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yo she clapped the shit outta the two of them lol

I know we are behind on monogatari reactions but we will be caught up by Friday!



Wait is this Nadeko snake? LETS GOOOOO


The Sandman reaction would be nice and no problem, ain’t we only behind by like 1 Episode ?

The Hex

Yah, been waiting for more Peaky Blinders and maybe some Sandman as well.


Lucifer is better, would definitely be more entertaining. Sandman + Peaky Blinders 🗑🙌🏻 Can’t believe anyone would watch these shows


Mono bros, we won...


ahhh yess our fav snake is here


No way you think Lucifer is better then peaky blinders and the sandman, I like Lucifer but nahhhh, (it’s 100% not better then peaky blinders, that’s an fact) The SandMan on the other hand, I just personally like the sandman more

Jacob R

Fuck yeah, Snake Time. Also the OP for this arc is so good. Most of the visuals are the same as Nadeko's first OP except in reverse.


Her first "snake" oddity was caused by the curse charms that Kaiki was selling her class. One of her classmates, after being turned down by her, cursed her. She read in some occult book that she could be free of the curse by ceremoniously killing a bunch of snakes, which ironically caused the 'restrictor snake' oddity which nearly killed her.


An interesting thing to note regarding this arc is people are actually drawn, albeit in a rather strange way. Unlike with Araragi and Hanekawa, Nadeko's perspective has people in the world around her, because she's more conscious of others.

Jose silva

Nadeko best girl from the bottom up


Yesssssssssssssssss this arc is a masterpiece! Cant wait to see reactions to Ougi and Nadeko!

None None

TWO of her classmates. A jealous girl and a boy she rejected. Her class was going absolutely nuts with randomly cursing each other, which is why Karen got pissed and finally tried to put an end to it in Nise.

Ara Araragi

I like that "Mousou Express" uses the same imagery as "Renai Circulation," but makes it all reversed and twisted to show this darker side of Nadeko.


I loved Sandman, but I'm not sure that they will like Sandman. There are some episodes that they will love, but I have a feeling that they will just be mocking the show most of the time. I could be wrong of course. Don't know anything about Peaky Blinders so I can't comment on that, but between Sandman and Lucifer, Lucifer is probably more their thing. Although I really hate the first episode of Lucifer, because Lucifer starts off like a Flanderized version of himself, but he's pretty cool from episode 2 onwards.

Taylor Moon

My least favorite of the arcs


we need that Prey movie reaction 😮‍💨


This arc probably has the best ending twist I’ve seen in fiction. Rewatching this with that twist in mind is like watching a completely new arc. It’s amazing.


Yall gotta watch the sandman


have you guys seen madoka magika yet ?


Why do you think that @yanpo, about them mocking the show?




whaaat they gotta watch that asap then! lol

None None

I doubt you still read comments that have been posted this long after the video goes up, but be warned there's a post-credits scene in episode 13.

AlexXis Amadeus

To add to that, the way the art characterizes the people is also very interesting. A bunch of colorful, small, overlapping bubbles filling up their pure white silhouettes, as if to say, they look pure, but it's apparent that they're all just fragile, shallow, fickle little bubbles ready to pop any second.... just like she is.


my favorite arc lets go


Really? I loved this arc especially on rewatch knowing what the twist is at the end.

Taylor Moon

Yeah I really don’t like what they do with her character.. don’t read below if you don't want to know anything more. But I don’t like how she becomes a god all of her relations with characters are destroyed she doesn’t have a normal life anymore like it’s fucked up I don’t like it

Taylor Moon

I haven’t finished all of the seasons of the show but I’ve seen pass this one and maybe they can fix it but right now Thats how i feel


man I really love this arc. When I saw it was about nadeko first time, I wasn't looking forward to it. Since nadeko's like my least fav character in bakemonogatari.... oh boy I was wrong. Nisio issin just absolutely twisted her character. He squeezed out her character and added in a surprise for the next arc. *Chef kiss*


you would be in a very very small minority then my friend. This is considered one of the best arcs in the entire series by most.

Taylor Moon

nah people like it but if you say this is the best you haven't watched the rest of the show