am tryna keep it vague not to spoil anything, or if there was a reveal already which I doubt.


This is confirmed: They are releasing a prequel manga for the original Gotei 13. It's going to be epic.


Strength wise maybe but the mentality nah. They were ruthless criminals which made them stronger or more deadly


I dont know if they needed to go into it too much, you essentially get it either way i feel. But at the same time i am a manga reader so knowing about it in advance might have altered my perspective. But yeah he was just off a few seconds.


No he didn't. Exposing Unohana as part of the OG Gotei 13 is not that big of a deal. Because Bleach Media been showing her off in the og Gotei 13 for a long time and this is on the level of "luke i am your father" territory where if you didn't know after all this time, then oh well and it's not that big a deal in the grand scheme of the series. Saying "the other thing" and you know what I mean, is spoiling so don't bring that up.


That's not the reveal. Everybody who paid attention knows she's old af.


I deadass think he posted this on the wrong patreon membership.

Drake Rage

Thats why I only said "the reveal," I wonder what the criteria is for Yamamoto to live that long, can't be that everyone dies in a fight or else they are all immortal? Yamamoto is clearly "aging" is it tied to how strong they are that they can slow down "aging"?

Mozart Waddell

At least Ichigo didn't get the palm to face treatment like he done to Aizen. He would've never recovered from that.


I doubt there's anything deep about it in terms of how they "age" physically. Like in real life, some people age gracefully and barely change, others degrade in appearance as expected. Same applies to them, even with their extremely long lifespans. In terms of their physical abilities. It's not like Yamamoto was weak, he's far from it despite his appearance. He lost due to his mental being all kinds of ruined with everything that's been happening.


Still though, I'd assume he still would be a monster with just his hands or Shikai, he's older than the Vizards in the 13 CGS so I assumed he would've had similar hands to a lot of the main players and at least be captain level as well, but yeah I think it was just that, that he was just introduced too early and relevance was given to him in TYBW+

Revstarallstar .

Yes talk more about it then. I didnt know that was her or how old she was… Why you assuming that EVERYBODY KNOWS SHES OLD. You aint watching for the first time w/o prior knowledge like me and others so how can you talk for others G


Ngl, I did have issues with Ichigo being the worst thing ever ... a Bleach OC ( you know what I mean ). I got over it though.


Chojiro went from being so strong he left Yamamoto with a permanent scar and helping take down Yhwach to getting taken out by a single punch from Soul Society arc Ichigo.


Honestly, I'd rather a sequel, but I'll take it.


Yeah, and Luppa and Sheera didn't seem surprised when he said it, so I'm sure a ton of people already knew it.

Hasnain Khan



Sounds like you need to rewatch the series. They literally said she was one of the oldest captains besides Yamamoto nearly 200 episodes ago


I thought it was common knowledge Ichigos mom was a Quincy. Learned that like 10 years ago


To be honest though Hollowfication was easy to undergo and Soul Reapers are very close/like neighbors to Hollows, so its not like he was born with Hollowhood, same with Fullbringer.


You can literally see her face. only face blind people wouldn't know it's her from looking.


Honestly a lot of twists and plot stuff is old and if anime only people get spoiled ... oh well. Honestly, they can't look up anything Bleach period because it'll get shoved in their face one way or another.

Davon Thomas

We about to enter 4 episodes of training arc

Davon Thomas

You mean when the manga itself revealed she was a quincy lol. Nothing prior to the TYBW would lead you to believe that 😂


Ichigo was looking at his broken sword like “but but….I’m the main character?!” 😂


Yhwach is saying that Ichigo being stuck in the jail being exposed to so much Quincy spiritual pressure awakened dormant Quincy spiritual pressure in himself. Which you find out is from his mother's side.

Shin splits

I feel like you are worrying about the wrong thing lol. Finding out she was apart the og gotei wasn’t a big deal. What’s more important is the reveal probably coming next episode

Shin splits

Also I don’t know if Roshi reads the manga or not. It seems like he doesn’t so he figured it out himself so it’s fine imo

Viela Guay

Actually dying at the idea of having to have your antagonist explain the MC's new "just-in-time" powerup to him & the audience. Just something about the presentation of it was really funny to me. In other news though, goddamn they really are popping off with this anime.

Revstarallstar .

Keep Going & it wouldn't be next episode, thats later on. Dont assume what people take with care. My friend who also watches these reactions & this anime doesnt even watch trailers or intros or outros just bcus they want thag newborn baby first look at shit

Revstarallstar .

Also respectfully I believe your incorrect, he previously said he read it long ago & even in this video if u remember he said he was waiting for the reveal in the episode. Anyways have a blessed day, im off this app


still has a seal on him so hes nerfed but still a problem 💀


Fullbring is not that special and Ginjo even said anyone with enough spirit energy can become one. Visored, Vasto Lorde and hollow are the same thing. You can't use different words and try to count it as 3 things.. Also the Hell powers is not canon like you said so it not a valid point. Human doesn't really count either because everyone in soul society were once human.


