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Well then, next season will be very interesting


Cameron Robinson

Why did Kimiko, M.M, and Annie just stand in front of Soldier Boy when he was going nuclear? Maeve had time to look up, punch Homelander away and take him out the window before any of them moved. I could understand M.M not being able to move away in time but all three of them doing nothing is kinda ridiculous when though know what his explosions can do.

TheMonarch (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-14 23:39:48 The GOATS: Homelander and Butcher( these two carries the series) The good ones: Hughie, a track, the deep, soldier boy, MM,noir, The ok: french, the female, becca, ryan, eddie. The worst: Maeve and Starlight(the karens of the series) and the rest of the cast. Can't wait for season 4! so far my favorites has been season 3>1>2
2023-03-14 21:31:52 The GOATS: Homelander and Butcher( these two carries the series) The good ones: Hughie, a track, the deep, soldier boy, MM,noir, The ok: french, the female, becca, ryan, eddie. The worst: Maeve and Starlight(the karens of the series) and the rest of the cast. Can't wait for season 4! so far my favorites has been season 3>1>2

The GOATS: Homelander and Butcher( these two carries the series) The good ones: Hughie, a track, the deep, soldier boy, MM,noir, The ok: french, the female, becca, ryan, eddie. The worst: Maeve and Starlight(the karens of the series) and the rest of the cast. Can't wait for season 4! so far my favorites has been season 3>1>2


aint no other way than having Soldier Boy sealed


Did yall react to season 1 2? because i cant find them if you did

shamier fields

they dont all have healing capabilities cause if that was the case black noirs face wouldnt look the way it does and homelanders bruise would've been healed


I think they watched them in their own time separately

Dud3 itsj3ff

Because where would they have went.. everytime he's used that its blown up entire buildings. the tower would have been fuckkkkkkkked


The brothers point was similar to MM’s of ‘we gotta be better than them’ and also now that blue hawk died none of his racist shit is revealed to the public and he could even sort of act as a martyr to extremist racists. Sure him dying takes one more racist off the earth but it does nothing to help the underlying problem, at the end of the day 3 more blue hawks will replace him. Getting his crimes recognised would be an actual step forward. Also side note, the brother has no idea on the extent of shit Vought covers up, if he knew that realistically there was 0 chance of blue hawk being locked up then he may have changed his stance


The way I saw the scene with the crowd was that fear was definitely a significant or even most of the reason why they were cheering and honestly humans ability to justify an us vs them and mob mentality so they feel like the good guys is frightening, like humanity can be insanely cruel. Even then I do think it was a little weird how little fear they showed on their faces while cheering, I think some more hesitation and visible fear would of made it seem more realistic

Noctis lucis

Laquesha ain't gonna fuck you lil bro. Her gorilla ass needs to stfu .


Let’s gooo


"cough cough" UMBRELLA ACADEMY "cough cough" 😷😷😷

stanley drury anderson jr

So fuck Ryan harsh Ik but he’s a dumb ass kid I hate that argument that kids don’t know Better maybe if he was 5 or 6 lmao but he’s too old to be that stupid just like homelander but Maeve and the boys are mvp This season emphasis on Maeve and damn rip black noir (we think)

Jake White

Bet People still gonna be trying to defend Todd even after gleefully cheering on the murder of a dude for just chucking a bottle at a celebrity lmao


Mid finale


Butcher to Soldier Boy: Fuck him, he ain't really your son, you didn't raise him Soldier Boy: You're right. I'm gonna honor our deal. A wild Ryan appears* Butcher: He ain't really my son and I didn't raise him but if you so much a breath on him the others and I are all gonna beat on you instead! Soldier Boy: Ah shit here we go again


I feel like they totally wasted Noir’s potential this episode. They built up all this backstory for him in the previous episode and all this tension over the fact that he went on the run this season all for it to end so anticlimactic. Like I knew he was gonna die but somehow Maeve ending up stealing the spotlight at the end, AND survived while Noir ended up being nothing but character the development for Homelander. It would’ve been nice to at least have seen Noir and Soldier Boy have their faceoff, but that’s just me


Cough Cough Umbrella Academy Cough Cough


Soldier boy ability doesn’t work like that sheera, you being Close to solder boy does not make your powers to start going away, you actually have to be hit by soldier boys beam to lose your power’s


I don’t get what Annie was supposed to take accountability for? Hughie being insecure seems like his own problem.

Omar Bautista

The only thing I can't tolerate this season is Starlight attacking Soilder boy. Calls him a murder but the man is riddled with PTSD. Sure he is a psycho but the civilians lives and Herogasm isn't his fault as he had no control over the outburst. Sad to see we won't get more Jenson till we get a last resort moment


Im pretty sure what Nate was saying by wanting to see blue hawks mugshot is that he wanted to show his kids that just because he's white and a superhero doesnt mean that he can get away with anything while they get killed for walking down the street. Instead he was "killed by soldier boy" and died a hero. I get where he's coming from but that wasnt going to happen


Amazing show dogshit finale


Im mad they did soldier boy like that, butcher should have grabbed the kid and got him somewhere safe and then started fighting Homelander with soldier boy and Maeve


So the only thing that really changed from start of season 3 to start of season 4 will be....Ryan changed sides, there are less heroes to fight.

