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Dru should have listened to his son, " I have a better idea" headass



Yh, I didn't know Danny either.. not presently at least also also, I like how Sheera and Lupa are jumping on the Roshi Justice train after something bad happened... they truly embraced the hero mentality on this one but have decided it's time for the ma'alefa'aka'er to be done

rickie woodson

the emerald eye of ekron??????? are you kidding me? LEGION! LOVE her as i do all my bad bitches! but uhm no no to the title going to faora. like put some respect on sarya's name! i need a legion of superheroes spinoff like asap. ill take a mini series if a multi season is asking for too much

rickie woodson

so you can understand just how powerful the eye is: its basically a giant green lantern ring. the question isnt how long has he had it but HOW did he get it. he's from the future, the emerald empress is from the future so before he (dru) showed up on the show, he had it already so the how long is already known. dru cant take on the entire fatal five alone so i need a side story even if its in the comics to know how he got the eye. they have adapted this season already so hopefully it can be told in young justice targets

Kumi Chan

It came from Metrons vault of collection. He took out an small eye from a box and said it cant be, and hid it in his sleeves