This was literally insane. Just a mindblowing episode


imma just say it, Yhwach was right. These new 13 are soft as baby poop. How Everybody but Kenpachi get folded immediately? I will say though, Yhwach is still a punk for letting someone other than him fight against Yamamoto.


I mean, I guess that's why Ichigo is a special threat though right? lmao!


Son born in the dark could mean that he was a Quincy born outside the circle, not his litteral son. Albeit that guy and trech coat zamgetsu looks very similar design wise


Ngl The only way people should have a problem with it is if it didn’t make sense like an OC character but in reality it makes perfect sense with how they explained it to the point where it’s honestly peak fiction of the highest degree and I think it’s about to be fully realized now more than ever. For some reason people are a little too overly critical when it comes to Bleach as if it’s the only series that does it like this and even if that were the case people just need to learn to appreciate subtlety and nuance in Shonen to where it’s not just bland and simple writing or action or as if the genre applies to the same level of adolescence of all other cultures.


Easily the best back to back episodes since 86


It's funny that you bring up aging because I always think of Toshiro it's like he's aging at the rate of Ichigo's sisters yet he's like 100 years old

Alejandro Rodriguez

Where’d they say that I only saw the spread haven’t seen anything about a prequel, also I hope not I’d rather Kubo keep going with the new arc he already started.

Austin Parker

Get ready for ALOT of back story episodes coming up hopefully!!!! Also! Ichigo is a full Hybrid! 1/4 Soul Reaper, 1/4 Quincy, 1/4 Fullbringer, and 1/4 Hollow! Not a spoiler anymore since now it’s confirmed he’s got all 4 inside of him

Austin Parker

Well we know he’s soul reaper, we know he has hollow powers, we know he be fullbring powers, and now we know Quincy as well. As far as all the little details about everything new to the anime onlys, that’s yet to be seen in the anime :)


Social media spoiled this major revelation on Ichigo for me years ago. Glad I get to finally know the context around it.


Ya'll are doing the math wrong.  Ichigo is actually... - 1/5 Human - 1/5 Shinigami - 1/5 Hollow - 1/5 Quincy - 1/5 Strawberry

Chef MellowD

By their own bankai. Kenny doesn’t have one. They went back and made THEE PLAN to fight SS. Not hard


Aizen is easily top 3 ever greatest anime villain

Emiliano Ruiz Chong

Finally, as you just watched, Ichigo is the perfect combination between 4 races (Human, Soul Reaper, Hollow, and Quincy). That is what makes him so broken. Later in the story they will dive into this with more detail. Amazing episode and show. 11/10


Yeah Aizen's containment level is Keter for sure


wait did byakuya not die in the manga?


He did tho? When he shoved that nigga to the ground after his Getsuga.


maybe i’m crazy by i could’ve swore we learned in the original bleach that his mom was a quincy?


i must’ve got spoiled years ago as well cause i fasho remember knowing that as well lol


Why do y’all still think he’s a “visored”? Visored isn’t a race or anything, it’s just what Shinji’s group is called. He’s just human, shinigami, quincy and hollow. Also, I don’t get how it’s hard to believe for some people. Like people are just forgetting that Aizen said he’s been watching Ichigo since the beginning, manipulating shit, plus Aizen was about to reveal he was one but Isshin’s ass interrupted him, during the FKKT arc.


Nope, You probably just heard it randomly somewhere long ago and so it feels like you heard it from the show😅


damn i’m kinda sad cause when it happened i was like “don’t we know this already” 😂😂😭


They’re gonna reveal that he’s black too

Heavenly Demonic Emperor

Fuckin Aizen is like doing some Sealed Kurama right now 😂 niggas power's sippin out right now and fucks with people 😂


Drake Rage

Yeah, didn't they say that Toshiro was the youngest person to ever become a Captain? Maybe that's why they make him look so young to show that he is so strong despite being the youngest Captain ever.


Never knew Katsura was a Gotei 13 captain


Seriously, Lupa doesn't understand shit by himself like wtf.


Can't wait for the upcoming Grand Fischer redemption arc

Revstarallstar .

Apologies I woke up to this & it’s actually funny. You know your saying this over an anime right… like that might be the most pathetic shit ever, ngl. Next to maybe getting mad bcus of marvel and dc movies but it takes the cake


I think he also didn’t want Rukia to be executed so he didn’t fight seriously


You can't come to bleach expecting amazing writing. I mean, the MC has literally every super power rolled into one. Bleach just has the S tier cool factor going for it. You just can't beat how badass some of the scenes are.

Hans Wurst

The original Gotei 13 were nasty. Especially our girl...


MC has every power but still gets his ass beat most of the time. I love when people use that as a reason to discredit bleach’s writing. People who think it only looks cool are watching with their brains off.


