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Lupagan working overtime today lol


B Mowglli

Happens with frogs and fish- bodies don't die immediately and all at once, there's still potential left in the nerves and stuff. Chemical reaction with salt makes them flex. I grew up fishing and eating bullfrogs and they kick all the time after being fileted


6th layer bout to be wild




I've been waiting hours, the hype is real, its real


Bruh I'm confused are these guys vegan or something? The way they reacted to them cooking eggs is pretty wild xD


There's actually a Made in Abyss game coming in September. The trailer looks good tho.


True, guess next time I pop on by the 6th layer of the abyss I'll pop by a convenience store for some cup noodle :P Thanks for the clarification too Aerra


Nahhhh yall was OD this episode. Had me dying laughing the entire time

Taylor Moon

One of the best animes ever


I mean, the graphics look terrible, but it's a small studio. They seem to have focused all their resources into gameplay and systems. I'll gladly take fun gameplay over graphics anyday. Here's hoping it does the series justice.

Malachi ☎️

At this point i wouldn't be surprised if they jumped and their brains fall out they ass lmao

Pan Cakes

they still dont know how deep the abyss is since no one has come back alive going deeper than city of the unreturned

Deku Kana

Lupa is undefeated 🤣🤣🤣


Octopus moving makes sense cuz they DON'T have a centralized brain; the brain is spread into THEIR ENTIRE BODY, so the torso/head + all 8 limbs too (they literally get dumber if they are forced to cut off one of their limbs to escape or w/e)


aren't those the tribal people? the robot was speaking the same way the tribe chief was speaking in the first episode o:


Lupasan the living spoiler

Osiris Cage

They're eating Balut lmao


Bruh the moment that dragon made Lupa’s mating call I was lightheaded, the added missiles sound Lupa made was mad random, couldn’t believe the thermal vents sound like that🤣


Rolling my eyes at appauled reactions of when a show reminds everyone that eating anything ( by murdering it and eating it with no seasoning ) is for a thing called survival. Why people get sad by them eating baby eggs when we humans eat chicken eggs in the morning. We eat fish eggs and literal ocean bugs. Chitterings and pigs feet. A fungus called mushrooms even. We drink tiddie slop from a cow's bloated sac. God, the shit we humans eat...


I understand eating egg fetuses for survival, but ordering it at a restaurant, it being served to you looking the way it looks... YUCK


There are some fish who still bend and flex their lips too after being cooked. Not sure of the process but there are tons of returant videos of fish flexing while on the plate.


Yeah… I was also I bit confused as to why they found it strange or disgusting. Their whole goal is to reach the bottom of the abyss and explore what’s down there, are they supposed to just let themselves starve to death because the food doesn’t look good? if it’s eatable and doesn’t taste like garbage then why wouldn’t they eat it?


They said "not spoiling too much" dummy. They didn't say they weren't gonna spoil.


A Made in Abyss videogame is coming out September 2nd. It's gonna be on PC, Switch, and PS4. (Rated M) Made in Abyss: Binary Star Falling into Darkness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUjZ86rLiqY


We all have food preferences and it's pretty normal to be disgusted by things we can't imagine eating.


damn we gatekeeping disgust now? and who's WE lmao


I agree but if anything its more weird when you eat anything that is still moving or pulsating. At least in today's society. We are adapted to what we grow up with. For example, I would never be caught eating bugs (in particular bugs still alive) but it other countries it is normal. Eating stuff that is moving is in a way more gross and weird to some people than eating something actually disgusting. You can also relate what they had to the food people eat with chickens fetus in the egg very soon before it is hatched. I can't think of the name but I am pretty sure in some parts of the world it is a delicacy to eat eggs that contain the fetus from a soon to be hatched egg.


ur the biggest W ive ever seen. thank u for ur service


Prime; come here real quick. Let me give your the big “L”

by chances

this thing is too good the episode flew by

Joseph Adams

They may or may not have mentioned but you can acend a very specific amount without repercussions. Anything beyond that you get hit

Joseph Adams

It's like 5 meters

Lance Isaac

The intros always kill me. Especially, for the intro yall do for this series. Got me gasping for air, laughing so damn hard 😂😂😂😭

Drake Rage

LOL LUPA, you were so right. I am pretty sure you made the exact sound that "Legendary Pokemon" made in one of your intros, and even made the Missile noise this very episode and we see it happen. Lava Missiles. Edit: Fuck, they were actually Lava-Poison Missiles, LOL.


It was the fact that the babies were seemingly about to be born and they were still wriggling around. Less like chicken eggs that usually are unfertilized and more like when people eat duck eggs that have ducklings in them (I forget the name) and that's seen by a lot of people (or at least people outside of the places that serve that) as gross. And it's not like the group was starving, they just thought the eggs would taste good, they weren't going to die if they didn't eat those eggs. People have different tastes and cultural standards of what's "good" or "right" to eat for different reasons. And something being natural or for survival or whatever doesn't make it not gross or questionable, it can be all those things.