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LMAO Daybreak!

Also got a late start recording today but everything is coming!



Thank you for uploading Roshi! Glad you were able to record and upload. We'd rather late than never!


True. But also please, I need the TYBW reaction injected into my bloodstream asap


no more schedule posts?


If no Schedule is posted, assume the other schedule from recent post is still going.

Mozart Waddell

We get it you and Sheera was up late with that Arkham stream.


except the most recent one has HoTD on it which is over.


Bro this nigga obsession with his sister is mad fucking weird I’m getting I wanna fuck and impregnate my sister vibes from this nigga lmao 😭

Devin B

I would say this is weird but I've seen anime worse in the borderline incest department so this doesn't faze me.


And people still try to defend it like it’s not weird smh


yall should react to Atlanta. Season 4 just ended


I'm sorry but what show is that? My brain ain't working today and I can't make out what the acronym is lol


I feel you Lupa, I once got a 15 on a spelling test. I got the worst whopping that day.


They dont explicitly call attention to it but the main reason Anya does so poorly in school is BECAUSE of her mind reading. She cant turn it off so she cant ever focus when shes being taught. Thats also why she cant be tutored, because everyone she knows outside of school is fucking crazy.

George Kiourtis

Just a quick thing to note Lupa. The circles on the test indicate the things she got right! My Japanese teacher told me that it's the opposite in their system. Lines are bad, circles are good. It triggers me Every time I get homework back 😂😂


Yeah. My teacher would put check marks by things I got incorrect. Which always confused me.

Ranginald Vagel

If Anya WAS smart she probably could take over the world with the massive advantage of mind reading, she’d be the only person to know with certainty exactly what to say and do to get what she wants from people after meeting them and since it would be impossible to lie to her or plan behind her back, she’d always be a step ahead in politics and business.


My HS used circles for correct answers and lines for incorrect, but iirc it was checkmarks before for correct answers and slashes for incorrect. Both were in LA so idk might just be what ever system your school or teacher happens to use.


Yeah I was like wtf is the TYBW anime. lol


It's the Siscon trope. It's designed to be weird to the point of bordering on incest due to the fact that his sister is basically the only female in his life he loves. It's a Japan thing you'll have to deal with when they give a character that trait.

Devin B

Anya was trying to say Imperial Scholar

Devin B

Question did anyone get a check x on their papers meaning you got most of the question right but not the whole thing cause some of my teachers did that to give partial credit.


Post mha now

Stephen D

Daybreak isn't a clown, he is the whole circus.


Yeah, the backlash of underdeveloped control over telepathy is something a lot of people don't think of. She hasn't trained herself to telepathically mute and filter unnecessary mental wavelengths. *edit: My dumbass used the word telekinetic and not telepathy.


Chill before you get a backhanded pop to the mouth


That first ugly ass roll from Daybreak has me weak every time


And then she runs into someone with extreme mental barriers and it's game over. Lmao doubt she could run into that since everyone else in that world is just normal and she's the only ESPER as far as we know. We know in DC comics if you're a A-tier villain with abilities that revolve around them being a genius, Telepaths can barely read your mind at all.


I love how dumb Yor is, she’s worse than Anya 😂


It *is* weird, that's the point. It's supposed to be off-putting, that's why they write the other characters' reactions around it. Like, he's a member of the Secret Police, was he supposed to be loveable and harmless?

Earphone Jack

I could not stop laughing at Daybreak lol.


Why dont yall upload your most anticipated reactions first? Like woulda loved to see TYBW here instead of this show. Also I know im an L for this comment i aplogizie

Ranginald Vagel

It’s not like she’s out here 1v1 Death Battling people or playing chess. If there’s a minority of people she can’t read she can look into people around them, or just deal with them normally. It extremely hard to outmaneuver someone who can read minds. Although on that track I’d be willing to bet there’s some physical way to stop her from reading minds so just equip all your people with Magneto/Juggernaut helmets and we good lol


In reality he just really really cares for her because that's all he has but ya he kinda creepy with the siscon thing but it's a anime they tend to have 1 person like that LOL


Well I mean everything they watch are extremely anticipated by different people


YO DAYBREAK TOO MUCH 😂 I actually hope we see more of him tbh them segments was funny asf lmao


if we record late we always watch what needs to be edited first. in this case today it was spy fam

Goku Black

I'm waiting for MHA to take my lunch at work rn 💀😂

Damion Middleton

Power went out from my house. And here I am watching it on my phone. Lol


these subs are really bad. "imperial sculley" vs "imperial scooter" messes up the joke.


okay that makes sense i've just always wondered that but in reality i was just hangry and had to let out the intrusive thoughts. im sorry 🙏🏼


looks like Daybreak played a lot of Elden Ring

Hasnain Khan



"Emperal Scooter" = Emperial Scholar the school thing anya is trying to get,.

Martin Dang

Knowledge = Buff Chihuahua

Arima Kana

Daybreak's stealth play reminds me of how yoshi played batman just now lol


how come the subs are always different, can't the same source you watch be uploaded or just watch the source you upload? juts wondering. messes up some good jokes when you're reading different subs


I think they do it for copyright reasons if I were to guess. Maybe they found showing pirate website subs instead of crunchyroll reduces the possibility of copyright.


Yuri's issue is that he never grew up when it came to his sister. He absolutely still adores her and thinks she's the best person in the world. And obviously that means that nobody will ever be able to live up to the impossible standards that Yuri has set. Overprotective af


It's unfortunate, cuz them bootleg subs are trash lmao. But ya gotta do what ya gotta do I guess.


It's not like we haven't heard the show say Imperial Scholar a dozen times already. Lmao.


that’s weird, why would different subs make any difference in copyright? It’s still the exact same show even if the words look different. I kind of just assumed they had issues recording on specific sites, like how Netflix doesn’t allow you to take screenshots or something


I’m sorry, Sheera. But Yuri definitely has romantic feelings for Yor.🤣


It'd be nice if the just watched the pirates version instead then

Reckless Company

I got a 37 on a math test i studied for i was never the same lol cuz it made me just think about how hard life was lol


man i cant believe i just noticed the recorder version of the theme when anya is doing something dumb. i like it when anime icorporate memes like when the sad naruto song is used in kaguya

by chances

dog collapsing after eating Yor's foo 😂


I feel like they should be used to the siscon trope since it's a very common trope in anime.


They do it because you literally cant record digitally a video from crunchyroll, obs doesnt show the video at all

joshua rosario

what subtitles they reading lol


uuf when they watching different subtitles compared to what they put in these reactions...