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top tier episode



Rewatching the show and I do not remember seeing the main character from warriors in this lmao

Gabriel Souza

It would have been the best death on the show, I hated Linda from the beginning


Btw Brilliant Chang was a rea life gangster just like the Sabinis, Solomon family.


£250,000 today would be 18+ million 🤯


The actor who plays Brilliant Chang is the on HBOMax show called Warrior. Please react to it


I assume its Isaiah because he's the only named Peaky Blinder who's still supposed to be doing violence, but having the black guy pointing a rifle as you're welcoming the racists to town is a big dickswinging move.


I know right. It’s so good. I hope they react to it soon before season 3


Michaels problem is accountability, and ego, Idk why he feels he should not only receive no punishment but be somehow rewarded for fucking up when he was in charge of an entire branch of the company and loosing 500k which is the equivalent of $8.67million today


Bro Finn put those 3 first seasons of running to use in this episode 🤣

Erica Collins

Am I trippin or have we not heard the "Red Right Hand" song this season? And they were going crazy with the remixes last season too lol Also their budget definitely leveled up bc the camera work this season has been so good. Every ep feels like a movie now

Antonio Williams

Maaaaan...you three need to watch Snowfall even if you don't react to it. It's S-tier Also here's my obligatory Gangs of London plug for a reaction


They never seen Snowfall? Oh man this is a must after Peaky Blinders fr


You guys gotta react to Warrior it's peaky blinders meets Bruce Lee


anyone know the name of the outro? I know its pink blood but cant find the exact version they have in the outro.


Well Linda wasn't cut out for that life, clearly. Artur better not blame polly for that shit


Bro that kill cam shit send me to heaven I’m dying 😂😂😂


I highkey fuck wit Aberama


"No scope with a p90." 💀💀💀💀💀 Lupa just be saying shit these reactions recently.


If anyone in the comment section watched the show Warrior from HBOMAX. Let these guys that it should be they’re next reaction and it’s 🔥🔥🔥

Davon Thomas

Next week we get peak peaky blinders!


How did Michaels wife know Tommy's business partners name?



Finally, no more Linda


Fuck you for saying that you spoiling ass bitch


You gotta love that the man is hated as Little Finger but beloved as Aberama Gold


We should know by now that Tommy isnt a liar. He'll happily withhold information from you, but he wouldnt lie and put words in polly mouth like that


did they lose the rights to red right hand or something lol


damn lupa don't know he is acting like finn.


It’s the peak racism season. I get that 1930s Britain wasn’t the most progressive, but was Mosley really that powerful/popular?


Honestly they should have shot Chang right from the get go since he’s selling children. I know it’s a show about bad people, but that’s a priority bullet deliver level of bad.


polly the goat


No, Mosley himself never got anywhere near this amount of real power and influence IRL, but I think the show did a good enough job of using his character to symbolize the very real power and influence that Fascism itself possessed at the time in Britain and the threat that it posed to the country even before the war. Pre-WW2, men like Hitler and Mussolini were revered, especially among the British elite, and their ideas and doctrines were largely viewed positively by the general public. Some key elements, like anti-Semitism, were obviously already widespread, thus making the whole ideological cluster of Fascism more appealing. The British nobility was very fond of the concept, with loads of people with large amounts of very real power in Britain ranging from Fascist sympathizers to full on Nazi collaborators.


they decided to scale back the usage to increase the impact it has when they do decide to use it


Very new here, anyone know how the hell theyre able to just show the whole episode on screen in these reactions? How are they not getting DMCA'd into oblivion?


@Richard they probably have some person on the inside or know some ways around it. RTTV has been doing the same recently, and they're friends with them. They probably put them in the loop lol. They getting a lot of money from these reactions, plus I ain't complaining. I love watching full episodes with them, I just hope they've thought of all the legal repercussions incase things take a turn.


I mean a dozen shows got yeeted off the Patreon so that's why some shows are only hosted on Streamable now

Unbeknownst Man

I'm not saying this is what they do, but an alternative I know of is: by using the version from "alternative backup sources", one can avoid some issues, as long as you don't sell that version or profit directly from it, which they aren't, because they´re reacting to the show (they're watching the official versions) and making this other version available for people to watch along. Kind of a grey area that's hard to explain, but that's basically it, in so many words. Edit: Let's not be dicks about it, people. If you don't want to reply to this person's question, just don't do it, needless dickishness is quite unnecessary, imho.


@Isaac - Who hurt you? There's nothing wrong with asking a question.

God Enel

Some reactors do it but think about it. This isnt YouTube. Its not public. Unless someone snitch or works for the company AND subs to them. People rarely get caught


I’ve always thought it was just because it wasn’t public like YouTube


love that roshi picked up on how Michael is dressing more american.


Is there a schedule for when they release more reactions of peaky?

Drake Rage

Roshi was making a lot of good observations this episode. Michael getting reinstated into the company even though they plan to quit and leave for New York? Definitely interesting, what is the play? One thing though is the Polly and Mr. Gold thing, Tommy did say that Polly helped him "escape," to try to fight the Billy Boys, which is probably true if he came to that conclusion. So, Polly might be willing to marry, although my initial thought was that Polly wanted Mr. Gold to get himself killed chasing the Billy Boys so that there would be 1 less wild card to manage, but I think my assessment was wrong if they trying to get them married. Also, I can't believe I have to keep seeing Grace again even though they killed her off a long time ago... Tommy's trauma is my trauma now. 29:20 Edit: I was literally thinking about how he didn't drop the cigarette on the floor like last time, indicating some respect towards Tommy now and Roshi points it out right after that too. Roshi was on fire with all the observations this episode. My god, that ending. Queen Polly fells hypocritical-bitch Linda!


lmao, so Roshi made great observations because he made the same ones you did?

Drake Rage

Did you not watch the reaction? He made a lot of good observations/possible links to past events, not because he "made the same ones as me".....