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Sorry for the delay on this ep!


Ayman Gebrail

Yams are always worth the wait


*Woman makes funny/ugly face* “Yep that’s definitely Asirpa’s mother”


I always loved that Sugimoto deeply cares for Asirpa's wellbeing on this gold race. Imma be sad because it's gonna get to a point where thos group will break up and go at eachother because Koito, Tsukishima might be ordered to do something extreme by Tsurumi, we still dunno where the hell Ogata is and the two new guys coming back to Tsurumi might pull up on some crazy scheme and then there's the guy in the OP with tattoos we still haven't met yet.


I love how they can't fuck with sugimoto, you can see the tension grow between them whenever they ask for an update on what she knows


I know it's not that deep but the fact that everyone got to see the face of Asirpa's father was pretty cool. They have heard his name countless times or have seen his face mangled up, but now they all had a clear vision of the face of the man that started this whole hunt.


Not gonna lie, Golden Kamuy and Mob are the 2 best written anime from the season.

Devin B

I have a feeling that Koito might turn on Tsurumi because last episode he probably realized that the whole hostage situation was staged by him when he realized Ogata was one of the captors.


again, please watch some of the ova´s from season 3. one of them is shiraishi´s backstory and it is great


is new mob season good? im assuming ofc but i havent watched it yet for some reason.


new mob season is quite good so far and looking to only get better. but if u havent started it yet i would honestly just wait for the last like probs 4 episodes of the seaosn and then binge. I hadnt watched S1 or 2 until S3 was airing and binging Mob is best imo