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Golzine is diabolical 



My heart breaks everytime I watch that mental breakdown scene with Ash. It's a lot

Destiney Marie

I agree it’s really terrible. Just a great reminder how trash Golzine is.

Devin B

For someone that wants the best for Ash Golzine really put him through hell just to mold him into the kind of person to succeed him. It's no wonder Ash broke down like that cause you don't make a person go through what he did if you cared about them.



Wait.. I coulda swore you said GOOD anime, but you listed none, my G lol


Well……. those were just show’s that I like and thought that was good because I recently just finished watching them, I also said etc at the end on purpose because there’s waaayyyy to many show’s I think are good , I wasn’t about to sit here and think of what anime Cloyce da 5’9 think is good or anybody else on that matter


I recommend watching Megalo Box ✋ its a great anime


This scene of Ash breaking down is so raw. As the audience, we know what he's been through, Dino knows firsthand what he's been through, yet this is the first time we've seen Ash verbalize it in such a way. Whenever it was brought up, he was always so matter-of-fact about it, we could tell he was hurting, but it never went beyond that. Here, Ash is beyond the point of sadness, and all of his repressed feelings come out as he hears Dino tell him that he plans on 'owning' him in the most disgustingly ironic way possible. This scene is so disturbing yet so essential to the story and Ash's character.

John K

I know your schedule is probably full, but I hope you guys someday check out "Cabinet Of Curiosities" on Netflix. One of the best horror shows I've seen so far :D


Loved this reaction, so happy to finally have an excuse to re-watch Banana Fish. It's even better written than I remember, and so disconcerting in how it goes through tones of light laughter to some chillingly dark stuff, reminding us how corrupt and disturbed a lot of systems of/people in power are, but how they turn daily alongside a ray of simultaneous notes within our society. Masterful (P.S really hoping they watch Deadly Class one of these days, it feels like they haven't done a good action/comic inspired live action in a while, and it's one of the better ones, it was niche enough that it could get away with a lot that wouldn't fly in the main stream, especially in terms of graphic scenes and story experimentation, and yet also it was popular enough that it got budget and some really great known but also unknown actors)

john segun doe

If Y’all havent watched Black Adam yet plz react to it on patreon With Lupa as well PLZ

Nicole Guerrero

Ejji is way too in love with Ash to go back to Japan, love can make anyone act a fool 😭

Nicole Guerrero

Ash went through so much, I don’t blame him for going hysterical, he didn’t deserve to go through such horrendous things


man. that scene of ash always makes me cry so much

Kay’s Kreative

Roshi, Could you all consider watching the show called Yellowstone?


Honestly even if Eiji goes back, Golzine and Yut Lung have connections all around, he could still get killed in Japan 💀


Yeah. Even if Ash and Eiji escape to Japan, they will still be chased all the way there. That's what Ash realized so he wants Eiji to stay where he can see him and be at ease