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My takeaway from this episode is how shit Momonga situation is, my man cant even laugh or get angry without his emotions getting regulated immediately. Hes truly being stripped of his humanity


Michael H

I haven’t read the manga, but she is definitely a crazed freak in the novels


Yes yes yes, fuck yah


I love you Roshi


Mans can’t even get horny. Like I’m sorry but even if I had all the power in the world, if I couldn’t get turned on I’d always be pissed


Are y’all gonna watch Ms marvel as well




I'm pretty sure that the Ainz that was confronting Sebas in the beginning was actually Pandora's actor. There are subtle hints but the biggest is probably when he dramatically say's ''Greater Teleportation" before leaving. I think the reason for Pandora's actors' appearance with victim was in case Sebas did actually betray Ainz and tried to attack him.


Ainz didn’t want Sebas to kill her he just wanted to confirm that if he actually ordered him to see if he could or not


that was the handkerchief he gave to tuare right?


They’re finally are going to see Jaldabaoth next episode

Ginger Dwarf

Fun fact. That extra ass Ainz? Wasn't even Ainz. You could see it a few times when he raised his voice and tried to be dramatic. That's Pandora's Actor, ainz own NPC.

V. R.

Tuare's sister was the girl that was killed by Clementine iirc, that's why he recognizes her resemblance and her name.

Kurt Garcia

He can get angry cant say it yet but yea he can get angry lol


Really loved the first ep! Became a fan of the actress as well she has the same energy as Kate Bishop

AJJAMES123 156

not that its a big deal the person who ains said he owed a dept too was the girl clementine killed along with her party members. The girl sebas saved was her sister and ains helped her because of that


Idk if you guys understood it or not but I think Tuare is the sister of Ninya (the one Clementine killed in season 1) so that’s why he was talking about repaying a debt

Dark Shogun

I have to disagree with one point. He doesn't just want them to blindly follow orders. He said as much when he questions Cocytus after he lost to the lizardmen. What he wants is for them to think for themselves and if they object to something, say so and have a good reason behind it. Solution and Albeto don't have a good reason when it comes to the girl other than not liking humans. Of course they were programed to not like humans so they really can't disobey that programming even though they are flesh and blood now.


just a context that the anime left out from the ln (since they kinda left quite a few) the last part with albedo wasn't just because of the fact that they are saving a human, see npcs are aware of their life in the game for the most part, so she hates the other supreme beings aka the other guild members who left them behind, if you look closely that flag on the floor was the flag of ainz ooal gown which is why she hates the name and was frankly not happy when momonga changed his name to that in the first season. coincidentally whether this would have happened if ainz did not changed her settings is still up in the air as the other guardians have their own way of coping with their abandonment issues the other bit you guys may have missed is that the first ainz that you saw in the room was actually pandora's actor, ill let you guys figure out the differences xoxo

rafael salas-garcia

the princess would not have kids with the marquis's son she would have kids with climb and pass them off as their children while the son would also love and physically be with another woman the marriage is only political


I was wondering why he said “GREATER TELEPORTATION” like that, because usually when ain’s teleport, he says “GATE”now I know why, thanks


To add onto this, Demiurge was the one who proposed this plan of sending in Pandora’s Actor transformed into Ainz, which is why the second time Ainz (the real one) shows up, he asks Demiurge if his anxious mind has been satisfied. Ainz later also asks to see Tuare but says it in a way like he has never seen her before (he hasn’t, pandora’s did), which is why Sebas was confused after that question. It’s unfortunately extremely hard to catch these things due to this adaptation. I hope they do a reboot someday because the small details like this are what make Overlord great

