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A Gene episode!? Lets GOOOO!


jesse almonte

no cap, Gene is my favorite part of BCS

William Abbott

That guy recognized Jimmy at the Mall in a previous episode. He recognized him as Saul Goodman from the commercials back when he lived in Albuquerque.

William Abbott

The ring is from his big ole buddy who died during the Slippin Jimmy days.


It’s sad how Jimmy is right about having no one waiting for him. I hope they bring back Kim

Derek Sanders

The dude who Saul did the heist with, recognized him in a cab ride earlier in the flashbacks so Saul was nervous about him knowing about his identity and what he could do with it at anytime. So he only set that plan in motion to have leverage over him. Also Saul making him say we're done was a callback to his and Walt last confrontation at the end of breaking bad. Amazing episode and reaction


The dude who Saul was scamming was recast because the original actor had another obligation. The whole theft was to tie up that lose end. I didn't know who the guy was either until I saw something about him being recast.

Jake Rosendahl

Not just worried about his identity being known, the guy came to the mall later and made him say his ld catchphrase. He knew his identity


Bro I know you all watch a bunch of shows but how do you'll forgot who that cab driver was, it was such an important plot point lol

Derek Sanders

yeah ik he knew i meant his identity in relation to the public and being ousted.


noooo they skipped the intro lol


And season 5 feels like forever ago, I barely remembered him.


lol Bro are you fucken kidding me? How could they forget? Really? Well lets see, last time the character was on screen was over 2 years ago. He was only in 2 episodes with a combined total of like 5 minutes of screen time. He's played by an entirely different actor and the character himself acts totally different then we had previously seen him. Oh and lets not forget since then there's been a global pandemic, they've watched literally dozens of different shows plus they had a baby. Yeah it's really hard to wrap your head around how they could've forgotten such an important plot point smh 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


@slipHAZARD It's literally their job. But even so, I don't care so much nor am I losing sleep over it. It was just a comment, its not that deep. I always see you trying to defend roshi, or the group non stop. They don't know who you're, nor do they care about you. Hop off my dick, and theirs.


@spencer True but its not like I recognized that guy either. I just remembered the scene and plot line revolving it.

Waka Flocha Flame

This felt a lot like I was watching a Fargo episode. On that subject, y’all should react to Fargo! Great show!