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So shes Moon Knight lol


mitch anderson

I actually like the fact that the brother doesn’t keep her memories, adds a good different element to the “two ppl one body” thing


Friendly reminder for Magi! Also hoping you guys are doing well despite everything being crazy at home like Roshi said. Take care!


much better intro imo....i dont have to lower volume lol


what happened to the bunny girl senpai episode lol


Roshi not getting clapped this episode. Proud of him 😂


Ryuunosuke is best waifu and husbando XD


Ah yesss thank you so much! Again, take care!


Ryuunosuke is the guy. How can he be best waifu

zILovePelmeni _

you guys missed something while talking, nezu confirmed that hizuru doesnt have a dual personality

Andres Holguin

I wonder how Ushio's shadow got inside considering both Hiruzu and the old man were supposed to be watching the door


Oh also make sure NOT to watch Adventure of Sinbad (spin off show) first or it's going to spoil you! Watch Labyrinth of magic (season 1) first! Then you can watch Adventure of Sinbad and Kingdom of Magic (season 2) in the order you want, again as long as you watch season 1 first.


This anime is great, it's so refreshing following the story with smart and intelligent characters.


I like the Eva Unit 01 in the new intro, although I thought y'all said you haven't seen Evangelion lol

rickie woodson

putting nails in their shadows to pin them down?? what the witch trials of salem is going on?!


Roshi said they didn't on twitter, the person that did the intro added their own touches and Roshi was fine with it


Ive been wanting a reaction to that show for the longest man. The show and the movies.

Liudmila Duk

day 27 saying that the trio react to kanata no astra

Reckless Company

evil children will always be the most scary thing in horror my heart was in my stomach this is intense you get answers and added questions


am I the only one who thinks Ushio at the end was cute af

Erica Collins

She was probably already there waiting for him & was hiding or she might have snuck through the back 🤷🏾‍♀️


Nah I definitely saw it but its confusing cause later on he specifically said “i told him about the dual personalities” so idk if its a translation error or theres a deeper mystery there


About the 2d 3d thing. It’s not about how much damage a shadow can take. It’s that when someone holds the 3d form of a shadow (their body), they cannot shift into 2d (flat shadow).

Peacefinder Simply

all it was was a kind of way to say it to get the meaning across. Basically another way of saying " you told him about "that" thing.

brandon rawlerson

That new opening sequence for the channel is fire.


My theory was that the longer a shadow stays as a doppelganger they get more you could say exp and matures into a 3D one. That or making more copies upgrades them


In regard to Ushio, I was thinking that her Shadow when copying her personality couldn't make her evil as she is someone who is good-natured while also being off the wall (Like how she does the opposite of whatever Shin says) and that's why we see her as someone who doesn't follow the Shadow protocol


This anime has the nastiest cliffhanger I swear


The new intro is visually stunning but the previous one had that FF15 sample which made it epic and iconic.

Drake Rage

Roshi, the subs were confusing but the old man said 2 things that kinda hints towards what might actually be happening: 1. When the MC says dual personality, the old man says, "Not exactly" 2. When Ryunosuke is surprised when the MC talks about his sister to him, the old man says "I told him upto the dual personality part". The japanese word "Ma-de" which kinda means "upto" so there is more to the explanation. It was confusing, but the Lady gets supernatural powers like super-strength and foresight (Like how she evaded knife attacks and bullets, and other attacks) so there is still a mystery to her. She said she is hiding her "Actual identity" because if the MC finds out and gets copied, the Shadows will know her secrets and might find a way to deal with her. Very interesting anime, love the mystery theme.

Team Skull Grunt B

I feel like that concept isn't exactly rare, for example there's the same case in danganronpa


So this bitch cut herself with the knife, got her blood all over the knife, then just continued cutting the onions with her blood on it? I'm not eating that