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The Morgiana turn up!


Kumi Chan

Sheera be living in her own fantasy sometimes


Next two episodes and then season 2 I give season 1 and 8.5 but season 2 is a 9.5 for me maybe even 10 lmao the character designs GO CRAZY


the purple haired dommy mommy teacher


It kind of makes sense that Morgiana has this nerf, well sort of. She’s already the strongest physically of the group. If she had a lot of magoi she would be too strong.

Don Keedick

I don't want to spoil this for the three but from what I remember from the Kingdom of Magic (S2) her people all have a low magoi capacity. This limits the amount of time they can equip their vessels and heavily strains their bodies if they use it to long. I agree that it's a really well placed nerf though because all their problems would be solved by Morgiana alone.


I personally didn’t want to be spoiled as well. But 🤷‍♂️. It’s a pretty obvious decision on the authors part.