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This is Vampire Softcore Hentai



Now you got me interested


Never knew vampires could be so hot til I watched this show


Yeah, in early vampire Romantic literature, let's just say "blood-sucking" is allegorical to... intercourse.


No his name really is noé archiviste. Mon chaton is a french term of endearment. It means my kitten. French words are thrown into the dialogue interchangeably throughout the series 👍


Fucked up Tanjiro


mon chaton means my kitten btw

Liudmila Duk

day 8 saying that the trio react to kanata no astra


Time for people in the comments to eviscerate me.


I can’t get over this slutty sounding Tanjiro 😝

Alex cleveland

NGL, Jeanne got my schlong acting up, but Vanitas got my bussy going craazzzy gotdamn 🤤😍

rickie woodson

really? with all the vampire stuff out there? vampires have always been displayed as sexy. interview with a vampire, dracula, buffy, true blood, etc etc

rickie woodson

nah. mon chaton is just a pet name. they use a lot of french in this show (hence why they are in paris). mon chaton is french for my kitten. noe is a french name etc etc. he (noe) even calls his teacher maitre, french for master/teacher. similar to the chinese sifu or japanese sensei, less so similar to the english word for master (owner of slaves) or teacher (school curriculum)

rickie woodson

yeah, the name he gave was luca. and thats the hellfire witch aka claw girl. complete with her rushed face and short pink hair. how can you not recognize her?

Devin B

After Vanitas gave his speech to the other vampires Noe realized that him being insistent on saving the vampires is because he wants revenge for whatever the original Vanitas did to him. This Vanitas basically wants to save the vampires that the original Vanitas wanted to curse as a way of getting one over him.


Does this anime remind anyone of Hellsing Jeane reminds me so much of Sera and all the vampires eyes look similar to the Hellsing style


Is Jeanne a shotacon???

Lupa is Dadi

Ahhh my favorite word starting with H.


LOL!!! That title!!! Yeah, this show does have a little "kinky vampire" moment here and there, but it also has a really intriguing plot, so it's such a fun show to watch. Also, it's freaking hilarious how Vanitas is voiced by the same actor that dubs Tanjiro, because Tanjiro is like the most precious cinnamon roll, while Vanitas can be a MAJOR tease. It's always interesting to see your theories on all the flashbacks, etc., and you'll definitely get a lot of answers soon...


Vanitas nutted =)

Emily A

"you trying to seduce jeanne or me?" im crying


Any idea when the reaction to the NGNL movie will happen?

Ashley Hazley

Mon chaton is my kitty in French. He just said it twice.


Noe is main character and vanitas is the side

These Plums

This is the vamp version of "when she keep sucking after you already busted"


No, Luca just has a crush on her but she doesn't like him back, she just protects him.


If you need an explanation for why sucking blood is so orgasmic for some people: The more compatible the two people are, the more pleasurable it becomes. Also, if the people are compatible, an aphrodisiac is released from the fangs into the person's bloodstream. Vanitas is literally high.

I Am Gojo

They only react to what shows are put on the polls if enough people pick the same anime then you might see it on there

I Am Gojo

Dam , I'm really enjoying this


bro. they literally explain this next episode there is no need to explain it now


Yeaahhhh??? You think his real name is Mon Chaton???? WTF?????? LMFAO. I can't even. I'm facepalming so hard. Wowwwwwwww. That's a term of endearment lmao. You don't even have to know French to get that. XD


Right?????? My jaw dropped when he was like, "Who is that?" I'm like, "What do you meeeeeean?" XD


Jeanne's thoughts: "Shit, why does his blood have blueberry flavor? I LOVE BLUEBERRY." Lmao jk


Also vampires and blood sucking has been sexualized forever. Idk how they could not know this, they seem sheltered af.

Ranginald Vagel

It was so funny to see them trying to justify Vanitas trying to get sucked when the dude is clearly just horny on main


I've never seen blood sucking as being sexual what the fuck are you watching