Kristen Keating

this ep feels like they got told to do 2 or more seasons, so they reset a lot of character arcs for later - felt so random based on the last 7 eps


Somebody chucks a bottle at my kid, they're definitely getting fucked up. Don't matter if you're a celeb or not lol. But Todd definitely in the wrong for cheering that overkill on, irregardless if Ryan got hit. No denying that

sotonye ogan

Lmao what a fucking joke of a finale. just Look at where the boys are now after the whole fuck shit that was happening in the last 7 eps. literally nothing, nothing has changed or improved HL is still at the top Neuman is still doing fuckshit but nooo everybody was having a hard on for solider boy throughout the season (apart from meave) which i think they did so badly of trying making him(SB) look like a bad guy cuz he try to defend himself from ryan laser beam (showing me a cartoon flashback is gonna make me hate him more pls lmao). I just feel like with this series they should have been finished HL way before the season ended but the writers like to drag the shit with him (shit mayb for 3 more seasons cuz HL carries this show with his fuck shit) And with all this stupid morality excuses and double standard like Starlight saying they need to evacuate before SB will kill innocents in vought but meanwhile kimiko is allowed to take the mickey out of killing innocent security guards (remember when she was sad when she killed russian pimps? Oh-okay). And please about this starlight shit about "i dont need saving" i think you do bitch with those trash ass powers you got💀idk how she got more interested in SB and mad at hughie when HL literally threatened her, she gonna be more annoying now she is part of the boys lmao. how they captured SB idek, how meave survived idek many bullshit plotholes. Pissed me off that they took all their attention to SB cuz he defended himself from a super kid (bUt hE iS sTill A kID fuck em lol) but homelander gets to walk free (he is the main villain saga they don't want to kill him off early or the show will loose some interest ig lmao).


Honestly there were two MAIN things I didn't like in the finale. Maeve keeping up Homelander narratively didn't make sense at all. Like obviously Homelander will end up winning because his Homelander, but if she was that good, then bro why even need soldier boy. Starlight, her, kimiko, butcher on V, would've been enough. But somehow everyone thinks Homelanders untouchable? Like I don't know man, felt like they were trying to make an epic battle, which is completely fine, but when it sacrifices the narrative it feels forced and weird. The other thing I didn't like is Maeve living. Like at this point it just feels like Soldier boys powers just work conveniently for the plot. His killed SUPES with his power but not kimiko and Maeve? It made sense when he didn't kill kimiko because you could argue he just woke up/he wasn't fully at his best, etc. BUT now it just seems like some super contrived plot convenience bullshit, just leaves a really sour taste in my mouth. Overall this season was great, and probably the best season so far, but the finale didn't hit for me. Hopefully we get some explaining next season. Also RIP my homie Noir.


With the little screen time Ryan had, he still manages to be unlikable

mitch anderson

I'm glad i'm not the only one who didn't fuck woth this finale heavy lol


bro dont kid yourself she stood no chance, unless you are ignoring the fight, also shes always been propped up to be the next best on the team than him ergo him wanting children with her. That point is wack


"Its over soldier boy, we are the boys" fell to my knees when butcher said that.


I'm not kidding myself. Re read what I said, of course Homelander is gonna win. Never did I dispute that. BUT MAEVE was able to give him a bloody nose, and out fight him. THATS CLEAR AS DAY. Now imagine her with butcher, kimiko, starlight, potentially any other supes, etc. That SCENE right there made it seem so redundant to even look for soldier boy.

Ranginald Vagel

The idea of a brain damaged Homelander from Sheera is actually kind of scary. Maybe that's why he lad so little self-control as to immediately laser a guy's head off for throwing a can at his very strong son.

Metweet .c

Is it that serious? I don't know why anyone expected things to be resolved like this show gets happy endings all of a sudden. They already confirmed there's 2 more seasons so I'm happy they've set us up for more chaos now that is the literally government they're up against


Lupa, it wasn't because MM didn't trust Maeve. Her feet were dirty and she had them propped up on the table/couch. MM's OCD wasn't with that lol

Emmett Diggs

lol sheera just be saying shit


I’m with everything solider boy was doing I understand what bucher trying to do honor his wife wishes but the minute it start getting in the way of me killing homelander you got to go if I got to kill you too to kill homelander Ryan so be it fuck it it’s homelander fault his wife died anyway yes ryan killed her by accident but he wouldn’t of been born if homelander ain’t rape her so it’s homelander fault she died and they put this nigga solider boy back in box let homelander do some wild shit they gonna let that nigga out 😭

Michael Armstead

Brightburn would dog walk the 💩 out of Ryan and probably homelander too🤣

Ryder LS

This finale was probably the tamest episode compared to the other ones this season but the season overall was great. Although Black Noir's send off was shir

Franklin Saint

I feel like imo that noir ain’t dead cause he survive so much more then a punch 🤜 in a gut idc what anyone says lol


i honestly think they dropped the bag with this episode. Felt like they kinda wrote themselves into a corner and this season felt like it was heading towards an epic finale but then they saw how popular this show has gotten and decided they needed to milk it out for another 2 seasons. Kinda sad because this episode basically resets everything to how it was at the end of season 2. This whole season was top tier but it all feels pointless now with this final episode.

Abraham Perez

I refuse to believe he is dead dead, I bet Edgar is gonna enhance him somehow

Michael Armstead

Maeve was training for 4 months straight to fight him and she even knew that she would still lose

Robert L

MM is cool but it's annoying how he is the most stereotypical black man on TV right now.


