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Its about to go down pt 2


Antonio Williams

Here's my obligatory Gangs of London plug for when you all finish this series

Roger Metheny

man all yall bitches so quick to hate on polly. get fucked lmao


Let me plug something real quick as well *bends over*

Bad Karma

I understand the reactions to the accuracy of the mafia shooting at Tommy but, in reality, it's actually pretty fucking hard to shoot a moving target like that.


yeah im not feeling this lizzie thomas relationship i dont really understand why the show is leaning for that outcome, they really have no history other then her being his personal sexual pleasure or no "spark"

Mario Huizar

He literally says at the end of last season how she’s the only one that’s always there for him fym lol


Mario Huizar in which way? The only time the show has them together is shes either in her assistant job acting jealous when he brings another women or when shes with him is when they are having sex and he's literally thinking of his past wife...like cmon. I think he literally is only with her bcuz of the kid it would be different if she wasn't pregnant I think


Y'all were hilarious this episode 😂😂


Roger Metheny

i mean its your word against litterally tommy's word, so yeah i think im gonna believe tommy lmao. man literally said she was the only one who was there for him when grace died so yeah.


If you look in the background one of the officers picks up the bride that Tommy tossed on the ground.


Alfie is legit my favorite character in this whole show mans always got something to say 😂


I still don't get how people in that time period kept slow dancing to this creepy "I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire" type music. Sht mostly gets used in horror movies and horror games these days.


Roger Metheny that's fine bro I never asked to be believed?? I'm simply telling it how it is and going off by what the show has shown so far, and forming my own opinion there no against Tommy words bcuz I'm a spectator commenting on the show.

twis tempo

imma miss the actor who plays Polly may her soul rest in peace


Because they're people, not meant to be moved around like pieces on a chessboard. Tommy listens to no one and doesn't give a rat's ass what they think, why should he be expecting people to listen to him? Instead he goes and makes big plans putting everyone in danger and only tells them after they've been beat up, shot at, or bombed. He uses his family like his personal army because that's the only way he knows how to interact with people. But theyre literally his aunt and siblings. And Tommy ended up being the one to leak the main info to Grace in S1. And he was the one that leaked the big heist plans to a literal enemy in S3. Polly leaked plans she disagreed with to a man she believed to be as trustworthy as God. Tommy leaked his own plans to an enemy that betrayed him just last season. Whatever his family has fucked up, Tommy has fucked up worse.


Random question, did they watch Bojack Horsemen?


To be fair the way she’s been written since season 2 did made that more easy. A little bit like Korra in Avatar they’ve made some odd choices that maligned her character just for the sake of drama


They actually have deep personal and professional history, but I will say that they’re probably not good for each other


Lol season 1 Ada was all “Power to the People” and Tommy was “You getting mad. I'm getting rich”. Now they’re almost flipped. Tommy as always is playing all side but I think he was mostly honest with Jessie and is genuinely tired with all of Churchill and the conservative elites BS, so he might take all the money he can take from them and run for political office. The classic gang shit with Luca is fun but I really like that underlying political intrigue that made Campbell such an entertaining antagonist.


Oh shit, Arthur has some season one energy here. Don't like that!

Metweet .c

I feel bad for Lizzie but then I remember it's usually only John or Arthur that Tommy even discusses a small amount of the fear or trauma he's having so it's sweet that he feels comfortable to even talk to her about it

Ethan Durant

“Why would he expect them to listen to him ” idk maybe cause he’s the boss of the organization and the brains of it. Maybe that’s why…who knows


So about the Lewis Machine Gun (Machine gun Tommy had twenty-something of in season 1, which Roshi just asked about having a massive ass barrel). The gun has a normal barrel, but the British added a massive ass shroud over it which was filled with water to prevent the barrel from overheating as fast.

Erica Collins

ayo I would like to say that I never hated her & had faith in my girl that she would NEVER kill family 😌

Erica Collins

I knew my girl Polly would NEVER have Tommy/family killed 😭👏🏾


Ah, so you're a mindless drone that blindly follows any arbitrary order given to you by anyone with a semblance of authority? You know what that makes you? Not a person.


I love it when sheera and lupa are joking around with roshi being confused in the middle. Reminds me of this meme! https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/870/064/2f9.jpg


She practically raised the Shelby family


Any of the boys does something irrational/reckless, “I bet they have a plan. It’s understandable they would act this way.” Pol is irrational/reckless, “Um, MA’AM?! Everything is entirely your fault! How dare you, IDIOT! Burn in hell!”


that was the point lmao thats how you know its a well written show. it was very believable she would do it until it wasnt

Reckless Company

tom hardy is my best friend this dude know all the languages and he's funny as hell


The pizza hut advertisement roshi? Yeahhhhh????/


2 million punds then is worth about 300million now in pounds


that colonel donny was so well spoken and impossible to dislike

Drake Rage

12:18 Exactly what Sheera said. Michael saying "Have a good weekend" is the opposite of a "tip." That wasn't a low-key or a high-key tip, Michael betrayed Tommy to save himself, even though he knew his Mom sold Tommy out to keep him safe, but that was Polly's play to get Michael out of this "business" by having Michael betray Tommy. Well played, ma'am.

Kay’s Kreative

Roshi, Could you all consider watching the show called Yellowstone?


honestly i haven't seen it but i hear great things.


There aint no aiming a Tommy Gun lol. That shit just shoots mad fast in whatever direction its facing


False, its actually extremely accurate, it was loved by Vets of WW2 for its ability


atleast for the time it was accurate, up to 100 meters, while the m1 (US military) version of the thompson was only effective to 60 meters and didnt have drum mags, it was still loved.