Matthew Osteen

really Sheera dropping Lupa's real name like that at the end lol

Jacob The weird (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-24 04:04:18 I forgot marriages use to be a political use of two families agreeing with each other by having a member of their family marry each other
2024-03-24 04:04:18 I forgot marriages use to be a political use of two families agreeing with each other by having a member of their family marry each other
2024-03-24 04:04:18 I forgot marriages use to be a political use of two families agreeing with each other by having a member of their family marry each other
2024-03-24 04:04:18 I forgot marriages use to be a political use of two families agreeing with each other by having a member of their family marry each other
2024-03-24 04:04:18 I forgot marriages use to be a political use of two families agreeing with each other by having a member of their family marry each other
2022-06-09 02:34:32 I forgot marriages use to be a political use of two families agreeing with each other by having a member of their family marry each other

I forgot marriages use to be a political use of two families agreeing with each other by having a member of their family marry each other


Just because Ainz wants them to think for themselves that doesn't mean he expects them to stop being loyal. He wants them to make decisions on their own without always having to ask permission but if he gives a direct order they still have to listen to Ainz. That's why he gave the order to Sebas to kill the maid to test if Sebas was still loyal to him. As long as the maid don't pose a threat to Nazarick, Ainz is fine with Seba's decision.


I am sooooo ready for their reactions to the Clappenings in the rest of this season! In some ways I still prefer season 1, but this half of season 2 is great! I'll wait until they see most of season 3 before I give an opinion on it.


Lol Ainz said everyone should have their own thoughts and decisions, which ultimately and perfectly led to this situation. He didnt want to unneccessarily kill or make things difficult to Sebas, he just wanna see how Sebas react to that situation. You are judging from a fellow human pov, but Ainz and his people are technically all monsters, so their thinking is not the same. Funny how Sheera make a comparison with the cockroach at the end, but I think it is quite accurate. If you put it like that, you can see Ainz and his people are quite tamed for not clapping Tuare already. Ainz could be like: “Really? You are in an undercover mission but now you are involved yourself in unclear trouble because of a random inferior creature? Get your ass back to Nazarick” *proceed to clap Tuare, drag Sebas back and let someone else continue his mission* Also the ending was kind of a red flag, the flag on the ground was Ainz Ooal Gown’s guild flag. Remember the stupid change Ainz put on Albedo in the very first episode? Now it seems like she is only loyal to Ainz himself, not the guild and other Supreme beings in general. Ainz, or originally Momonga, is still oblivious to that fact because the other Supreme beings/ his friends are not in this world and there was no conflicts between them. But I still think that will somehow f them up in the future, like what happen to Shalltear in ss1.

Devin B

Ever since Roshi mentioned it before I can't stop looking at Princess Renner's brother and not think of him as a fat version of Kurapika


Ainz's lesson in the beginning wasn't for his Guardians to learn to be nice. Thinking for themselves dont mean saving humans. In the end, Sebas rescuing Tuare may have been of his own will but it caused problems for Nazarick. Its a very different case than Cocytus. He doesnt blame the NPCs for hating humans (thats how nearly every single one of them, except 2-3, was set to be) but he wants them to act more rationally and not let their hate of humans cloud a better judgement

The Pebble

Yup, and it's not a spoiler since it's not ever brought up in the anime, and I can't remember exactly but pretty sure it's not said in the LN either but it's much easier to figure out.

The Pebble

Sheera, you're not allowed to "YEAHHHH" at sex jokes, you're the worst of the three with those xD


Yay a mention of demiurge's happy farm! Let's all go together!

Oscar kariuki

Why is Pandora’s actor doing what he’s doing? Did Ainz approve of his actions or he’s just doing whatever he wants as long as it’s not detrimental to nazarik?

jesse almonte

Ainz's humanity ceased to exist the second he became undead. If he had any left, he would never be able to stomach what the guardian's have done

None None

Someone said in an earlier comment that Demiurge insisted on Ainz sending in his body double and bringing Victim, on the chance that Sebas actually did go rogue. That's why Ainz goes "is your mind at ease now, Demiurge?" after he shows up for real.

Stephen D

You're right. It isn't said, but from Sebas's internal monologue he did find Ainz's theatrics right before leaving to be unusual and out of character.