Idk dis finale felt like something was missing

Omar Bautista

Roshi if you want more SoilderBoy watch Supernatural. Same guy who wrote The Boys and shows his origin story

Zaiden Jones

Black Noir CANNOT be dead yet. He's survived way worse


Again no one is disputing that she would have lost. Okay sure but like with that logic just have kimiko, starlight, butcher, and any other super train f or 4 months too lmaoo. Like again that scene made the whole arc of getting soldier boy redundant. I mean all it takes is 4 months of training? Shit what happens when u train for a year lol, super contrived man.

zILovePelmeni _

nah they boutta turn soldier boy into winter soldier

Henry Torres-Gomez

have yall seen the boys diabolical? or at least the last episode because it's the only one canon to the boys show


Black Noir is definitely not dead. Mans survived way worse and been fine. He's gonna pop up randomly next season


For real man. I honestly think that's what happened lol. Like it reset so many character arcs, etc. Like I'm so confused. The season was great till the finale. Still probably the best season of the boys, but still like disappointing.


To be fair, she knows for a fact he is a murderer, even before the PTSD. She knows MM’s story.


Doubt he's dead. After Maeve and A Train's fake deaths I don't think they're gonna kill any of the OG 7 members, other Invis-o-Bill, until the final season


like when lupa said “ why isn’t Homelander fighting Maeve for real “ and then sheera say’s because he wants her eggs, I was like what are you talking about sheera 😂 and then lupa agrees with her, I was cracking up 😂

Cedric Jackson

Homelander said he wanted to freeze her eggs last episode. That’s probably why she said that


I know he said that last episode but I thought it was pretty obvious he didn’t want to fight her because he was trying to go help his kid


Sheera‘s look every time Homelander‘s in the room with somebody lmao

Devin B

How is Noir gonna heal himself though. With Maeve she just got hit with a beam but she's durable enough to survive it and A-Train just needed a heart transplant. Noir got his guts ripped out so I doubt he's coming back.


@Michael You can clearly see when he hit kimoko with it that it wasn’t a huge explosion like with maveve he just woke up ofc it wasn’t at his full that explosion was at his full probably or near it

Devin B

Yeah he wanted to prove that they could get back at people like Blue Hawk without stooping to their level. Basically he didn't want to be like them and wanted to take the high road even though it's hard to achieve.


Ryan just needs some time to heal. Prolly had nothing to do with Soldier Boy’s powers. Homelander‘s bruise didn’t heal instantly either.


Loved that Hughi chose to juice Annie up over juicing up himself. S3 Boys reactions were hype glad we got them !

Devin B

Even before Maeve stabbed him he was trying to go head up with Soldier Boy for hitting Ryan so I just think that in general he loses his self-control when it comes to Ryan


I mean blue hawk deserved it but as a father i assumed he just wanted to show his kids if u do fucked up shit u go to jail for it not that u need sum vigilante to finish the situation.


i mean yall said how is it gonna go like that way if you remember in the beginning of s3 Huey was putting multiple superheroes in jail. So the public like atrains brother have the perceptions that supes can go to jail and pay for their crimes. personally i believe jail is more tormentful then death.


PLEASE UMBRELLA @roshi, I havn't seen season 3 yet but I bet it will be epic as usual


no way this man just laser murdered someone in broad daylight in a crowd and got away with it. I get the political pandering they trying to do here but that's a little too much to ask me to believe sorry lol.


If that cartoon that Noir imagined is actually what happen. Then it’d be pretty BS if he dies from a little donuting. Bro got his head literally caved in, yet is/was still alive.


A pretty weak finale tbh..


Somehow felt like they didn’t know what exactly to do with Soldier Boy or Noir but overall still a strong season tho


Yeah but now the public won’t really care what homelander does, they’ll still love him and now Ryan is basically brightburn oh yeah and there’s a Vice President supe

Burning Talons

MM was apart of the PTSD. Remember the dude told Hughie he had PTSD before the Russian situation


Think they focused a bit too much on setting things up for next season instead of closing more off plotlines like most finales would


Let's be honest even if the crowd was mortified whose gonna stand up to Homelander?


black noir survied Soldier boy bashing his brains out, making him mute and survived an explosion. there's no way hes dead.

Robert L

Homelander has super speed and can fly. How is Butcher supposed to snatch Ryan?


Idk 🤷🏾‍♂️ Maeve and soldier boy was right there with him, they could’ve gave butcher enough time to grab Ryan and get him somewhere safe and then they could’ve started fighting Homelander all together


Yup! A-Train made it so Blue Hawk would die a martyr. Maybe if A-Train had taken credit for killing Blue hawk, and given his reasons even if it cost him all his deals and popularity. Then focus on actually being a hero of the community. Don't think his brother would've been okay with that anyways, but at least A-Train would've had a better leg to stand on. No pun intended. Unfortunately, some other Supe is probably just going to take Blue Hawk's place, and A-Train will have to make a decision.


I mean yeah I'm not saying there was absolutely no development. There was. But this episode just made a great season feel kinda pointless. For example butcher basically killing himself for nothing, black noir dying for nothing after that epic back story, soldier boy being such a good character but then going right back in the box because they can't have him and homelander on screen at the same time without the show having to end. It just feels like season 3 could have been a masterpiece if they stuck to where the story was naturally going and ended the show right here. They just milking it now and that's fine I guess. More boys. I just would hate for this show to turn lame after 4 season or getting cancelled without a proper ending like so many other shows because of people getting greedy and milking it for money.

