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This guy Dimple bout to be a problem huh



loved that among all these muscle heads there is one smart one and he is rank 2 of the whole grade they are in


So early 👌🏻


Lets Go! I knew staying up was a good idea


WTF get some sleep

Darren Banks

Aye it’s lit at 5 am

Ramone Moore

4 am drop is crazy love to see it🔥


Go to bed nigga


insomnia niggas are winning rn


Bro Roshi really posting at 2 am😭 not going to sleep so it works for me anyway


Sheera looked at his rank 2 like it was such a bad thing, even though that means he’s one of the smartest ones at that school.🤣


The doodoo and mold got me lol

Gabby Boakye-yiadom

Reigen's honestly very multi-talented, if he didn't meet Mob he'd probably work as a freelancer considering how competent and knowledgeable he is in many aspects.


it's even worse for him since he's on east coast it's 5am when he posted this


Did anyone catch the fact that one of the body improvement club members (baldy) was ranked 2nd in academics at the school? lol. He outranks Tsubomi who was 4th. He'd make a great vet.


He literally chose the 1 job he had no talent in lol. He would be a world renowned masseur, incredible life coach or even just graphic designer.

zILovePelmeni _

dimples original objective was to control mobs body i think that was what he forgot and now hes gonna take action

moist mage .

Well dimple did say in in season 1, that his dream was to become a god.


Sheera the 2 for the guy in the body improvement club meant he was ranked #2 in his entire grade, not that he got a 2% lmao


LOL wtf XD. Talk about a brain fart lmao. Like, it LITERALLY says it right on the screen. On top of that, you put two and two together based on the previous instances, cuz it's showing the same kind of statistic. All it takes is a VERY basic use of the brain and common sense. XD

Kevin Catambay

Out of topic sorry but any plans to react to Cyberpunk Edgerunners? I'm still recovering from the emotional damage


Yes, as mentioned in the episode. It's crazy how he's smarter than both Ritsu (5th) and Tsubomi (4th).


He also deliberately chose the least violent methods to do so (his words). Whether or not we believe him is another thing.


It's the entire school since it was out of 300+ students. Middle schools tend not to have 300+ students per grade.


No it was by year, that’s why some people’s totals were different


Wdym dude’s basically a mind reader with how well he analyzes people lol.


YaBoy-we reacting to 100+ shows this fall-Roshi 😫

Dequone Jackson

Not me sitting in my cubical watching this right now lol


Need a spin-off fr, would be interesting to get more background on them.


Just to clarify the school system part: Kageyama and his peers are all 14-15 years old and on their last year in Middle School. Japanese middle school is a 3 year term. American middle school ( or Junior high ) is a 2 year term which means we start highschool 1 year sooner than Japanese kids and we're all still around the same age of 14-15. So technically we all are pressured to think about our futures around the same time. It just seemed "too soon" for Japanese kids because we kinda get scrambled on the extra year they stay in middle school, which explains why there's only 3 years of highschool in Japan, while we have 4 years in America so we all technically graduate at the same age of 18-19 regardless. I know at the end of my freshmen year at my school, they did start giving us talks on what we may wanna do in the future which lines up exactly around the same age as Kageyama and his peers though it could have been brought up at a different time for your guy's highschools. Still, we all technically had 3 to 4 years to think about it. I hope that clears some of the confusion up.

Damian Frett

They said they will, but I would say it probably wont be until next year, like in January or maybe February. Since there are a lot of shows they are watching right now. But who knows they may drop Cyberpunk and Jujustu Kaisen Movie earlier


With that explanation, real talk: I don't think it's too soon to have kids think about their future like that but I do think people rush them when they just become young adults. 4 years while in school is barely enough time because we were barely developed teenagers stressing over this balancing act of school work and having a social life in and out of school but parents, the school system and society wants us to choose, apply and be accepted into college before a diploma even touches our hands. This is why I advocate for fresh out of highschool graduates to take it easy and wait before doing something that major. At least one more year if it even allows us to breathe for that long to think about what major college we wanna attend with whatever career we're aiming for because doing all that during highschool is a bit much. This is why there can be a lot of people who graduate from college but their degree is worthless and now they're in debt or they dropped out and are in debt all because they got rushed out into the world when they're 17-19. If you're a parent who expects your child to goto college, make sure they're doing it for the right reason. Having an education is worthless if your kid rushed into it with their only reason being "well my parents expected me to goto college so I did." Give them some breathing room mentally and help them every single step before they heavy mistakes hit. Tell them they got plenty of time to work this out.