None None

I really love reading the comments on these Overlord videos. There's so much cool shit that's either hard to catch or not explained properly that I absolutely wouldn't know if I had watched it on my own.

Stephen D

Ainz really needs to hire an anger translator. I wonder if Luther is free?

Alexander Anderson

ninya, the girl pretending to be a guy in the blades of darkness group that Momon partied with. Taure was her older sister, so he is paying back her kindness by taking care of the older sister


albedo love momonga but that doesn't mean she love ainz.


Context time! Everyone already mentioned how one of the Ainzes was Pandora's Actor, Ainz was using him and Victim as a safety net in case Sebas actually was a traitor. In case y'all missed it the first time, Demiurge's "sheep farm" isn't actually sheep... Tuareninya is (almost certainly) the sister of Ninya, that female who Adventurer Momon partied with and was tortured and killed by Clementine. Bonus: Last episode showed that the girl with all the swords is a chunni

Omega sugarbaby

I’ve always seen this as still loving “ainz” or “momonga” the person however I feel like there are other feeling towards the new guild name/other guild mates basically everything from thee old guild but ainz himself

The Pebble

No one said we didn't know his name was Paul @Anime what are you getting at? lmao

Zohnty Luwang

Albedo doesn't just like that Momonga uses the name " AInz " because she is scripted to like momonga not Ainz,


Tuare’s little sister was the girl with the adventurers who momon was with that was killed by the freak collecting rank plates at the potion shop on season 1

Kendall Gresham

Sheera's points about the Ainz be hitting. Yes, he wants to give his subordinates free will but if he tells you to do something then just fucking do it, no back talk cause who's the leader?

Asad Khabir (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-24 04:04:18 Wait really? Is there a timestamp for it?
2024-03-24 04:04:18 Wait really? Is there a timestamp for it?
2022-06-09 06:20:14 Wait really? Is there a timestamp for it?

Wait really? Is there a timestamp for it?


so yes, Albedo seeing humans as cockroaches is correct, but the fact that her lord's named was used in mention to her defense far outweighs it. She was displeased by... something else, it's alluded to by her looking at the old flag of Momonga but I won't say what dark thoughts are hidden behind her blackened visage


Fun fact, the first time Ainz talked to sebas it wasn’t really Ainz it was Pandora actor. It was hinted when he said “the Supreme one”. Also another thing, this was first time Demiurge interacted with Princess Renner behind the scenes- to cooperate together by helping her keep climb safe and her helping them attack the capital, steal the gold, and kidnap the people.

The Pebble

Who cares Asad, we've known his real name for years, why are you being a name slut to just hear Sheera say it? We are literally confirming that's his name, if you didn't know before this....


btw that 'greater teleportation' thing 'Ainz' did was Pandora's Actor. You can tell when its Pandora's Actor by the missing red points in Ainz head


Why not post this after the attack?


I don't mind things that they didn't put in anime that never gets shown or explained, but that "fake" Ainz situation was intentional, but at the same time anime never really explains it, compared in the Novel it's very clear who is in that room first with Sebas.


That isn't it, Albedo is just displeased as it's going against how the guild behaved in the "game" to how Ainz now is running things. NPC remember the guild being made of non-humans and they fought constantly against human guilds in their memories.

The Bored Boar

In Albedo's case, Momonga put in the description that "Albedo Loves Momonga", but not "Ains Ooal Gown". That's why she's pissed off.