Asad Khabir (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-27 05:54:27 Yeah but she fell like 50 stories from a building. How she isn't dead is beyond me.
2022-07-09 01:30:36 Yeah but she fell like 50 stories from a building. How she isn't dead is beyond me.

Yeah but she fell like 50 stories from a building. How she isn't dead is beyond me.


I refused to believe that Noir is dead. Even though he brought nothing but literal doodles to each season, I refuse to believe it! XD


"literally nothing, nothing has changed or improved HL is still at the top Neuman is still doing fuckshit" That's kinda the point of this season. Butcher fucked up and made things worst, because he has tunnel vision and no longer has the patience to think things through. Now his time is running out, so he'll probably be even worst. But also, there is no "The Boys" without Homelander. The show ends when he dies or is no longer a threat.


Nobody was looking for Soldier Boy. They were looking for the weapon that took down Soldier Boy to see if it would work on Homelander without risking anyone else's life. They found Soldier Boy instead and decided to include him on the let's kill Homelander team.


@Yanpo they were looking for something to kill Homelander, which ended up being Soldier Boy. And I'm saying that looking for "something" was irrelevant because Maeve was doing decent against Homelander. At that point 4 other Supes should just train 4 months because that whole scene seemed like a joke lol.


Glad they didn't kill Maeve. Lol.

iMovie stars

Are u dumb?? He’s a terrible person and has killed many more civilians before he even has PTSD


Yeah even if Noir is still alive the fact that after a full season of him getting the most development he's ever gotten for it to lead to nothing is pure blue balls. No clue why they did that. That is so disappointing. I guess both of them are still alive so there can still be a confrontation but this season was the time to do it.

Asad Khabir (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-27 05:54:27 I really think they dropped the ball with this season finale. 1) Maeve shouldn't have been able to survive that nuke. Even if we throw logic out the window and somehow assume that the nuke can't kill her, even though its shown to turn supes into skeletons, she should still be dead from the fall. She was made powerless by SB's beam. How did she survive falling 50 stories from a tower as a regular human being? 2) The Annie powerup scene made me laugh. She had a 5 minute long anime powerup scene just to push SB 5 feet away. And she was doing that with her regular beams. So what exactly was the point of that. Also why does she keep running at SB when she is a ranged fighter. Just stand at a distance at snipe him. This would be like having a gun and then running at the other guy to pistol-whip him. 3) The power scaling in this show is wack. Homelander ran his fist through BN's gut. Why couldn't he do that with Bitcher and Hughie? Maeve somehow being able to keep up with him and doing more damage to him than SB, Butcher and Hughie combined. 4) After a season we are back to the status quo. People still like Homelander and The Boys are no closer to killing him.
2022-07-09 01:57:53 I really think they dropped the ball with this season finale. 1) Maeve shouldn't have been able to survive that nuke. Even if we throw logic out the window and somehow assume that the nuke can't kill her, even though its shown to turn supes into skeletons, she should still be dead from the fall. She was made powerless by SB's beam. How did she survive falling 50 stories from a tower as a regular human being? 2) The Annie powerup scene made me laugh. She had a 5 minute long anime powerup scene just to push SB 5 feet away. And she was doing that with her regular beams. So what exactly was the point of that. Also why does she keep running at SB when she is a ranged fighter. Just stand at a distance at snipe him. This would be like having a gun and then running at the other guy to pistol-whip him. 3) The power scaling in this show is wack. Homelander ran his fist through BN's gut. Why couldn't he do that with Bitcher and Hughie? Maeve somehow being able to keep up with him and doing more damage to him than SB, Butcher and Hughie combined. 4) After a season we are back to the status quo. People still like Homelander and The Boys are no closer to killing him.

I really think they dropped the ball with this season finale. 1) Maeve shouldn't have been able to survive that nuke. Even if we throw logic out the window and somehow assume that the nuke can't kill her, even though its shown to turn supes into skeletons, she should still be dead from the fall. She was made powerless by SB's beam. How did she survive falling 50 stories from a tower as a regular human being? 2) The Annie powerup scene made me laugh. She had a 5 minute long anime powerup scene just to push SB 5 feet away. And she was doing that with her regular beams. So what exactly was the point of that. Also why does she keep running at SB when she is a ranged fighter. Just stand at a distance at snipe him. This would be like having a gun and then running at the other guy to pistol-whip him. 3) The power scaling in this show is wack. Homelander ran his fist through BN's gut. Why couldn't he do that with Bitcher and Hughie? Maeve somehow being able to keep up with him and doing more damage to him than SB, Butcher and Hughie combined. 4) After a season we are back to the status quo. People still like Homelander and The Boys are no closer to killing him.


As fire as this season has been, the Maeve surviving but kill Noir was dumb af. They spent the entire season building on Noir's character only to clap him quickly like that while Maeve does nothing except fuck Butcher and supply him with temp V and is locked away the majority of the episodes doing nothing but gets to go out in a triumphant way that doesn't even kill her anyway just so she can run off with her girlfriend. Then you got all this shit with Butcher switching up at the end meaning he just took those drugs and sentenced himself to death for nothing. As crazy good as this season has been, this finale ain't it.