Imagine thinking RANK 2 out of over 300 is a bad thing. Imagine thinking having the second highest score out of hundreds of people is a bad thing. IMAGINE. Lmfao. Because you know...... Tsubomi was Rank 4, and Mob's brother was Rank 5. So ofc, nothing is said about those, for whatever reason. But Rank 2, oh man. XD


It's pretty difficult not to catch. That is, of course, unless you somehow think it means their actual score. But if you use half your brain, you'd realize that doesn't make sense because the body builders are all in the 200's or 300's, as is Mob's club, and then his brother and Tsubomi are both in single digits. XD

Devin B

In season 2 when Mob left for a little bit he was actually doing odd jobs for people and was good at it. Even though he doesn't have any fun doing them it's a shame cause he could've really made a making being a freelancer.

Devin B

Lol just cause you want to improve your body by working out a lot doesn't automatically make you a meathead.

Devin B

It's a shame cause we're taught that we have to pick a path at a young age just to get ahead in life but like you said because we feel rushed to pick a path we either end up doing something we don't enjoy doing or not succeeding in the path we pick.


Reigen was eating takoyaki. They're essentially these baked.... spheres with octopus inside them. Usually topped with tonkatsu sauce, Japanese Kewpie mayonnaise (completely different from American mayo), and seaweed flakes.


Yeah. I regret my decision big time because I really had no idea what I actually wanted to do, but I felt like everyone was expecting me to know so I picked something I enjoyed at the time. Once I went to college for it, it suddenly dawned on me that what I picked really wasn't for me and that I'm wasting my time. I couldn't mentally handle it. I had to drop out and then I got stuck in debt. I take blame on my dumbass thinking I was gonna make this work, but overtime looking into other people's stories, society really made this unfair for young adults and sadly parents contribute to this awful cycle with their expectation and this glorified "education above everything else" mentality that puts people in serious debt. Again guys, slow this down.


I had takoyaki and I hated them. Though I doubt it was the takoyaki's fault and mostly the restaurant giving me trash.

Devin B

My parents definitely emphasized the fact that I needed to go to college to have a good life later on but after graduating college and working in the real world I realized that education can only get you so far. Even if you get the right degree it's still hard to get the job you want cause some places ask for ridiculous requirements like 3+ years of experience for an entry level position. Also you probably hear "it's not what you know but who you know that makes a difference" and I always thought that wasn't true but you can have the right criteria but get passed over for someone who's less qualified. I'm not gonna say that all of society is unfair but certain aspects like education and employment can be pretty unfair.


Yes but we already know ritsu is very smart so comparatively it's obvious


Hey Roshi is it possible to upload old videos from My hero academia and mob psycho and other things to a google document as well? Would be very very happy to see that :)

Earphone Jack

I loved the ending to this episode. The moment between Reigen and Mob made me smile.


I realized it right after I said it lol. Also we were watching this on no sleep after a tiring day at 2am lol

Mr. K

It literally gave me last episode vibes but I had to look again and see that it was the first lol


Hello guys. Do you know where the first season is? The second one is here, but the first one isn't even on that list that came out of anime removed because of copyright

Jake Young

i dont think they reacted to season 1. I think they saw it on their own time and started reacting with season 2. I could be wrong tho

Pan Cakes



So their middleschool had 1k students? Dang that's populous. Highschools/Middleschools in Australia don't even have 500 students most of the time.


lol you'd be surprised how many reactors do not read those.


The point of the career path stuff is just to get teenagers into the mindset of thinking about the future. Just like how Mob now realizes that there are many things he wants to do besides being an exorcist. It's always good to know that you have options.

Kevin Abraham

bro that's what I was saying, I literally had to pause for a sec bc I was confused


They didn't react to the first season of Mob and the first three seasons of MHA so that won't be possible 😬

The Pebble

lmao, Roshi's face when Sheera said the song was "Attack On Titany" same as mine


Idk about Japan, but in America that’s pretty common, mine didn’t but I went to a smaller one

Brian Williams

Pretty sure when he picks up that manga pile at the end, that's him hording again. He has to replace his garbage that got blown away. 😂


she clearly only noticed that guy's rank and not the others. her context was more like 2 points out of 300 (like in the SATs) not 2nd. stop being a dick


The anime added a lot of extra stuff with the midlife crisis dude which was pretty dope. In the manga Reigen just gave him a massage and called it a day lmao


It's crazy to me that in Japan, high-school is a choice 😆 You can take another route or just start working, it would seem (I looked into it, it's not 100% clear but that's what it sounds like).

Michael Armstead

So would y’all take a bite out of that big asz broccoli if it gives you psychic powers?!? Cause imma munch… 🤷🏽‍♂️🥦


Do y’all have the reactions for season one?


Is the player not working or is it just me?


Watching on mobile? Trying to find the common denominator.


Downloaded the app and it works fine there. Heard it's a problem with Google chrome. Not sure tho.


i guess they have to imporvise since there isnt much material left

Gmac paddiewac

yall know this is the last season correct?