Maybe go read it yourself, if you haven't already read it before then here's the short answer: Byakuya is dead


To be fair, this arc ended YEARS before anyone even thought that it would get animated. So a lot of big spoilers are going to be common knowledge amongst anyone who kept an interest in the series. Even if they didn't read the Manga.


I honestly haven't even finished watching this series. I dropped it around the time Ichigo was rescuing orihime and he became a hollow. The fillers were too much when waiting every week and I had no clue about the way it worked around the manga lol

Lores Tiralongo

Is this stream lagging for others too? It's insane!

Julio Morales

if you pay attention from the start, they show it but dont say it. shf has like a blanket or some shit that has the quincy logo on it.

Darion Wilson


Basedra (edited)

Comment edits

2022-11-26 10:30:29 Ichigo listening to Yhwach explain his origins while a remix of nothing can be explained plays in the background >>>>>>
2022-11-22 14:56:48 Ichigo listening to Yhwach explain his origins while a remix of nothing can be explained plays in the background >>>>>>

Ichigo listening to Yhwach explain his origins while a remix of nothing can be explained plays in the background >>>>>>


Anyone ever wondered why Ichigo’s father had to leave soul society? Seems like a great place to start.

Q Reeves

SPOILER! No, he didn't die in the manga. He was just in a comatose state and had narrowly escaped death.

Benji (edited)

Comment edits

2022-11-26 10:30:29 "17yr old lookin like 25 yr old man" & "I'm going to beat you up AND i got school tmrw" LOOOL Lupa and Roshi had me rollin laughing at such serious and cool moment lool 😂🤣
2022-11-22 18:47:54 "17yr old lookin like 25 yr old man" & "I'm going to beat you up AND i got school tmrw" LOOOL Lupa and Roshi had me rollin laughing at such serious and cool moment lool 😂🤣

"17yr old lookin like 25 yr old man" & "I'm going to beat you up AND i got school tmrw" LOOOL Lupa and Roshi had me rollin laughing at such serious and cool moment lool 😂🤣


The full context hasn’t been shown or explained yet so hold off your opinions on it.

Arsean Wilbon

You can literally tell that’s unohana, so why everyone trippin lol. Her braiding her hair and not braiding is like Clark Kent slapping on glasses to not look like Superman like bro yo face ain’t change cause you got bifocals now


Unohana was wild back in the day, need her in my life lol. I find it crazy she went from killer to healer

Immoral Mortal

Lol look at roshi's smirk when they talk about his mum, You sly bastard


why lupa said ichigo like that lmao


Unohana backstory making no sense whatsoever but we'll get to that later

Ky Williams

bruh i thought the quincy info happened in OG bleach or has it just been so long that i forgot i was spoiled on that?😂

Ky Williams

thats crazy bruh i been watching YBRL catch up and been waiting for the episode to reveal him having quincy blood😂glad i never spoiled anything til this point


I guess all the unohana jokes flew over your head.


ywach is called the father of quincy and ichigo has quincy powers so just refering to him as son.


Forgive me I have not followed Bleach for years but can Ichigo still call on the mask for a huge power spike or did he lose that at some point?


noticed that nobody replied so i will even tho it is late, Ichigo never lost his mask but I think kubo just wanted to move on from all that so it seems like he just decided to stop having ichigo use it


So a nerf to the main character that makes no sense got it I though there was a logical reason but I guess not, thanks for letting me know.


From a power level standpoint, bleach power levels never made sense. You got ichigo fighting captains in soul society arc and then captains wrecking arrancars in hueco. If I wanted to break it down story wise, perhaps some underlying trauma he has over the hollow mask thing. He pretty much stopped using it after the vasto lorde fight.


Maybe but the writers are going to have a hard time convincing me of that when Ichigo is clearly panicking to escape a cage while he watches everyone dying for him to ignore a huge power spike that might help with his escape.


those two don't understand the story don't listen. In the fullbring arc Ichigo learned to use all the bringer abilities(hollow reiatsu) and when he gained his shinigami powers back it meshed with them so that's why his shikai/bankai changed. Now his mask is basically always active and he's wearing it as new drip.


Are they suppose to be the white bits on his arms? And honestly thats kinda disappointing the mask was a cool design choice but I get it.


I cried so hard when Byakuya died idk why but it hit me so hard ;(


yeah what Spencer is basically it. Fullbring powers are essentially special powers humans are born with that were influenced by hollows. The Fullbringers' parents were attacked by hollows (just like Masaki) and their abilities manifested within their children. Fullbring is basically his hollow powers but now hes learned to control them at the same time. And after the end of the cour 1, we now know that zangetsu WAS the hollow powers. Essentially, Ichigo has been using his abilities all wrong. He (and us) kept thinking of his powers as separate entities. Hollow mask, Shinigami powers all were utilized and thought of as separate powers. But its all one to begin with. His zanpakto was created with the fusion of his shinigami powers from his dad and then the quincy and hollow powers that came from Masaki.