I kinda don't think Noir is dead. I know he got a hole punched through but he also got his head bashed in several times and survived. And Noir in the comics still has a role to play after this point


If it hasnt been obvious they aren't following the comics since many people disliked the homelander clone twist

Devon Joseph

Its probably only superheroes with durability/ healing factors that can survive the initial blast but end up losing their powers. I doubt SB could have killed HL but he def would have depowered him.


I don't know. If Homelander said Noir is dead, then I'm going to have to believe Noir is dead. Homelander can easily tell when people are sick. I'm sure he can tell if someone is dead.


lmao Roshi spittin all I could think of was brightburn watching Ryan

Jose silva

kind of disappointed on how easy they are going on the good guys like bro


I kinda liked the Maeve vs. Homelander fight. It's the classic logic of Wonderwoman vs. Superman where combat prowess makes a world of difference but raw power can still get you if you if they get a lucky shot. I think Maeve could have won. I know in the comics she got her head punched right off her body and that was homelander not holding back like this one was.


I can't get a good read on Todd or the crowd though. Did people get hyped put of self-preservation or are they just crazy? Everyone froze out of shock there. My guess is, they're all human and it's a mix of people who are wtfing and people who deep down love violence against those who oppose their view so there's no telling but getting hype would be the smart choice ( if you arent with it ) otherwise homelander would kill you.


TBF Kimiko survived the nuke. It seems if you have any endurance it just zaps your powers and doesnt kill you. All the people that died looked like they didnt have good body endurance. Hell plenty of heroes at herogasm survived. The only part that didnt make sense was the fall but eh whatever. Annie power up scene was just to say she can fly now. Power scaling is wack af though.


He barely survived that Almond Joy tho.


Look at it from the step father that started the cheer, MM was getting upset with him because he thought he was being woefully ignorant of the situation and was trying to explain to him how homelander is a murderer. But this dude wasn't ignorant of the fact, he just thinks homelander is that guy, and if you mouth off to him and America you deserve to be lasered in the face. It happens in the real world quite often lmao.


I feel like Noir could still be alive somehow, like we've seen him get beyond fucked up. I mean he's probably dead considering Homelander brought the helmet to the 7 but i'm gonna leave it as a possibility


Would have been way more impactful if Maeve died. Pretty disappointed in the finale but they set some shit up for next season. Makes no sense that Maeve survived to begin with and having her "somehow" make it out alive is stupid.


I mean to me homelander had about just as much combat ability. He just wasn't serious enough to begin with. Having homelander easily evade a lot of her hits without him being too serious is telling enough that the combat ability isn't that different. Homelander would win like 99/100 of those fights.


It's a direct reference to Trump's quote: "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters". The crowd are fascist simps that worship strong man leaders. Their leader displaying his power gets their micropenises hard.


People praise God sp they don't get smited and goto hell. People will praise homelander so they don't get lasered. Though I do believe there are people there who are happy, and fearful at the same time.


Kimiko got nuked directly and survived. Doubt the height of her fall makes the difference because I'm sure being blasted at full force would kill regardless too so if kimiko and survive, so can Maeve. And if people wanna bring up the TNT Twins and Crimson Countess, they were washed up before getting blasted and were trash tier power scale wise by comparison to the other characters so they were fodder to be erased by the blast.

Todd Howard

I really don't understand Soldier boy had the chance to end Homelander and remove Ryan of his powers so he could live a normal life and instead Butcher turns on him after all they have been through. I do respect Soldier boy for not partnering with Homelander but it turns out it was for nothing. Also no way he's dead.

Todd Howard

Yeah but she was right up next him. Kimiko to a much smaller blast and a ranged distance.


So she can survive a nuke and 50 story drop but can’t grow back an eye?


dude, if she can withstand homelander's punches she can survive a blast from Soldier Boy.

King Abydos

supes besides kimiko and geeko dont have healing powers, they are just hard to hurt

Tijay Carroll

to add to your point the only way other Supers can super heal is a shot of V like A train and how it speed up his leg healing

Ranginald Vagel

Ryan would not have survived, he's not that strong. Maeve took a direct blast and survived, but she was easily one of the strongest people in the world. Ryan's still growing. Also, wdym he's no way he's dead, that's not a question? We saw him being put back in the cold sleep tube by Mallory's people.

Reckless Company

Maeve is forever MVP but season 4 gonna be lit


Welp Butcher def dyin next season at the end and Homelander got knocked off his pedestal for a quick moment and got right the fuck back up. And I hope this nigga Todd gets his shit rocked next season with this obsessive dick riding he's doing rn


Todd literally spreadin his cheeks for Homelander

rickie woodson

second time roshi predicted MM taking the temp V totally ignoring that would be OUT of character for the second time. that is so not who he is or what he's about

rickie woodson

they all have excelerated healing, faster than humans. just cause kimiko is wolverine doesnt stop maeve from being rogue. its just not on the same level just like the everyday supe (starlight for ex) has super strength but isnt in homelander's league


"the whole point is so that nobody has that kind of power"

