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Family Goals


Lupa is Dadi

yall playing the theme over the ending is criminal 😭 like yeahhh? im tryna watch/listen too 😭 craaazy

Liam Wave

damn right on time


lets goo


Where my notification squad at?


I would let Yor step on my face, no cap.


I've never read the manga, but I really thinking getting into it Also, you three should watch Magi Labyrinth of Magic or even Saiki K!


Weird translation there. Said Yor's codename was Briar Rose. Supposed to be Thorn Princess. Commentator says Ibara Hime. Dunno where they got Briar Rose from lol


Let's go! Twilight won't be able to drop this family anytime soon lol


I was on the fence about reading it, but finally took the plunge. Very worthwhile!


We watch official subs on Crunchyroll then i gotta get a version for the edits and sometimes the subs are different lol we see Thorn Princess


Ight gotcha. Wanted to make sure you all have get the best & most accurate experience👍👍 all good then


Good to know, I will give it a try!


These are legit some wacky translations, so I’m glad they aren’t watching them lol

Javier V2221

They better watch out for mosquitoes next time👏


I only wish this came out on sundays.


Yor told him last ep that she knows how to fight so that's probably why he doesn't suspect anything.

Candice Blair

Anya is perfect but it shows that parents have to be careful about what they say and do in front of their kids. As a preschool teacher, parents your kids tell all your business unprovoked.

armaan newaskar

The next ep bout to have my fav moment in the whole series so far

Ryder LS

Yor's brother definitely gonna end up being some kind of antagonist


this different subtitles? I thought Yor's codename was thorn princess or something


Find my comment up above, he answered


Ikr thank God. Just watched it all the way through and they're pretty bad, cant sugarcoat it. Glad I watched it on my own 1st, but relieved they're watching the actual good subs


Glad you watched the ending.


Regarding the old lady having Candy, she mentioned that the money that was stolen was going to be used to by a gift for her grandchild, so it’s not too out there to consider that she was on her way to the store and then to visit family, and maybe that’s why she had candy on her.

Devin B

That's kinda hard to do when your daughter is a telepath


Growing up in church all the old ladies had candy! I know y'all remember the butterscotch, peppermint, and strawberry candies 😅

Liudmila Duk

day 2 saying that the trio react to kanata no astra


When they react to the ed but don't show it :(


About the theory that Anya use her telepathy to read the interviewer's mind, it may not work out as intended. Surely the interviewers have the favorite answers to each question, but it is not guaranteed that they will think of those answers at the particular moment when they ask the questions. There are also some questions that raise a situation and ask the interviewees to solve it, those questions do not really have fixed answers, but rather the interviewer want to judge how well they respond to those situations. And even worse, there are times that the interviewer do not even think about the questions at all, like when they have an important meeting up ahead or they are about to go to their favorite restaurant. It is unprofessional for sure, but there are certain times like that.

Tyrone Arcega

Yeah was hoping to see it aswell. I commented on last komi hoping they will read it.


Yor told Loid that she knows Self defense and is good with it ep 1 might be the reason why he ignored her going after the thief... i mean justice mindset and all


I can tell you with what I know of japanese CR is taking some liberties to cutify a lot of what Anya is saying vs what is actually being said, it's not huge but it's different. Same thing with some of what Loid is saying.


You're right, I've picked up on some of the Anya stuff. It's different but not so bad, i agree with ya. Not blatantly wrong like the Briar Rose thing lol so it's passable.


I think the candy bit was just because it was an old lady and old people usually have candies like butterscotch and stuff that they give to young kids, kinda like how some banks have suckers for kids


Yeah I don't see how her running to help an old lady would ever tip him off that she was an assassin and or spy. All that would tell him is she's a good person willing to help someone.


Yeah where i grew up it’s not that uncommon for old ppl to have candy on them for kids. I know not every person has good intentions but i still always took it 🤷🏽‍♂️

Zachary Jackson

uh no thanks she would probably kill you by accident with those legs. I'd settle for a killer glare


Lmfao y'all REALLY think that random-ass ppl gonna take a little child drawing on a whiteboard seriously and believe that her dad is a spy and her mom is an assassin???? XD Obviously they're gonna be like, "what an imagination, funny kid".... or some shit. That's just common sense.

Sunshine Hall

She also said she was on her way to see her grandkid so she prolly had candy for them

Louis Kalman

In the end you have to accept it’s a comedic suspension of belief. The creator could have toned it down and made it realistic, but the absurdity is the point. Like Tokyo Revengers you just have to go with it and appreciate how the mangaka makes the most of it. The entire concept is a kind of situational absurdity meant to be silly. Something a lot of people understandably aren’t cool with, but it’s poking fun at itself basically. The entire idea is impossible if you don’t allow Loid to have a blind spot towards Anya and Yor.

Dj Josol (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-06 19:57:22 Yea thats likely cause Yor and her brother are part of estonia while Twilight is a spy for Westalia and the political tension seems high between the two
2022-04-26 03:11:10 Yea thats likely cause Yor and her brother are part of estonia while Twilight is a spy for Westalia and the political tension seems high between the two

Yea thats likely cause Yor and her brother are part of estonia while Twilight is a spy for Westalia and the political tension seems high between the two

Brandon Rodgers

Yor got that Kyle Kuzma sweater on deck


Love this episode and the ED is great! This may be more for a duo reaction, but I think you guys would love School Babysitters. It has a similar wholesome feeling.

rickie woodson

old people always carry candies on them, especially grandmas

Louis Kalman

I watched the subs they were and I feel like they’re 10x better than these. It’s missing a lot of character and style that makes the dialogue work better

Jaime Ruiz

I just want to hurry up and get to Anya in school. That is the funniest shit


they are also probably oblivious because Loid is a spy who hasn't been with a normal lady, bc Yor said she took defense classes, so when she jumped he was probably like "oh yeah she showed she was strong already" and Yor I think has never been in a relationship and probably thinks all guys are like Loid as well


Actually I think the subs they're watching are different from the subs on screen because at around 19:54, anya says "eat prison food" and roshi says "and eat the foulest meal" which is the crunchyroll subs. Idk why it's changed maybe to avoid some sort of copyright or somethin


So do they know each others job or not lol. I can't imagine throwing a grenade and killing people seems very standard. Or assassin's creeding a thief.