Ah yes, so the Princess want to marry a 5 yr old, have a child with Climb and claim that the child as her successor/child between her and the 5 yr old while the 5 yr old son gets to have a child with whoever else he wants... lovely complex relationship that prob will get worse


It’s probably best to post this after the attack since there’s more hints coming. This is a bit too early.. but it might just be me

Azayzel Hoarde

imma just appreciate the post ive never seen this but wtf LOL this is more questions than answers lol but ye does explain why he was acting abit weird but also thats epic af

Liudmila Duk

day 32 saying that the trio react to kanata no astra


Surely she must understand his reasoning for doing the name change, tho? It's all a plan for him to spread the guild name globally, to potentially get even some of his guildmates who might be in this world to group up (unlikely, since none of them were online when this happened, so I doubt they would ever be in this world because of that)

Zohnty Luwang

yes, she does bt she wants to spread the name as Momonga not Ainz because to her Momonga is the only supreme leader who have stayed behind while the other just abandoned them, so she feels that Ainz should use his old name momonga instead of Ainz.


It won't be explained but you gotta remember Abledo loves Momonga, not Ainz. They zoomed in on his personal flag behind her - if any of the other 40 beings show up she would still want Momonga to be on top - this is in ways against Ainz Ooal Gown (the guild).

Brandon Rodgers

I completely forgot the princess was a nut case (no pun intended)


yeahhhhhhh sheera calling lupa by his goverment name?🤣

Ec Aea

Princess marries Marquis' Son Princess have children with Climb Marquis' Son have children with his lover The children of Marquis' Son will be the Heir of the princess and The Son Princess gets to enjoy life with Climb while Marquis' Son get to enjoy his too while retaining royalty.


Most people are playing Warcraft and fighting monsters, but the princess is playing Crusader Kings and getting engaged to five year olds.


Haha this dude ain’t got no humanity bruh he’s literally undead

Stephen Choi

Interesting fact is the first ainz is acutally pandora disguised since was giving a dramatic flare to his actions like "greater teleportation" whilst its anime only, they made sure that when pandora is disguised as Ainz pandora doesnt have the red eyes


I could be wrong I only noticed this while re-watching with your guys' re-watch of season 1 but when clementine says she took the crown from a princess and she went mad I thought that maybe it's this princess?


No, she took it from someone in the Slane Theocracy (her homeland). The crown of wisdom gives the opposite effect by the way. When worn it turns you into a puppet. You basically become an item. And when you remove it from the wielder without destroying it, it destroys their mind. Renner is just crazy and extremely smart.


I think the hatred against humans kinda depends on the race. Sebas is a Dragonoid and Albedo is a Succubus(Demon). So maybe Demons just hate humans more than Dragonoids, as example.


SOOOO a lot happen in this episode and during all the talking might be hard to follow. So time to explain! So first off, Tsu (The maid that Sebas saved) is someone we know all the way back to season 1. Do you guys remember the group that Ainz was with as his alter ego? Momon. That girl that tortured by Clementine was Tsu's younger sister. So Ainz was repaying a debt and felt bad about not being able to save the younger sister. Next, a little theory a lot of people have. There were two Ainz in this episode. If you rewatch it you would notice Ainz acted a bit...overdramatic in the first meeting. A good portion (Including me) Believe this was Pandora Actor as a stand-in. Why? Probably a safety precaution in case Sebas or a player was nearby. While Ainz didn't believe Sebas had betrayed them, he is still a very cautious person. Now about the whole talk with the princess. It's kind of hard to follow as a lot of it is political talk. The short answer is, the Princess doesn't give a fuck about becoming the next queen or anything to do with the next in line of succession. All she wants is to be with Climb and that's it. Though the problem is he a commoner and she a princess. Those two don't really mix at all. So even if she wanted too, she can't marry climb. The whole plan is something like this, fake marry a noble. Live outside the castle and out of view of everyone. Be together with Climb for the rest of her life free of judgement. While the child can love whoever he wants too when he grows up. Like I said, hard to follow, a lot of political talk and overthinking. lastly, the part with Albedo. They kindof did this scene wrong. As Albedo is not against Ainz or his wishes. His orders are the word of god/a lover to her. Whatever he says, goes. The thing she is pissed about is that he took the name Ainz. She is in love with Momonga. But he discarded that name and picked up Ainz to help spread it and hopefully get in contact with his friends. I wouldn't count this as a spoiler but just incase She is also kind of pissed off about Ainz's friends leaving him behind. She hates them for making Ainz hurt and feels lonely. Something she wants to fix but can't really due to his closed-off nature. So she has a deep hatard of the other 41 Supreme Beings.