Louis Kalman

Honestly I thought this was a pretty shit episode though the rest of the season was great. No idea what the writers were thinking. (spoilers below) Maeve being a match for Homelander (even if he was holding back) but they all flee from Soldier Boy who lost in a fight to Homelander, a big buildup of Starlight power and she...knocks over Soldier Boy, pretty much the entirety of the Soldier Boy conclusion, Soldier Boy suddenly easily taking on everyone including Butcher after getting bodied by Homelander one on one, the idea that the crowd is going to cheer Homelander killing someone like that after they throw a can, just randomly killing Noir with a punch from Homelander after the buildup (did Noir ever even do literally anything besides stand around in this entire show? Any display of any of his powers?), no further elaboration on Homelander's injury through the ear, Maeve living from a hundred story fall after losing her powers, the nerve agent being destroyed and going through the hassle of making it again and it actually accomplishes nothing, how Maeve just casually tosses the highly deadly nerve agent to destroy it, the end of MM's arc with Soldier Boy is...putting on the useless mask...no consequence to Hughie using the temp V but apparently that one extra dose is enough to be a death sentence for Butcher. Why were they willing to just randomly merk Black Noir but A Train and Maeve survive what should be perfectly good conclusions to their arcs? Kimiko has an arc where she loses her powers after calling herself a monster, then in this episode is just happy as a clam brutally slaughtering random guards. Just EVERYTHING seems off. This episode just made very little sense in terms of concluding the arcs. There's just no actually follow-through to anything they were setting up. Just bizarre to me. Nearly all of this seems like it was pawned off on some freelance writer who just did whatever instead of it being the climax of the season.

Louis Kalman

Pretty much just made this comment with even more complaints. Almost literally everything that happened in this episode either makes no sense or is just a completely random direction from where every arc appeared to be heading, and not in a good subverting way.


Maeve living bothered me so much I could barely even focus on the rest of the episode, it makes absolutely no sense.


@Dx lol what kind of logic is that? When has it been stated that somehow homelaners punches are equal to or above Soldier Boys blast? If anything the narrative has implied the opposite.


Maeve took seemingly the strongest explosion Soldier Boy's done yet point blank, and as we've seen it seems to take away powers pretty instantly so even if the explosion didn't kill her the fall certainly should have. I call BS.


I don't think the Russian lab were explicitly trying to kill Soldier Boy, but they did spent forty years finding a thousand ways they couldn't. He might be legitimately invincible.


Roshi believes in Temp V, and I'm pretty sure that's just him hoping that MM comes around to the idea.


Remember there were people wandering around that crowd with Stormfront posters and lightning bolt patches. Even if you think its a political mix, these people were perfectly fine sharing a venue with out-loud nazis. Fuck Todd.


It's probably because we didn't get any big wins this season. Season 1 had its big win right from the start with Translucent which got the ball rolling. Deep and A-Train falling out of the 7 were also big wins by that point in the story. Last season had the amazing big win against Stormfront as well as the temporary humbling of Homelander. This season had no big wins, courtesy of Butcher. I suppose Soldier Boy being decommissioned was supposed to be the big win, but Butcher and Hughie created that problem in the first place, and I would personally rather have Soldier Boy around over Homelander. In the heat of the moment, I probably would've let the kid take the Soldier Boy nuke to the face. Season 1 Butcher wanted nothing to do with Kimiko or Annie, despite being objectively good supes, but now he's suddenly A-Okay Soldier Boy. That was obviously Temp V talking. Come to think of it, Maeve didn't deserve her happy ending. She's the one that supplied Butcher with the Temp V and is every bit as responsible for all the bullshit this season as he is.


Nobody was looking for Soldier Boy. They were looking for the weapon that took down Soldier Boy to see if it would work on Homelander without risking anyone else's life. They found Soldier Boy instead and decided to include him on the let's kill Homelander team.


Bro let’s be honest you ignored most of the show and the fight itself if you thought maeve being able to fight him was out of character. She has always been, even by homelanders admission, the only person on the team near his level, also she has trained, unlike him, and he literally didn’t take her seriously the entire time till he decided to just overpower her and take her eye, come on dude


R.I.P Black Noir, he never got his get back. All that build up for nothing.

Daryn White

I'm with Kalman on the overall feel of this season. Earlier in the episode, Homelander told Noir that he could sharpen his sword for a thousand hours and still not be able to cut Soldier Boy and yet a small metal rod found on the floor pierces Homelanders head? Also with earlier in the season, things like Kimiko getting pissy for having to assassinate that Russian oligarch because she doesn't want to be used as a weapon, when we saw her just in the previous season ripping peoples faces off doing hit jobs for Cherie because she needed to blow off some steam.

Louis Kalman

I rewatched the fight and still think it's weird as hell. The Herogasm fight was like five minutes and Homelander gets hit a ton and in the end only has a bruise. Maeve punches him once in the face and makes his nose bleed. The way it goes makes it seem like Maeve is stronger than Soldier Boy. Maybe he's more durable and less strong, but he got a cut to his face after a couple seconds of Butcher's laser eyes, while Maeve takes a second of Homelanders' lasers without a mark before reflecting it off her gauntlet. I would have had less problem with the scene if she wasn't able to make his nose bleed, since maybe you can justify penetrating his ear because the eardrum is too thin to hold up.


I don't know, this finale personally was just kinda "Meh". It played out pretty predicable and fairly un-suprising. As a series that has become known for its "WTF" moments or shocking turns this didn't really have any of those. I'm still looking forward to the next season but this whole "Aw Homelander is about to pop off" blue balling is getting a little played out.


I kinda agree dude. I personally felt this finale played out rather safe and predictable. Which to me is the total opposite of what the show has been about. I'm not saying "There's no way my Homelander would lose that fight" but at the same time, they've buiilt up his character as this all powerful "force of nature" and that's what made him truly terrifying. Like the scene in season 2, when he enters the cabin looking for Ryan and finds Vaughts swat team. When he closes the door behind him and turns towards them, that is an amazing moment for a "villain". But now we've seen after two fights, as long as you got just a couple dudes with some temp V, they can go toe-to-toe with him.