Tim Chaos

The manga on the Shonen jump app translated Yor’s parenting style as “Strike hard, strike fast, no mercy”, literally Cobra Kai 😆


Why everybody tryna find the logic in this shit lol. Clearly it's situational comedy that relies on suspending your disbelief. If they didn't have blind spots to each other the story would not function the way it does. The writer could have made a hyper-realistic show but it would be completely different in tone.


Roshi has explained like a billion times at this point that the Crunchyroll subs are way harder to rip and they probably have way better copyright protections than wherever he gets his subs from. Every show they've watched has used different ones. They always watch some official version though.


@ シュモーク It’s not that complicated. 9anime get their subs from whatever comes out first on nyaa.si which are Muse Asia subs.


Damn so we cant see the outro too


Is it a spoiler if I say what kind of Job Yor's brother is doing? // also in the ending we can see Yuri aka Yor's brother 0:40 that's the part were we can see him (but if you see the ending Part 0:40 you also see the uniform from Yor's brother which shows what kind of Job hes doing), I think that he might play a big role later in the Anime.


Taking liberties is a good thing if it gets the essence across more than a literal translation


he'll most likely be revealed by the end so best not to say it


Alright :) thanks.


yes its a spoiler, its a spoiler just to say that we see him at all


I don't see it really that much of a spoiler. + I asked if it's a spoiler no need to be rude by that. Also I clearly didn't said what kind of Job he's doing. I asked if it's a spoiler and someone already said it is a spoiler so that I shouldn't say it. Which I appreciate, because the way the person said it to me was more in a respectful way :)

armaan newaskar

Bro Roshi and Sheera’s parent reactions to the candy was absolute freaking hilarious lol.

Louis Kalman

I know, I’m commenting that I think the crunchyroll subs are way better. I understand why they can’t use them though


For once, I agree with you. Unless she drew some evil demons like the ones in Insidious or you certainly she is involved in some shit, there is no need to take a child's painting that seriously.


He was getting shot at when he had a hole in his jacket and lost the ring


"If a lady stepped on me I would probably scream like Tom and Jerry"


You guys remember when Kanye used to suddenly stop smiling out of nowhere everytime someone filmed him in public? People on the Internet were writing conspiracy theories that he was possessed by demons and shit, because it looked like he had a split personality. Later he revealed he was doing this because he wanted to look serious like old European people in black & white photos xDDD dude is straight up retarded. The reason why people looked so tense back in the day is because old photo cameras took time to flash so people had to take a pause for a long ass time. It's that simple.


Not sure how the manga handles it, but the scene where Loid/Spy says "you deserve the foulest meal" and then later Anya repeats it could have sworn would have been a slip-up on Anya's part as it didn't seem like it was said aloud. Seems like a slip-up scenario to come up some point.

Brianna Jenkins

I was way more suspicious if the candy then the railing tbh 😂 y’all never disappoint

Jamizu Akiyama

Why is the subtle different in the "let me rephrase the question" instead of "Kill me now. Next question"?

Rose (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-06 19:57:22 they watch off of crunchy roll but get the recordings from 9anime
2022-04-27 04:53:26 they watch off of crunchy roll but get the recordings from 9anime

they watch off of crunchy roll but get the recordings from 9anime


It's because Roshi and them are watching it on CrunchyRoll, while the box in the top right is from 9anime.to so the subs are unofficial compared to CrunchyRoll's official subs


I like to think that the reason Loid doesn't catch on to Yor and Anya is because he is just one of those people who is super smart but is oblivious to certain things. He is a spy, a master of disguise, and getting information but he also works solo and has no idea how to work with others which is something we keep seeing in these episodes. In this one he was literally getting stressed because he had to rely on them to help with the interview.

Bakery Shack

You also got to remember she's a 4/5 year old pretending to be a 6 year old with a that kinda child mentality (not an isekai MC). So most of the stuff she does is with that mindset.

David Hoang

watching their reactions to anya makes me really want them to watch kotaro lives alone


memory unlocked lol. it's actually wild to think that I used to just be handed lollipops from some musty bank drawer and no one blinked


Twilight is in too deep lol

Anthony Saunders

It was an elderly woman they helped that gave her candy it wasn't some random person. My grandmother still carries werthers in her bag.

Hugh Dunbar

I grew up in a half-hispanic household (on my mom's side), and every old person I ever ran into with my grandma always had candy on them, or in their houses. It was extremely common place for us to get candy, and while my mom understood, my dad never did since he wasn't from that life. I guess it just depends on where you grew up whether it was natural and common, or if it's something strange and out of place.

Anthony Saunders

Nah I understand what you mean but it's not like the old lady approached them and gave Anya candy


Ooof Yor in the red sweater is STACKED.

George Johansen

I'm glad some people in these comments clapped Roshi gang about the whole "hole in his jacket pocket" thing, like come on y'all, he was in a CAR CRASH, AND, got shot at multiple times. Mans is lucky af he didn't get more than a hole in his damn pocket, instead of a hole in his torso 🤣