Jeremiah Wagner

You do realize he used to be a human right? That’s what they’re talking about

TAC Genesis

definitely not a spoiler, they don't really do a good job at the subtleties in the anime


True, but I can't fault the anime creators fully. Its hard to make monologue or subtle stuff that's written into a visual format and still be subtle and not an info dump at times. Still could have Albedo's inner thoughts about it. A few extra minutes wouldn't have hurt.


Lmao, “cockbug”


Found that part weird. I mean there’s nothing wrong with it obviously but, they always use each others fake names, it just felt random.


damn this is the last one this week huh?

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free

I know it's just the fate of Anime, but they really leave a lot of information. Also the princess's reveal in this episode was done pretty poorly in my opinion. In the manga she didn't really looked like a crazed freak, she looked dead - like a creature wearing human skin.


Wanted to make sure you caught the fact that Tsuare mentioned that she has a younger sister. That younger sister is the young magic user back in S1, Ninya, who was in that adventuring group killed by Clementine. Ainz decision to spare her and allow her to live as a maid in Nazarick is because of that relationship.


lmao demiurges farms are truly horrifying btw. And he ain't growing no normal chimeras there its some full metal alchemist shit.

Lloyd Edwards

Wait isn't it a fact that pandoras actor was impersonating Ainz? I mean he's so over dramatic. Plus he almost slipped saying Supreme beings which is only what the NPCs say. I'm shocked that it's just a theory

Lloyd Edwards

@CJ what makes you think a reboot would handle things much differently? There would be no guarantee that they would add episodes giving enough time to go super in depth for everything. Besides this series isn't bad enough to warrant a reboot


I wouldn't consider it a theory, but the Light Novel and anime never come out to say it. (At least I don't believe they ever did). I also don't want to say its fact and then get clapped myself in the comments. Lol. Also @Delete Nah, I don't want to be a fat pig.

Eric Armando Miranda

In the eyes of nazarick they all see humans as bugs or food in general everything they do even sometimes helping humans is just for the sake of nazarick you can’t view their choices they make from a humane perspective since their all monsters you even see momone lose more and more of his emotions and doesn’t care for human lives and in sebas case he’s like that because that’s how his creator made him to be. I wouldn’t recommend watching this show expecting them to do the right things but watch it with the perspective of being monsters cause especially from now on their gonna do some fucked up shit


"two-legged sheep from the holy kingdom" lmao i love demiurge

Aldo Bastian

Humans are trash to them so that’s why they treat her like that. It’s a guild of non human avatars

First Sur

Day number 5 and no update.


Well to make you feel better it is definitely a fact that is Pandora not only did he slip and say the Supreme beings. He also added his over dramaticness to ainz speech. If that isn't enough to make it fact, the way he left was dramatic and he used greater teleportation. Ainz uses gate to get around as seen in earlier episodes.


Man, Sheera’s hate for fat people. Fat Kurapika don’t deserve this slander.

Eric Keatts

@Darkling6769 Another thing that I always love noticing in those scenes that tell you its Pandora's Actor, is Ainz's eyes, when its Pandora's actor, Ainz's eyes are solid black, just like PA, but when the real Ainz appears his eyes have the red 'pupils'? its subtle, but noticeable

Michael McDoesn'tExist

Remember that Omni-Man, "Your mom is more of.... a pet" speech? Weellll............. let's just say

Don Keedick

19:21 The princess is in "love" with Climb. She wants to have kids with him and marry him and use the arranged marriage with the marquis five year old (lmfao) as pretense because she as a royal can't get married to a commoner.