They've pretty much done that with all the characters and I think it's starting to really show the faults in the show.


@DANIEL PEEDAH Considering most people seem to feel this way about the finale being weak kinda shows that you're the one not paying attention.


I think the entire reason they did the starlight power up scene was to establish that she can fly because she can fly in the comics. But yeah, this show is starting to really suffer from lack of good writing and direction, and that’s a shame cause I really like the overall concept and actors in the show


I feel bad for noir he didn’t deserve to be put in that situation the first or second time they forced him to take on Soldier boy “ the peanuts the guy was eating was basically a tactic of saying if you don’t do shit you die” knowing that SB is stronger then him and had abused him many times and then goes to get half his face burned then and half his brain knocked out. Then later on find out SB is back now he wants Homelander “his son” to help him finally get his revenge and he ends up puncturing his stomach open…….

Shawn M Fredericks

That scene was basically what Trump described or joked when he said could shoot somebody in broad daylight and not go to jail its basically the Boys taking the trump parallel to the max


yeah the story telling is vastly limited to their 8 ep limit. so they had to end it this way . so they can continue for season 4

Hunter Brown

If you check twitter,the finale was written by someone who had never written for a TV show before.

Shawn M Fredericks

Thats cap Homelander literally has no combat training we have never seen him in combat training and it shows in the choreography everyone with combat training be giving Homelander the beats until he lasers them or just endures enough to get a punch in all his fights just shows he's just a strong brute


I agree the finale is weak I just don’t get how maeve being able to fight is so surprising

Louis Kalman

I think you’re right it’s one of my weaker criticisms, I was just listing off my immediate thoughts after watching their reaction. A lot of power level stuff is vague enough that it can work.


I mean I see your point i didnt like the finale but if homelander used a stick against you you would die, maeve using a metal rod is not just a metal rod, and yh theres a difference between cutting someones exterior and shoving an object in one of their few orfaces, like their ears

K. Unknown

"political pandering" and "unrealistic" you say when a bunch of trump supporters literally attempted an armed insurrection and a lot of right wingers were somehow onboard with this, and lately even parts of the republican party who didn't support that at the time have been trending toward considering it less and less wrong and insane, to the point that "armed insurrection" is becoming "riot" for many of them and "riot" has somehow become "legitimate protest" for others. neoliberal fascists render the left impotent, hypocritical, and unqualified to keep the country from collapsing in on itself, and classic-style fascists on the right are still doing the same bullshit they always have and then lying about it afterward. that scene was disturbingly believable. make america great again, huh. it was never great in the first place, and everyone seems to be trying to make it even worse. far from the shittiest country to live in but pretty much the only legitimately great thing going on with america is people MOSTLY having the actual right to free speech but both sides would love to eliminate that so who knows how much longer we have until we go from teetering on the precipice of dystopia to jumping off willingly.


Characters acting dumb for the sake of the plot. It was a 3 on 1 with all 3 being comparable to Homelander. There is no reason Butcher couldn't have just told Soldier Boy let me get the kid while you and Maeve hold him off for a bit. The scene plays out like the conflict is built on Soldier Boy's target also being Ryan even though he didn't care about Ryan, he was simply next to Homelander.


It’s feels like everything was pointless and they’re back to where they started in the beginning of the season. Soldier Boy was also such a wasted character (assuming he doesn’t come back, tho he probably wouldn’t be the same anyways). And they went absolutely nowhere with Noir. Still a decent season. Also, Starlight being supercharged but to only knock SB onto his ass was mad lame lmao

K. Unknown

you really came out of this with the impression that butcher saying that to soldier boy would've changed anything when "i want to have a real family and am not perfect" from homelander was enough for soldier boy to decide to kill his own son for being "weak?" also it's not "dumb for the sake of the plot" when people make less than perfect judgment calls in high stress situations, let alone situations where people could and probably will end up dying. i've seen characters be dumb for the sake of a plot before and this isn't what that looks like. this is characters making split-second decisions in a hellish pressure cooker of a situation and then it doesn't quite work out well because why the hell would anyone in a situation like this be able to keep cool about it and be perfectly rational? i have to wonder if you've had to make any difficult decisions under pressure in your whole life because if you actually have then i don't know how you managed to get through it without learning anything about how human minds work also the whole damn show is about broken people making decisions that are usually not great due to their damage, and this episode was called "The Instant White-Hot Wild". like dude even the episode title alludes to the chaos and tragedy that happens in dangerous situations where people aren't capable of operating at 100%.


Soldier Boy decided to kill Homelander because he understood the person he was, a mass murdering psychopath that's basically a needy child. He didn't try to kill him because he wanted a family and said he's not perfect that is completely ridiculous. Plus what does any of that have to do with letting Butcher move the kid away? He doesn't know who he is and had no prior engagement to kill him. Yes it is characters being dumb for the sake of plot, attacking Soldier Boy is a less than perfect judgment call which is fine. Continuing to fight him and not make a simple request when literally everyone is at risk with Homelander being in fight mode and he's done all this for this opportunity. Trying to kill Ryan and not caring if he dies are 2 different things, he didn't need to fight Soldier Boy.

Wagner m

Funny how they name the character of the politician Bob singer which is his character name in supernatural too lol only supernatural fun caught this

Randle Dandle

we know that Ryan has already inherited homelander's invulnerability and that they are both more durable than Maeve, who survived a much bigger soldier boy blast just being de-powered. If Butcher had done nothing they would have been able to kill a de-powered homelander and Ryan could have just been a normal kid.


I am 100% convinced Soldier boy will come back, the fact that Mallory, who has been shown to be willing to do just as extreme shit as butcher, has the key to his box, she's gonna use him at some point. And hell, I wouldn't be surprised if he tries to hook up with her again, since he's a granny chaser


Are they gonna watch The Boys Presents: Diabolical? Or are they just gonna ignore that spinoff?


the finale was weak but half the shit this guy said was just plain wrong, i agree with noir and a-train though


Characters aren't stagnant they change , kimiko not wanting to be used as a weapon was because of shit like the first interaction with the crimson countess. Also the metal rod was shoving inside his ear with supe strength


he wouldn't have done it because he thought butcher was being a hypocrite, he was coercing soldier boy into killing homelander because "blood doesn't matter" but in the same breath was saying "no don't hurt the kid he is my family"


Crazy thing is after Todd got punched my MM and perhaps broke up with Monique he might feel angry and helpless and that is how he became and extremist


There's nothing wrong with having Maeve be stronger than Soldier Boy, Butcher and Hughie combined. Soldier Boy still has the supe depowering nuke which quite frankly still makes him more dangerous (to other supes) than even Homelander. Cause it doesn't matter if the other supe is stronger than you if you can survive long enough to zap their powers away.


Kimiko had a character arc that led her to this point.


I really didn't like the whole thing with MM and his brother. Like. . .I am pretty positive the writer was not a minority to take that sort of weird ethical stance. Roshi Justice is sometimes right and being upset that Blue Hawk got what he deserves makes no sense. There's still a lot of great writing here.


All Supes have a certain level of the "Super Human Condition" which is a combo of enhanced strength, durability and heal factor (exclude their individual quirk powerset). All Supes have heal factor but it varies on how good it is from character to character. Really, if the injury isn't plot relevant, it's gonna heal fast. if it's plot relevent, it'll be permanent damage. Storm Front taking sexy laser tiddie shots, she's fine in the next scene she's in. But Ryan lasering the shit out of her face resulted in permanent disfigurement. Black Nior getting mutilated by Soldier Boy suffering permanent disfigurement but mutilating his arm to remove the tracker and he's completely fine. Maeve flat out taking a power nullifying nuke to the face 1000 feet in the air but survives that and the fall with a broken arm and bad bruising. We kinda just have to roll with what the show gives when it comes to what people can survive what and not overthink it.


Ohh boy i can already see Butcher AND Homelander having to kill Ryan in the future. I mean look at that discussing grin he had.


Soldier Boy said that before he knew that Butcher viewed him has family. "I thought blood didn't matter" was him thinking Butcher stopped him because that was his biological grandson it had nothing to do with Butcher saying after the fact that Ryan was family to him. There was no hypocrisy here it was Soldier Boy misunderstanding why Butcher stopped him. Butcher viewing Ryan as family literally aids in his point that blood doesn't matter as he isn't related to him. Media literacy guys, please.


Sheera really needs to understand that Kimiko is the only supe with the power of regeneration, that's not just something that they all have


Lol I’ve said this multiple times every time I hear her say something like “why isn’t he/she healing”


Maeve got that Goku plot armor 😂


There was also that male prostitute. The guy that was going out letting dudes pay him and they get to mutilate his body for kicks.


I would caveat that with the power of super regeneration. It's literally well known that supes recover faster/are stronger/more durable overall (varying levels of course). But that kind of wolverine-esque level of healing she has, yea it's rare.


This is one of my favourite episodes, I mean any final episode is usually great. But just the horror you see in this episode, and the sadness when Ashley takes off her wig you truly see how much she has to deal with. And the music !! When homelander hugs Ryan at the start the piano distorts or how at the end when homelander is cheered on from killing that guy the creepy and tense string music. Love the reactions as always guys ! :)

Jalon R

Me?! I would’ve let Soldier Boy blast Ryan and Homelander. The world doesn’t need people whose that indestructible. Maeve survived powerless, her injuries was from the fight and fall, not the blast. Batman has a contingency plan for Justice League because he knows that nobody with that much power should exist.👀

Joseph Michael

Soldier boy will be back that’s a given


oh word. my bad i meant A train. Damn now i'm racist.


Imma need Sheera to stop talking in the middle of the most intense ass scenes like evaluate it AFTER you have experienced it! it's interrupting the experience (for them i mean i think most of us have already watched so i can't complain too much)

Lamaree Jackson

That whole light show just for Starlight to do a Bluff Kamehameha smh


If you don't like how they're watching/ experience, then don't watch. It's as simple as that really


To Sheera, only Kimiko has a regeneration super power. She's like Wolverine or X-22. Other supers have invulnerability and a natural heightened ability to heal, but it's not like Kimiko where she regens immediately. If it's damaged it will heal but if the body part is removed, falls out, or is pulled out, it won't grow back. That's why you see Kimiko take a bullet to the head and it actually goes through but she heals it, while with other supes the bullets won't even penetrate their skull.


That's what I was saying now we gonna have 2 homelanders cuz they were ok with killing hundreds of people but switched up when Ryan was there